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Q & A With Cursed-Land-Tigray Fathers & Mothers:ለተረገመት-መረትና-ህዝብ-ትግራይ እናቶች-አባቶች ጥያቀና አስደንጋጭ መልስ!!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Post by tarik » 30 Nov 2021, 10:20

To cursed-land-tigray mothers-fathers:What's wrong with you,don't ask about the where about's of you kids?Don't you care?Terrorist-Tplf are using them as cannon folders,Don't you care?They are dying for war that don't benefit them,don't you care?Answer:from cursed-land-tigray mothers-fathers.We don't care because we got them as baztards so let them die as baztards.
ጥያቀ፥ለተረገመች-መረትና-የትግራይ-ህዝብ እናቶች-አባቶች-ምን ነካችሁ፣ልጆቻችሁ የት እንዳሉ አትጠይቁ?አስጨንቋችሁም?አሸባሪ-ወያኔ እንደ መድፍ ፎልደር እየተጠቀመባቸው ነው፣አያሳስባችሁም? ለማይጠቅማቸው ጦርነት እየሞቱ ነው አይደል?
መልስ፥ከተረገሙ- መሬት የትግራይ እናቶች-አባቶች፡ እኛ ደንታ የለብንም ምክንያቱም እኛ እንደ ባለጌ ስላገኘናቸው እንደ ባለጌ ይሙት።
:lol: :mrgreen: