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Oromo Federalist Congress is calling for Transitional Government and the release of all political prisoners

Posted: 25 Nov 2021, 10:14
by sarcasm

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Re: Oromo Federalist Congress is calling for Transitional Government and the release of all political prisoners

Posted: 25 Nov 2021, 10:26
by Abere
የከብቶች ማስታወቂያ ይባላል ይኸ። የተቆላ ስንዴ ተዘርቶ ይበቅላል የሚል የጅል መንጋ ኦፌኮ ይባላል። 1 የገበሬ ማህበር ቀበሌ ማስተዳደር የማይችል::የአገር ጉዳይን የልጆች ጨዋታ አደረጉት- ልክ ጨዋታ ፈረሰ ዳቦ ተቆረሰ ዓይነት። የከብት መንጋ ለወያኔ ተቀጥረው ስለሚሰሩ ብቻ ይህን ይላሉ።

Re: Oromo Federalist Congress is calling for Transitional Government and the release of all political prisoners

Posted: 27 Nov 2021, 10:01
by sarcasm

Re: Oromo Federalist Congress is calling for Transitional Government and the release of all political prisoners

Posted: 27 Nov 2021, 10:56
by Sam Ebalalehu
The call for transnational government implies there is no an Ethiopian government now.
Well, Ethiopians have a different understanding.
Merrara —not politically savvy — used to be an ok politician. The moment he made political marriage with Ayatollah, the arrogant, ill-informed Merrara was born.
Today he is an outcast. What he and his friends wrote probably be read by those who have put their hope on miracle — a miracle that is not coming.

Re: Oromo Federalist Congress is calling for Transitional Government and the release of all political prisoners

Posted: 27 Nov 2021, 15:48
by sarcasm
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
27 Nov 2021, 10:56
The call for transnational government implies there is no an Ethiopian government now.
Well, Ethiopians have a different understanding.
Merrara —not politically savvy — used to be an ok politician. The moment he made political marriage with Ayatollah, the arrogant, ill-informed Merrara was born.
Today he is an outcast. What he and his friends wrote probably be read by those who have put their hope on miracle — a miracle that is not coming.
Miracle? Abiy and his camp have also put their hope on some kind of miracle. What is with Ethiopians' obsession with miracles, anyway? What is wrong with rationalism which is serving well the politics rest of world?

Re: Oromo Federalist Congress is calling for Transitional Government and the release of all political prisoners

Posted: 27 Nov 2021, 16:07
by Sam Ebalalehu
Eden, you are self sabotaging again. To me Abiy seems certain that we change the TPLF of today to one that be used only in the past tense. The Americans seem to share that belief. Their desperation to save it emanates from that belief. They are not necessarily in love with your uncles as some assume. It is the lesser evil choice they have made. They haven’t liked this young, Ethiopia loving, nationalist leader. They must also suspect him favoring China over USA.
I believe he wanted to stay away from taking side, but they somehow were pushing him to do just that.
The lesser evil, your TPLF, they know is their order takers.
Go to Somalia. The answer when, not why.
But the order takers miscalculated badly. It seems they are going to pay a high price for it.

Re: Oromo Federalist Congress is calling for Transitional Government and the release of all political prisoners

Posted: 27 Nov 2021, 16:18
by gearhead
አንተ እከካም እብድ ሽማግሌ አማራ! ስድብ ፓለቲካ እንደማይሆን መቼ ነው የሚገባህ? ለነገሩ ጥርስም የለህም; ብልትህም አይሰራም አሉ። ታዲያ በምን ትረካ?በስድብ እራስህን ካልቆለለክ!!
Abere wrote:
25 Nov 2021, 10:26
የከብቶች ማስታወቂያ ይባላል ይኸ። የተቆላ ስንዴ ተዘርቶ ይበቅላል የሚል የጅል መንጋ ኦፌኮ ይባላል። 1 የገበሬ ማህበር ቀበሌ ማስተዳደር የማይችል::የአገር ጉዳይን የልጆች ጨዋታ አደረጉት- ልክ ጨዋታ ፈረሰ ዳቦ ተቆረሰ ዓይነት። የከብት መንጋ ለወያኔ ተቀጥረው ስለሚሰሩ ብቻ ይህን ይላሉ።