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ወያኔ ከኩታበር ተንከሳክሶ ተባረረ፣በተሬ በበሽሎ ከባድ መሳሪያዎቹ ወድመዋል - የደሴ ህልሙ ጨለመች።

Post by Abere » 25 Oct 2021, 09:59

ወያኔ ከኩታበር ተንከሳክሶ ተባረረ፣በተሬ በበሽሎ ከባድ መሳሪያዎቹ ወድመዋል - የደሴ ህልሙ ጨለመች። አጃኢብ ነው የትግሬ ሬሳ በደቡብ ወሎ ምርት ሆኖ ጅብ እየጠገበ ነው ይባላል።በጣም የሚያሳዝነው ጅብ የወያኔ እሬሳ ቀምሶ አህያ ቢያይ አይቀምሳትም ብሎ ወሎ መተረክ ጅምሯል። የወሎ እረኛ ግጥም ጀምሯል እየተባለ ነው።

ኧረ ደሴ ደሴ ገራዶ ገራዶ፣
እመጣለሁ ብዬ - ሆንኩልሽ ማገዶ።

ወይ ሳላይሽ ሜዳ - ዐይኔ እንደ ናፈቀሽ፣
በከንቱ ረገፍኩኝ- ከሩቅ እያየሁሽ፣
አንድዶ ጨረሰኝ - ፋኖ ወላፈንሽ።

Senior Member
Posts: 11106
Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 20:52

Re: ወያኔ ከኩታበር ተንከሳክሶ ተባረረ፣በተሬ በበሽሎ ከባድ መሳሪያዎቹ ወድመዋል - የደሴ ህልሙ ጨለመች።

Post by Abere » 25 Oct 2021, 10:15

Most of the UN aid truck which turned into TPLF military convoy are burned and destroyed in the South Wollo rough terrains. TPLF lost significant number of these UN convoys and thousands of its rebel thugs charred bodies is scattered all over. Sources informed the death toll never seen in the past and would neither be imagined to be seen in the future. TPLF poured all the Tigre people as its final do or die effort and is being wiped out , depleted with its thug rebel armies. It has been salivating about Dessie for long but Dessie remained a pipe dream. What TPLF did not know also is whatever area it takes hand does not mean the fight is over. Anyway, those TPLF thugs that used to steal and fatten themselves feeding on livestock of North Wollo Amhara are now facing the final judgment in South Wollo and are taking resting ground.

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