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Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Meleket » 19 Oct 2021, 09:32

ኤርትራውያን የነጻነት ታጋዮች በቦምብ ለማውደም ተልኮ፡ ከነሚጉ ቀልበው አደባዩት። ማርከውም ከኤርትራውያን ህጻናት ቀለብ ተቀንሶ እየተሰፈረለት ቆየና፡ በምህረት ወደውጭ አገር እንዲሄድ ተፈቀደለት። ይህ ከኤርትራ ነጻነት በፊት ነው!

ከኤርትራ ነጻነት ማግስት ደግሞ፡ ከቀለባቸው እየተቀነሰ ይሰፈርለት ከነበረው፡ ከያኔው የኤርትራ ህጻናት ከዛሬዎቹ ወጣቶች ጋር ለመዋጋት፡ ህሊናውን ሳይመረምር ሆድ አምላኩ፡ ሚጉን እያበረረ ኤርትራ ላይ የቦምብ ናዳ ለማዝነብ ተነሳ። እነ ተኩሶ አይስቴ ደግሞ ከነ ሚጉ ለሁለተኛ ግዜ ቀልበው አስቀሩት። ይህን ታሪክ የማያውቁ የስጦቢያ ልጆች ደግሞ “በዛብህ የታለ” ብለው ሲጠይቁ አያፍሩም! እንደ የዓለም ዋንጫ የግድ ሶስት ጊዜ መበላት አለበት እንዴ፡ ሆሆ! የማያፍሩ ጎዶችምሃውልት እያቆምንለት ነው አሉን። እኛም ኤርትራዊ ትዝብታችንን አጋራናቸው።

Abe Abraham
Senior Member
Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Abe Abraham » 19 Oct 2021, 11:37

Meleket wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 09:32
ኤርትራውያን የነጻነት ታጋዮች በቦምብ ለማውደም ተልኮ፡ ከነሚጉ ቀልበው አደባዩት። ማርከውም ከኤርትራውያን ህጻናት ቀለብ ተቀንሶ እየተሰፈረለት ቆየና፡ በምህረት ወደውጭ አገር እንዲሄድ ተፈቀደለት። ይህ ከኤርትራ ነጻነት በፊት ነው!

ከኤርትራ ነጻነት ማግስት ደግሞ፡ ከቀለባቸው እየተቀነሰ ይሰፈርለት ከነበረው፡ ከያኔው የኤርትራ ህጻናት ከዛሬዎቹ ወጣቶች ጋር ለመዋጋት፡ ህሊናውን ሳይመረምር ሆድ አምላኩ፡ ሚጉን እያበረረ ኤርትራ ላይ የቦምብ ናዳ ለማዝነብ ተነሳ። እነ ተኩሶ አይስቴ ደግሞ ከነ ሚጉ ለሁለተኛ ግዜ ቀልበው አስቀሩት። ይህን ታሪክ የማያውቁ የስጦቢያ ልጆች ደግሞ “በዛብህ የታለ” ብለው ሲጠይቁ አያፍሩም! እንደ የዓለም ዋንጫ የግድ ሶስት ጊዜ መበላት አለበት እንዴ፡ ሆሆ! የማያፍሩ ጎዶችምሃውልት እያቆምንለት ነው አሉን። እኛም ኤርትራዊ ትዝብታችንን አጋራናቸው።
The cowards do not have conscience and sense of contrition. That is their big problem.

Posts: 5279
Joined: 04 Jun 2013, 22:23

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Temt » 19 Oct 2021, 11:46

Abe Abraham wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 11:37
Meleket wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 09:32
ኤርትራውያን የነጻነት ታጋዮች በቦምብ ለማውደም ተልኮ፡ ከነሚጉ ቀልበው አደባዩት። ማርከውም ከኤርትራውያን ህጻናት ቀለብ ተቀንሶ እየተሰፈረለት ቆየና፡ በምህረት ወደውጭ አገር እንዲሄድ ተፈቀደለት። ይህ ከኤርትራ ነጻነት በፊት ነው!

ከኤርትራ ነጻነት ማግስት ደግሞ፡ ከቀለባቸው እየተቀነሰ ይሰፈርለት ከነበረው፡ ከያኔው የኤርትራ ህጻናት ከዛሬዎቹ ወጣቶች ጋር ለመዋጋት፡ ህሊናውን ሳይመረምር ሆድ አምላኩ፡ ሚጉን እያበረረ ኤርትራ ላይ የቦምብ ናዳ ለማዝነብ ተነሳ። እነ ተኩሶ አይስቴ ደግሞ ከነ ሚጉ ለሁለተኛ ግዜ ቀልበው አስቀሩት። ይህን ታሪክ የማያውቁ የስጦቢያ ልጆች ደግሞ “በዛብህ የታለ” ብለው ሲጠይቁ አያፍሩም! እንደ የዓለም ዋንጫ የግድ ሶስት ጊዜ መበላት አለበት እንዴ፡ ሆሆ! የማያፍሩ ጎዶችምሃውልት እያቆምንለት ነው አሉን። እኛም ኤርትራዊ ትዝብታችንን አጋራናቸው።
The cowards do not have conscience and sense of contrition. That is their big problem.
The cowards do not have a conscience and a sense of contrition. That is their big problem!

Posts: 5507
Joined: 14 Feb 2020, 04:27

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by sebdoyeley » 19 Oct 2021, 11:50

well said!!!!!!
Meleket wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 09:32
ኤርትራውያን የነጻነት ታጋዮች በቦምብ ለማውደም ተልኮ፡ ከነሚጉ ቀልበው አደባዩት። ማርከውም ከኤርትራውያን ህጻናት ቀለብ ተቀንሶ እየተሰፈረለት ቆየና፡ በምህረት ወደውጭ አገር እንዲሄድ ተፈቀደለት። ይህ ከኤርትራ ነጻነት በፊት ነው!

ከኤርትራ ነጻነት ማግስት ደግሞ፡ ከቀለባቸው እየተቀነሰ ይሰፈርለት ከነበረው፡ ከያኔው የኤርትራ ህጻናት ከዛሬዎቹ ወጣቶች ጋር ለመዋጋት፡ ህሊናውን ሳይመረምር ሆድ አምላኩ፡ ሚጉን እያበረረ ኤርትራ ላይ የቦምብ ናዳ ለማዝነብ ተነሳ። እነ ተኩሶ አይስቴ ደግሞ ከነ ሚጉ ለሁለተኛ ግዜ ቀልበው አስቀሩት። ይህን ታሪክ የማያውቁ የስጦቢያ ልጆች ደግሞ “በዛብህ የታለ” ብለው ሲጠይቁ አያፍሩም! እንደ የዓለም ዋንጫ የግድ ሶስት ጊዜ መበላት አለበት እንዴ፡ ሆሆ! የማያፍሩ ጎዶችምሃውልት እያቆምንለት ነው አሉን። እኛም ኤርትራዊ ትዝብታችንን አጋራናቸው።

Posts: 5929
Joined: 28 Feb 2013, 17:55

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by sesame » 19 Oct 2021, 15:36

These people are incredible. To erect a monument for a pilot who was captured twice and spent years as a PoW is riduculous under any circumstances. The EPLF could have eliminated him for his cowardly bombing of civilians using napalm. But to honor a father of 5, who rashed into the war that the TPLF used to consolidate power in Ethiopia, a man who became a servant of the TPLF thugs, is even more ridiculous. But to do it now, when the TPLF thugs are urinating on Ethiopians, when Eritrean leaders have vowed not to let the TPLF thugs destroy Ethiopia, is criminal. If they can back-stab us at this critical moment in their history, I wonder what they will do when the TPLF thugs are not a threat to them anymore. I was sympathetic with the Ethiopians, but from now on, I can't be bothered.
ከሶማሊያ ወረራ በኋላ ወደ ኤርትራ ዘምቶ እስከ 1977 ድረስ ግዳጁን በአግባቡ የተወጣ አርበኛ ነው፡፡ በ1977 ዓም ግን ከሻዕቢያ ጋር በናቅፋ ግንባር እየተዋጋ ሳለ አውሮፕላኑ ተመታ፡፡ አሁን ግን ወደ ተነሳበት ቦታ መመለስ አልቻለም፤ በሻዕቢያ እጅ ወደቀ ጀግናችን እስረኛ ሆነ፡፡ በ1983 ዓም ከእስር ተለቆ ከቤተሰቡ ጋር መቀላቀልም ችሎ ነበር፡፡ ከሰባት ዓመት በኋላ በ1990 ዓም የኢህአዴግ ወዳጅ የነበረው ሻዕቢያ ጠላት ሆኖ መጣ ተባለ፡፡ ባድመን ወረረም ተባለ የኢትዮጵያውያን ቁጣ ነደደ፡፡ የሦሥት ወንዶች እና የሁለት ሴቶች አባት የሆነው ኮሎኔል በዛብህ የሀገሩን ክብር ለማስመለስ እና ሻዕቢያን ለመደምሰስ ዳግም ዘመተ፡፡ እንደ ልማዱ ተዋጊ አውሮፕላኑን እየሰገረ የሻዕቢያን ጦር አከርካሪ መሰባበሩን ቀጠለ፡፡

Posts: 5279
Joined: 04 Jun 2013, 22:23

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Temt » 19 Oct 2021, 18:18

sesame wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 15:36
These people are incredible. To erect a monument for a pilot who was captured twice and spent years as a PoW is riduculous under any circumstances. The EPLF could have eliminated him for his cowardly bombing of civilians using napalm. But to honor a father of 5, who rashed into the war that the TPLF used to consolidate power in Ethiopia, a man who became a servant of the TPLF thugs, is even more ridiculous. But to do it now, when the TPLF thugs are urinating on Ethiopians, when Eritrean leaders have vowed not to let the TPLF thugs destroy Ethiopia, is criminal. If they can back-stab us at this critical moment in their history, I wonder what they will do when the TPLF thugs are not a threat to them anymore. I was sympathetic with the Ethiopians, but from now on, I can't be bothered.
ከሶማሊያ ወረራ በኋላ ወደ ኤርትራ ዘምቶ እስከ 1977 ድረስ ግዳጁን በአግባቡ የተወጣ አርበኛ ነው፡፡ በ1977 ዓም ግን ከሻዕቢያ ጋር በናቅፋ ግንባር እየተዋጋ ሳለ አውሮፕላኑ ተመታ፡፡ አሁን ግን ወደ ተነሳበት ቦታ መመለስ አልቻለም፤ በሻዕቢያ እጅ ወደቀ ጀግናችን እስረኛ ሆነ፡፡ በ1983 ዓም ከእስር ተለቆ ከቤተሰቡ ጋር መቀላቀልም ችሎ ነበር፡፡ ከሰባት ዓመት በኋላ በ1990 ዓም የኢህአዴግ ወዳጅ የነበረው ሻዕቢያ ጠላት ሆኖ መጣ ተባለ፡፡ ባድመን ወረረም ተባለ የኢትዮጵያውያን ቁጣ ነደደ፡፡ የሦሥት ወንዶች እና የሁለት ሴቶች አባት የሆነው ኮሎኔል በዛብህ የሀገሩን ክብር ለማስመለስ እና ሻዕቢያን ለመደምሰስ ዳግም ዘመተ፡፡ እንደ ልማዱ ተዋጊ አውሮፕላኑን እየሰገረ የሻዕቢያን ጦር አከርካሪ መሰባበሩን ቀጠለ፡፡
Dear fellow Eritreans,
While I hear you loud and clear for your justifiable concerns regarding the incredibly silly things some Ethiopians blubber, I'd like to emphasize that they have not told us anything new - short of parroting the usual same old shenanigan whom they could never prove historically. Yes, it is only a handful of Ethiopians that are stupid enough to mumble such things openly. But the question begs what about those who have been quiet but nonetheless drool about the same subject (and more) that would compromise our hard-won independence? No reason to be worried about it now for, as the saying goes, "ክንብርኩት/ከይንብርኩት ኣብ ማይ ዘለዎ ንብጻሕ"። "We will cross the bridge when we get there"
As far as the preliminary Triparty Asmara agreement between Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia is concerned, the agreement stipulates that the political independence, national sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the three sisterly states would be honored. PERIOD!
#Eritreaprevails, #Ethiopiaprevails, #Somaliaprevails! Death to the enemies of the proposed union of the Horn region. Djibouti are you awake and listening?

Abe Abraham
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Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Abe Abraham » 19 Oct 2021, 19:17

Temt wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 18:18
sesame wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 15:36
These people are incredible. To erect a monument for a pilot who was captured twice and spent years as a PoW is riduculous under any circumstances. The EPLF could have eliminated him for his cowardly bombing of civilians using napalm. But to honor a father of 5, who rashed into the war that the TPLF used to consolidate power in Ethiopia, a man who became a servant of the TPLF thugs, is even more ridiculous. But to do it now, when the TPLF thugs are urinating on Ethiopians, when Eritrean leaders have vowed not to let the TPLF thugs destroy Ethiopia, is criminal. If they can back-stab us at this critical moment in their history, I wonder what they will do when the TPLF thugs are not a threat to them anymore. I was sympathetic with the Ethiopians, but from now on, I can't be bothered.
ከሶማሊያ ወረራ በኋላ ወደ ኤርትራ ዘምቶ እስከ 1977 ድረስ ግዳጁን በአግባቡ የተወጣ አርበኛ ነው፡፡ በ1977 ዓም ግን ከሻዕቢያ ጋር በናቅፋ ግንባር እየተዋጋ ሳለ አውሮፕላኑ ተመታ፡፡ አሁን ግን ወደ ተነሳበት ቦታ መመለስ አልቻለም፤ በሻዕቢያ እጅ ወደቀ ጀግናችን እስረኛ ሆነ፡፡ በ1983 ዓም ከእስር ተለቆ ከቤተሰቡ ጋር መቀላቀልም ችሎ ነበር፡፡ ከሰባት ዓመት በኋላ በ1990 ዓም የኢህአዴግ ወዳጅ የነበረው ሻዕቢያ ጠላት ሆኖ መጣ ተባለ፡፡ ባድመን ወረረም ተባለ የኢትዮጵያውያን ቁጣ ነደደ፡፡ የሦሥት ወንዶች እና የሁለት ሴቶች አባት የሆነው ኮሎኔል በዛብህ የሀገሩን ክብር ለማስመለስ እና ሻዕቢያን ለመደምሰስ ዳግም ዘመተ፡፡ እንደ ልማዱ ተዋጊ አውሮፕላኑን እየሰገረ የሻዕቢያን ጦር አከርካሪ መሰባበሩን ቀጠለ፡፡
Dear fellow Eritreans,
While I hear you loud and clear for your justifiable concerns regarding the incredibly silly things some Ethiopians blubber, I'd like to emphasize that they have not told us anything new - short of parroting the usual same old shenanigan whom they could never prove historically. Yes, it is only a handful of Ethiopians that are stupid enough to mumble such things openly. But the question begs what about those who have been quiet but nonetheless drool about the same subject (and more) that would compromise our hard-won independence? No reason to be worried about it now for, as the saying goes, "ክንብርኩት/ከይንብርኩት ኣብ ማይ ዘለዎ ንብጻሕ"። "We will cross the bridge when we get there"
As far as the preliminary Triparty Asmara agreement between Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia is concerned, the agreement stipulates that the political independence, national sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the three sisterly states would be honored. PERIOD!
#Eritreaprevails, #Ethiopiaprevails, #Somaliaprevails! Death to the enemies of the proposed union of the Horn region. Djibouti are you awake and listening?

The issue is not about sovereignty rather about people without conscience and sense of contrition never seen even in the history of nixggerdom.

I have sat in the same situation as the kids and the young woman in the photo when I was very young.

Posts: 1226
Joined: 30 Mar 2021, 19:34

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Blueshift » 19 Oct 2021, 19:38

Sesame wrote,
If they can back-stab us at this critical moment in their history, I wonder what they will do when the TPLF thugs are not a threat to them anymore. I was sympathetic with the Ethiopians, but from now on, I can't be bothered.
Your learning curve slope is increasing. :lol: :lol: Trust me, you are no different from the agames. Actually, agames are Ethiopians.

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Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Fiyameta » 19 Oct 2021, 19:43

When your "hero" is an unrepentant sadist with an insatiable thirst for spilling the blood of innocent Eritrean children, your hollow soul is beyond hope of salvation. Erecting a monument for the child killer, however your prerogative, is akin to piling your sin up to Heaven, which thankfully is for God to judge, not me.

I think it goes without saying that no Eritrean would wish that to happen to your own children. It's bad enough that their morally depraved parents are failing them big time! In fact, if your children are lucky enough to have their moment of epiphany that raises their IQ higher than yours, don't you think they will question the wisdom behind erecting a monument that commemorates a child killer who died doing what he loves most: killing children just like them? When will you get this through your thick skulls?

Posts: 5929
Joined: 28 Feb 2013, 17:55

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by sesame » 19 Oct 2021, 19:56


That doesn't mean we will ever forget or forgive what the Agame back-stabbers did. Never!

Posts: 3057
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Meleket » 20 Oct 2021, 04:48

የኤርትራው ንስር የሰማዩ አርበኛ - [ሰሞንኛው ኤርትራዊ ግጥም]

ለጀግና ፓይለቶች ቢቆምማ ሃወልት፣
ለሃብተጽዮን ነበር ሚገባው በእውነት!

ሃገሩ ኤርትራን የታደገ ጀግና፣
ወራሪን በመላ ያደባየ ጀግና፣
በልባችን ነግሷል ስሙ ነው ገናና።

የኤርትራው ንስር የሰማዩ አርበኛ፣
ሃብተጽዮን ሓድጉ እውነተኛው ዳኛ፣
ባለህበት ቦታ ይድረስህ ሰላምታ፣
የ4ሚልየን ህዝብ የኤርትራ አለኝታ።

Posts: 1364
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Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Sabur » 20 Oct 2021, 06:46

"ዝብኢ ክሳብ ዝድልድል ይሕንክስ !!"

Loose Translation,

"A Hyena feigns limping till it is stronger."

sesame wrote:
19 Oct 2021, 15:36
These people are incredible. To erect a monument for a pilot who was captured twice and spent years as a PoW is riduculous under any circumstances. The EPLF could have eliminated him for his cowardly bombing of civilians using napalm. But to honor a father of 5, who rashed into the war that the TPLF used to consolidate power in Ethiopia, a man who became a servant of the TPLF thugs, is even more ridiculous. But to do it now, when the TPLF thugs are urinating on Ethiopians, when Eritrean leaders have vowed not to let the TPLF thugs destroy Ethiopia, is criminal. If they can back-stab us at this critical moment in their history, I wonder what they will do when the TPLF thugs are not a threat to them anymore. I was sympathetic with the Ethiopians, but from now on, I can't be bothered.
ከሶማሊያ ወረራ በኋላ ወደ ኤርትራ ዘምቶ እስከ 1977 ድረስ ግዳጁን በአግባቡ የተወጣ አርበኛ ነው፡፡ በ1977 ዓም ግን ከሻዕቢያ ጋር በናቅፋ ግንባር እየተዋጋ ሳለ አውሮፕላኑ ተመታ፡፡ አሁን ግን ወደ ተነሳበት ቦታ መመለስ አልቻለም፤ በሻዕቢያ እጅ ወደቀ ጀግናችን እስረኛ ሆነ፡፡ በ1983 ዓም ከእስር ተለቆ ከቤተሰቡ ጋር መቀላቀልም ችሎ ነበር፡፡ ከሰባት ዓመት በኋላ በ1990 ዓም የኢህአዴግ ወዳጅ የነበረው ሻዕቢያ ጠላት ሆኖ መጣ ተባለ፡፡ ባድመን ወረረም ተባለ የኢትዮጵያውያን ቁጣ ነደደ፡፡ የሦሥት ወንዶች እና የሁለት ሴቶች አባት የሆነው ኮሎኔል በዛብህ የሀገሩን ክብር ለማስመለስ እና ሻዕቢያን ለመደምሰስ ዳግም ዘመተ፡፡ እንደ ልማዱ ተዋጊ አውሮፕላኑን እየሰገረ የሻዕቢያን ጦር አከርካሪ መሰባበሩን ቀጠለ፡፡

Abe Abraham
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Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Abe Abraham » 20 Oct 2021, 12:55

We ignored the bad and concentrated on the millions of good ones. Feigned weakness ? They never feigned weakness. Their hatred and machberber is visceral. It has always been there and well expressed.

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Location: Addis Ababa

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by simbe11 » 20 Oct 2021, 15:47

Have some decency.
Bezabih was a soldier who fought wars. We don't have to agree with him or with whom he aligned with. We respect heros regardless of their allegiance. Bezabih was/is one of those hero who commend respect, regardless.

Posts: 3057
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: በዛብህ ጴጥሮስ፡ ሁለቴ በተኩሶ አይስቴ ኤርትራዉያን የተቀለበ ሁድ አምላኩ ኢጦቢያዊ ፓይለት!

Post by Meleket » 21 Oct 2021, 04:26

simbe11 wrote:
20 Oct 2021, 15:47
Have some decency.
Bezabih was a soldier who fought wars. We don't have to agree with him or with whom he aligned with. We respect heros regardless of their allegiance. Bezabih was/is one of those hero who commend respect, regardless.
ወዳጃችን simbe11 ያንተው ጄግና ፓይለት፡ ኤርትራ ውስጥ በነ ተኩሶ አይስቴ ሁለቴ ከኣየር የተቀለበ፡ ሁለት ሚጎችን የከሰከሰና ሁለት ግዜ የተማረከ ደምባራ ፓይለት መሆኑን ኢናዉቀዋሌን ለማሌት ነው።

የኛዉን የኤርትራ ሰማይ ጄግና ደግሞ ተዋወቀው!ሃብተጽዮን ሓድጉ ይባላል፡ በኤርትራዉያን ልብ ውስጥ የነገሠ የቁርጥ ቀን ጀግና።
Meleket wrote:
20 Oct 2021, 04:48
የኤርትራው ንስር የሰማዩ አርበኛ - [ሰሞንኛው ኤርትራዊ ግጥም]

ለጀግና ፓይለቶች ቢቆምማ ሃወልት፣
ለሃብተጽዮን ነበር ሚገባው በእውነት!

ሃገሩ ኤርትራን የታደገ ጀግና፣
ወራሪን በመላ ያደባየ ጀግና፣
በልባችን ነግሷል ስሙ ነው ገናና።

የኤርትራው ንስር የሰማዩ አርበኛ፣
ሃብተጽዮን ሓድጉ እውነተኛው ዳኛ፣
ባለህበት ቦታ ይድረስህ ሰላምታ፣
የ4ሚልየን ህዝብ የኤርትራ አለኝታ።

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