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Where in this world was America's war has been to defend a given value?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 18 Oct 2021, 14:08

We hear again and again that America's interferences in the internal affairs of others, including devastating wars, is claimed to defend the values they uphold. They have built caolations around the idea of common values. Among those values we were told are human rights, democratic rights, civil and other similar rights of the people concerned of those wars.

In the name of defending such values we have witnessed too many recent devastating wars, 2 times in Iraq, Syria, Libia, Afghanistan and others, in addition to many more previous wars.

Now we have to ask ourselves in how much those concerned peoples, in whose names the wars were waged, become more beneficiaries of those values.

How much is Irag more democratic now than before the two wars, the same can be asked for the rest of the countries.

Let me mention the case of Afghanistan where America withdrew its forces after 20 years of crippling long running war very recently.

America went in claiming to defend the values they called lie at their heart, what ever that are. To achieve the withdrawal they negotiated with Taliban, whose rule they claimed wanted to root out before 20 years.

The same Taliban that America negotiated with before few months told the world that it is not yet prepared to send girls to a school, curbing many other opportunities for women in general. One can't help but wonder about which vales America claimed to defend if it is okay to negotiate with a partner that imposes such restrictions on the citizens of the country it is its leader.

I ask this question here after I read somewhere else recently someone claiming about America's defending of freedom, I am not sure which freedom the character claimed this may have in mind.

Someone can enlighten me how America and co. have ever defended a given value in all of its interferences into the affairs of others.

If it is not about defending a value, then it is in pursuit of material interest and as such this is nothing else but about (neo-) colonialism of others.