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Why Ethiopia's Tigray region is starving, but no famine declared (BBC)

Post by sarcasm » 16 Oct 2021, 17:38

Despite mass starvation occurring in Ethiopia's northern region of Tigray, senior international aid officials are tiptoeing around declaring a famine nearly a year after the civil war erupted.

A report from Ayder Referral hospital in Tigray's capital city, Mekelle, this week described children dying of starvation.

The doctors provided photographs of small children suffering from acute malnutrition, their ribs and swollen bellies evidence of their plight. Those are the lucky ones as there is still a few weeks' supply of emergency therapeutic food at the hospital.

In Tigray's villages, the situation is grave. The war started last November and just two months later, the Catholic bishop of Adigrat described people perishing of hunger.

In June, one village committee compiled a list of 125 people who had starved to death in their isolated community.

Families who arrive in Mekelle after trekking for days on foot describe trying to survive on a diet of leaves and roots for weeks.

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Re: Why Ethiopia's Tigray region is starving, but no famine declared (BBC)

Post by Abere » 16 Oct 2021, 17:49

Who caused the starvation? Is it not the TPLF? First, BBC is not a quality source of information. But we do know Tigray even before the conflict is a region that suffered famine and starvation through out the year. And this time is no different from all the years, the only difference now is Tigray people are unable to travel to other parts of Ethiopia and unable to have access to market because TPLF invaded neighboring provinces, it is even burning crops in the field to make things worse for next year. On the one hand Tigres are burning crop fields and yet on the other hand they crying starved. I feel bad to hear people get starved, but at the same time they are wasting their productive rainy season changing the diaper's of their own worst enemy of TPLF. Tigres problem is one and only one - their own TPLF baby. TPLF gone, all problem gone. Also, if you want quality news don't tune to western media such as the BBC propaganda machine - it is one among those who fan the fire of conflict.

Digital Weyane
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Re: Why Ethiopia's Tigray region is starving, but no famine declared (BBC)

Post by Digital Weyane » 16 Oct 2021, 19:19

ዘጠና ከሞቶ የትግራይ ህዝባችን ላለፉት ሰላሳ ዓመታት በወር 3 ኪሎ ስንዴ በሴፍቲኔት እየተሰፈረለት፣ ሳይሰራ፣ መሬት ሳያርስ ፣ ሳይዘራ ፣ ሳይፈትል ተመፅዋች ሆኖ የኖረ ህዝብ ነው። ልመናን እንደ ዲፕሎማሲያዊ ድል አድርገው የሚያዩና በበታችነት ስሜት የሚሰቃዩ አሸባሪ ጁንታዎች ኤክስፓየር የሆነውን የአሜሪካ ስንዴ መብላት እንደ ኩራት ቆጥረዉት ሲኩራሩበትና እንደ ጀግንነት ሲወዳደሱበት፣ ያዳበሩት የተመፅዋችነት ባህል ፋይዳው ለትግራይ ህዝባችን የአእምሮ ነፃነትን ነፍጎ የድድብናና የድንቁርና ተምሳሌት እንዲሆን አድርጎታል። ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ! :cry: :cry: :cry:

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