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U.S. Embassy Asmara Eritrea

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 14:21
by QB

Re: U.S. Embassy Asmara Eritrea

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 14:32
by Fiyameta
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: U.S. Embassy Asmara Eritrea

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 15:34
by Zmeselo

Criminals like to talk so much, they end up stepping on it! Politicians- lobby groups- media, all connected to enslave us!

As for the dumb chargé d'Affair who genuinely believes we're a bunch of dumb-negroes, equating a terror group with an elected legitimate govt in itself is throwing the dead dog a lifeline. We can likewise say in that case, the US should sit down & negotiate with al qaeda & ISIS.

As for the Eritrean presence he's talking about, the onus is on him to prove it- unless he:

1. Wants to deny us our right to self defence; considering the continuous threats emananting from the camp of the terror junta.

2. Wants to deny us enter our returned sovereign territories like Badme- like he wants to deny Ethiopians to enter Chgray, which is Ethiopian territory last I checked.

He keeps on trolling the Hon. Yemane G/Mesqel like the bully that he's, but to no avail. We don't talk to terror enablers.