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Joined: 14 Nov 2018, 07:26

Dr. Jerry Marzinsky life-saving facts that everyone should know ብዙ ሺ ኢትዮጵያውያኖች ባለማወቃቸው በየጸበሉ፣ በጴንጤ ነብይና ሆስፒታል መጫወቻ ይሆናሉ

Post by clear12 » 17 Sep 2021, 01:38

ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በዙ ሺ ሰዎች በተለያየ መልኩ ከክፉ መናፍስት ድምጽ እየሰሙ ችግራቸውን የሚረዳላቸው አጥተው በየጸበሉና ሆስፒታሉ ሲቸገሩ ይታያል፥፥ ይህ የDr. Jerry video ሰዎች ራሳቸውን ማዳን የሚችሉበትን ሳይንሳዊ መንገድ (Self-help therapies) ለማሳወቅ ታስቦ የተለጠፈ ነው!! 👉👉👉 Ethiopians suffering from spirit attachment troubles are frequently blamed for attracting or creating their own problems, or do have done something wrong, or having bad spirit. This attitude is unfair and largely based on ignorance concerning how things with parasite spirits. Most of the victims are unsupported, blamed and judged and avoided and in general let down.