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Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 20:52

አሮጌው ዓመት ለአገራችን ልዩ ዕድል ሰጥቶ ያለፈ ነው --- ወያኔን በመደምሰስ ሲዖል የጨመረ ፤ህዝባዊ አንድነት የፈጠረ:: ለዚህ ሁሉ ድል ላበቁን ዐርበኞች እና ሰማዕታት ክብር ይሁን!

Post by Abere » 11 Sep 2021, 12:46

አሮጌው ዓመት ለአገራችን ልዩ ዕድል ሰጥቶ ያለፈ ነው --- ወያኔን በመደምሰስ ሲዖል የጨመረ ፤ህዝባዊ አንድነት የፈጠረ:: ለዚህ ሁሉ ድል ላበቁን ዐርበኞች እና ሰማዕታት ክብር ይሁን! መልካም አድስ ዓመት!
On this first day of the new Ethiopian year, it is time to pause , ponder and make resolution to put Ethiopia first. We should not only be priding ourselves in how we defeated TPLF with 80% of the defense asset in its hand, but we should also be working hard to cancel all the worst legacy of TPLF - its hate, ethnic division, tribal federation, its jungle constitution, corruption/theft, immorality, etc. of demonic behaviors and acts. Yes, physically and institutionally we dismissed TPLF but the evil spirit of TPLF which contracted several innocents in every part of the country is not casted out yet. May God cast out the demonic TPLF spirit in this New Year! May the New Year be the year of peace, love and prosperity and the broken hearts of all victims of violence healed.