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After reading the C2FC report it is obvious that TPLF was setup to be used as a tool to achieve the neocolonialists agen

Post by Lovetarik » 31 Jul 2021, 08:07

It is now obvious that TPLF has been systematically encouraged to instigate the current crisis to fulfill the evil Western agenda. TPLF leaders are so stupid, they thought the West is going to help them to regain state power. They are merely a tool to achieve neocolonialist goals, and then discarded into the waste basket of history. The breakup of Ethiopia cannot benefit Tigray at all. It would make Tigray a basket case of hungry black people perpetually looking for handouts from the West.

Now that both sides know the true source of our problem, we must find a solution soon and fend off the neocolonialists threat. The people Tigray must say no to this madness that TPLF has brought to their region. How come there is no mature Tigrian to see thru this smoke screen and say no. This war cannot benefit the people of Tigray, nor even the people of the Horn. If we continue in this self-destructive path, ultimately, we all lose.

I hope the God/ Allah that the poor Ethiopians worship ever so delligently, will intervene and make this threat ዱቄት and bring peace to the region.