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"ዛሬ እንደ ሀገር የገባንበት ውጥንቅጥ ስናይ ኃይለማርያም ደሳለኝን ለማመስገን እንገደዳለን። ምክንያቱም ሀገሪቱ እንደዚህ ሳትሆን ስልጣን መልቀቅ በራሱ ትልቅ ውለታ ነው።"

Post by sarcasm » 30 Jul 2021, 08:47

"ዛሬ እንደ ሀገር የገባንበት ውጥንቅጥ ስናይ ኃይለማርያም ደሳለኝን ለማመስገን እንገደዳለን። ምክንያቱም ሀገሪቱ እንደዚህ ሳትሆን ስልጣን መልቀቅ በራሱ ትልቅ ውለታ ነው።"
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Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: "ዛሬ እንደ ሀገር የገባንበት ውጥንቅጥ ስናይ ኃይለማርያም ደሳለኝን ለማመስገን እንገደዳለን። ምክንያቱም ሀገሪቱ እንደዚህ ሳትሆን ስልጣን መልቀቅ በራሱ ትልቅ ውለታ ነው።"

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 30 Jul 2021, 09:01

I believe — more than 100 million Ethiopians agree - “ Ageritu” has a name : Ethiopia.
As for his wishing Abiy to resign that is not going to happen. Election was held just a month or so ago, and his party registered overwhelming Ethiopians support. The guy will not walk out while knowing the support Ethiopians have for the party he leads.
Let us say to make Ezekiel happy, he decides to resign. There is no comfort for tribal politicians. Ethiopia will never have a leader such as Daud Ibsa, or some other like him but with different ethnic tag.

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Re: "ዛሬ እንደ ሀገር የገባንበት ውጥንቅጥ ስናይ ኃይለማርያም ደሳለኝን ለማመስገን እንገደዳለን። ምክንያቱም ሀገሪቱ እንደዚህ ሳትሆን ስልጣን መልቀቅ በራሱ ትልቅ ውለታ ነው።"

Post by Fed_Up » 30 Jul 2021, 10:14

እኛም እናደንቀዋለን ... ከጎዶቹ ጋር ተቀናጂቶ አሸባሪን ወያኔ ከስልጣን እንደ ሙጃ ተነቅሎ ትግራይ ተወርውሮ እንዲሞት ስላደረገ ጀግና ብለነዋል:: ስራውን ሰርቶ በክብር እየኖረ ነው:: ይህንን የረሳ የከብት ዝርያ ያለበት ወዲ ጋቢሳ እና የአጋሜ ወያኔ ካድሬ ብቻ ነው::

ገና ክትዝበጣ ኢኸን!!

ቪቫ ሓይለማሪያም ደሳለኝ!! ኢትዮጵያ እንደ ሓገር ቀጥላለች:: አልፈረሰችም አትፈርስምም!!

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Re: "ዛሬ እንደ ሀገር የገባንበት ውጥንቅጥ ስናይ ኃይለማርያም ደሳለኝን ለማመስገን እንገደዳለን። ምክንያቱም ሀገሪቱ እንደዚህ ሳትሆን ስልጣን መልቀቅ በራሱ ትልቅ ውለታ ነው።"

Post by Abere » 30 Jul 2021, 11:41

Imagine for a second, a country led by ኅዝቅዔለ ጋቢሳ what it would look like. Would even it exist? Merara Gudina, ኅዝቅዔለ ጋቢሳ, Jawar, Ararsa et al, let alone leading a country of 120 millions, they can administer 1 village of Kebele of a peasant Association. The very reason that have become a roadblock to Abiy Ahmed, besides Tigre Woyanes, is the rotten sick Orommuma legacy lurking under his rag. If he had no legacy of rotten sick Orommuma within his ranks and files, and his ideology were clean of Orommuma by now Ethiopia would have been a much better place, and TPLF buried 6 feet under. Unfortunately, his Orommuma hesitancy takes him two feet forward and two feedback ward at the same time, example, sailed hundreds of miles into Tigray, winning TPLF, retreat out of Tigray. Gains wiped out by loss. But a million times, with all his Orommuma hesiatncy, Abiy Ahemd is better than disgraceful ኅዝቅዔለ ጋቢሳ, Jawar, Ararsa et al. These are donkeys of Tigre Woyane

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