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የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Post by Abere » 24 Jul 2021, 17:08

የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF. Information from insiders are circulating that the government's weeks of trial from its uniliteral humanitarian cease fire has neither benefited Tigray nor the larger Ethiopian society; so did not change the hearts of Western countries. As a result, the government is about to break the ceasefire and go on a full offensive. We are expecting November 2020, Mekelle II scene again. Will this time Debretsion's or Getachew Reda's head be the trophy? The next two or one week will tell us.

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Re: የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Post by Abere » 24 Jul 2021, 17:31

[Captured Child Soldiers Forced to Fight for Fear of Being Killed by the TPLF]

Such outcome of the unilateral ceasefire, necessitate to reverse it and make it more humanitarian by going after their recruiter.

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Re: የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Post by Abere » 24 Jul 2021, 18:12

ይወያኔ ኢ-ሰብዓዊ ግፍ ከትግራይ ህፃናት ይጀምራል። ለዚህ ወንጀል ተባባሪ አገራትም የሞራል ልዕልናቸውን በእጅጉ ያጎድፋል። ብዙ ነገራት ብንሰማም ይህን ስንቶቻችን እንደሰማን ግን እርግጠኛ መሆን አይቻልም። ይህ አሳፋሪ የወያኔ ጉድ ይህ ነው:-

ለህፃናቱ ሀሽሽ በጨርቅ ቋጥሮ በመስፋት በአንገታቸው በክር ወይም ማተብ አስረው እንዳያጠልቁት ይደረጋል። ለህፃናቱ የሚነገራቸው ቋጠሮው ጥይት የማያስመታ ጠባቂ ነው ይሏቸዋል። አልፎ አልፎ ጠባቂው እንድ ሰራ በአፍንጫቸው እንድያሸቱት ይመከራሉ - ሀሽሽ እንደ ዳማ ከሴ። ይኸነው ወያኔ የምዕራባዊያኑ የድሞክራሲ ወዳጅ።

መንግሥት እነኝህን ህፃናት የመታደግ ታላቅ ኃላፊነት አለበት. A government of a country can't afford standing on the sideline when a child predatory rebel is robbing the future of the country.

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የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Post by Abere » 24 Jul 2021, 21:08

የወያኔ አላርፍ ባይነት መንግሥት ይበልጥ ስጋት ውስጥ የጣለው ምናልባት መሀል አገር ውስጥ ቀድሞ ሂሣብ የማወራረድ ሥራ ዕድል እንዳይኖር ሲባል የግደታ የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም ትዕዛዙን ከወድሁ ፈጥኖ ማንሳት አስፈላጊ ሊያደርግ ያስችላል የሚሉ ሁኔታዎች አሉ ። This fear aggravated among government officials as the larger public deafened by the silence of the government might take matters into their own hands given TPLFs past track record of ethnic cleansing such as in Gondar Mai-Kadra. God forbid, if TPLF attempted to harm Amhara civilian, the Amhara public response in kind is feared to be very awful. Thus, to avoid such apocalyptic the government is highly expected to break the ceasefire.

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Re: የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Post by Abere » 25 Jul 2021, 11:28

Is the statement from አገኘሁ ተሻገር a prelude to a breach of the unilateral humanitarian ceasefire? The messages he conveyed to Tigres is very clear implying that most Tigres are in fact Woyanes. Without any ambiguity he firmly told not send their underage children to the fire and for them too not to be Woyane - he left the choice up to them. I guess that was probably what Abiy Ahmed told Tigres yesterday - although I did not listened or read it. It appears that the EDF ceasefire will be compelled to be broken as ASF ( Amhara Special Force) is emerging to be powerful. The message sounds, Tigres you either refrain from Woyane else hel.l is going to rain over you we have babysat you more than enough - no more እሽሩሩ ትግሬ ፣ቼቼ ትግሬ፣ እሽሩሩ ትግሬ።የማዘያ አንቀልባው ተቀዳዷለ ነው ነገርዮው።

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Re: የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Post by mitmitaye » 25 Jul 2021, 11:42

Abere, what are they waiting while tplf is killing and advancing with sophisticated tools? Why wait? Amaras are feeling betrayed and angry at abiy.. they are left to fight with Qomeh TebiQegn.. don’t you, for once, ask why the ENDF is just sitting idle for days while innocent people are getting killed? Does it really make any sense why our PM IS GARDENING and pretending business as usual? Amaras in the north don’t have faith & believed abiy has armed tplf or rather left lots of weapons for tplf when leaving Tigray.. only abiy & God knows what’s going on in his head.. SAD!

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Re: የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Post by Abere » 25 Jul 2021, 12:10

I think this question has to question even why did EDF pull out of Mekelle itself. So far, different people or group have different answers and the government has its own answer. If you ask me, the mistake was made there. At least EDF should have been well into Tigray province. Regrading Amhara people being betrayed, I think the Amhara people were betrayed 30 or more years ago. They did not have awareness what was going on around them when everyone else (largely TPLF) was organized and armed, Amhara was marginalized, made to be disarmed, and campaigned against its existence, its land people robbed, etc. Amhara has been chronically unarmed and disarmed for decades. Until recently, Amhara has been discouraged and defunded even to recruit and train its own special police forces , but we know the heavy lifting is on Amhara both as a group as well as for the country. I think this is an opportunity for Amhara to change its dark past and focus on the future - there is an enemy of existential threat. We are at a point of no return, whether EDF involved or not , Amhara has to take matter into its hand. Amhara Force has not to necessarily depend on the bad judgment of EDF. It pursues if it is corroborated useful or else it should follow its own trusted command. Amhara should be the firewall of the country for attacks from mercenaries.

mitmitaye wrote:
25 Jul 2021, 11:42
Abere, what are they waiting while tplf is killing and advancing with sophisticated tools? Why wait? Amaras are feeling betrayed and angry at abiy.. they are left to fight with Qomeh TebiQegn.. don’t you, for once, ask why the ENDF is just sitting idle for days while innocent people are getting killed? Does it really make any sense why our PM IS GARDENING and pretending business as usual? Amaras in the north don’t have faith & believed abiy has armed tplf or rather left lots of weapons for tplf when leaving Tigray.. only abiy & God knows what’s going on in his head.. SAD!

Abe Abraham
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Re: የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Post by Abe Abraham » 25 Jul 2021, 12:21

mitmitaye wrote:
25 Jul 2021, 11:42
Abere, what are they waiting while tplf is killing and advancing with sophisticated tools? Why wait? Amaras are feeling betrayed and angry at abiy.. they are left to fight with Qomeh TebiQegn.. don’t you, for once, ask why the ENDF is just sitting idle for days while innocent people are getting killed? Does it really make any sense why our PM IS GARDENING and pretending business as usual? Amaras in the north don’t have faith & believed abiy has armed tplf or rather left lots of weapons for tplf when leaving Tigray.. only abiy & God knows what’s going on in his head.. SAD!

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Re: የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Post by Abere » 25 Jul 2021, 12:22

As the Amhara Special Force and other regional forces close in Meqelle, EDF is expected to be called for breaking the ceasefire and takeover the city, because the government will have to avoid international outcry of regional armies occupied another region(Tigray province). Thus, November 2020 is now in the air. Let's see where in Tigray will TPLF spend the rainy season, rat borrow or in he.ll .

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