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I am confused: ተደመሰሰ !!!??? ማነው የደመሰሰው?

Post by Abaymado » 23 Jul 2021, 13:31

በሁለቱም ወገን ያለው አቃጣሪ ይገርማል:: የመንግስት ደጋፊዎች : ዋናው ጁንታ ተደመሰስ : በቃ አበቃለት ይሉናል:: ዉሸትም ቢሆን ነገ አይናቸውን በጨው አጥበው እንዲሁ ይበጠረቃሉ::

የወያኔም ደጋፊዎች ልክ አዲስ አበባ የገቡ ይመስል የማይተረተሩት የለም::

ማንን እንመን?

ቪድዮ እኮ ያስፈልገናል:: ቅሬፁልን እና አሳዩን !!!

ይህ እንዳለ ሆኖ: የሚገርሙ ጥያቄዎች አሉኝ::

ወያኔ ከየት ይህን ያህል መሳርያ ሊያገኝ ቻለ?

ማርኮ ወይስ በፊት የቀበረውን አውጥቶ?

ሌላው ደሞ:

የመከላከያ ሰራዊት ምን ሆኖ ነው የክልል ኃይል ለጦርነት የገባው?

ተዳክሞ? ወይስ ምን?

አለም ተዳክሞ ነው እያለ ነው:: በሌላ አባባል : ዓለም አረንግዋዴ መብራት ለአብይ አብርቶለታል:: በመከላከያህ አጥቃ ቢባልም መከላከያ የለም:: ለምን?

በኢትዮጵያ ላይ በመፃፍ የሚታወቀው Rene Lafort በቲውተር ላይ እንዲህ ብሏል::

አብይ የክልል ኃይልን መጠቀሙ መከላከያ ስለተዳከመ ሳይሆን አይቀርም ነው ያለው::

የሆኖ ሆኖ መከላከያውን መጠቀም እንደሚችል ነው: እና መከላከያ ምን ይሰራል?

መከላከያ ከደከመ: ለምን አይጠናከርም?

እኔ እስከማቀው አብዛኛው ሕዝብ ወያኔ ላይ ያለውን ርምጃ ይደግፋል:: እና ምን እየታሰበ ነው?

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: I am confused: ተደመሰሰ !!!??? ማነው የደመሰሰው?

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 23 Jul 2021, 13:46

Tekezemado, why the regional especial forces were called to engage in Tigray’s law and order mission, you asked. I respond : to change the narrative. The TPLF using its bought Journalists, some US state department personnels, even some in European Union tried to paint the fighting that was going on was between Amharas and Tigres while Eritrea supporting the former. To kill this fabricated lie Abiy seemed to have decided to give it more Ethiopian face. There is no more Ethiopian face than rallying Ethiopians from every corner of Ethiopia to participate in the burying process of TPLF.

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Re: I am confused: ተደመሰሰ !!!??? ማነው የደመሰሰው?

Post by ZEMEN » 23 Jul 2021, 13:54

Abaymado wrote:
23 Jul 2021, 13:31
በሁለቱም ወገን ያለው አቃጣሪ ይገርማል:: የመንግስት ደጋፊዎች : ዋናው ጁንታ ተደመሰስ : በቃ አበቃለት ይሉናል:: ዉሸትም ቢሆን ነገ አይናቸውን በጨው አጥበው እንዲሁ ይበጠረቃሉ::

የወያኔም ደጋፊዎች ልክ አዲስ አበባ የገቡ ይመስል የማይተረተሩት የለም::

ማንን እንመን?

ቪድዮ እኮ ያስፈልገናል:: ቅሬፁልን እና አሳዩን !!!

ይህ እንዳለ ሆኖ: የሚገርሙ ጥያቄዎች አሉኝ::

ወያኔ ከየት ይህን ያህል መሳርያ ሊያገኝ ቻለ?

ማርኮ ወይስ በፊት የቀበረውን አውጥቶ?

ሌላው ደሞ:

የመከላከያ ሰራዊት ምን ሆኖ ነው የክልል ኃይል ለጦርነት የገባው?

ተዳክሞ? ወይስ ምን?

አለም ተዳክሞ ነው እያለ ነው:: በሌላ አባባል : ዓለም አረንግዋዴ መብራት ለአብይ አብርቶለታል:: በመከላከያህ አጥቃ ቢባልም መከላከያ የለም:: ለምን?

በኢትዮጵያ ላይ በመፃፍ የሚታወቀው Rene Lafort በቲውተር ላይ እንዲህ ብሏል::

አብይ የክልል ኃይልን መጠቀሙ መከላከያ ስለተዳከመ ሳይሆን አይቀርም ነው ያለው::

የሆኖ ሆኖ መከላከያውን መጠቀም እንደሚችል ነው: እና መከላከያ ምን ይሰራል?

መከላከያ ከደከመ: ለምን አይጠናከርም?

እኔ እስከማቀው አብዛኛው ሕዝብ ወያኔ ላይ ያለውን ርምጃ ይደግፋል:: እና ምን እየታሰበ ነው?
Don't be confused. TPLF and Tigryans are a masters of deception. They will lie to your face. The truth is, how is it possible a munch of children, unarmed, untrained, hungry can face the professional army? just commonsense. They are wiping out their future generation and the people of Tigray are helping TPLF to eradicate their kids. Once the the dust settles, you will hear unimaginable crimes that was committed by TPLF against the people of Tigray. I will make a prediction; a week from today, TPLF will be buried. mark my word.

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Re: I am confused: ተደመሰሰ !!!??? ማነው የደመሰሰው?

Post by Cigar » 23 Jul 2021, 14:30

Only a confused, gullible Ethiopian, or Amhara or Oromo or the other ethio groups will believe that woyane is winning?
First you need to stop believing what the filthy agames say here and every where.
A winning army doesn't beg to get saved by other entities. Certainly the Ethio govt didn't do that, but the filthy tegarus always do.
Ethio govt, when it started this mission told the world that it is going after the black listed terrorists and thus every time it does, it is telling and showing the world which terrorist are killed or arrested.
And thus, since its mission is not to eliminate the ungrateful agames or kill the rag tag tigray militia, it doesn't talk about it. Ofcourse it will eliminate any entity or rag tag militia which gets on its way from trying to accomplish it sole mission.
Just like Shaebia, the ethio govt doesn't have to respond to every crap the digital woyane claim they did.
So if you have a working brain, you shouldn't have any doubt about who is accomplishing its mission.
And we don't even as yet know what is the mission of the supposedly tigray militia or the nut cases of the agame ER form members.
So, how the he'll are we supposed to know if they are winning when we don't even know what they are fighting for, if they are fighting at all?
If there is war, trust me, Ethiopia will announce that it is changing its mission from upholding rule of law mission to completely destroy any agame who has a gun at hand.
The funfunat aliet agames are just prolonging their miseries when we all know that they will swallow the bitter pill and start living cut to their minority size.
They just don't have any choice.
For sure, even though the Ethiopians are telling them to go their own way, knowing that they can't survive a month being an independent little nation, won't dare seceding from ethio.
The question arises again....what is the agames mission or end of the game ?

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