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ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by ethioscience » 11 Jul 2021, 04:22

የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብን የማይመጥኑ የ360 ኩሊዎች በስልጣን ናፍቆትና በአብይ ጥላቻ ታውረው በኢትዮጵያ ላይ የሚሰነዝሩት ህልውናዋን የሚፈታተን አስተያየት ብዙዎች ምንም አያመጡም ተራዎች ናቸው ብለው ንቀዋቸው ቢተዉም በቅርቡ ይህ ጭልም ጥላቻቸውና የስልጣን ናፍቆታቸው የወያኔ የፕሮፓጋንዳ ክፍል አድርጓቸው ሲታይ ተዉ ተንቃችሁና ይለፍልፉ ተብላችሁ እንጂ ማንነታችሁን ማጋለጥና ቦታችሁ ማስያዝ አቅቶን አይደለም ሊባሉ ይገባቸዋል

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Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by Lakeshore » 11 Jul 2021, 09:43

Is it not what democracy all about, expressing idea and convince instead of trying to silence them why do no you try to challenge them with idea. When i hear what they are saying it gives sense for me.

Abyi is trying to make the war an Amara's war, He is saying it is up to you to protect your own land. If that is not the case he supposed to declare it in the fake parliament but he did not because he is hanging on their head as a bargaining bet. However, he over looked that once Amara protected it region with our the orommuma Abyi support he can't govern that place again even if he want to send his orommuma infested ENDF he will not be able to do that. Abyi is playing with fire.

The very sad thing is that this Gala collection Biltseginga did exactly what TPLF was doing in the 97 election. Claimed almost 100% won the parliament and squeezy out every possible opposition which is unheard of except during TPLF. That Birtukan after she was rapped repeatedly by a criminal called Yebas in jail her mental condition is not stable and her trauma can be seen though the side effect of the medication and how her body swells. So her judgment is impaired and is not acceptable like this

rigged election is the norm on Africa but why the do not make it look like close to fair why do they have to win 100%? One psychologist answered this question like this. The reason is it is not the number of seat that matter for them but they can not stand to see opposition who remind them the wrong they did and continue to do every time they see them. That is the dictators want to avoid the trauma of their fake victory.

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Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by eden » 11 Jul 2021, 12:07


Why not the government affiliated media outlets counter the idea pushed by this media. Then let people choose which idea to follow.

ESAT, Fana, Yeneta, ETV, Zehabesha, etc etc are not enough and you want 100 percent of media left for government?

Lunatic Abiy already shut down media and arrested many journalists but this will only move media out of the country. Viewership has exploded for diaspora media critical of the dictatorship. Big appetite is there to expose government media lies and hateful messages.

Having failed to challenge them or arrest them, you attack them personally. This will not work because people demand alternative information.

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Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by ethioscience » 11 Jul 2021, 13:43

ይህ ምንም ከዲሞክራሲና ከሚዲያ ነጻናት ጋር የሚያገናኝው ጉዳይ የለም ሃሳብን መፍራት አይደለም ኤርምያስና ቡችሎቹ ቀዩን መብራት ያለፉ እብዶች ናቸው:: ይህ ቀይ መብራት አብይን ልትጠላው ትችላለህ ነገር ግን የአብይ ጥላቻህ ኢትዮጵያን ህልውናን የሚገዳደር ስድብና ውሸት ማመንጨት ካስገደደህ ከጁንታው የሚለይህ ምንም ነገር የለውም

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Joined: 01 Nov 2019, 17:37

Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by ethioscience » 01 Jul 2022, 03:29

eden wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 02:55
Wey gud

@eden: No Wey gud!! ይህንን ዘመን ያለፈበት(2021) መልዕክት ጎርጉረህ ያመጣህበት ምክንያት ለምን እንደሆነ ይገባኛል I touch your sensitive agame nerve :idea: :idea: :idea: ቢሆንም ለእኔ ኤርምያስም በለው ሃብታሙ ወይም አንተና ዘመዶችህን ውሸት የሚግቱት ስታሊንና THM መሰሎቹ የህዝብን የስነ ልቦና ደካማነት በመረዳት ጥላቻን መጥፎ ስራን አግኖ በማቅረብ መለያየት መገዳደል በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ እንዲስፋፋ የሚሰሩ የደም ነጋዴዎች እንጂ የሚዲያ ሰዎች አይደሉም፥፥ ሚዲያ ህዝባዊ ነው ህዝባዊነት ማለት ደግሞ በእውነትና በሃቅ ፍለጋ ማስክ በእሳት የተያያዘው ቤት ላይ ቤንዚን መርጨት ሳይሆን እሳቱ የሚተፋበትንና ብዙ ጥፋት በተጨማሪ የማይፈጠርበትን መንገድ የሚፈልግ ክፍል ነው፥። እነዚህ የጉግልና የዩቱብ የማስታወቂያ ነጋዴዎች ግን የሚሰሩትን የሚያውቁ ውሸትና ጥላቻን በተለያየ ቋንቋ ሀበሻው ውስጥ እንደገባ የሚሰብኩ የደም ነጋዴዎች ናቸው፥፥ ለእኔ አውቀው ከሚያጠፉት ከእነርሱ የለየለት እብዱ Halafi Mengedi ይሻለኛል እሱ ቴራፒ ሲያገኝ ኋላ ቀር የጎሳ ኮፍያውን አውልቆ ነገሮችን ሰፋ አድሮጎ ሊያይ ስለሚችል :idea: Hope Dies Last :idea:

Watch how ...Ethio360/TMH ..etc are making real Money from fake news & hate speech :
Last edited by ethioscience on 01 Jul 2022, 07:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 09 Jan 2022, 13:05

Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by Right » 01 Jul 2022, 06:43

Perhaps you are sleepless because of 360 gives comfort. If you don’t like them then don’t watch or listen to them. Or to put politely mind your business.

Ethiopians followed their program eagerly. Just look at their ratings, it is one of the highest.

At this hard time when EPDRF #2 AKA PP degrading the country and the innocent’s blood spilling like water, Habtamu Ayalew, Ermias L, Tamrat N, Meskerm A, Temsgen D to mention a few showed their true Ethiopian colour.
Good job Ethio360.

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Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by eden » 02 Jul 2022, 20:08

ethioscience wrote:
01 Jul 2022, 03:29
የህዝብን የስነ ልቦና ደካማነት በመረዳት
If people are too weak, like you claim, to fall for the propaganda of the disorganized anti regime media like Ethiopia 360 and others, then it would be even super easy for regime affiliated media to get people on its side since it has huge budget and controls army, security and law enforcement.

My thinking is people are in need of alternative narratives because, with all the resources and controls at its disposal, the government failed to persuade the people to accept its view on current affairs.

Saying people are being taken for a ride because they are too weak is a weak argument to me.

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Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by ethioscience » 03 Jul 2022, 06:30

@eden: ወንድም ችግሩ ማየት አለመፈለግ መብትህ ነው:: ለዚህ ሁሉ ብጥብጥና ግድያ ከተጠያቂዎቹ አንዱ በሚዲያ በኩል ሀሰትን ጥላቻን የሚያሰራጩ ሀበሾች ናቸው፥፥ ይህም ስለሆነ ነው በመላው ኢትዮጵያ በአሁኑ ሰአት የጋዜጠኝነት ሙያውና ብቃቱ የሌላቸው የዩቱብን ገንዘብ ናፋቂዎችና የመንደሬ ህዝብ መብቱ ተነካ ኑ እንግደል የሚሉ ጋዜጠኛ ነን ባይ ማፍያዎች የፈሉት፥፥ የሚያቀርቡት በሬ ወለደ ገዢ ስላለው ነው በብዛት የፈሉት ህዝቡ ነቅቶ ባይጎበኛቸው ዩቱብ ላይ ሰሚ ስለሚያጡና ገንዘብ ስለማያገኙ ወደ ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን ይመለሱ ነበር፥። ይህንን ስለህ ሁሉንም ነው ለእኔ የትግራይን ህዝብ የሚያጃጅለውም ይሁን የተቀረውን ኢትዮጵያ በውሸትና በጥላቻ የሚያጃጅለው ልዩነት የልቸውም፥፥

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Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by eden » 03 Jul 2022, 07:33

ስለዚህ ባጭሩ እንደ ሲሳይ አጌና አይነት አስተዋይና ሚዛን ያለውን ጋዜጠኛ ያብዛልን እያልክ ነው?
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Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by » 03 Jul 2022, 07:37

Aydelem ende ante na meles chenawi, siyum mesfin, abay tsehaye wede sio'ol yemigebu weyane yabzalen eyalen new.
eden wrote:
03 Jul 2022, 07:33
ስለዚህ ባጭሩ እንደ ሲሳይ አጌና አይነት አስተዋይና ሚዛን ያለውን ጋዜጠኛ ያብዛልን እያልክ ነው?

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: ምነው እነዚህን የ360 አሉባልታ ቸርቻሪዎች ጠረጋም ስራ ቢሆን የሚሰጣቸው ሰው ጠፋ

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 03 Jul 2022, 07:51

I don’t think they matters. They speak to the same crowd : to the already converted. I do not think they even themselves believe they persuade people. Yes, it is true they pour gasoline on the conflict that was going on. But I don’t think they have a lion share for it. Their audience is a few who live outside Ethiopia.

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