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Re: በቶጎጋ ግድያ ዝም አንልም - የአውሮፓ ህብረት / ጥቃቱ ምንም ምክንያት የማያሰቀረው ወንጀል ነው - አሜሪካ

Post by Abere » 24 Jun 2021, 10:16

hahahahah where in the world did the Europe's call and intervention make peace. Where ever the West either talks or involve in conflicts of some other countries they make it worse turns the lives of those for whom they sympathize for hellish. There is no success story to tell for their sympathy. First, the group they sympathize for will be ostracize by the people of their own country for long ;second, they are always after short term benefit not about truth and justice which can't stand in the face of the long-term and persistence struggle of the majority of the people for which they are trying to stymie. Ethiopians are in a marathon run in this case to defeat any mercenary thugs and this is not a sprint that no lip service can't match with it. However, this who drama of bribed lobbies and leaders of countries with colonial mindset is a precious gift for Ethiopians to now believe indeed it is true Ethiopians should be always alert the world we are living is the same world as it was when our forefathers defeated the aspirant colonialists in the battle of Adowa. If we are living the political era of Adowa, no wonder the period of slavery in the air. Thanks to the Tigre liberation thug a servant maid to the West, hell has broken upon the Tigre people because of this slave known as TPLF - most of whom already are sent to meet their creator.

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