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Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

የአማራ ሞትና መፈናቀል ሊቆም የሚችለው ብልፅግና ሲሄድ /ሲወገድ ነው! አማራ የሚወስንበት ግዜ ላይ ነው

Post by Abaymado » 20 Jun 2021, 10:55

እውነት ለመናገር ብልፅግና ቢሄድ ሰላም ነው የሚሰፍነው:: ካልተቻለ ብልፅግናን የሚፎካከር ኃይል መፈጠር አለበት:: አማራ ምርጫው በእጁ ነው::
በአማራ ክልል የሚኖሩ አማራዎች ማንን እንደሚመርጡ ያውቃሉ:: ቢቻል አማራን ክልልን ከጭንቀትና መከራ የሚገላግል አመራር ማምጣት ግድ ነው:: በሚቻለው መጠን ብአዴንን ትንሽ ወንበር እንዲያገኝ ማረግ ነው ካልተቻለ ብአዴንና ሌሎች የአማራ ፓርቲዎች እኩል ወንበር እንዲይዙ ማረግ ነው::

ከአማራ ክልል የሚኖሩ አማራዎች በምንም ተአምር ብልፅግናን መምረጥ የለባቸውም::: ቢቻል ሌላ ያገኙትን ፓርቲ መምረጥ አለባቸው:: ምንም አማራጭ ከሌላቸው ድምፅ ባይሰጡ ይመረጣል::

Posts: 1226
Joined: 30 Mar 2021, 19:34

Re: የአማራ ሞትና መፈናቀል ሊቆም የሚችለው ብልፅግና ሲሄድ /ሲወገድ ነው! አማራ የሚወስንበት ግዜ ላይ ነው

Post by Blueshift » 20 Jun 2021, 13:04


Here is a way where all Ethiopians can benefit. All Amharas vote for one single party that serves the interest of all Ethiopians not just Amharas. You can call that whatever you want to. All Oromos voter for another single party that benefits not just Oromos but all Ethiopians. The rest of the Ethiopians will be forced to vote for one of you that is better for the country. In other words, you have two major parties the compete for the interest of the country. The party in power should not able to legislate. That jot is given to the parliament. You have to have an independent judiciary that only rules on the constitution the lies in the power of sphere of legislation, meaning parliament. As you can see, this is the US model that worked to propel the US into the sole Super Power of the planet. Your problems, Mengistu owned the parliament, Meles manipulated the parliament and Abbiy is worst than Meles, in manipulating the parliament. Haile Sellasie was far better than the three. :lol: That is as bad as Ethiopian has gotten. You have to separate the sphere of powers among the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branch. The problems in African countries lies in the failure of the scope of these three branches.

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