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USA and EU should pass serious sanctions: ban flights from Ethiopia to Europe and USA!

Post by EthioRedSea » 20 Jun 2021, 10:36

The sanctions against Ethiopia should have effect. USA and EU and other countries should ban Ethiopian Airlines. Further any imports from Ethiopia should be stopped. Exports to Ethiopia should also stop. Countries like Kenya could easily replace Ethiopia.

If the above measures do NOT bring change of government, then military intervention will be necessary. UK's plan to airdrop food should be greeted.

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Re: USA and EU should pass serious sanctions: ban flights from Ethiopia to Europe and USA!

Post by Abere » 20 Jun 2021, 10:49

Sanctions don't affect Ethiopia as you wish for. Why? The Ethiopian economy is not a monetized economy. It is a shock absorbent agrarian economy. When the stock crash was a tsunami and earth quake to the monetized economy of the world, it was not a bad season for Africans. If the USA & EU really do this, it probably would be a blessing in disguise for Ethiopia. Ethiopians will learn, self-reliance, substitution and endogenous economic entrepreneurship. Note, global market has several actors, it is not limited to EU and USA. Your assumption is faulty. Interestingly, I heard EU deeply regretted for missing the opportunity of sending its own election observes ;and USA hopes the election outcome will be a positive way forward to the country. What do all these mean to you? አገባሻለሁ ያለሽ ሁሉ ላያገባሽ ከባልሽ አያፋታሽ። እኔ ለትግሬዎች ያለኝ ምክር ፀባያችሁን አሳምራችሁ መኖር ነው::

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