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Halafi Mengedi
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Dedebit Media: 100 KM stretched soldiers, Amhara brought 171 trucks loaded soldiers, Mekelle base destroyed in one night

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 19 Jun 2021, 09:22

No African or Asian or Europe displayed a war machine Tigray exhibited to the world in one night yesterday 100 kilometer stretched Amhara, Bologna maid, ungrateful ethnic federal military destroyed. Amhara alone brought 171trucks loaded soldiers to Tembien, Bologna maid brought everything to station in Tembien, federal armies and all cores from Mekelle base, one night from Degua Tembien to Qola Tembien Abergele, three vast woredas stretched enemy soldiers were complete decimated by the Alula operation. From the eastern Tigray Agame regions Bologna maid was completely broke his hips and destroyed all his heavy weapons tried to retrieve them back home.

Now TDF is destroying Amhara and other ungrateful ethnic soldier in Amhara soil and hope liberate the entire Tigray up to Metema Yohannes and help the three Agew clans to liberate their lands. Tigray must march to Afar and kick out all the PP looters and block anything from in and out goods.