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The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 12 Jun 2021, 15:37

U.S. says it is 'gravely concerned' about Ethiopia elections

June 12, 20218:03 AM CEST Reuters

The United States is "gravely concerned" about the environment in which the June 21 elections in Ethiopia will be held and urged politicians and other community leaders there to denounce violence, the U.S. State Department said on Friday.

"The hardening of regional and ethnic divisions in multiple parts of Ethiopia threaten the country's unity and territorial integrity. The period following these elections will be a critical moment for Ethiopians to come together to confront these divisions," State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement.

"The exclusion of large segments of the electorate from this contest due to security issues and internal displacement is particularly troubling," Price said.

Ethiopia's national and regional parliamentary elections -- which could lead to the country's first democratic transfer of power -- were due to be held in August 2020 but Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed postponed them amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Thursday, the country's election board postponed elections in two regional states, citing irregularities and ballot printing problems, moving the vote there to Sept. 6. read more

In his statement, Price cited potential obstacles "to a free and fair electoral process and whether Ethiopians would perceive them as credible," including "the detention of opposition politicians," media harassment and inter-ethnic and conflicts, among other issues. ... 2021-06-11

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Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by Fiyameta » 12 Jun 2021, 15:43

eden/AbyssiniaLady/Sarcasm, what about you terrorist agame? In your earlier post you said your goal is to "disintegrate Ethiopia as soon as possible." Here's a screenshot of your thread and comments. :lol: :lol: :lol:

ትህነግ በሚስጥራዊ ስብሰባ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ግጭት በማስነሳት ትግራይን እንደ ሀገር ለመመስረት

በጌታቸው ሽፈራው

ትህነግ በሚስጥራዊ ስብሰባ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ግጭት በማስነሳት ትግራይን እንደ ሀገር ለመመስረት ያስችላሉ ብሎ ያስተላለፋቸው ዓለም አቀፋዊ፣ ቀጠናዊና ሀገራዊ “ስትራቴጅያዊ ውሳኔዎች”

በተለያዩ ሀገሮች የተሰባሰቡ የትህነግ ተወካይ ብሔርተኞች ለ6 ቀናት በZoom ተሰብስበው ሰንብተዋል። ተሰብሳቢዎቹ ከውጭም ከሀገር ውስጥም የተካተቱ ሲሆን በረሃ ካሉት የኪዳነ አመነ እና የመሃሪ ዮሃንስ አስተያየት ተደምጧል።

የውይይቶቻቸው ዋና ዋና አላማዎች የሚከተሉት ናቸው :-

ሀ) ትግራይ ሀገር እንድትሆን ለማድረግ ሊሰራ የሚገባው ውስጣዊና ውጫዊ የፖለቲካ ስራዎች ለመረዳዳት የሚለው ዋነኛው የስብሰባው አላማ ነው።

ለ) ይሄንን ለማድረግ የተስማሙበት ቅድመ ሁኔታ ትግራይ የጀመረችው ወታደራዊ ጦርነት አሸንፋ እንድትወጣ አማራጭ የሌለው ጉዳይ መሆኑ ነው። ይህ ካልሆነ፣ ትግራይ ካለችበት የጦርነት አዙሪት ከተሸነፈች ትግራይ እንደ ሀገር ይቅርና መቀሌ የትግራይ ክልል አካል ሆና አትቀጥልም የሚል መደምደሚያ ወስደው ነው ውይይቱን የጀመሩት። በውይይታቸውም በሚከተሉት ነጥቦች የጋራ መግባባት ላይ በመድረስ ተለያይተዋል።

  • 1) የትግራይ ሀገረ-መንግስትነትን ለመመስረት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ሶስት ዓበይት አብዮቶችን መፈጠር አለባቸው

    2) የኦሮሞ ብሄር ምንም የጋራ አገራዊ ማንነት ስሌለው፣ በሀገራዊ ስሜት ሊነሱ ስለማይችሉም ጭምር የአዲስ አበባን ጉዳይ ምክንያት በማድረግ “ፊንፊኔ ኬኛ” ብለው እንዲነሱ ለማድረግ ከኦነግ ጋር አስፈላጊ ትብብር እንዲፈጠርና ለዚህም ትግሬዎች አስፈላጊውን ዋጋ ከፍለው የፊንፊኔን ጉዳይ በማነሳሳት “የኦሮሚያ አካል ካልሆነች” በሚል ጥያቄ አዲስ አበባ ላይ እሳት መጫር

    3) በአፋርና በሶማሌ መካከል የተፈጠረው ግጭት በማባባስ፣ የአፋር ብሔረሰብ ላይ በትግራይ በኩል ጦርነት እንደሚከፈት በማድረግ extensial threat እንዲሰማው ማድረግ። በሶማሊና በትግራይ መገደል የጀመረ አፋር ሳይወድ በግድ ኤርትራና ጅቡቲ ካሉት አፋሮች ጋር እንዲተባበር ማድረግ። ይሄን ስልት በማፍጠን ከአፋር ጋር የመሬት ጥያቄ በማንሳት ወደ ቀጣዩ ውግያ መግባት። በውግያው የሚያጋጥመው ኪሳራ ወደ ስነልቦና ውድቀት ስለሚመራቸው በኢትዮጵያ ተስፋ ይቆርጣሉ

    4) አፋር ውስጥ የሚነሳ ጦርነት በproxy ወደ ሶማሊ እንዲልም በማድረግ ሶማሊ ክልል እሳት እንዲደፋበት መስራት። ከዚህ በኋላ በጁቡቲና በታላቋ ሶማሊያ ያለውን የሶማሊ ብሔረሰብ በማነሳሳት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ወደ ጦርነት ገብቶ ያለውን የታላቋ ሶማሊያ ሀገር ብሔርተኝነት እንዲያነሳ ቅስቀሳ ማካሄድ

    5) የትግራይ ሀገረ የመሆን መንገድ መራመድ ሲጀምር፣ የመሬት የወሰን ጥያቄ ከአማራና ከአፋር ጋር በማንሳት የትግራይ ህዝብ ከነዚህ አረመኔ/አህዛብ ጋር ላንዴና ለመጨረሻ የሚለያይበት የስሜት ግንብ መስራት

    6) በኤርትራ ጉዳይ ባድሜን በኃይል እንደተወሰደች በማወጅ ጦርነቱ በመክፈት የትግራዋይ ብሔርተኞች ማንሳት። ይሄን የሚያደርጉ ከኤርትራውያን ዲያስፖራ መጠቀም።

    7) ከኢሳያስ ውድቀት በኋላ ለሚፈጠር ኤርትራዊ ስነ ልቦና ውድቀት ብሄራዊ ንቃት እንዲኖረው፣ ስልጣን በትግራዋይ ብሄርተኛ እንዲያዝ ማድረግ። ኤርትራ ውስጥ ላለው ትግራዋይ የመጨረሻ እድል መስጠት።

    8 ) ኤርትራ ውስጥ የሚኖረውን ከትግራዋይ ማንነቱ ሊያተሳስረው የሚችል የሽግግር ግዜ ስለሚያስፈልገው መጀመርያ የተለያዩ ማንነቶች ያሏቸውን የኤርትራ ሕዝቦች በማደራጀት በብሄር ፌደራሊዝም የምትተዳደር ኤርትራ እንድትፈጠር መስራት ከዛ በኋላ በተወሰነ ግዜ ውስጥ የትግሬ አንድነት ማረጋገጥ

    9) ኤርትራ ውስጥ ያሉትን አፋሮች ኢትዮጵያና ጅቡቲ ካሉት አፋሮች ጋር አብረው የሚሰሩትን ሀገር ለመፍጠር መቀስቀስና መደገፍ

    10) በኢትዮጵያ፣ ሶማሊያና ጅቡቲ ያሉ ሶማሊ ወደ ትልቋ ሶማሊያ እንዲጨመሩ ማረግ

    11) በኤርትራና በኢትዮጵያ ያሉትን ትግርኛ ተናጋሪ ህዝቦች ታላቋን ትግራይ እንዲመሰርቱ ማድረግ

    12) ይቺ አሁን ኢትዮጵያ የምትባለው ሀገር ደግሞ አማራዎች ብቻ ይዛ እንድትቀር ማድረግ

    13) በአጠቃላይ ሀገረ ትግራይን ለመመስረት አሁን ያለው የኤርትራ፣ የኢትዮጵያ፣ የሶማሊያ፣ የጅቡቲ ቅርፅ መቀየር አለበት። እነዚ ሀገሮች መልካቸው ካልቀየሩ ግን ትግራይ ለብቻዋ ተነጥላ ሀገር ለመሆን የሚቻል አይደለም። ለትግራይ ሀገር መሆን ከ4 ሀገሮች ጋር ጥብቅ ዝምድና ያስፈልጋል። እነሱም ግብፅ፣እስራኤል፣እንግሊዝና አሜሪካ ናቸው።

    14) ለግብፅ በአባይ ጉዳይ መወያየት። ሀገረ ትግራይ እንድትመሰረት የምትደግፍ ከሆነ አባይ በወታደራዊ ስሪት በትግሬዎች አቅም እንዲፈርስ መደረግ እንደሚቻል የውሳኔ ሐሳብ ማቅረብ።

    15) ከእስራኤል ጋር በሚደረገው ውይይት የሀገሪቱን የኋላ ሁኔታን በማንሳት ትግራዋይ ተመሳሳይ መንገድ እያለፈ እንዳለ ማሳመን

    16) ከእንግሊዝና አሜሪካ ሚደረገው ውይይት ትግራይ ለስነ-ሐሳብ ኒዮ-ሊበራሊዝም የምትቀበል ሀገር እንደሆነች በማሳመን ትግራይ ሀገር ስትሆን የሀገሪቱ መአድኖች በነሱ ሀገር ድርጅቶች እንደሚቆፈር መግባባትና የሁለቱ ሀገሮች NGO ትግራይን ማሳረፍያቸው ማድረግ እንደሚችሉ ማሳመን። በተጨማሪ እነዚህ ሀገሮች በአፍሪካ ቀንድ የሚያወጡትን ፖሊሲ ትግራይ መጀመርያ እንደምትተገብር መቀበል

    17) የቻይና እና የሩስያ ጉዳይ ከአሜሪካና ከእንግሊዝ ጋር ሆኖ እንዲፈታ መስራት

    18) አሜሪካና እንግሊዝ ላቀረቡት የውሳኔ ሐሳብ ሙሉ በሙሉ መቀበል። ያቺ ወንዝ ልትሻገር የማትችል ጉዳይ የprotestanism ሃይማኖት ተቀበሉ ከሚል ውጭ ያለውን መቀበል።

    19) በኤርትራ እያደገ ያለውን የእስልምና መስፋፋትን እንደ ምክንያት በማቅረብ ያለንን ስጋት ማቅረብ፣ በክርስትና ላይ እየደረሰ ያለውን እንደ አጋጣሚ መጠቀም።


1) ፅሁፉ ከትግርኛ ወደ አማርኛ የተተረጎመ ሲሆን የ Zoom ውይይቱ ጠቅለል ተደርጎ ሪፖርት የተደረገበት መሆኑ ተገልፆአል
2) ከትግራይ በርሃ የተሳተፉት ከኢትዮ ቴሌኮም ውጭ በሚሰሩ ዓለም አቀፍ ስልኮች ውይይት እንዳደረጉ ተጠቁሟል።
3) ውይይቱ በከፍተኛ ሚስጥር የተያዘ ነው ተብሏል።
4) ተሰብሳቢዎቹ መካከል ምሁራን፣ አክቲቪስቶች፣ ታጋዮችና ሌሎችም እንዳሉበት ተገልፆአል።
Last edited by Fiyameta on 13 Jun 2021, 01:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by Aba » 12 Jun 2021, 15:49

:lol: :lol: :lol: "Destabilize Ethiopia"?
እንኳንስ ዘምቦብሽ እንዲያውም ጤዛ ነሽ
If US is destabilizing Ethiopia, what are Issu the monster and Mamo qillo doing?
:lol: :mrgreen:
AbyssiniaLady wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 15:37
U.S. says it is 'gravely concerned' about Ethiopia elections

June 12, 20218:03 AM CEST Reuters

The United States is "gravely concerned" about the environment in which the June 21 elections in Ethiopia will be held and urged politicians and other community leaders there to denounce violence, the U.S. State Department said on Friday.

"The hardening of regional and ethnic divisions in multiple parts of Ethiopia threaten the country's unity and territorial integrity. The period following these elections will be a critical moment for Ethiopians to come together to confront these divisions," State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement.

"The exclusion of large segments of the electorate from this contest due to security issues and internal displacement is particularly troubling," Price said.

Ethiopia's national and regional parliamentary elections -- which could lead to the country's first democratic transfer of power -- were due to be held in August 2020 but Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed postponed them amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Thursday, the country's election board postponed elections in two regional states, citing irregularities and ballot printing problems, moving the vote there to Sept. 6. read more

In his statement, Price cited potential obstacles "to a free and fair electoral process and whether Ethiopians would perceive them as credible," including "the detention of opposition politicians," media harassment and inter-ethnic and conflicts, among other issues. ... 2021-06-11

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Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 12 Jun 2021, 20:17

Ethiopia is neither strategically located country nor an area of national security interest to the European Union and the United States, It simply happen to be a neighbouring country of Somalia and Djibouti, which are the most strategically located countries on the planet, However, the European Union and the United States's main interest in hopeless and already unstable Ethiopia is to contain China by using Tigray crisis/“Human Rights”, they want to kick China out of Ethiopia and Africa, Moreover, what the United States and its European allies certainly intend to do is to destabilize Ethiopia and then turn it into Yemen, And finally break up into smaller sovereign independent ungovernable landlocked countries.

Fiyameta Isaias Afwerki ex girlfriend

Please get a life and job.
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Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by » 12 Jun 2021, 20:40

Mentally challenged abysinialutee for the first time you posted something worth reading. But contrary to your claims, Ethiopia is very important to the west. Without Ethiopia the west can not destabilise the whole region. Djibouti is insignificant french colony and Somalia is weak and divided. Easy preys for the west.
Then there's Eritrea a fierce independent nation, a bad example of good to other African countries ( in the eyes of the west). The west wants to use Ethiopia to punish Eritrea. Unfortunately for them the astute Eritreans managed to get Ethiopia on their side. China is not the issue. China was in Ethiopia since terrorist tplf. The west didn't worry about it as long as tplf continued to serve their interest. The west wants abiy to become docile and subservient. Abiy seems to understand that and he's given them the middle finger :mrgreen:
AbyssiniaLady wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 20:17
Ethiopia is neither strategically located country nor an area of national security interest to the European Union and the United States, It simply happen to be a neighbouring country of Somalia and Djibouti, which are the most strategically located countries on the planet, However, the European Union and the United States's main interest in hopeless and already unstable Ethiopia is to contain China by using Tigray crisis/“Human Rights”, they want to kick China out of Ethiopia and Africa, Moreover, what the United States and its European allies certainly intend to do is to destabilize Ethiopia and then turn it into Yemen, And finally break up into smaller sovereign independent ungovernable landlocked countries.

Fiyameta Isaias Afwerki ex girlfriend

Please get a life and job.

Posts: 4018
Joined: 15 Apr 2011, 17:52

Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by Aba » 12 Jun 2021, 20:41

Believe you me, the Europeans are fed up with these "African migrants". Imagine migrants flooding the Mediterranean from 115 million Singapoor. Forget "strategic". This is bad for business.

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Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by Fed_Up » 13 Jun 2021, 00:04

Fiyameta wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 15:43
eden/AbyssiniaLady/Sarcasm, what about you terrorist agame? In your earlier post you said your goal is to "disintegrate Ethiopia as soon as possible." Here's a screenshot of your thread and comments. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ouch!! :P

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Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 13 Jun 2021, 00:07 wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 20:40
Mentally challenged abysinialutee for the first time you posted something worth reading. But contrary to your claims, Ethiopia is very important to the west. Without Ethiopia the west can not destabilise the whole region. Djibouti is insignificant french colony and Somalia is weak and divided. Easy preys for the west. Then there's Eritrea a fierce independent nation, a bad example of good to other African countries ( in the eyes of the west).The west wants to use Ethiopia to punish Eritrea. Unfortunately for them the astute Eritreans managed to get Ethiopia on their side.

Low IQ Shabiya, you are delusional if you believe that.

Eritreans have no concept of world politics, Ethiopia is a landlocked country damaged by unending misery and crisis, Both Ethiopia and Eritrea are unimportant and irrelevant in the conduct of world politics, besides, Eritrea, as an isolated open prison and underdeveloped country is the most irrelevant country in Africa. It's all about China, the European Union and the United States are stepping up pressure on Ethiopia to cut diplomatic and economic ties with China, It has nothing to do with Eritrea and the west doesn't want destabilize the whole region, by the way, you are just jealous of Djibouti, Djibouti has the keys of the Red Sea and the Bab el Mandeb Strait. wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 20:40
China is not the issue. China was in Ethiopia since terrorist tplf. The west didn't worry about it as long as tplf continued to serve their interest. The west wants abiy to become docile and subservient. Abiy seems to understand that and he's given them the middle finger :mrgreen:

The United States policy toward China has changed dramatically over the last five years and the European Union blindly follow most the United States foreign policies, China represents a long term economic threat to western countries and they cannot do anything about it. Abiy is a child.

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Joined: 15 Apr 2011, 17:52

Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by Aba » 13 Jun 2021, 02:59

Imagine an influx of "African migrants" inundating the Europeans originating from another Singapoor of 110 million poppers.
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Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by » 13 Jun 2021, 06:01

Subhuman creature the tiny insignificant kilil of khat addicts like I said is still a french colony. Get back to us when you become independent. You're beneath everyone including the Africans you like to disparage.

The Chinese own American debts. They could basically pull the rug on the US and the US would go into economic crisis. US can not force others to cut ties with China. All European countries are looking to the East for money.

The US wants to keep world hegemony through it's vassals. Once the vassals become disobedient the US tries everything under the sun to destabilize that country.

Take iraq for example. Was it because of china it got bombed by uncle sam? Or libya? Or yemen? Or Afghanistan? China might factor in a bit but overall it is still about American hegemony.
AbyssiniaLady wrote:
13 Jun 2021, 00:07 wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 20:40
Mentally challenged abysinialutee for the first time you posted something worth reading. But contrary to your claims, Ethiopia is very important to the west. Without Ethiopia the west can not destabilise the whole region. Djibouti is insignificant french colony and Somalia is weak and divided. Easy preys for the west. Then there's Eritrea a fierce independent nation, a bad example of good to other African countries ( in the eyes of the west).The west wants to use Ethiopia to punish Eritrea. Unfortunately for them the astute Eritreans managed to get Ethiopia on their side.

Low IQ Shabiya, you are delusional if you believe that.

Eritreans have no concept of world politics, Ethiopia is a landlocked country damaged by unending misery and crisis, Both Ethiopia and Eritrea are unimportant and irrelevant in the conduct of world politics, besides, Eritrea, as an isolated open prison and underdeveloped country is the most irrelevant country in Africa. It's all about China, the European Union and the United States are stepping up pressure on Ethiopia to cut diplomatic and economic ties with China, It has nothing to do with Eritrea and the west doesn't want destabilize the whole region, by the way, you are just jealous of Djibouti, Djibouti has the keys of the Red Sea and the Bab el Mandeb Strait. wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 20:40
China is not the issue. China was in Ethiopia since terrorist tplf. The west didn't worry about it as long as tplf continued to serve their interest. The west wants abiy to become docile and subservient. Abiy seems to understand that and he's given them the middle finger :mrgreen:

The United States policy toward China has changed dramatically over the last five years and the European Union blindly follow most the United States foreign policies, China represents a long term economic threat to western countries and they cannot do anything about it. Abiy is a child.

Posts: 5540
Joined: 04 Feb 2007, 05:44

Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 13 Jun 2021, 10:18 wrote:
13 Jun 2021, 06:01
Subhuman creature the tiny insignificant kilil of khat addicts like I said is still a french colony. Get back to us when you become independent. You're beneath everyone including the Africans you like to disparage.

The Chinese own American debts. They could basically pull the rug on the US and the US would go into economic crisis. US can not force others to cut ties with China. All European countries are looking to the East for money.

The US wants to keep world hegemony through it's vassals. Once the vassals become disobedient the US tries everything under the sun to destabilize that country.

Take iraq for example. Was it because of china it got bombed by uncle sam? Or libya? Or yemen? Or Afghanistan? China might factor in a bit but overall it is still about American hegemony.

AbyssiniaLady wrote:
13 Jun 2021, 00:07 wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 20:40
Mentally challenged abysinialutee for the first time you posted something worth reading. But contrary to your claims, Ethiopia is very important to the west. Without Ethiopia the west can not destabilise the whole region. Djibouti is insignificant french colony and Somalia is weak and divided. Easy preys for the west. Then there's Eritrea a fierce independent nation, a bad example of good to other African countries ( in the eyes of the west).The west wants to use Ethiopia to punish Eritrea. Unfortunately for them the astute Eritreans managed to get Ethiopia on their side.

Low IQ Shabiya, you are delusional if you believe that.

Eritreans have no concept of world politics, Ethiopia is a landlocked country damaged by unending misery and crisis, Both Ethiopia and Eritrea are unimportant and irrelevant in the conduct of world politics, besides, Eritrea, as an isolated open prison and underdeveloped country is the most irrelevant country in Africa. It's all about China, the European Union and the United States are stepping up pressure on Ethiopia to cut diplomatic and economic ties with China, It has nothing to do with Eritrea and the west doesn't want destabilize the whole region, by the way, you are just jealous of Djibouti, Djibouti has the keys of the Red Sea and the Bab el Mandeb Strait. wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 20:40
China is not the issue. China was in Ethiopia since terrorist tplf. The west didn't worry about it as long as tplf continued to serve their interest. The west wants abiy to become docile and subservient. Abiy seems to understand that and he's given them the middle finger :mrgreen:

The United States policy toward China has changed dramatically over the last five years and the European Union blindly follow most the United States foreign policies, China represents a long term economic threat to western countries and they cannot do anything about it. Abiy is a child.

Stupid bâstard, Son of Asmara sharmûta, Djibouti is twenty times bigger than your landlocked Tigrinya region, Go create a thread for Djibouti and get lost.

Don't quote me again!!
Posts: 6796
Joined: 19 Oct 2017, 11:19

Re: The United States is determined to destabilize Ethiopia

Post by » 13 Jun 2021, 10:37

I see you can't handle the heat you chimpanzee. Your gdp is made up of khat and prostitution. A single Eritrean zoba is bigger and wealthier than your chigaram kilil. My Tigrignga joystick was playing with your she.ermuta mother in France :mrgreen: I will never forget my days in Pariii.
AbyssiniaLady wrote:
13 Jun 2021, 10:18 wrote:
13 Jun 2021, 06:01
Subhuman creature the tiny insignificant kilil of khat addicts like I said is still a french colony. Get back to us when you become independent. You're beneath everyone including the Africans you like to disparage.

The Chinese own American debts. They could basically pull the rug on the US and the US would go into economic crisis. US can not force others to cut ties with China. All European countries are looking to the East for money.

The US wants to keep world hegemony through it's vassals. Once the vassals become disobedient the US tries everything under the sun to destabilize that country.

Take iraq for example. Was it because of china it got bombed by uncle sam? Or libya? Or yemen? Or Afghanistan? China might factor in a bit but overall it is still about American hegemony.

AbyssiniaLady wrote:
13 Jun 2021, 00:07 wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 20:40
Mentally challenged abysinialutee for the first time you posted something worth reading. But contrary to your claims, Ethiopia is very important to the west. Without Ethiopia the west can not destabilise the whole region. Djibouti is insignificant french colony and Somalia is weak and divided. Easy preys for the west. Then there's Eritrea a fierce independent nation, a bad example of good to other African countries ( in the eyes of the west).The west wants to use Ethiopia to punish Eritrea. Unfortunately for them the astute Eritreans managed to get Ethiopia on their side.

Low IQ Shabiya, you are delusional if you believe that.

Eritreans have no concept of world politics, Ethiopia is a landlocked country damaged by unending misery and crisis, Both Ethiopia and Eritrea are unimportant and irrelevant in the conduct of world politics, besides, Eritrea, as an isolated open prison and underdeveloped country is the most irrelevant country in Africa. It's all about China, the European Union and the United States are stepping up pressure on Ethiopia to cut diplomatic and economic ties with China, It has nothing to do with Eritrea and the west doesn't want destabilize the whole region, by the way, you are just jealous of Djibouti, Djibouti has the keys of the Red Sea and the Bab el Mandeb Strait. wrote:
12 Jun 2021, 20:40
China is not the issue. China was in Ethiopia since terrorist tplf. The west didn't worry about it as long as tplf continued to serve their interest. The west wants abiy to become docile and subservient. Abiy seems to understand that and he's given them the middle finger :mrgreen:

The United States policy toward China has changed dramatically over the last five years and the European Union blindly follow most the United States foreign policies, China represents a long term economic threat to western countries and they cannot do anything about it. Abiy is a child.

Stupid bâstard, Son of Asmara sharmûta, Djibouti is twenty times bigger than your landlocked Tigrinya region, Go create a thread for Djibouti and get lost.

Don't quote me again!!

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