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Ethiopia should use intelligence channels not only the usual diplomatic one to solve some of our problem

Post by Lakeshore » 09 Jun 2021, 18:58

To my fellow Ethiopians and the retarded abyie and INSA director general Ato Temesgen Tiruneh. In the intelligence world or some time called the underworld a lots of time sensitive measures and actions would take place in order to protect once public security and national interest. However,
these measures do not follow the usual due processes.

For many reasons. Among them the limitation of security clearance not to jeopardize the process and the information or the target. The second one even a judge needs a lots of evidences to be declassified in order to give the warrant and sometimes needs to be done immediately, The third , some of the operative action do not fall under the direct constitution and needs some kind of amendment in order to operate before getting the green light.

The forth but the most difficult part, if not handled with care and absolute patriotism, it creates infringement to the basic human right act and can not be justified at all in the court of law as just.

I will give some example, to clarify this point. For example the American CIA uses Rendition. which is since the USA law do not allow to water board or any form of Torturing of prisoners any kind. USA collaborate with some foreign governments for torturing's their suspects. Egypt, Syria, Ethiopia under TPLF, Afghanistan, Yemen and more other countries were partners to accommodate CIA agents to come to their countries and torture citizens and aligns for forced confession. You can watch the true story movie " The Mauritanian" I will put link at the end if yo have time on you tube

On the other hand to protect the nations integrity usually most governments have a special intelligence department special forces who are operated at faster pace than the judicial system and under the publics radar in order to apprehend, stop or kill foreign agents and mercenaries, and drug cartels and Gangs. As a result the foreign operative will be afraid and be more careful and increases their operating coasts to a level that needs a second thought for their government. On the other hand criminal groups like OLF, Shene and TPLF should not enjoy the legal protection the same as normal civilians.

This special force should have the power to detain, even take out agents who are trying to destabilize or hurt our integrity and existence, for example the spy Davis Wadley and other westerns operatives who pretend to be journalists should be arrested, interrogated or disappeared with out acknowledging it and the evidence could be presented at any time later through the under world not with normal diplomatic process.

We should be able to arrest and interrogate any foreigner with out any warrant if they found to be subspecies of any economical, financial and espionage crimes indefinitely and search their premises. In this way the western will be forced to acknowledge their presence and open their underworld channel for negotiation secretly, as they did in Libya, central Africa, Mali, than the usual Diplomatic channel where they have the upper hand, over our cadre diplomat who have no clue about diplomacy, that they use to communicate to the JUNTA and other anti Ethiopian entities through their agents in the media and aid groups.

here is the link for the movie
Last edited by Lakeshore on 10 Jun 2021, 19:47, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 2627
Joined: 24 Jul 2018, 09:32

Re: Ethiopia should use intelligence channels not the usual diplomatic one to solve some of our problem

Post by Lakeshore » 09 Jun 2021, 20:12

The financial restriction and luck of food and water will make the animals to cannibalize each other as we heard today the Agames could not stand each other the ethnics division virous variant got them first and they are killings each other. According to todays news many Agame killed each other in the cave divided by group Adwa born and Temben born Agame.

ከዚንጀሮ ቆንጆ ምን ይመራረጡ አንዲሉ ሁሉም ድንጋይ ሆነው አኔ የማቅዘን ድንጋይ ነኝ በሚል መገዳደል ምክኛት ሳየሆን ገደለው ኣንገት ለምቁረጥ አና ቀሪውን አንደለመዱት ለመብላትና ነብሳቸውን መከላከያ ደርሶ አስኪማርካቸው ለማቆየት የሚያደርጉት ጥረት ነው። መከላከያ ምንም ኣይነት ምርኮኛ መውሰድ የለበትም ሰው የሚበላ ሰው ከህዝብ መሃል ገብቶ ሊያደርግ የሚችለውን መገመት ኣያዳግትም።

All Agames support system must be dismantled relentlessly. Assassinate and make them disappear known JUNTA financers and sympathizers, like Azeb Mesfin last time she directly contacted the BBC agent , I do not know why they do not arrest her, so that they will be demoralized and eventually fell under our feet as their name implies

ትግሬ ማለት ከእግሬ ማለት ነው and they should stay there until they got civilized.

Posts: 2627
Joined: 24 Jul 2018, 09:32

Re: Ethiopia should use intelligence channels not only the usual diplomatic one to solve some of our problem

Post by Lakeshore » 10 Jun 2021, 19:48

Ethiopian government should divert its effort of feeding the Tigre enemies with our Organic product, instead help those who are destabilized by the Orommuma shene. Let the Agame eat genetically modified pig hoof and dried pork. we will see how Christian they are then but if they able to eat human flesh this is like a walk in a park for these savages.

It is a very good opportunity to show the usual Ethiopians for Ethiopians only.

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