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Re: NEWS: ሰሞኑን የ NATO መሪ ወደ አሜሪካ ይሄዳል።ከአሜሪካ ጋር ሆነው እንዴት ኢሳያስን እና አብይን እንደሚያስወግዱ ይወያያሉ።

Post by sun » 04 Jun 2021, 18:44

yaballo wrote:
04 Jun 2021, 18:12
NEWS: ሰሞኑን የ NATO መሪ ወደ አሜሪካ ይሄዳል። ሄዶም ታላቁን የአለም ንጉስ ጆን ባይደንን ያገኛል። ከአሜሪካ ጋር ሆነው እንዴት ኢሳያስን እና አብይን እንደሚያስወግዱ ይወያያሉ።

ሰሞኑን የ NATO መሪ ወደ አሜሪካ ይሄዳል። ሄዶም ታላቁን የአለም ንጉስ ጆን ባይደንን ያገኛል። ከአሜሪካ ጋር ሆነው እንዴት ኢሳያስን እና አብይን እንደሚያስወግዱ ይወያያሉ። አብይ እና ኢሳያስ የእኛን ዘመን የማይመጥኑ አረመኔዎች ናቸው ፣ በሚሊየን የሚቆጠር ንፁሀን የትግራይን ህዝብ መግቢያ እና መውጫ ከልክለው በረሀብ ሊፈጁ እና በጭካኔያቸው አምላካቸው ዲያቢሎስን ደስ ሊያሰኙ ቆርጠው የተነሱ ጭራቆች መሆናቸውን የአለም ታላላቅ መሪዎች አውቀዋል። የትግራይን ህዝብ በእኛ ዘመን አለም ልታየው የማትሻውን የሰው ልጆችን መግቢያ እና መውጪያ ከልክለው በርሀብ መፍጀት ታላቅ አረመኒያዊ የዘር ፍጅትን ለመቀልበስ ታላቋ አሜሪካ እና የአውሮፓ መንግስታት በዝግጅት ላይ ናቸው። አዎ እየቀለድኩ አይደለም አስመራ እና አዲስ አበባ ይደበደባሉ። እሳት 4ኪሎ ይዘንባል። በትግራይ ሰቆቃ ጮቤ የረገጡ ሰቆቃን ምን እንደ ሆነ በሂወታቸው የሚያዩበት አድል ይሰጣቸዋል።

በነገራችን ላይ NATO ማለት የአሜሪካ እና አወሮፓውያን መንግስታት የጋራ መከላከያ ሰራዊት ነው። አዎ ፊት ለፊት ሚታየኝን ነው ምናገረው፣ አስመራም አዲሳባም ይደበደባሉ!

የዛሬ 4 ወር ገደማ አብይ እና ኢሳያስን ጨምሮ የአለማቀፉ የጦር ወንጀለኞች ዘብጢያ የሚያስወርዳቸው ጭፍጨፋ መፈፀማቸውን ዘግበናል። አሁን እውን የሆነ ይመስላል። አብይ ከዚ በኃላ ናይሮቢ እና ካርቱም እንኳን መግባት የማይችል የቁም እስረኛ ነው። በቅርቡ ጅቡቲ እና ደቡብ ሲዳንም በራቸውን ይዘጉበታል። አዎ አገር እና አስመራ ላይ ለግዜው እንደፈለገው ሊፈነጭ ይችላል ግን የውርደት ፍፃሜው ቅርብ ነው። አብይ በኦሮሞ እና በተጋሩ ላይ የፈፀመው ግፍ በሰማይም በምድርም ስርየት የሚያስገኘው አይደለም። ኦሮሞ ሆኖ ኦሮሞን የከዳ አንዳች የተሳካለት በታሪክ አላየንም የሚለውን አባባል አብይ ያስረግጥልናል!!!

Eritrean-born & premier EZEMA banda named Neamin Zeleqe spearheads diaspora neftegnas campaign to rescue imiye Itobya from ferenjis .. though he himself is a US citizen - or, at least, he carries a US passport. Oh dear ...

Really? :lol: :lol:

Keep sniffing and smoking too much because it may help you in dreaming for the nice Pink Cakes high up in the sky just like the yet to come Manna and or the second coming of our Lord . After all pink wishes and sniff whites are not forbidden because it may help you to manage your self made endless pains. Do you really think that any one cares a dash for an obscure rogue outlaws from a tiny remote Ethiopian province from whom the Amharas, the Afars and the Eritreans have already taken back their stolen land properties?

EZEMA banda? Oh boy...oh boy! Who is the true and the genuine band? Your side of the bandits who attacked the Ethiopian Defense Forces while they were asleep and without any notice and in cold blood attack and massacred lots of Ethiopian sons and daughters station in Tigray as the defense forces were stationed there for the protection and support of the good Tigryan people.?

Get satisfied and contented because contentment is said to be a continuous feast, holding to your own natural size and acting soberly and accordingly with all your neigbours so that you may not keep feeling the heat both from behind and from the front however you may keep ranting and barking endlessely. If you are thinking that any one can stop these modern day roaring LIONS OF AFRICAN LEADERS you must be living in a la la land and dancing the Cha... cha... useless dance right there in the ToRaBora caves. BINGO!
:P :P
Last edited by sun on 04 Jun 2021, 18:57, edited 2 times in total.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: NEWS: ሰሞኑን የ NATO መሪ ወደ አሜሪካ ይሄዳል።ከአሜሪካ ጋር ሆነው እንዴት ኢሳያስን እና አብይን እንደሚያስወግዱ ይወያያሉ።

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 04 Jun 2021, 18:52

Yabello, give it up. I thought you are better informed than the other cadres. The more desperate you become, the more nonsense you come to write. In American Law it is illegal now to overthrow a foreign leader. The last leader they supported coup was when Allende of Chile overthrown by its own military. Do not bring the Saddam case that is a totally different story. Is that reasonable to believe cadres could not be rational, thinking individuals ? Maybe it is.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: NEWS: ሰሞኑን የ NATO መሪ ወደ አሜሪካ ይሄዳል።ከአሜሪካ ጋር ሆነው እንዴት ኢሳያስን እና አብይን እንደሚያስወግዱ ይወያያሉ።

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 04 Jun 2021, 19:15

Yabello, you are more sillier than I. You assume the American government loves the tribal politics lords. You are totally wrong. There are a good ER members who share my politics who believe as you do. That is total nonsense. Yes, the Susan clique is more attached to TPLF bigwigs. Yes, she has had some influence. That influence seems to wither away recently. She had never expected the Ethiopian government response, and more than that the Ethiopians in the diaspora response.
Maybe she is thinking now Ethiopians are not a collection of tribes as Meles brainwashed her to believe.
Last note : given the choice between the Abiy administration and the TPLF government , even the current American administration chooses the former hundred percent.
Tribal politics is the politics of the dinosaur, my Borana friend.

Tog Wajale E.R.
Posts: 9938
Joined: 31 Oct 2019, 15:07

Re: NEWS: ሰሞኑን የ NATO መሪ ወደ አሜሪካ ይሄዳል።ከአሜሪካ ጋር ሆነው እንዴት ኢሳያስን እና አብይን እንደሚያስወግዱ ይወያያሉ።

Post by Tog Wajale E.R. » 04 Jun 2021, 19:25

Great ,, ☆ Begging, Hunger, Prostituti*ons Is Tigrayian Agga*mes Cultures, Deal With It Bissbiss Shettattam☆.

We Put The Dedebit Woorgach Agga*me Tigrayian Back To Stone Ages.

Bissbiss Shettattam Agga*me Mighty Amara People Will Rule Tigrai Next 1000 Years To Come. Go Figure Bissbiss Shettattam Agga*mes.
We Are Not Done Yet Until We Make Tigrai Like Aleppo Syria. Go Figure.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: NEWS: ሰሞኑን የ NATO መሪ ወደ አሜሪካ ይሄዳል።ከአሜሪካ ጋር ሆነው እንዴት ኢሳያስን እና አብይን እንደሚያስወግዱ ይወያያሉ።

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 04 Jun 2021, 20:56

Yabello, you and I have a different mindset. You believe Africans are not able to do anything. Here you imply if the “ Ferdnjis” are not doing anything Ethiopia is collapsing, so to stop the inevitable refugee crises , they let the Abiy government go. I appreciate your consistency. You have never tried to hide your being a self-hating black man.
Samicho is a different breed. Proud African, and Ethiopian, who believe only the Ethiopian people decide whether Abiy stays in power or go.
I understand your understanding of American politics is not good, in fact, it is poor.
Do not hang your hope in the “ ferenjis” putting back the tribal politicians back to power. There is zero interest of doing that. Their only hope and what they are going to do is trying to have an influence in Ethiopian government. They are not dumb. They pretty damn well know the TPLF kind of government had gone the way of the dinosaurs.
By the way the Ethiopia the world knew in the eighties is going to change dramatically. A nationalist Ethiopian government which is able to dig out Ethiopia out of poverty is in the making. That is a possibility tribalist do not want to comprehend. Too bad. Ethiopia is changing.
Forget Addis, Forget Awassa, Forget Bahirdar, Forget Nazret, Forget Diredwa, Forget Jimma, forget Metu, even in your Borana your kind of political thinking will not have a decade life to live.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: NEWS: ሰሞኑን የ NATO መሪ ወደ አሜሪካ ይሄዳል።ከአሜሪካ ጋር ሆነው እንዴት ኢሳያስን እና አብይን እንደሚያስወግዱ ይወያያሉ።

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 04 Jun 2021, 21:26

Too bad Yabello, it does not matter how tribal cadres and Politicians understand Ethiopia. How Ethiopians view Ethiopia only matters. Yabello you are repeating the TPLF mistake : politicians define ethnicity, not necessarily the people.

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