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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Lakeshore » 11 May 2021, 14:30

ምን ያደርጋል ሀገር…..?

ምን ያደርጋል ሀገር፣ …. ምን ሊበጅ ዜግነት፣
ወልደው ካልሳሙበት፣…. ዘርተው ካልቃሙበት፣
ህጻናት በመስኩ፣…. አዛውንት በሸንጎ፣…. ደምቀው ካልታዩበት፣
እምቦሳን በጓሮ፣…. ጥገትቱን ከጨፌው፣… ታስረው ካልዋሉበት፣
ጋማ ከብቱ በመስክ፣… አውሬም በውርማ፣… ሞልተው ካልታዩበት፣
ፏፏቴው በዳገት፣… ጅረት በሸለቆ፣… ሲፎክር ካልሰሙት፣
ተራራውም በደን፣… ክምሩ ባውድማ፣…. ገኖ ካልታየበት።

ምንያደርጋል ሀገር……?

ከሰው ተወዳጅተው፣… ከሰው ተዋውለው፣…. ህይወት ካልመሩበት፣
ቅጠሉን በጥሰው፣… አፈሩንም ልሰው፣…. ቆመው ካልሄዱበት፣
አርሰው፣ አሳርሰው፣…. ነግደው፣ አትርፈው… ሐብት ካልደረጀበት፣
ከእውቀትም ጨልፈው፣… በሳይንስ ተራቀው፣… ለድገት ካልሰሩበት፣
እናቶች፣ ህጻናት፣… መበለት፣ አዛውንት፣… ካልተከበሩበት፣
ታመው ካልዳኑበት፣… አርጅተው አፍጅተው፣… ካልተቀበሩበት።
ወጥተው ካልገቡበት፣…. ሰርተው ካልኖሩበት፣
ከሸንጎው ዳኝነት፣…. ከወንበሩ ፍትህ፣…. ነጥፈው ከጠፉበት፣
መብት ሚዛን አጥቶ፣…. ስርዓት ባገር ጠፍቶ፣… እብሪት ከገዛበት፣
ዜግነት ከሀገር፣…. ማንነት ከአንድነት፣…. ሰላም ከመቻቻል፣… ከተለያዩበት፣
ባሳብ ተደራጅተው፣… ደግፈው ተቃውመው፣… ውለው ካልገቡበት፣
በልዩነት ደምቀው፣… በባህል፣ በእምነት፣… ካልተከበሩበት።

ምን ያደርጋል ሀገር…..?

መውጣትና መግባት፣…. መኖርና መስራት፣… ከሚያስጨንቁበት፣
ያገር መውደድ ፍቅር፣…. ነጻነት፣ አርነት፣… ወንጀል ከሆነበት፣
ቃዬል በመንበሩ፣… ይሁዳ ከልፍኙ፣… ከሰለጠኑበት.
ዜጋው ጠላት ሆኖ፣… ዘራፊና ባእድ፣…. ተከብረው ካሉበት፣
ስደትና ረሀብ፣…. እስራትና ሞት፣…. ዳረጎት ከሆኑት፣
በስልጣን መባለግ፣…. በሀብት መንደላቀቅ፣… ገነው ከታዩበት።
የሰው ነፍስ ረክሶ፣… በየጉራንጉሩ፣…. ጭዳ ከሆነበት፣
ውንብድና ባገር፣… ሸንጎ ተቀምጦ፣… ህግ ካረቀቀበት፣
ከሐዲ በዙፋን፣… ገንጣይ ባማካሪ፣… ነግሰው ከኖሩበት፣
ጦቢያ ማለት ቀርቶ፣…. ቋንቋ፣ የዘር ሐረግ፣… ሀገር ከመሩበት.
የእብሪት ማራገፊያ፣… ያአምባገነን ቅርሻት፣… መትፊያ ከሆኑበት.

ምንስ ሀገር አለን……!

በስሟ እምንጠራት፣….ምን ወዳጅ ተጘኝቶ፣… ወገኔ የሚሉት።
ሲታመም ካላዩት፣… ሲወድቅ ካላነሱት፣… ሲሞት ካልቀበሩት፣
ሲቸገር ካልረዱት፣…. ሲራብ ካልጎበኙት፣…. ሲዳር ካላኮሩት፣
ሲበደል ሲጨቆን፣ ድምጽ ካልሆኑለት፣ እጅ ካልዘረጉለት
በሸንጎ ተሟግተው፣… መብቱን አስመልሰው፣.. ካላስከበሩለት፣
ዘምተው ግዳይ ጥለው፣… ወድቀው ተሰውተው፣…ታሪክ ካልሰሩለት፣
ውርደቱን በክብር፣….. ጥቃቱንም በድል፣… ታግለው ካልቀየሩት፣
ቢፎከር፣ ቢቅራሩ፣… ሀገር! ሀገር! ቢሉት፣… ዲስኩር ቢያበዙለት፣
ህንፃው ቢደረደር፣…አስፋልቱ ቢነጠፍ፣… ግድብ ቢሰሩለት፣
ምን ያደርጋል ታዲያ፣… ምን ያደርጋል ሃገር፣…. ያለሰው ቢወዱት።

እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያን ይባርክ !!!

Tog Wajale E.R.
Posts: 9893
Joined: 31 Oct 2019, 15:07

Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Tog Wajale E.R. » 11 May 2021, 15:16

Gimmattamm Galla What Are You Halusinating:--- To Run A Land Locked Country Navy Is None Starter, First You Need $500 Million Dollars Every Year For Maintenance, Services, Water, Food, Training And Others Logistics. Mama Ethiopia Can Not Afford That, Feed Your Hungry Gallas, Oromo People And Build Enough Highschool For New Generations, Build Enough Roads And Highway Like Paradise Eritrea. Provides Free Educational And Free Medical Treatment To All Ethiopian Just Like Paradise Eritrea 🇪🇷 Doing. Shorts Of That We Are Heading Another Showdown With Your Mighty Shaebia Eritrean Nebourghhood Peaceful Cooexistence.
Last edited by Tog Wajale E.R. on 11 May 2021, 17:01, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Kuasmeda » 11 May 2021, 15:39

Horus & followers are Hallucinating with their leaders! The Tigrigna saying "ካብ ጸባ ዘይተረኽበስ ካብ ማይጨባ"/ "ከወተት ያልተገኘውን ከአሬራ መመኝት" This dream might lead mama Etiopia to be just like Balkan states. A country with no sea while establishing a navy is an indication of failure. As far as Eritrea is concerned, it will not lease its ports to any nation :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Asmara » 11 May 2021, 18:52

Kuasmeda wrote:
11 May 2021, 15:39
Horus & followers are Hallucinating with their leaders! The Tigrigna saying "ካብ ጸባ ዘይተረኽበስ ካብ ማይጨባ"/ "ከወተት ያልተገኘውን ከአሬራ መመኝት" This dream might lead mama Etiopia to be just like Balkan states. A country with no sea while establishing a navy is an indication of failure. As far as Eritrea is concerned, it will not lease its ports to any nation :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well said Kausmedia. Ethiopian leaders never learn from history.Eventually, their pipe dreams will drive them into obliviousness. First and for most, they need to keep Ethiopia in one piece before streching themselves too much to achieve something unrealistic. I think Abiy uses this to rally the Amhara behind him. Alas, the Amhara people have understood this ploy really well. The other day Shaleka Dawit was mocking Abiy up for thinking that a country like Ethiopia could be the first landlocked nation in the world to build a naval force.

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Horus » 11 May 2021, 19:15

የሌክሾር ግጥም ተመችቶኛል የቀረው ውይይት ግን መናኛ ነው። ለምን በሉ ? ይህ የኢንፎርሜሽን ዘመን ነው ። ባለም ያለ ነገር ሁሉ ዲጂታል እና ሳይበር ሪያሊቲ በሆነበት፣ ጦርነት በኮምፒዩተር፣ በሮቦጽና ሰው አልባ መሳሪያዎች በሚካሄድበት፣ ቁሳዊ፣ ግዙፋዊ አካልዊ አለም እየመሸበት፣ የማይታዩ ሲስተሞች አለምን በሚያቀሳቅሱበት ዘመን የባህር ሃይልም እንዲሁ ባብዛኛው ቦታ አልባ፣ ማይዳሰስ፣ ሪሞት ወደብና ሌላም ሌላም የ21ኛ ዘመን ፈጠር የተላበሰ ጉዳይ ነው ። በድሮ ሚያስቡ ሰዎች ማንም የምይጠቀመውን ቦታና ወደብ ላይ ማትኮራቸው 2021 ሳይሆን 1960 ላይ ያሉ ይመስላል ። የመርከብ ፓርክ ማድረጊያ ዶክ በኪራይ የሚገዛ ቦታ ነው ።ያና ሳይበር ኤጅ ኔቫል ሲስተም ማደራጀት ዛሬ ለየቅል ናቸው !!!
Last edited by Horus on 11 May 2021, 21:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by sarcasm » 11 May 2021, 19:48

Horus wrote:
11 May 2021, 19:15
የብህር ሃይልም እንዲሁ ባብዛኛው ቦታ አልባ፣ ማይዳሰስ፣ ሪሞተ ወደብና ሌላም ሌላም የ21ኛ ዘመን ፈጠረ የተላበሰ ጉዳይ ነው ። በድሮ ሚያስቡ ሰዎች ማንም የምይጠቀመውን ቦታና ወደብ ላይ ማትኮራቸው 2021 ሳይሆን 1960 ላይ ያሉ ይመስላል ። የመርከብ ፓርክ ማድረጊያ ዶክ በኪራይ የሚገዛ ቦታ ነው ።ያና ሳይበር ኤጅ ኔቫል ሲስተም ማደራጀት ዛሬ ለየቅል ናቸው !!!
እቺ ትመቻለች። የባሕር ሃይሉ በኣየር ነው የሚመሰረተው ማለት ነው። ታድያስ የባሕር ሃይሉና የኣየር ሃይሉ በጋራ ኣመራር ስር ሆነው፤ በመደመር እሳቤ፤ ታላቁ የኣየር ሃይል ቢባሉ እንዴት ያምር ነበር።

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Temt » 11 May 2021, 19:49

Horus wrote:
11 May 2021, 19:15
የሌክሾር ግጥም ተመችቶኛል የቀረው ውይይት ግን መናኛ ነው። ለምን በሉ ? ይህ የኢንፎርሜሽን ዘመን ነው ። ባለም ያለ ነገር ሁሉ ዲጂታል እና ሳይበር ሪያሊቲ በሆነበት፣ ጦርነት በኮምፒዩተር፣ በሮቦጽና ሰው አልባ መሳሪያዎች በሚካሄድበት፣ ቁሳዊ፣ ግዙፋዊ አካልዊ አለም እመሸበት፣ የማይታዩ ሲስተሞች አለምን በሚያቀሳቅሱበት ዘመን የብህር ሃይልም እንዲሁ ባብዛኛው ቦታ አልባ፣ ማይዳሰስ፣ ሪሞተ ወደብና ሌላም ሌላም የ21ኛ ዘመን ፈጠረ የተላበሰ ጉዳይ ነው ። በድሮ ሚያስቡ ሰዎች ማንም የምይጠቀመውን ቦታና ወደብ ላይ ማትኮራቸው 2021 ሳይሆን 1960 ላይ ያሉ ይመስላል ። የመርከብ ፓርክ ማድረጊያ ዶክ በኪራይ የሚገዛ ቦታ ነው ።ያና ሳይበር ኤጅ ኔቫል ሲስተም ማደራጀት ዛሬ ለየቅል ናቸው !!!
ጉራጌው Horus, the acquisition of a port facility is not the same as going to 'Mercato' in Addis, and buying things either for consumption or for resale as your ጉራጌዎች are known for. If I don't screw up the Amharic, "የቋጡን ኣወርድ ብላ፡ የብብቷን ጣለች" እንዳይሆንባቹ መጠበቅ ይኖርባቹሃል።

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Lakeshore » 11 May 2021, 19:52

The JUNTA stacks in their own bravado of the past 30 years actually that is the main cause of their demise. They do not know what to do when the drone comes. now even that talkative Agame also kept quite i have to admit that missed his daring lies.

Good job Horus educate these stupid JUNTA and their stupid children's who spent most of their child hood smoking and drinking instead of educating and becoming some body.

ther is no medicine for stupidity lakeshore

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Horus » 11 May 2021, 21:13


በምን ቋንቁ ልንገርህ ጉራጌኛ አይገባህም። አው አንድ ወታደራዊ ሃይል ቦታ አልባ ህውውና አደረጃጀት ይኖረዋል ብልህ ያን መገንዘብ የሚችል አንጎላ የለህም! ጉራጌ መርካቶን አልፎ ሄዶ አንተ ግን ያንኑ የድጋይ ዳቦ ዘመን ተረትክን ታቅፈህ አለህ!!!

እኔ ልጠይቅህ ካንተ ሺ ግዜ ለጦሩና ቴክኖሎጂው ቅርብ የሆኑት ሰዎች የባህር ሃይል አቁመ መለያ ሰርተው ሲንቀሳቀሱ ባንተ ደረጃ ያለ ሰው የሚጠበቅበት ቢያንስ የመማርና የማወቅ ፍላጎት ነው ። ድንቁርናህን ስለ መርካቶ በመዘላበድ ያውም እዚህ ኢ አር ላይ መሸፋፈን አትችልም ።

ቢገባህ በዚህ አለም ላይ ያለ ነገር ሁሉ ይለወጣል። የዛሬ ጠላት የነገ ወዳጅ ነው። የዛሬ ልዩነት የነገ አንድነት ነው። ኢትዮጵያ ኤርትራ ወስጥ፣ ወይ ጂቡቲ፣ ወይ ሱማሌ ወስጥ ወደብ ብታቆም አልደነቅም ። ያ ላንተ ጭንቅላት እጅግ የራቀ ሃሳብ ነው ።

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Blueshift » 11 May 2021, 21:29


A good detective whether investigating for a crime that is committed or researching for a possible outcome does not take anything for granted. You ignore evidence at your own risk. The Ethiopian foreign ministry spokes person belittles our independence, the usual outspoken Yeman Ghebremeskal, mom is the word !. Abbiy one time said that any part of Ethiopia that committed the act of cessation , will return. The whole thing is ignored. Actually, the president of Djibouti once said, the Ethiopian Navy was destined to Eritrea. If Isayas tomorrow comes out and says, Eritrea is going to be confederated with Ethiopia, the majority of his supporters will clap their hands. :evil: :lol: I have no doubt about that. Ethiopians know exactly what is happening. I would like to be wrong. I like to think that the whole think is hoax. But, deep inside of me, I am really nervous. Let us hope for the best.

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Temt » 11 May 2021, 21:57

Horus wrote:
11 May 2021, 21:13

በምን ቋንቁ ልንገርህ ጉራጌኛ አይገባህም። አው አንድ ወታደራዊ ሃይል ቦታ አልባ ህውውና አደረጃጀት ይኖረዋል ብልህ ያን መገንዘብ የሚችል አንጎላ የለህም! ጉራጌ መርካቶን አልፎ ሄዶ አንተ ግን ያንኑ የድጋይ ዳቦ ዘመን ተረትክን ታቅፈህ አለህ!!!

እኔ ልጠይቅህ ካንተ ሺ ግዜ ለጦሩና ቴክኖሎጂው ቅርብ የሆኑት ሰዎች የባህር ሃይል አቁመ መለያ ሰርተው ሲንቀሳቀሱ ባንተ ደረጃ ያለ ሰው የሚጠበቅበት ቢያንስ የመማርና የማወቅ ፍላጎት ነው ። ድንቁርናህን ስለ መርካቶ በመዘላበድ ያውም እዚህ ኢ አር ላይ መሸፋፈን አትችልም ።

ቢገባህ በዚህ አለም ላይ ያለ ነገር ሁሉ ይለወጣል። የዛሬ ጠላት የነገ ወዳጅ ነው። የዛሬ ልዩነት የነገ አንድነት ነው። ኢትዮጵያ ኤርትራ ወስጥ፣ ወይ ጂቡቲ፣ ወይ ሱማሌ ወስጥ ወደብ ብታቆም አልደነቅም ። ያ ላንተ ጭንቅላት እጅግ የራቀ ሃሳብ ነው ።
Listen, man,
I do not believe any Eritrean would mind if Ethiopia "acquired a port in
ጂቡቲ፣ ወይ ሱማሌ ወስጥ ወደብ
" as you put it. Not at all, but it won't be within Eritrean territorial waters. Let me remind you, lest you conveniently forget, that it was precisely because of Ethiopian leaders' voracious appetite for our ports that has caused some untold mayhem and suffering on our two peoples. People like yourself, Negera aka ሰገራ፡ ጠምባሩ Tedros Tsegai, and others who bring this silly idea of the Ethiopian Navy to be stationed in Eritrean waters have no ambition other than to see to it that the current excellent relationship that exists between our two countries goes into the abyss. Otherwise, why would any normal person drool over assets that do not belong to him/her in the first place?

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Roha » 11 May 2021, 23:20

Horus is right to raise this issue because Ethiopia deserves a formidable naval force. As an Eritrean who want to see a long standing relationship between Ethiopia and Eritrea in the region, I support full economic cooperation between the two people in some sort of confederation that both nations can use each of their economic and resource advantages optimally.
Eritrea has to share its coastal advantage as Ethiopia should its resources in man power, hydro power and skilled human powers of 110 millions ...
At this moment in history when Ethiopia of 110 million is surrounded and threatened by many evil historic enemies, Ethiopia will of course need naval power to protect its resources including its merchant navy.
if there are people who do not want to live in peace and prosperity, then the alternative is the worst in the form of -- poverty, instability and endless wars. I still believe that Ethiopia is the anchor that can hold the Horn of Africa together If Ethiopia is poor and at war against itself, all the nations around Ethiopia will collapse in a matter of few months. Politics is give and take.
As they say -- lets give peace and cooperation a chance

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Horus » 11 May 2021, 23:33


You are on point. In a few years, Ethiopia will produce up to 45,000 megaw of electricity enough to light up Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Etc... it is not only logical, it is super smart to synergize, optimize, leverage each others natural advantages be it resources and geographies to become African leading economies.

This is where and when we truly need creativity, ingenuity and inventiveness rather than fear and stuck conservatism.
Last edited by Horus on 12 May 2021, 14:06, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Blueshift » 12 May 2021, 00:38


Roha is funny. All these years, he was making fun of Eritreans now he claims to be Eritrean :lol: :lol: He is what we call in Eritrea wedi torserawit. I thought he was agame all this years. His mother could be Tigrayan, But his father is one derg soldier whose life has been sucked out of him. :lol: :lol:

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Re: የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ሃይል ዳግም ውልደት !! The Rebirth of the Ethiopian Navy !!

Post by Asmara » 12 May 2021, 09:34

Blueshift wrote:
11 May 2021, 21:29

A good detective whether investigating for a crime that is committed or researching for a possible outcome does not take anything for granted. You ignore evidence at your own risk. The Ethiopian foreign ministry spokes person belittles our independence, the usual outspoken Yeman Ghebremeskal, mom is the word !. Abbiy one time said that any part of Ethiopia that committed the act of cessation , will return. The whole thing is ignored. Actually, the president of Djibouti once said, the Ethiopian Navy was destined to Eritrea. If Isayas tomorrow comes out and says, Eritrea is going to be confederated with Ethiopia, the majority of his supporters will clap their hands. :evil: :lol: I have no doubt about that. Ethiopians know exactly what is happening. I would like to be wrong. I like to think that the whole think is hoax. But, deep inside of me, I am really nervous. Let us hope for the best.
I completely understand your concern. But I think you are missing one important point. President Isaias or Yemane G.MESKEL are just individual Eritreans. I know they in power and they can make many, if not all, decisions that affect Eritreans right and left. However, I don't think for a second that they would be that naive or reckless to compromise the sovereignty of Eritrea. I think they are being more politically correct than anything else. The resolve and determination of 5+ million people will be too strong to relinquish independence. Apart from few opportunists, you would struggle to find any Eritrean in the country or abroad who would happly agree or support the reversal of our independence.

I am a member of neither the PFDJ nor the opposition (if we can call some of them opposition). I support or oppose based on merits. For this reason, I disagree with your assessment of government supporters. Don't underestimate them. They may rightly or wrongly support all government policies but I can assure you that they would be the first people to fight for the cause our Tegadelti laboured and martyred for.

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