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ቀይሽብር በ ደምቢዶሎ Few Hours ago!!!***LIVE EXECUTION IN OROMIA***(( Video))

Posted: 11 May 2021, 09:52
by dawwit

Re: ቀይሽብር በ ደምቢዶሎ Few Hours ago!!!***LIVE EXECUTION IN OROMIA***(( Video))

Posted: 11 May 2021, 10:06
by dawwit
have you all noticed Abiy and shimmers campaign billboard on the background. What an irony

Re: ቀይሽብር በ ደምቢዶሎ Few Hours ago!!!***LIVE EXECUTION IN OROMIA***(( Video))

Posted: 11 May 2021, 10:46
by Lakeshore
what the heck is wandimu kabada yo are not out of the wood s you still enjoy called in Amharic name it is Gebrselasie wendemu kebede

here you are trying to make him look like gala but actually he has Amhrara name but your are trying ormize the seen. and mostly, you used to write your great grand father usually that is where you get Gala name but this one is the opposite you forced him to change his given name to be Gamachu and change some letters in his father and grand father name.

may be you need to learn more if you want to make a fake news but Galas are so emotionally immature they post it before revising it.

ስለ አላማ የሌለው ኣንኮላ ተላላኪ ኦሮሞ

"ኦሮሞ " እስካል ወያኔ ኦሮሞን መላክ እይሰለቸውም:: ወያኔ አሁን ተመራምሮ ከጋላ የተሰራ ቦንብ ሊያመርት ይችላል

Re: ቀይሽብር በ ደምቢዶሎ Few Hours ago!!!***LIVE EXECUTION IN OROMIA***(( Video))

Posted: 12 May 2021, 02:03
by Jirta
የኦሮሞን ወጣት ጀዋር ብገንዘብ ያስወጣው ነበር:: ዛሬ ብልፅግና የተሻለ ከፍሎ ወደቤት አስገብቶታል:: እናም እንዲህ በየ አደባባዪ በሸኔ ስም እየለቀሙ ሲገድሉህ ዝም ብለህ ታያለህ:: ዛሬ ካልተነሳህ እንዲሁ ስትበላ ትኖራለህ:: ክቭርህ ከሆድህ ይቅደም::