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OAU also raised its concern about Ethiopia is becoming a hot bed for intelligence black market about African nations

Post by Lakeshore » 05 May 2021, 23:41

OAU raised its concern about Ethiopia during their meeting. Ethiopia is becoming a hot bed for the underworld intelligence black market about African countries geo political and economic and natural resources. Originally, there is an intelligence office in closed proximity to the OAU head quarter. During the Derg regime Ethiopian intelligence department especially the forging department had full access to each and every African country through taping their telephone and video monitoring their day to day activity plus all meetings . I am talking about prior to TPLF but that was strictly in protecting Ethiopian interest. Since Ethiopia was socialist and under the international proletarianism Ethiopia shared information with the GDR,USSR, CUBA and Check mainly. That was all nothing more or nothing less.

However, when TPLF came to power and learned about the Ethiopian intelligence sophistication and level of penetration Debretsion, Kinfe G/medihin and Meles they started to share information for money. African and European information was up for sale to the highest bidder. China and Arab countries the one who invest heavily in order to get access to many African countries economic and political opportunities.

TPLF expanded the previous 50 dead telephone lines that runs from OAU head quarter to the intelligence office to 600 line and every employee of OAU was under surveillance and blackmailed with beautiful girls for information. As we know at last china won the opportunity to build the African union head quarter for free. How ever they upgrade the information gathering form telephone line to cloud computation i.e. wireless using intermate. Abyie also know about it especially UAE was one of the information sharing partner and he was among them. Especially the TPLF General that was fired by Abyie and replaced by the OLF genera as head of OAU security to facilitate this operation as insider. Any intelligence officer who wants to enter the premises will not have a problem but the lack of experience and knowledge and the extreme finitism of t
this general undermined and exposed the operation to some extent. TPLF used this information gathering capability to propel Theodor's Adhanom to be the head WHO.

African Union were suspecting this action for a long time but they could not have concrete evidence to move the head quarter from Addis Ababa. However, right know they believe that Abyie is not some one to be trusted like Mengistu ot Haileselasie but for the moment they want to protect the African unity more than ever under the guidance of the Ganian president. Very soon Abyie will loose every credibility of African Union for spying Africans in their own second home Ethiopia.

This OLF infested pp is enemy not only to Ethiopian unity but to African unity as well.

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Joined: 24 Jul 2018, 09:32

Re: OAU also raised its concern about Ethiopia is becoming a hot bed for intelligence black market about African nation

Post by Lakeshore » 06 May 2021, 08:40

የፈተህ ስረኣቱንም ብንመለከት ይሄው ነው። ኣባቱ ዳኛ ልጁ ቀማኛ አንዲሉ። ሚርጫው ዋጋ የልውም የሚባለው ለምንድን ነው የሚለውን በደንብ መገንዘብ የፈልጋል። ኣሁን የከፈተኛ ፍረድ ባለስልጣኑዋ ማዛ ብሩ ኦሮሞ ኦፕዶ ነች፣ የ ኣገሪቱ ኣቃቢ ህግ መክሰስ ኣለምክሰስ ስልጣን ያለው ኣሁን ነብልጸግና አጩ ሆኖ ቀርቦዋል። የይግባኝ ሰበር ችሎት ዳኛ ኦሮሞ ኦፕዶ ነው። አና ኣሁን ኣብይ ምርጫ ምርጫ የሚለው ለምንደን ነው ብለን ስንመረምር ይህንን አናገኛለን።

ለምሳሌ ጂምማ ላይ ኣብይ ተሸነፈ አንበል ግን ሌላ የተጭበረበረ ኮሮጆ የዘው አኔ ነኝ ያሸነፍኩት ቢል ምን ይሚደረገው ተቃዋሚው ወደ ፍርድ ቤት ነው የሚሄደው ወደ ኣቃቢ ህጉ ግን አኮ አሱም ብልጸግና አጩ ነው። ስለዚህ ክሱን ወድቅ ያደርገዋል የኣበይ ኣሸናፊነት በህጋዊ መንገድ ይጸናል። አሺ ኣቃቢ ህጉ ልካይደለም በለን ይግባኝ በለን ወደሰበር ፈርደ ቤት ሄድን አንበል አዛ ያለው ዋና ዳኛ ኦፕዲ ኦ ነው አና ኣይ የግባኙ ተቀባይ ኣይደለም አና የኣቃቢ ህጉ ተቀባይ ኣድረጌዋለሁ የላል።

ከዚህም ኣልፎ ወደ ህገምንግስት ፍርድ ቤት ቢከድ አንኳን አዛ ያለችው መ ኣዛ ብሩ አራስዋ ነች ሰለዚህ ኣሁን የሚያስፈለገው ሰው መረጠም ኣልመረጠም ምርጫ ማድረግ ብቻ ነው ኣብይ ሰልጣን ላይ ለመቆየት ማደርግ ያለበት።

ያ ብቻ ኣይደለም ይህንን የፈርደቤት ወጣ ወረድ አንዲኖር በጣም ይፈለጋል። ጠቃዋሚው ምረጫው ልክ ኣይደለም ተጭበርብሩዋል አንዲል መክኛቱም ያ የፈርድ ቤት ኣተካራ በሃገሪቱ ወስጥ ፍተህ አንዳለ አና ኣብይንም ብወጨው ኣለም ሀጋው አንዲመሰል ይራዳዋል። ስለዚህ ምረጫው የተጭበረበረ ነው ተብሎ ወደ ፍረድ ቤት መሀዱ ለላ ተፈላጊ ሂደት ነው።

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Re: OAU also raised its concern about Ethiopia is becoming a hot bed for intelligence black market about African nation

Post by Aba » 06 May 2021, 15:59

There is no such thing as OAU. If you're referring to AU, please provide link to the source of your information.
Thank you.

Posts: 2627
Joined: 24 Jul 2018, 09:32

Re: OAU also raised its concern about Ethiopia is becoming a hot bed for intelligence black market about African nation

Post by Lakeshore » 06 May 2021, 23:36

Aba as you name implies i guess you are too old. are you old? you missed some details. it is ok but read again and again.

i said the old OAU organization for African union now just AU

Posts: 4018
Joined: 15 Apr 2011, 17:52

Re: OAU also raised its concern about Ethiopia is becoming a hot bed for intelligence black market about African nation

Post by Aba » 07 May 2021, 00:49

Please povide link to your source of information.

judit abram
Posts: 8
Joined: 04 Jan 2021, 07:44

Re: OAU also raised its concern about Ethiopia is becoming a hot bed for intelligence black market about African nation

Post by judit abram » 07 May 2021, 01:27

Very interesting points. Could be possible scenarios.
Would you please add supporting reads and sources to make it believable?
Otherwise it also sounds as fake news. Or just your opinion.

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