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ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 08:35
by dawwit

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 10:30
by Guest1
ዘግናኝ ነው። በጣም።

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 10:45
by dawwit
I was thinking about it...why keep humans for over 20 yrs in that condition? Why not kill ‘em? Dehumanization is the best answer I could come with. Hanna said when she was talking about the water for sex transaction in SAWA,and she said, it is a transaction to consider. By limiting their daily needs,he is systematically turning them into humans who would do anything to survive. That is the basic animal instinct- he basically Dehumanizes them!

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 10:56
by dawwit

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 12:19
by Guest1
ብሄራዊ ውትድርና አሁንም ብዙ አገሮች አለ።
Several nations require military s Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cyprus, Egypt, Georgia, Kuwait, Laos, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates። ሙሉ ሊስት የለም። Brazil
France ለመጀመር አስባለች። ኢትዮጵያ እንድትጀምርም የሚቀሰቅሱ አሉ።
የኤርትራ ችግር ሳዋ አይደለም።

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 12:22
by dawwit
This lady’s story is Heartbreaking.her dad was taken away from her when she was a lil kid. Never heard from him. Her mom who was studying in the us came to Eritrea, got arrested at the airport and never heard from again. She, herself, was arrested,raped, and tortured.

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 12:48
by Guest1
እስካሁን ስለራሷ የተናገረችው አልቀረበም።

ሳዲስቲክ ያለችውን የማይቀበለው ብዙ ነው። አገራቸውን እንዲጠብቁ ሚሊተሪ ሰርቪስ መባሉ እና አገራችንን መጠበቅ አንፈልግም ነው? አገራቸው ምን እንዲታደርግላቸው ነበር የፈለጉት? ከውጭ ወታደር እንዲትመለምል? ምንድነው ሲስተሙ?

የኔ ጥያቄ ኢሳያስን መቃወም ለምን አስፈለጋቸው?
በደፈናው ዲሞክራሲ እንዳትልና እንዳልገረም!!!

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 12:55
by Fiyameta

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 14:14
by Guest1
ከልቤ ስለሚያሳነኝ ቪዲይዮን አላይም።
መቼ ነው ይህን ከዝህ የምንወጣው?
መፍትሄ መፈለግ ይሻላል።

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 14:34
by Axumezana
I want to hear what the die hard supporters of the dictator are saying on this! She said, the blunt truth it is Eritreans that made thier life miserable by themselves but they play the blame game with TPLF and the Tigrayan people! Wake up Eritreans you are your own worst enemy!

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 15:40
by dawwit
I really felt sad for this lady, an act as simple as writing a request letter to your government can have you, and your wife disappear, never to be heard again.
I was shocked how they are purposely dehumanizing the people.

My question is ..why are the EritreanS quiet? we are we not seeing popular revolts like the one in Oromiya (3 yrs ago) or Amhara (a couple week ago)?

Re: ESCAPING ERITREA..More than 2000 prisoners in a small room for over 20 yrs ((Must watch. Powerful!!!))

Posted: 05 May 2021, 20:36
by dawwit
you need to watch it...learn their name,and pain.