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Why Ataye is a target of Oromo gabblers?

Post by TGAA » 19 Apr 2021, 02:32

For Oromia first mogasas the crown jewels of their kena dogma is Addis Ababs, so cutting off the bottom of Amhars administration is strategy they think will service them well. The cities like Debrebrhan and Ataye that are close to Addis Ababs is a threat for there plan to gabble up Addis. The Stupid Amhars Administration cocos by leaving their south door open for shimeles the are making Addis Abebians and all others to get chocked off. Is there brain left in Behardar?

Noble Amhara
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Re: Why Ataye is a target of Oromo gabblers?

Post by Noble Amhara » 19 Apr 2021, 02:43

Very true except the administrators r not Amhara

Amhara had no government for 50 years Amhara is same as hadiya and Kembata in regionhood Amhara are a strong people but with terrible weak leaders put over us by Meles Zenawi and Meles Zenawi 2.0 (Abiy Ahmed) as well the Tigray TPLF were very organized now the OLF Jihadists are extreme organized they all have acces to internet r brainwashed and are taught how to be Terrorists while Amhara has no internet they are given peace while amara is made weak disorganized not united tricked and belittled to Genocide . The solution is no more Ethiopianwit we become Amhara country. Amhara Liyu Hayl needs generals Amhara militia fano all need generals and all need access to communication. Amhara soldiers should be educated on what and who is the enemy and how to trick and ambush down the jihadist enemies. we have to also create something like Sawa in our region you know z Eritreans gave 40 years and 100% of their population to be able to fight their enemies! Power comes from strength knowledge and unity! We don’t even make 5% of Amhara fight! They made 100% of their country and people fight! What Amhara should do is every Woreda should have its own training camp and its own general each Woreda should have 25,000 in total ready to March this will overwhelm our anti amhara enemies! Amhara Liyu Hayl should also be gathered and told what to do wheneverthey seee non Amhara pp agent try to mess with our sovereignty

Last edited by Noble Amhara on 19 Apr 2021, 03:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why Ataye is a target of Oromo gabblers?

Post by TGAA » 19 Apr 2021, 03:04

You are clueless buddy.where thay cometh from? Strength is one thing,being organized is another but to aim against non Amhars pp or otherwise is the most coco thing I ever heard. You getting all Noble Amhars insulted that come before you.

Noble Amhara
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Re: Why Ataye is a target of Oromo gabblers?

Post by Noble Amhara » 19 Apr 2021, 03:07

TGAA wrote:
19 Apr 2021, 03:04
You are clueless buddy.where thay cometh from? Strength is one thing,being organized is another but to aim against non Amhars pp or otherwise is the most coco thing I ever heard. You getting all Noble Amhars insulted that come before you.
I think you misunderstood me :idea: the non Amhara pp agents that should be targeted are those who work with Shimeles Abdisa that try to weaken the Amara people

As for my strategy its the eternal solution for Amhara region :!:

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Re: Why Ataye is a target of Oromo gabblers?

Post by Abdisa » 19 Apr 2021, 04:04

TGAA = stands for.... Thank God Am Agame. :lol: :lol: :lol:

ህዝብን ከህዝብ ለማጋጨት አማራ ተመስለው የኦሮሞ ህዝብን የሚሰድቡ አማራ ያልሆኑ ወያኔ አጋሜዎች ተንኮላቸው ተነቅቶባቸዋል። የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ከአማራ የማጋጨት ህልማቹ አይሳካም አትልፉ። ህዝቡ ነቄ ብሎባችኋል አትልፉ። GAME OVER!

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Re: Why Ataye is a target of Oromo gabblers?

Post by TGAA » 19 Apr 2021, 22:09

አብዲሳ " ሊበሏት ያሰቧትን አሞራ ይሏታል ጅግራ" አብይ ከኦሮሞም ይበልጥ ለሁላችንም የምትሆን ኢትዮጵያ አብረን እንድንገነባ ያደርጋል ብሎ ያላወደሰው ኢትዮጵያዊ የለም ፡ መለስ እባብ ነው እንል ነበር እባብ ነው መርዙም መርዝ ነው ግን እባብ መሆኑ ሲለሚታወቅ ይዤ ላጫወትበት አትልም ፡ አብይ ግን አርንጓዴ ቢጫ ቀይ ቀለም ያለው እባብ ነው: ለስልጣኑ ሲሆን ከአማራም ፡አማራ ፡ከትግሬም ትግሬ ፡ ከኦሮሞም ኦሮሞ ነው፡ ግን የእርሱ ገበጣ ጫወታ አማራውን በትግሬ መቆጣጠር ፡ትግሬው አምሮ ሊገለብጠው ሲሆን ትግሬን በአማራ ማውደም ፡ አሁን ደግሞ አማራ የሚጠነክር ሲመስለው ትግሬን ስብስቦ የትግሬን ድጋፍ መፈለግ በዚህ ሁሉ ውስጥ ግን አማራን በኢትዮጵያ ስም መሸንገል ፡ሌላው ኢትዮጵያውን በሽንገላ መሸንገል ፡ ኦሮሞ ላይ የሚያደግገው ግን ያለውን የኢኮኖሚ፡ፖለቲካ ፡የሚሊተሪ ባላንስ ያለምም መሸፋፈን ባላንሱን ማስተላለፍ ነው፡እስካሁን ከሽመልስ ቁማር ጫወታ ፡ ታከለ ኡማ ፡ ከኦነግ ባንክ ዘረፋ ፡ አንድ ቀን ተናግሮ አያውቅም፡በሬድዮ የሚነዛው ኦሮሞን ደመሰስን ፡አስር ሺህ የኦነግ የውስጥ አርበኞች አባራርን፤ በሌላ በኩል ኦነግን እስከ አፍንጫው ያስታጥቃል ፡ ስለ አማራ ታጠቀ ብሎ እንደሚያቅራራው ሺመልስ በየሳምቱ 4000 ሚሊሽያ ሲያስታጥቅ እንዳላየ ያያል፡ አማራ ሲታረድ ኦሮሞም ተገድላል ፡ ታርጌቱ በመተከል አማራ መሆኑ እየታወቅ ፡በሄደ በሁለተኛው ቀን 200 ሰው ሲታረድ የሀዘን መግለጫ እንኳን አልሰጠም፡ ሊባኖስ ከተማ ፈንጂ ፍንድቶ 100 ሰውሲሞት በቲዊተር ገጹ ያነባል: አስመሳይ ሌባ ነው: አንተም አማራና ኦሮሞ እያልክ የምትልመጠመጠው የወያኔ ሌብነት በቀላሉ ወደ ኦሮሙማ ሌቦች ስለተዘዋወሪ ነው: መርከቡ እንዲናጥ አትፈልግም :: ሌብነቷ ትጥማለቻ : :

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Re: Why Ataye is a target of Oromo gabblers?

Post by AbebeB » 20 Apr 2021, 01:22

TGAA wrote:
19 Apr 2021, 02:32
For Oromia first mogasas the crown jewels of their kena dogma is Addis Ababs, so cutting off the bottom of Amhars administration is strategy they think will service them well. The cities like Debrebrhan and Ataye that are close to Addis Ababs is a threat for there plan to gabble up Addis. The Stupid Amhars Administration cocos by leaving their south door open for shimeles the are making Addis Abebians and all others to get chocked off. Is there brain left in Behardar?
Do you know what the leper mis-named ሀ/ማርያም፣ በረኸት and አሣግርት are Oromo lands. There is no piece of Amhara land south of part of what is called Angolale and Ankober. Likewise Tarmaber, Kewet, and Antsokia Gemez are currently mis-named originally Oromo lands. They must rejoin Oromia proper. These are not Welkayit where you drink Tela and dance for a while.

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Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: Why Ataye is a target of Oromo gabblers?

Post by TGAA » 20 Apr 2021, 01:48

dusting off while hiding in a cave you can let your imagination go wild. When united in purpose the Amharas turn the "feared" "the geganu" the war-hardened " with 250000 leyu and militia turned them into a dust. NO bragging buddy it is done in 3 weeks. The day Amara bltsgena does what the Oromo biltsgnas has been doing without fanfare the table will turn around. After the victor all Amharas deserve a good Tela and a good eskesta , and a good-time girl.

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