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Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 14 Apr 2021, 11:37

Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Amhara nationalists, who had strong fear, even to faart, under the rule of Tegaru dictators for about 27 years, are now making loud noises since the Oromo dictators came to power three years ago. Why did Oromo dictators allow these toothless but vocal Amhara nationalists to be as such free in Ethiopia (Great Oromia)? It is because of the fact that the Oromo dictators know very well the advantage of such disturbing but harmless noises for the Oromo struggle. Such noises are mandatory to empower and unify Oromo nationalists in particular and the whole Oromo people in general. Oromo dictators just need to check that these toothless forces never grow any tooth to bite. Every single tooth need to be brocken as early as possible. They have to be allowed only to bark, but to never be in a position to bite. Amhara dictators supporting Mengistu and Tegaru dictators led by Meles tried to do the same against their opponents from the Oromo camp. That is why the Oromo dictators under the leadership of Meschrefet (Abiy) should not be as such fool to allow both Habesha blocs to come to power with pretext of democracy (election).
Read more: ... t-tegarus/

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Re: Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Post by Abere » 14 Apr 2021, 12:00

The awakening of the sleeping giants (Amhara people ) is an oxygen for the life of Ethiopia and Ethiopians. Ethiopians harassed for the last 30 years by the Tigre and Oromo liberation fronts will find solace and breath fresh air by standing and joining hands with the Amhara people. The so-called OLF and TPLF have hacked the lives and valuable times of the million Ethiopians. Even any simple creature with a single cell brain can accurately predict what the end of tribal thugs like OLF and TPLF would be - it is catastrophe. We are seeing this in Tigray right now. It will not be any different soon in the so-called artificial/fake region of ormiyaa. Every Ethiopian should stand firmly in fighting Oromo liberation as their true no mysterious other than stalking in hunting , killing and displacing other Ethiopians, by that I mean OLF one and only one prime goal is to displace 75%of Ethiopians; that is none Oromo Ethiopians from their ancestral land and country. This is no mystery there has been no ethnic group in Ethiopia that has not been harassed, killed or displace by Oromo liberation. Ask Gedio, Gamo, Somalia, Afar, etc. just not only Amhara. Oromo liberation including those in ODP-PP are the enemy of all Ethiopians.

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Re: Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 14 Apr 2021, 12:39

Nowaďays, some Amhara elites in particular and pro-Amharanet elites in general are fighting against Oromummaa (Oromo nationalism). As far as they are concerned, only the hitherto Ethiopiawinet with content of only Amharanet (Ethiopiawinet as Amharanet) is safe and deserves to exist. Rainbow Ethiopiawinet with the legitimate leading element of Oromummaa is considered as evil and it is unacceptable to them. Thus, they seem to be determined to hinder such justifiable transformation of Ethiopia from Amharanet domination to Oromummaa leadership. But, fact on the ground is that if Ethiopia has to exist in the future, it can only prevail as rainbow multicultural und multilanguage federation with about 40% Oromummaa, 20% Agawnet, 10% Amharanet, 6% Somalummaa, 5% Tegarunet, 4% Sidamumma, etc. Such genuine multinational federal Ethiopia is the future. Pro-Amharanet elites waging war against Oromumma will cost them a lot. Oromo nationalism is now at the stage of no return and can fight back effectively. That is why it is really a deadly mistake of some Amhara elites in particular and pro-Amharanet elites in general. Such fight against Oromumma surely will cost them a lot.

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Re: Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Post by Lakeshore » 14 Apr 2021, 14:25

ኣሁን ደግሞ ኣዲስ ፈሊጥ ምጥቶዋል ጨፍጫፊው አና ኣረመኔው ኦንግ አንሰሳ ኣይደለም የሚመራው በኣማራ ስም በሚኮሩ አና በኣምራ የሰለጠኑ ዶክተሮች፣ ፕሮፈሰሮች ነው። ኦነግ የደንቆሮዎች ስብስብ ቢሂንም የሚመራው በተማረ ሰው ነው አና ጋላ ስለሆኑ ብቻ ኣትናቁዋቸው የሚል ኣዲስ ፕሮፓጋንዳ በነ ኣብይን ሼምለስ ኣብዲሳ ተጀምሮዋል። ለዚሁም ፲ የ ጂማ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መምሂራን ተየዘዋል የሉናል።
የኦንግ አንደ አንስ ሳ መታየት አና የወረደ ኣስታሰኣሰብ የላቸው መሆናቸውና ጋላ መሆናቸው የበለጠ ይስቅጫቸው በሚመስል መንገድ ኦንግ ብዙ የተማረ ሃይል አንዳለው ሊነግሩን ይፈልጋሉ ኣሁን ኣሁን ደግሞ። ነገር ግን የምሁር አንት መለኪያው የኣስተሳሰብ ልእልና ለሌላው መቆርቆርን አንዲሁም ከኣደር ባየነትና ከዘረኝነት መራቅ መሆኑን ግን የዘነጉት የመስላል። ይሄ ኦኮ አዲያውም ምዳሌውን የሚኣጠነከር ነው። ጋላን ትምህርት ቤት ትልከዋለህ አንጂ ኣታስተምረው የተባለው ያለምክኛት ኣይደለም።

ኣሁንም አዛ የበታችነትና እራስ ጠልንት የ ጋላ ና የትግሬ ኣስተሳሰብ ኣልወጣች ሁም አኮ። ለዚህም ነው አንደገና አንደኣዲስ ብልጽግና የሚል የኣምረኛ ስም ወስጥ የተደበቃች ሁት። ምነው በጋሊግኛ የለም አንዴ ብልጸግና የሚባል ቃል ኣሃ በጋሊኛ ጥፋት አንጂ ልማት፤ብልጸግና ኣለመኖሩ ነው ወይስ ኣምሃራ ለመምሰል ነው። ሚክኛቱም ኣማራ የሰው ልጅ አና የኣኢትዮጵያዊነት መለኪያ ብላችሁ አናንተ አንስሶቹም ብውስጣችሁ ስለምታምኑ ነው። ውይንስ ከኣምራ ጋር ስብሰባ መቀምጥ የስነልቦና ከፊታ ስለሚጨምረላችሁ ነው።

አኮ ለምን ንገረና የኣጋሜና የጋላ መንጋ ተሰብሰባችሁ ብልጸግና በሚል ስም ውስጥ ያ በግልጽ ያጣችሁትን ኣማራነት በደባባይ ሲም አየቀየራችሁ አራስ ጠልነታችሁን በገሃድ ያሳያችሁት። ሺመለስ፣ ታየ፣ ለማ፤ኣበበች፤ በቀለ ማንን ጠርቼ ማንን ልተውልህ ሁሉም ጋላ በኣማርኛ አየኮራ ግን ኣምራን ለማጥፋት በብልጽግና ወስጥ ተሰግስገዋል።

ኦፐዲኦ አና ብልጽግና ኦንግ የሚገድላቸው ንጹሃን ሳይሆን ያንገበገባቸው ጋላው ኦነግ መሃይም፤ኣረመኔ አና ኣላማ ቢስ የጥፋት ቡደን በባሉና መሆኑነው በጣም ያንገበገባቸው። አና በ ጋላ ፋከ ዶክተሮች አንደሚመራ ነው አየነገሩን ያሉት። አና አንዛ ማናቸው ብንል ለማ መገርሳ ብቀርቡ ሰለ ጋላ የተዛባ ታሪክ ከኣውሮፓ ዶክትራተ ኣገኘሁ ያለው ነው።

ምን ይሙት አንደው ስለጋላ ከጋላ ኡኒቨርሲትይ የበለጠ የኣውሮፓ ኡኒቨርሲቲ ኣውቆ ነው ውየስ ያው የተለመደ የብታችነት ስሜታቸው የነጮቹን ይሁንታ ኣስፈሎጎዋጨው ነው። ይህ በጋሜውችም በስፋት የሚስተዋል አንዲሁም ዓብይ ስለኣንድ ነገር ማሳመንን ሲፈልግ ኣዘውትሮ አንድሚለው ካናዳ አንድዚህ ፈደራሊስም ነው ኣውሮፓ አንድዚያ ነው አያለ የሚያጭበረብር በት አና ሃቁን የሚያጣምምበት የበታችነት ስሜት ነው።

ኣለባብሰው ቢያርሱ ባረም ይመለሱ ሰልሆነ የኣሁኑ ያገራችን ችግር የትክክለኛ እውቀት ችግር ነው።

አና ኣሁንም ጋላ አንኩዋን ኣገር ለመምራት የገዛ ቤቱን ለማስተዳደር በጣም ብዙ ዘመን ያስፈልገዋል። ምክኛቱም ሆደ ሰፊነት ለላውን አንደራስ የማየት እና ለሰው ክቡር ህይወት መጨንቅን የሚፈልግ ስበእና ማጎልበት ስለሚያስፈልግ ጋል ደግሞ ይሄ ስለሚጎድለው አና በስሜት አና በካቲካላ የሚመራ ማሀበረስብ ሰልሆነ ነው።

ጥያቄው ለሚን ጂማ የሚልውን ስናይ ዓብዪ የሚወዳደረው ጂማ ውስጥ ነው። አዛ ተወለድኩ ቢልም ህዝቡ የሚያወቀው ኣደለም። ስለዚህ ምንገዱን ማጥራት ኣለበት ማንኛውም ተቀናቃኝ በሃሳብም ሆነ በምርጫ በሰበብ ኣስባቡ ማስወገድ ነው።

አና አስከ ዛሬ አነ ሼምለስ አኛነን የመሰረትነው አኛነን ኦንግ አያለ ባደባባይ አንዳል ደነፋ አና ንጹ ሃንን በየኣደባባይ አንዳልገደለ ኦነግ የሚባልም ኣናውቅም አንዳላላኡ በኣንድሌሊት ጂማ ወስጥ ተገኘ የሚለው ተረት አንኩዋን ኣምሃራ አና የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ጋላ አና ኣጋሜ አንኩዋን ኣያጡትም።

ብልጽግና የጋላ ቃል ስላጡ ጋላ ተቀባይነት ስለሌለው ጥፋት አንጂ ልማት በቋንቋው ሰለሌል ከኣማርኛ የተወሰድ የ መንጋ ጋሎች አና ኣደርባዮች ስብስብ ነው። ለላ ኦንግ ሸኔ ነው ቢጠፋ ሁሉም አኢትዮጵያዊ አልል ብሎ ነው የሚቀበለው።
Last edited by Lakeshore on 14 Apr 2021, 16:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 14 Apr 2021, 15:14

Some canning Habesha elites try to tell us that ethnic politics is a new trend promoted by the OLF and TPLF. But, fact is that politics in Ethiopia has always been ethnic based. The only difference is that Amharanet used to dominate und rule being masked by Ethiopiawinet. Still there are some Amhara elites and Amharanized others trying to play the same game. On the other hand, Oromummaa is growing without using the mask and trade mark called Ethiopiawinet. No Oromo elite tries to instrumentalize this mask. I thought Dr. Abiy is smart enough to promote Oromummaa in a trade package of Ethiopiawinet. Unforunately, he is still revering Amharanet, instead of respecting Oromummaa. Thus, he kept the existing dominance of Amharigna/Amharanet at the cost of Oromiffaa/Oromummaa. He is considering Oromiffaa to play only secondary role, instead of promoting it to primary position as language of the majotity in the country. He is simply pro-Amharanet elite just like the previously ruling Oromo elites.

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Re: Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 14 Apr 2021, 16:12

The currently existing political spectrum in Ethiopia is not classically economic (left socialist vs right capitalist) or not surely based on type of administration (centeralist vs federalist). It is simply the result of competition between two major elements of the rainbow multinational identities: Amharanet vs Oromummaa. Accordingly, there are five positions in the spektrum:

- the far left Amharanet dominated geo-federation of Ezema and the likes.
- the near left Amharanet dominated ethnic federation of Biltsigina.
' the middle position propagated by independent republic of nations as planed by the OLF and other liberation fronts.
- the near right Oromummaa led ethnic federation of OFC and other democratic ethno-federalists
- the far right Oromummaa led geo-federation of Meison as envisioned by Haile Fida and now promoted by Fayyis Oromia.

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Re: Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 14 Apr 2021, 17:04

Which of the five positions shall prevail? Time will show aus! As written repeatedly, the possible two outcomes of the Abyssinian empire were either its democratization leading to Ethiopia – de facto integrative Great Oromia or its disintegration resulting to birth of an independent republic of Gadaa Oromia. Interestingly the two Oromo brothers (Caalaa Lataa & Leencoo Lataa) were following one of the two respectively (Caalaa to realize Gadaa Oromia using OLF as instrument and Leencoo to foster Great Oromia through the ODP). Both goals are not bad as long as the Oromo agree to accept one of the two per public verdict in the future. That is why it was futile for the Oromo to quarrel on this pseudo-conflict: democratization of Ethiopia vs liberation of Oromia. Look at the flags, musics and maps of the two versions of Oromia here:

Ethiopia (Great Oromia) :
the flag and music – 

the map – ... hiopia.jpg

Gadaa Oromia:
the flag and music – 

the map –

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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 14 Apr 2021, 23:01

It is a known fact that the Oromo are the only people with dual history in the state formation of our country and because of that having dual visions for its transformation. The Oromo were both in conquered and conqueror sides of the war in nation building. Now, among the Oromo community, some identify themselves with the conquered side and fight for liberation of Gadaa Oromia; the others see themselves as parts of the conqueror and struggle for the transformation of Ethiopia to democratic country; which means de facto Great Oromia. The first group are pro-Oromia, while the second are pro-Ethiopia. The two blocs had a sort of conflict and sometimes they even saw each other as enemies with irreconcilable conflict. I always thought that we can have a synthetic common vision as compromise solution for the conflict; i.e use of two names (Ethiopia and Oromia) interchangeably for the same country, just as we are calling our capital Addisaba and Finfinne simultaneously.

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Re: Advantage of the Rising Movement of Toothless but Vocal Amhara Nationalists for the Oromo Struggle!

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2021, 00:29

Thus, future democratic Ethiopia is de facto great Oromia, in which Gadaa Oromia can have self-rule . We can choose one of the possible three sovereignty: ‘self rule of Oromia without shared rule of Ethiopia’ or ‘self rule of Oromia within shared rule of Ethiopia’ or ‘shared rule of Ethiopia without self rule of Oromia. I think, for the Oromo as a majority over all the multi-national country, the first goal setting was good to liberate us, the second option is nice at the present transitional phase and the third vision will be beneficial than the other two in the future. Fayyis Oromia is focusing on this third and optimal cause. Now, Gadaa Oromianists vehmently opposing the nice approach of Great Oromianists is good only for the power mongering Abyssinian elites. Amharianists like those in Ezema and Biltsigina will surely lose and the future favores Oromianists like OFC and OLF. May Waaqa help us choose the best position envisioned by Haile Fida and now entertained by Fayyis Oromia!

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