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Re: AFAR VS SOMALI: በአፋርና በሱማሌ ክልሎች ጦርነት በ1ቀን 300+ ወታደሮች ተገደሉ|ከአፋር ጋር እየተዋጋ ያለው ኢሳ ብቻ ሳይሆን ከታላቋ ሱማሌና ከጅቡቲም የመጡ ወታደሮችም ናቸ

Posted: 06 Apr 2021, 23:27
by AbyssiniaLady
You dumbass annoying psycho, you need to stop spreading this nonsense exaggerated propaganda, these ID card and Wallet are fake, Afar Daily Integration is Tigrayan Daily Integration and only twenty five have been killed not 100.

What's happening between Somalis and Afars is none of your business, It's a family quarrel, You are Tigrayan so stick to Tigray.

Re: AFAR VS SOMALI: በአፋርና በሱማሌ ክልሎች ጦርነት በ1ቀን 300+ ወታደሮች ተገደሉ|ከአፋር ጋር እየተዋጋ ያለው ኢሳ ብቻ ሳይሆን ከታላቋ ሱማሌና ከጅቡቲም የመጡ ወታደሮችም ናቸ

Posted: 07 Apr 2021, 00:31
by AbyssiniaLady
You just don't get it, do you? What happened between Somalis and Afars is none of your damn business, Again, stick to your Tigray, you are mentally ill [deleted] [deleted] who most definitely need a psychiatric help, get off this forum and go find a psychiatrist.