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Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Horus » 30 Mar 2021, 21:16

I am Horus, I hate to mince words. Here is my educated guess & prediction.
Abiy Ahmed and Isayas Afeworqi are jointly planning the 2030, the 2050 African leadership and development plan together.

I believe that Isayas doesn't want to die leaving Eritrea at the current level of poverty and underdevelopment. With Abiy's Horn Integration vision, Esu sees one last golden opportunity to create the Horn Singapore on the Red Sea. And, he can only do that with collaboration and resources of Ethiopia.

If such a scenario is accurate, that would mean a historic foresight on the part of Isayas because that is the most direct, simple and assured path to Eritrean development into a modern middle income society.

In fact it would be a mark of genius if Isayas is able to see the mere instrumentality of the political order and recognized that the purpose of the state is the happiness and prosperity of its people. Eritrea can confederate itself with Ethiopia and become an African Dubai. What is wrong with that?

If this is what Isayas is thinking, I would simply call it a genius in political thought. It is called problem solving !!! It is called creative political thinking !!!

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Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Meleket » 31 Mar 2021, 05:25

ወዳጃን Horus እንደ ኢትዮጵያዊ መጠን ትንታኔህ በኢትዮጵያ ኣንፃር ግሩም ነው።

የሰፊው ኤርትራ ህዝብ ነጻ እይታን ግን ከታሪክ ኣኳያ እየቀነጨብን በከፊል እናጫውትህ

እንግሊዝ ኤርትራን በሞግዚትነት ያስተዳደር በነበረበት ወቅት፡ ኤርትራዉያን “ዋዕላ ቤት ገርግስ” በመባል በታሪክ የሚታወቅ ስብሰባ አድርገው ነበር። በዚያ የኤርትራ ምሁራን “ማኅበር ፍቕሪ ሃገር” ማለትም የሃገር ፍቅር ማህበርን ባቋቋሙበት ስብሰባ ወቅት፡ ፕረዚደንት አድርገው የመረጧቸው ፊተውራሪ ገብረመስቀል ወልዱ የተባሉ ኣባት ነበሩ። ፊተውራሪው ያኔ የነበራቸው አቋም “ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር በአንዳች ውል ትስስር ይኑረን፡ በኮንፌደሬሽን እንተሳሰር” ብለው እንደነበሩ፡ ነገር ግን እንዳልተሰሙ፡ ይልቁንስ ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር እንደመር የሚለው ኅብረት የሚለው አካል እንዳንሰራራ በሰፊው የኤርትራ ህዝብ ዘንድ ይታወቃል። ይህ ሲሆን እነ ራስ ተሰማ አስመሮምና ኣነ ኣቶ ወልደኣብ ወልደማርያም የሚገኙበት ክፍል ደግሞ “ኤርትራ ለኤርትራዉያን” የሚለውን መስመር መከተል መረጡ።

መሸ ነጋም ኤርትራ ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር በፌደሬሽን እንድትተሳሰር በዓለም ኃያላን ኣማካኝነት ተወሰነ።

መሸ ነጋ ኤርትራ ሕገመንግስቷን ነድፋ ፓርላማዋን መስርታ ነጻ ፕረስ ተረጋገጠባት።

መሸ ነጋም ፌዴሬሽን ፈረሶ፡ ኤርትራ የኢትዮጵያ ኣካል ሆነች።

መሸ ነጋ ኤርትራ ውስጥ የነበረው የፖለቲካ ነጻነት ተሸርሽሮ በኢትዮጵያውያን መዘወር ጀመረ።

መሸ ነጋም የነጻነት ትግሉ ተጀመረ።

መሸ ነጋም የነጻነት ትግሉ ከብዙ መስዋእትነት በኋላ አሸንፎ የኤርትራ ነጻነት እውን ሆነ።

መሸ ነጋም በኤርትራ ልዑላዊ መሬት ላይ በወያኔ የምትመራው ኢትዮጵያ ወረራ ተካሄደች።

መሸ ነጋም በኤርትራ ላይ በወያኔዎች መሪነት በተቀነባበረ ሴራ የማዕቀብ ብይን ተበየነ።

መሸ ነጋ ወያኔዎች ከኢትዮጵያ የቦለቲካ ጨዋታ ውጭ ሆኑ።

መሸ ነጋ የጦቢያው ወጣት ጠቅላዪ የኤርትራ ሰራዊት ከኢትዮጵያዊቷ ትግራይ ይወጣሉ በማለት በይፋ ተናገሩ።

መሸ ነጋ ዲና ሙፍቲ የተባለው የጦቢያ የውጭ ጉዳይ አፈቀላጤ የኤርትራ ልዑላዊነት ላይ የቃላት ጦርነቱን በይፋ ጀመረ።

መሸ ነጋ ኤርትራም ከትላንት በተሻለ ቁመና ለቀጣዩ ትግሏ ሰውነቷን እያሟሟቀች ትገኛለች።

የሚቀጥለው የኤርትራውያን መንገድ ደግሞ ይህን ይመስላል፦

የኤርትራ ሕገመንግሥትን ይፋ ማድረግና ኤርትራዊ ፓርላማ መመስረት።

ኤርትራ ከጎረቤቶቿ ከነ ጅቡቲ፡ ሱዳን፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ የመንና ሳዑዲ ጋር በትብብር መንፈስ ከበፊቱ በተሻለ ሁኔታ ለስራ መትጋት።

በሽዎ የሚቆጠሩ ኤርትራዉያን የተሰውትና የሚሰውት፡ ኤርትራ እንደ ሲንጋፖር እንድትሆን ሳይሆን፡ ኤርትራ ለዜጎቿ በሙሉ የተመቻቸች ኤርትራ እንድትሆን ነው። ይህም የሚሆነው ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር በኮንፌደሬሽን በመተሳሰር ሳይሆን፤ ህዝቧ የፖለቲካ ነጻነቱን የሚያጣጥምበት፡ መክሮና ዘክሮ በሃገሩ ሁኔታ ላይ በነጻነት የሚወያይበት፡ ነጻ ፕረስ የሚያብብበት መድረኽን በመፍጠርና ሕገመንግሥቱን በመተግበር በጥምረት ለሃገራዊ ቁጠባዊ እድገት በመትጋት ወዘተ ነው።

ኤርትራውያን የቱርክም የእንግሊዝም የኢትዮጵያም የጣሊያንም የወዘተም ተረቶችና ምሳሌዎች እንጠቀማለን። ከጣሊያን የወረስነው “ሽሕ እኳ እንተተፋተና ሸሸሓኒና” የሚል ምሳሌ አንዷ ነች፡ “ሽህ ግዜ ብንዋደድ፡ ፍላጎታችንን በሌላው ላይ ኣናስገድድ” እንደማለት ነው። ለኢትዮጵያም ለሱዳንም ለጅቡቲም ለወዘተም የኤርትራውያን አቋም ይህ ነው። አንዳችን ሌላኛው ላይ ፍላጎቶቻችንን ሳንጭን በፍቅር መንፈስ እንተባበር። ከዚህ በተረፈ ግን ለኤርትራዉያን፡ ኢትዮጵያውያን አማሮች ሆኑ ኦሮሞች፡ ትግሬዎች ሆኑ ጉራጌዎች፡ ጉምዞች ሆኑ ኣገዎች ወዘተዎች ጭምር

አንድነት ሆነ ፌዴሬሽን፡ ኮንፌዴሬሽን ሆነ ትግራይ ትግርኚ፡ አግዓዚያን ሆነ ሃገረ ጸጋ . . . ወዘተ

የሚሉ አካሄዶች ለኛ ለኤርትራውያን ሊያቀርቡልን ቢሞክሩ፡ ይህ ሁሉ ዝባዝንኬ እንደማይበጀን ጠንቅቀን ስለምናውቅ፡ ያልተሸራረፈ ነጻነታችንን ለማጣጣም አስቀድመን በፌዴሽን ግዜም አድርገነው እንደነበረ፡ ሕገመንግሥትና ፓርላማችንን መስርተን፡ ነጻ ሃላፊነታዊ ፕረሶችን ፈቅደን፡ በሙሉ ነጻነት ለልማት እየተጋን፡ ሃገራችን ያላትን ሃብት ለዜጎቿ የምታቋድስበትን ምቹ ሁኔታ መፍጠር ነው።

ኢትዮጵያውያን ወንድሞቻችንም መጀመሪያ የሃገራቹን ሰላም አረጋግጣችሁ፡ እርስ በርሳችሁም ፍቅር እንዳላችሁ ለዓለም በይፋ አሳይታችሁ፡ ሞዴል የሆነ ከመፈናቀልና ከጦርነትና የጸዳ የሞት ዜና የማይሰማበት፡ አንዱ አንዱን ትግሬ አማራ ኦሮሞ ወላሞ ጉራጌ እየተባባለ በዘውጉ የማይነፋፈግበት ሰላማዊ መንግስት ለመመስረት ጣሩ። ከዚያ በኋላ በወንድማማችነት መንፈስ ከኛም ጋር ለመስራት ከፈለጋችሁ ያምርባችኋል።

ኤርትራ ዛሬ ከትላንት በተሻለ ሁኔታ ከሁሉም ጎረቤቶቿ ጋር እንደ ልዑላዊትና ነጻ ሃገር መጠን በዓለም ኣቀፋዊ ውል መሰረት ለመስራት ዝግጁ ናት። ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ያላትን የድንበር ጉዳይም በሰላምና በዓለም ኣቀፍ ብይን መሰረት እልባት ላይ አድርሳ፡ ተጎራባች ህዝቦች እፎይ የሚሉበትን ሁኔታ ለመፍጠርም ሳታሰልስ በመስራት ላይ ትገኛለች።

Posts: 3743
Joined: 28 Dec 2014, 21:18

Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by temari » 31 Mar 2021, 06:00

Horus, all what you said would work between two "normal" countries but Ethiopia and Eritrea are not. We have historical baggage which we can't ignore and which will affect our relationships whether we like it or not. Eritreans fought and sacrificed for 30 years to separate from Ethiopia. You have to respect that and can't just ignore this fact and try to reverse it. That is not gonna work and will only destabilize the region.

With the current ignorance and insensitivity of some Ethiopians and the high sensitivity of Eritreans concerning Eritrean independence, I am not even sure if the two countries can manage to have normal relationship (like Ethiopia and Djibouti or Ethiopia and Kenya) let alone to have a working integration. I understand the ignorance and insensitivity of ordinary Ethiopians because of the lack of interest in Eritrean matters on the side of Ethiopian media but as a long time diplomat and spokesman for the FM, Dina Mufti has no excuse for his insensitivity.

Ethiopian medias both public and private show little interest in Eritrean matters. They don't even go out and ask genuine Eritrean refugees in Addis to learn more about Eritrea when the refugees celebrate their Independence day. Many ordinary Ethiopians think Eritrea is a country from which everybody is happy to leave and come to Ethiopia. That is a distorted perception which leads to insensitive comments and actions by Ethiopians. The medias need to do a better job of educating the public if the two countries want to have a healthy relationship.

Both countries should first aim to have normal friendly relations (like Ethiopia and Djibouti) for at least 20 or 30 years. That would be already a success by itself. Eritreans should at least for once live in peace as an independent country without having any threats from Ethiopia. This may reduce the high sensitivity and make Eritreans act 'normal' and confident concerning their independence which is a basis to have a good and healthy relationship. With the current level of Eritrean sensitivity and Ethiopian insensitivity and the TPLF propaganda that only believes to benefit when two parties fight, I can guarantee you that the relationship will not last long, let alone to think about "strategic integration". "ከፈረሱ ጋሪው" እንዲሉ We both need to live in peace first and do our homework before jumping on something unrealistic like integration.

Even without the high sensitivity, how is integration gonna work? What would happen if Ethiopia and Eritrea start opening for business? Ethiopian businesses will surly buy everything in Eritrea and control the economy. Do you think that will bring peace? Is that even fair when Eritrea was under sanction for 20 years? And economic dominance brings cultural and linguistic influence issues to surface and we are back to square one. Hasty opening the business will only create an unfair economic imbalance and will ultimately lead to instability. For now, Ethiopia and Eritrea should open the roads to Eritrean ports and Eritrea should protect its economy from Ethiopian businesses for the next 20 years until Eritrean businesses flourish. Otherwise it is not gonna work.

Horus wrote:
30 Mar 2021, 21:16
I am Horus, I hate to mince words. Here is my educated guess & prediction.
Abiy Ahmed and Isayas Afeworqi are jointly planning the 2030, the 2050 African leadership and development plan together.

I believe that Isayas doesn't want to die leaving Eritrea at the current level of poverty and underdevelopment. With Abiy's Horn Integration vision, Esu sees one last golden opportunity to create the Horn Singapore on the Red Sea. And, he can only do that with collaboration and resources of Ethiopia.

If such a scenario is accurate, that would mean a historic foresight on the part of Isayas because that is the most direct, simple and assured path to Eritrean development into a modern middle income society.

In fact it would be a mark of genius if Isayas is able to see the mere instrumentality of the political order and recognized that the purpose of the state is the happiness and prosperity of its people. Eritrea can confederate itself with Ethiopia and become an African Dubai. What is wrong with that?

If this is what Isayas is thinking, I would simply call it a genius in political thought. It is called problem solving !!! It is called creative political thinking !!!

Posts: 1379
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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Asmara » 31 Mar 2021, 07:34

temari wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 06:00
Horus, all what you said would work between two "normal" countries but Ethiopia and Eritrea are not. We have historical baggage which we can't ignore and which will affect our relationships whether we like it or not. Eritreans fought and sacrificed for 30 years to separate from Ethiopia. You have to respect that and can't just ignore this fact and try to reverse it. That is not gonna work and will only destabilize the region.

With the current ignorance and insensitivity of some Ethiopians and the high sensitivity of Eritreans concerning Eritrean independence, I am not even sure if the two countries can manage to have normal relationship (like Ethiopia and Djibouti or Ethiopia and Kenya) let alone to have a working integration. I understand the ignorance and insensitivity of ordinary Ethiopians because of the lack of interest in Eritrean matters on the side of Ethiopian media but as a long time diplomat and spokesman for the FM, Dina Mufti has no excuse for his insensitivity.

Ethiopian medias both public and private show little interest in Eritrean matters. They don't even go out and ask genuine Eritrean refugees in Addis to learn more about Eritrea when the refugees celebrate their Independence day. Many ordinary Ethiopians think Eritrea is a country from which everybody is happy to leave and come to Ethiopia. That is a distorted perception which leads to insensitive comments and actions by Ethiopians. The medias need to do a better job of educating the public if the two countries want to have a healthy relationship.

Both countries should first aim to have normal friendly relations (like Ethiopia and Djibouti) for at least 20 or 30 years. That would be already a success by itself. Eritreans should at least for once live in peace as an independent country without having any threats from Ethiopia. This may reduce the high sensitivity and make Eritreans act 'normal' and confident concerning their independence which is a basis to have a good and healthy relationship. With the current level of Eritrean sensitivity and Ethiopian insensitivity and the TPLF propaganda that only believes to benefit when two parties fight, I can guarantee you that the relationship will not last long, let alone to think about "strategic integration". "ከፈረሱ ጋሪው" እንዲሉ We both need to live in peace first and do our homework before jumping on something unrealistic like integration.

Even without the high sensitivity, how is integration gonna work? What would happen if Ethiopia and Eritrea start opening for business? Ethiopian businesses will surly buy everything in Eritrea and control the economy. Do you think that will bring peace? Is that even fair when Eritrea was under sanction for 20 years? And economic dominance brings cultural and linguistic influence issues to surface and we are back to square one. Hasty opening the business will only create an unfair economic imbalance and will ultimately lead to instability. For now, Ethiopia and Eritrea should open the roads to Eritrean ports and Eritrea should protect its economy from Ethiopian businesses for the next 20 years until Eritrean businesses flourish. Otherwise it is not gonna work.

Horus wrote:
30 Mar 2021, 21:16
I am Horus, I hate to mince words. Here is my educated guess & prediction.
Abiy Ahmed and Isayas Afeworqi are jointly planning the 2030, the 2050 African leadership and development plan together.

I believe that Isayas doesn't want to die leaving Eritrea at the current level of poverty and underdevelopment. With Abiy's Horn Integration vision, Esu sees one last golden opportunity to create the Horn Singapore on the Red Sea. And, he can only do that with collaboration and resources of Ethiopia.

If such a scenario is accurate, that would mean a historic foresight on the part of Isayas because that is the most direct, simple and assured path to Eritrean development into a modern middle income society.

In fact it would be a mark of genius if Isayas is able to see the mere instrumentality of the political order and recognized that the purpose of the state is the happiness and prosperity of its people. Eritrea can confederate itself with Ethiopia and become an African Dubai. What is wrong with that?

If this is what Isayas is thinking, I would simply call it a genius in political thought. It is called problem solving !!! It is called creative political thinking !!!

Temari (Better to call you Astemari)

Great analysis. Excuse Horus, he minces his words a lot :lol: . What right has Horus and his likes got to decide on the fate of future Eritrea?
If Eritrea is poor and underdeveloped at the moment what is it to him? He should leave that thought only to Eritreans. Horus has the mentality of people like Andargachew Tsige who would want to get Eritrea back into their fold. But make no mistake Eritreans may disagree on internal matters but when it comes to their sovereignty and independence they are united. You just need to assess the reaction of Eritreans after the Khat addicted ambassador uttered his disrespectful comment.

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Sabur » 31 Mar 2021, 08:30

Horus Old Dergue apologists:

Have you set a foot in Eritrea to make a statement about Eritrea.

You were supporting the TPLF Leadership of Meles when the TPLF leadership and the US cooked multiple layers of Lies to sanction Eritrea.

You were supporting the TPLF Leadership of Meles when Meles lead Ethiopia invaded Somalia.

Let me tell you old bıtch: If the Eritrean People are left alone, we can do miracles. Sky is the Limit for Eritreans !!

You are an old bıtch with no principle, a typical old prȯstitute .

Horus wrote:
30 Mar 2021, 21:16
I am Horus, I hate to mince words. Here is my educated guess & prediction.
Abiy Ahmed and Isayas Afeworqi are jointly planning the 2030, the 2050 African leadership and development plan together.

I believe that Isayas doesn't want to die leaving Eritrea at the current level of poverty and underdevelopment. With Abiy's Horn Integration vision, Esu sees one last golden opportunity to create the Horn Singapore on the Red Sea. And, he can only do that with collaboration and resources of Ethiopia.

If such a scenario is accurate, that would mean a historic foresight on the part of Isayas because that is the most direct, simple and assured path to Eritrean development into a modern middle income society.

In fact it would be a mark of genius if Isayas is able to see the mere instrumentality of the political order and recognized that the purpose of the state is the happiness and prosperity of its people. Eritrea can confederate itself with Ethiopia and become an African Dubai. What is wrong with that?

If this is what Isayas is thinking, I would simply call it a genius in political thought. It is called problem solving !!! It is called creative political thinking !!!

Posts: 1619
Joined: 31 Oct 2019, 20:06

Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Jaegol » 31 Mar 2021, 08:49

Excellent analysis!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Abiy should fire Dina and hire Temari 😁👍👏🏼
temari wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 06:00
Horus, all what you said would work between two "normal" countries but Ethiopia and Eritrea are not. We have historical baggage which we can't ignore and which will affect our relationships whether we like it or not. Eritreans fought and sacrificed for 30 years to separate from Ethiopia. You have to respect that and can't just ignore this fact and try to reverse it. That is not gonna work and will only destabilize the region.

With the current ignorance and insensitivity of some Ethiopians and the high sensitivity of Eritreans concerning Eritrean independence, I am not even sure if the two countries can manage to have normal relationship (like Ethiopia and Djibouti or Ethiopia and Kenya) let alone to have a working integration. I understand the ignorance and insensitivity of ordinary Ethiopians because of the lack of interest in Eritrean matters on the side of Ethiopian media but as a long time diplomat and spokesman for the FM, Dina Mufti has no excuse for his insensitivity.

Ethiopian medias both public and private show little interest in Eritrean matters. They don't even go out and ask genuine Eritrean refugees in Addis to learn more about Eritrea when the refugees celebrate their Independence day. Many ordinary Ethiopians think Eritrea is a country from which everybody is happy to leave and come to Ethiopia. That is a distorted perception which leads to insensitive comments and actions by Ethiopians. The medias need to do a better job of educating the public if the two countries want to have a healthy relationship.

Both countries should first aim to have normal friendly relations (like Ethiopia and Djibouti) for at least 20 or 30 years. That would be already a success by itself. Eritreans should at least for once live in peace as an independent country without having any threats from Ethiopia. This may reduce the high sensitivity and make Eritreans act 'normal' and confident concerning their independence which is a basis to have a good and healthy relationship. With the current level of Eritrean sensitivity and Ethiopian insensitivity and the TPLF propaganda that only believes to benefit when two parties fight, I can guarantee you that the relationship will not last long, let alone to think about "strategic integration". "ከፈረሱ ጋሪው" እንዲሉ We both need to live in peace first and do our homework before jumping on something unrealistic like integration.

Even without the high sensitivity, how is integration gonna work? What would happen if Ethiopia and Eritrea start opening for business? Ethiopian businesses will surly buy everything in Eritrea and control the economy. Do you think that will bring peace? Is that even fair when Eritrea was under sanction for 20 years? And economic dominance brings cultural and linguistic influence issues to surface and we are back to square one. Hasty opening the business will only create an unfair economic imbalance and will ultimately lead to instability. For now, Ethiopia and Eritrea should open the roads to Eritrean ports and Eritrea should protect its economy from Ethiopian businesses for the next 20 years until Eritrean businesses flourish. Otherwise it is not gonna work.

Horus wrote:
30 Mar 2021, 21:16
I am Horus, I hate to mince words. Here is my educated guess & prediction.
Abiy Ahmed and Isayas Afeworqi are jointly planning the 2030, the 2050 African leadership and development plan together.

I believe that Isayas doesn't want to die leaving Eritrea at the current level of poverty and underdevelopment. With Abiy's Horn Integration vision, Esu sees one last golden opportunity to create the Horn Singapore on the Red Sea. And, he can only do that with collaboration and resources of Ethiopia.

If such a scenario is accurate, that would mean a historic foresight on the part of Isayas because that is the most direct, simple and assured path to Eritrean development into a modern middle income society.

In fact it would be a mark of genius if Isayas is able to see the mere instrumentality of the political order and recognized that the purpose of the state is the happiness and prosperity of its people. Eritrea can confederate itself with Ethiopia and become an African Dubai. What is wrong with that?

If this is what Isayas is thinking, I would simply call it a genius in political thought. It is called problem solving !!! It is called creative political thinking !!!

Last edited by Jaegol on 31 Mar 2021, 15:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Horus » 31 Mar 2021, 12:40

ለዚህ ነው ቃል መፍለጥ አልወድም የምለው። በፊዚክስ ውስጥ ጊዜ ካሉት ጸባያት አንዱ የግዜ ቀስት ይባላል። ግዜ በፍጹም ወደ ኋላ አይመለስም። ስለሆነም ሳይንስ ባለፈው ግዜ ውስጥ ተቀርቅረን እንዳንቀር ያዛል፤ ሳይኮሎጂም እንዲሁ። በዚህ አለም ላይ አንድም የማይለወጥ ነገር የለም። የቃሊቲ እስረኛን ከታሪክ እስረኛ የሚለየው የቃሊቲው የአካል፣ የታሪኩ ያይምሮ እስረኛ መሆናቸው ብቻ ነው። ትልቁ መመሪያ ሰዎች የሚሉትን መስማት ሳይሆን ህዝቦች የሚያደርጉትን መመልከት ነው። ኬር

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Sabur » 31 Mar 2021, 13:58

Horus Old Dergue apologists:

You can not stop blabbering, you old Bıtch. And what do you know about Physics time concept? Do not flatter yourself Old Bıtch.

We, Eritreans, single handedly defeated the biggest army in Africa without any help for our Independence. Yes, you can not handle this fact.

Now this arshole chat chewing Ethiopia's Spokesperson wants to spin Eritrea's Just Cause Struggle for Independence as if the Eritreans Fought and died as Mercenaries of Cold War.

To remind you the Old old Bıtch, Eritrea can cooperate with any nation it wants to so long there is mutual respect and peaceful relations.It can cooperate with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen and even Chad.

So Stop spinning and spare your good time in healing Ethiopia First.

From the horse mouth.

Horus wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 12:40
ለዚህ ነው ቃል መፍለጥ አልወድም የምለው። በፊዚክስ ውስጥ ጊዜ ካሉት ጸባያት አንዱ የግዜ ቀስት ይባላል። ግዜ በፍጹም ወደ ኋላ አይመለስም። ስለሆነም ሳይንስ ባለፈው ግዜ ውስጥ ተቀርቅረን እንዳንቀር ያዛል፤ ሳይኮሎጂም እንዲሁ። በዚህ አለም ላይ አንድም የማይለወጥ ነገር የለም። የቃሊቲ እስረኛን ከታሪክ እስረኛ የሚለየው የቃሊቲው የአካል፣ የታሪኩ ያይምሮ እስረኛ መሆናቸው ብቻ ነው። ትልቁ መመሪያ ሰዎች የሚሉትን መስማት ሳይሆን ህዝቦች የሚያደርጉትን መመልከት ነው። ኬር

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Sabur » 31 Mar 2021, 14:30

Yes, Excellent Analysis !!

Jaegol wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 08:49
Excellent analysis!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
temari wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 06:00
Horus, all what you said would work between two "normal" countries but Ethiopia and Eritrea are not. We have historical baggage which we can't ignore and which will affect our relationships whether we like it or not. Eritreans fought and sacrificed for 30 years to separate from Ethiopia. You have to respect that and can't just ignore this fact and try to reverse it. That is not gonna work and will only destabilize the region.

With the current ignorance and insensitivity of some Ethiopians and the high sensitivity of Eritreans concerning Eritrean independence, I am not even sure if the two countries can manage to have normal relationship (like Ethiopia and Djibouti or Ethiopia and Kenya) let alone to have a working integration. I understand the ignorance and insensitivity of ordinary Ethiopians because of the lack of interest in Eritrean matters on the side of Ethiopian media but as a long time diplomat and spokesman for the FM, Dina Mufti has no excuse for his insensitivity.

Ethiopian medias both public and private show little interest in Eritrean matters. They don't even go out and ask genuine Eritrean refugees in Addis to learn more about Eritrea when the refugees celebrate their Independence day. Many ordinary Ethiopians think Eritrea is a country from which everybody is happy to leave and come to Ethiopia. That is a distorted perception which leads to insensitive comments and actions by Ethiopians. The medias need to do a better job of educating the public if the two countries want to have a healthy relationship.

Both countries should first aim to have normal friendly relations (like Ethiopia and Djibouti) for at least 20 or 30 years. That would be already a success by itself. Eritreans should at least for once live in peace as an independent country without having any threats from Ethiopia. This may reduce the high sensitivity and make Eritreans act 'normal' and confident concerning their independence which is a basis to have a good and healthy relationship. With the current level of Eritrean sensitivity and Ethiopian insensitivity and the TPLF propaganda that only believes to benefit when two parties fight, I can guarantee you that the relationship will not last long, let alone to think about "strategic integration". "ከፈረሱ ጋሪው" እንዲሉ We both need to live in peace first and do our homework before jumping on something unrealistic like integration.

Even without the high sensitivity, how is integration gonna work? What would happen if Ethiopia and Eritrea start opening for business? Ethiopian businesses will surly buy everything in Eritrea and control the economy. Do you think that will bring peace? Is that even fair when Eritrea was under sanction for 20 years? And economic dominance brings cultural and linguistic influence issues to surface and we are back to square one. Hasty opening the business will only create an unfair economic imbalance and will ultimately lead to instability. For now, Ethiopia and Eritrea should open the roads to Eritrean ports and Eritrea should protect its economy from Ethiopian businesses for the next 20 years until Eritrean businesses flourish. Otherwise it is not gonna work.

Horus wrote:
30 Mar 2021, 21:16
I am Horus, I hate to mince words. Here is my educated guess & prediction.
Abiy Ahmed and Isayas Afeworqi are jointly planning the 2030, the 2050 African leadership and development plan together.

I believe that Isayas doesn't want to die leaving Eritrea at the current level of poverty and underdevelopment. With Abiy's Horn Integration vision, Esu sees one last golden opportunity to create the Horn Singapore on the Red Sea. And, he can only do that with collaboration and resources of Ethiopia.

If such a scenario is accurate, that would mean a historic foresight on the part of Isayas because that is the most direct, simple and assured path to Eritrean development into a modern middle income society.

In fact it would be a mark of genius if Isayas is able to see the mere instrumentality of the political order and recognized that the purpose of the state is the happiness and prosperity of its people. Eritrea can confederate itself with Ethiopia and become an African Dubai. What is wrong with that?

If this is what Isayas is thinking, I would simply call it a genius in political thought. It is called problem solving !!! It is called creative political thinking !!!

Naga Tuma
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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Naga Tuma » 31 Mar 2021, 17:25

When I heard the recent news about a potential federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia, I asked myself if this could be for real.

I also asked what kind of vision could be driving it.

Could it be the kind of Britain's Commonwealth style of relationship between the former colonizer and the colonized even if I would hate to say that our Eritrean brothers and sisters were colonized by Ethiopia?

Could it be that Colonel Goshu Wolde's prayer for divine intervention in 1991 was finally heard?

Could it be that the raison d'être for the formation of the EPLF and subsequent armed struggle for 30 years was settled in 1991 when it took control of Eritrea and its tanks rolled from Nakfa all the way to Ethiopia's capital and took siege of its palace?

If my limited reading serves me right, the raison d'être was not the existence of that federation, but its undermining by Ethiopia. If there is truth in this reading, I don't think that there is any more score left for Eritrea to settle with Ethiopia in order to look for a mutual vision, not on Ethiopia's terms but on mutual terms.

I also asked if it may be a politically calculated vision to win through federation instead of losing to a potential future war if the attitude of Tamirat Negera type takes traction in Ethiopia in the years to come.

In addition, I have also asked if Eritrea sees a more diverse political environment in Ethiopia today compared to when it was in its liberation struggle. I still remember reading in the 1990s or so an Eritrean analyst foreseeing the influence of Afan Oromo speakers in Ethiopia as a forgone conclusion.

I would be the first to admit that I am biased in favor of Eritrea's federation or whatever mutual political arrangement it can make with Ethiopia. Given the region’s geopolitical location, I imagine synergy (መደማመር, different from መደመር) out of it. Even then, I would be happy to understand the bottom line debate among Eritreans for or against repairing the undermined federation in order to choose a vision for the future instead of living in the pain of the past.

Looking to the future and Eritrea's settling scores with Ethiopia, population data on the internet suggests that there are about 33 Ethiopians for every Eritrean. Project this data onto Tiffany Haddish, Joe Neguse, and Alexander Isak of Eritrean heritage. My biased thinking imagines if renewing the federation on mutual terms could avail opportunities for producing 33 Ethiopians for each one of them in a future generation.

As biased as I am to see the two countries try to renew the federation, whenever I see the talented Alexander Isak, I wonder if he has any time for a vacation, take a trip during that time to travel to not only Eritrea but also every possible corner of Ethiopia, watch young Ethiopians play balls, and envision ways for them to rise together in numbers even if he has set the bar so high that few may be able to reach it.

I think about what successful people like him say in the Eritrean debate about reproaching Ethiopia or vice versa.

That is just one example. In general, when I think about those Eritreans who went through the pain of the liberation movement, I always remember another parallel world, the world of FORTRAN. As the fingers of young Ethiopians and Eritreans were trained on triggers, the fingers of young people in many other places around the world were being trained on coding, compiling, and executing machine languages. The parallel between the liberation movement and FORTRAN is mesmerizing. So, I may ask humbly where in the world are Eritrea's liberation fighters in the world of FORTRAN?

I learned early on the meaning of the words ልሂቅ፣ ክህነሊቅ፣ and later on knowledge. During my life early on and in the recent few decades, I have watched the lexicons of our debates shift from those I learned early on to ጀግንነት, which is reminiscent of that struggle. There is nothing wrong with being one when necessary.

However, there comes a time when moving forward for a mutual vision may be more important than trying to step forward while looking back to the pain of the past, especially when Eritrea has nothing more left to settle with Ethiopia, at least the way I understand it.

The mutual understanding may not come overnight. Ideally, there would be a common or mainstream understanding in Eritrea. I imagine that if they start with a simple question of what else there is left to settle with Ethiopia vis a vis the raison d'être for the formation of the EPLF many decades ago now, visionary Eritreans would find satisfactory answers for themselves on their own and choose a vision for the future instead of the pain of the past.

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Hawzen » 31 Mar 2021, 18:19

Horus wrote:
30 Mar 2021, 21:16
......... Eritrea can confederate itself with Ethiopia and become an African Dubai. What is wrong with that?

If this is what Isayas is thinking, I would simply call it a genius in political thought. It is called problem solving !!! It is called creative political thinking !!!

Brother Horus,

You need to watch you mouth, brother. Eritrea and Ethiopia are two different sovereign countries and we will remain so. I am sure you are old enough to remember that once upon a time there used to be confederation between Eritrea and Ethiopia. I am also sure you remember how that worked out for the people Eritrea and the people of Ethiopia. I just hope that you are smart enough to realize we don't really need to go back through the miserable time our both peoples had gone through.... I assure you that PIA is not a kind of leader who even considers about the fantasy you have in your mind. If any Eritrean leader even considers confederation with Ethiopia or any other country for that matter, the Eritrean people know what to do before it happens. That is definitely our RED LINE!

let me tell you this: I don't think the people of Eritrea wants to confederate with the US let alone with Ethiopia. Don't get wrong, everybody knows that the US is the richest and the most powerful country in the world. It is all about identity, culture and value and we we are very proud of our identity, culture and value.

However, we can work together hand in hand for the betterment of our both peoples just as two countries without interfering in our domestic issues. You need to stop dreaming too much. If I were you, I would first think more about the unity and stability of Ethiopia as a country instead of creating further controversy and chaos with any neighboring country and specially Eritrea.

May God bless the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF ዱቄት
Last edited by Hawzen on 31 Mar 2021, 18:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Sabur » 31 Mar 2021, 18:20

Naga Tuma:

let's do a simple comparison between the two countries Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Even with devastating Sanction Imposed against Eritrea to bring down Eritrea as a Nation, the state of Eritrea is more peaceful than Ethiopia.

An Eritrean can travel across the whole parts of Eritrea daytime or night time alone by herself/himself without any fear.

But you do not see that in Ethiopia now and even the last 30 years despite so much financial aid by the West.

There is ethic strife among the people of Ethiopia: Amara vs Oromo or viceversa, Oromo vs the people of Gambella, Benshangul vs Amhara, Amhara vs Tigray, Somalia vs amhara,.... all these tensions.

You can not put a Monetary value on the Peacefulness of a country which is the basis for real development and cooperations.

First Ethiopia and Ethiopians need to heal themselves. Burying the issue under the rag and looking outside their own country Eritrea will not solve their problems.

BTW; if it wasn't for FORTRAN, latest languages C++, Python, Java,... would not be available.

And this hyperbole of coders is very much exaggerated for countries like Ethiopia. If a country has trained all its citizens to be coders, who will do the farming.

Self sufficiency in Food is the First Priority for all development in Africa.

Naga Tuma wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 17:25
When I heard the recent news about a potential federation of Eritrea with Ethiopia, I asked myself if this could be for real.

I also asked what kind of vision could be driving it.

Could it be the kind of Britain's Commonwealth style of relationship between the former colonizer and the colonized even if I would hate to say that our Eritrean brothers and sisters were colonized by Ethiopia?

Could it be that Colonel Goshu Wolde's prayer for divine intervention in 1991 was finally heard?

Could it be that the raison d'être for the formation of the EPLF and subsequent armed struggle for 30 years was settled in 1991 when it took control of Eritrea and its tanks rolled from Nakfa all the way to Ethiopia's capital and took siege of its palace?

If my limited reading serves me right, the raison d'être was not the existence of that federation, but its undermining by Ethiopia. If there is truth in this reading, I don't think that there is any more score left for Eritrea to settle with Ethiopia in order to look for a mutual vision, not on Ethiopia's terms but on mutual terms.

I also asked if it may be a politically calculated vision to win through federation instead of losing to a potential future war if the attitude of Tamirat Negera type takes traction in Ethiopia in the years to come.

In addition, I have also asked if Eritrea sees a more diverse political environment in Ethiopia today compared to when it was in its liberation struggle. I still remember reading in the 1990s or so an Eritrean analyst foreseeing the influence of Afan Oromo speakers in Ethiopia as a forgone conclusion.

I would be the first to admit that I am biased in favor of Eritrea's federation or whatever mutual political arrangement it can make with Ethiopia. Given the region’s geopolitical location, I imagine synergy (መደማመር, different from መደመር) out of it. Even then, I would be happy to understand the bottom line debate among Eritreans for or against repairing the undermined federation in order to choose a vision for the future instead of living in the pain of the past.

Looking to the future and Eritrea's settling scores with Ethiopia, population data on the internet suggests that there are about 33 Ethiopians for every Eritrean. Project this data onto Tiffany Haddish, Joe Neguse, and Alexander Isak of Eritrean heritage. My biased thinking imagines if renewing the federation on mutual terms could avail opportunities for producing 33 Ethiopians for each one of them in a future generation.

As biased as I am to see the two countries try to renew the federation, whenever I see the talented Alexander Isak, I wonder if he has any time for a vacation, take a trip during that time to travel to not only Eritrea but also every possible corner of Ethiopia, watch young Ethiopians play balls, and envision ways for them to rise together in numbers even if he has set the bar so high that few may be able to reach it.

I think about what successful people like him say in the Eritrean debate about reproaching Ethiopia or vice versa.

That is just one example. In general, when I think about those Eritreans who went through the pain of the liberation movement, I always remember another parallel world, the world of FORTRAN. As the fingers of young Ethiopians and Eritreans were trained on triggers, the fingers of young people in many other places around the world were being trained on coding, compiling, and executing machine languages. The parallel between the liberation movement and FORTRAN is mesmerizing. So, I may ask humbly where in the world are Eritrea's liberation fighters in the world of FORTRAN?

I learned early on the meaning of the words ልሂቅ፣ ክህነሊቅ፣ and later on knowledge. During my life early on and in the recent few decades, I have watched the lexicons of our debates shift from those I learned early on to ጀግንነት, which is reminiscent of that struggle. There is nothing wrong with being one when necessary.

However, there comes a time when moving forward for a mutual vision may be more important than trying to step forward while looking back to the pain of the past, especially when Eritrea has nothing more left to settle with Ethiopia, at least the way I understand it.

The mutual understanding may not come overnight. Ideally, there would be a common or mainstream understanding in Eritrea. I imagine that if they start with a simple question of what else there is left to settle with Ethiopia vis a vis the raison d'être for the formation of the EPLF many decades ago now, visionary Eritreans would find satisfactory answers for themselves on their own and choose a vision for the future instead of the pain of the past.

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Temt » 31 Mar 2021, 19:40

Well, dear brothers and sisters, you have said it all and not much could be added short of diluting what has been superbly done by many of you. Thanks, Temari, Sabur, Hawzen, Meleket for your nice insight and genuine rebuttal to what I call brother Horus' tired and meaningless wishful thinking. It never fails to amaze me how some Ethiopian brothers and sisters keep on doing the wrong thing while pretending to say the right things.
Brother Horus seems to be living in a delusionary world where he loves to forget the Eritrean peoples' pains and misery suffered at the hands of no other than his "Ethiopian" various regimes, except the current one!
1) Just take a look at how brother Andargachew Tsige stated about how the issue of Assab would be addressed with Eritrea! What is there to be addressed besides using it (if Ethiopia desires) with Eritrean and Ethiopian authorities agreements? He said this after Eritrea helped him and his group by providing a safe military training camp against the TPLF-led Ethiopian fascist army! Would brother Horus consider this act of ingratitude as some sort of act that Ethiopians would be proud of?
2) The same could be said of brother Gizaw of ESAT when he requested an additional minute to the moderator to repeat basically what Andargachew stated earlier!
3) Another cousin of brother Horus, Dr. Berhanu Nega, is recorded on a video clip stating that he was surprised how the evil Meles Zenawi and the Weyanes could trust PIA knowing well "የኢሳያስ ተባጫሪነት ባህርይ"! One can accuse PIA of many things, but "ተባጫሪነት" is not one of them. All the "Border" wars that we were forced in to defend our national sovereignty and territorial integrity were all involuntarily imposed on us by misguided and foreign subservient neighboring government leaders.

That said, there is still one and only one excellent chance if the peaceful coexistence signed between Eritrea and Ethiopia is to bear any fruit. That is to keep on working together helping each other for a win-win situation without interfering in the internal affairs of each other.

Finally, there is something our dear Ethiopian brothers and sisters need to keep in mind. Believe me, that we unashamedly would call for some sort of political union if we so determine that such a move would be more beneficial to both Eritrea and Ethiopia. So what is this one-sided rush?
Last edited by Temt on 31 Mar 2021, 21:05, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Horus » 31 Mar 2021, 20:19

ለኤርትራዊ ውንድሞቼ፣
እኔ ከላይ ያልኩትን ነገር የለጠፍኩት የራሴ ሃሳብ (ግምት) ስለሆነ እንጂ እናንተን ይጥማቿል ብዬ አይደለም፣ እንድትስማሙኝም አልጠብቅም። ግን ያልኩት ነገር ስለኢትዮ ኤርትራ ከሚባሉት ነገሮች ውስጥ አንዱ ነው ። ስለዚህ ነው እየተወያየንበት ያለው ። ደግሞም አዲስ ነገር ምንግዜም ለብዙ ግዜ ተቀባይነት ስያገኝ ኖሮ ነው መጨረሻ ላይ ጠቃሚነቱ ተቀባይነት አግኝቶ አለምን የሚለውጠው ። ይህ በሳይንስም፣ ቴክኖሎጂም፣ በሶሺያልና ፖለቲካ አለምም አንድ ነው።

ከናንተ ውስጥ የሲስተም ተማሪዎች ካላችሁ አንድ የሲስተምስ ቲኦሪ ፕሪንሲፕል ልንገራችሁ ። እሱም የኢመርጀንስ ወይም የድንገታዊነት መርህ ይባላል። እሱም እንዲ ነው ።

ንቃተ ህሊና ያላቸው ወይም የራሳቸው አላማ ሆነ ብለው የሚፈጥሩ ሲስተሞች ከሌሎች ሜካኒካል ሲስተሞች የሚለያቸው አንድ ትልቅ ነገር የሲስተሙ አካላት ሁሉም የራሳቸው አላማ ስላላቸው ከትልቁ እናት ሲስተም ጋራ ሲዋቀሩ በጥቅም ድርድር ነው ። ስለሆነም በዋናው ሲስተምና በልዩ ልዩ አካሎቹ (ፓርቶቹ) መሃል የማይቋረጥ ድርድር እና መሸጋሸግ ይካሄዳል ፤ ለምሳሌ በክልሎችና በፌደራል መሃል።

በዚህም ምክንያት ትልቁ እናት ሲስተም ወደፊት ምን እንደ ሚያደርግ ሊያውቅ አይችልም፣ እሱን ያዋቀሩት ክፍሎቹ አላማቸውን ስለሚለዋውቱና ተጽዕኖ ስለሚያደርጉ። አንድ ሲስተም ሰውም ሆነ መንግስት በየግዜው ኢመርጅ በሚያደርጉት ሁኔታዎች ሲመጡ የሚስማማውን መምረጥ እንጂ ወደ ፊት የሚሆነውን ማወቅም መወሰንን አይችልም፣ አንችልም ። እርግጥ ለይምሰል ፕላን ይደረጋል ወዘተ። ይህም ማለት ፕላን የሚደረገው የጨዋታው ሕግ እንጂ ራሱ ጨዋታው አይደለም ። በጨዋታው ምን እንደ ምናደርድ በተከታታይ የምንወስነው እና የሚቀጥለውን ሙቭ የምንመርጠው በሂደት ኢመርጅ በሚያደርገው ሁኔታ መሰረት ነው ።

ባንድ ቃል የዛሬ 10 አመት፣ የዛሬ 30 አመት ኢትዮጵያና ኤርትራዊያን ምን አይነት ትስስር እንደ ሚኖራቸው ማንም ዛሬ ላይ ሆኖ ሊያውቅ አይችልም ። ስላለፈው ግዜ ብዙ ማለት እንችላለን፤ ያግ ን እስር ቤት ነው ። ባለፈ ክረምት አይታረስም፣ ናጋ ቶማ እናለው " visionary Eritreans would find satisfactory answers for themselves on their own and choose a vision for the future instead of the pain of the past."

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Meleket » 01 Apr 2021, 04:59

Horus wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 20:19
ለኤርትራዊ ውንድሞቼ፣
. . .

ባንድ ቃል የዛሬ 10 አመት፣ የዛሬ 30 አመት ኢትዮጵያና ኤርትራዊያን ምን አይነት ትስስር እንደ ሚኖራቸው ማንም ዛሬ ላይ ሆኖ ሊያውቅ አይችልም ። ስላለፈው ግዜ ብዙ ማለት እንችላለን፤ ያግ ን እስር ቤት ነው ። ባለፈ ክረምት አይታረስም፣ ናጋ ቶማ እናለው " visionary Eritreans would find satisfactory answers for themselves on their own and choose a vision for the future instead of the pain of the past."
እርግጥ ነው ወዳጃችን Horus ባለፈ ክረምት አይታረስም። ባለፈው ክረምት የታረሰው መሬት ያልታረሰውም ጭምር ዘንድሮ ሊታረስ ሲል፡ በተለይ ኤርትራ ውስጥ ከሆነ፡ ኤርትራዉያን መቼ መታረስ እንዳለበት፡ ምንና መቼ መዘራት እንዳለበት ጭምር ከባለፈው ልምዳችን ተነስተን፡ የማንም ጥገኛ ሳንሆን በምግብ እራሳችንን ለመቻል፡ ሚያዋጣንን እናደርጋለን ነው ቁምነገሩ። ኢትዮጵያዉያን ጎረቤት ወንድሞቻችን ደግሞ እንዲሁ፡ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ባለፈው ክረምት የታረሰውን መሬት ያልታረሰውንም ጭምር፡ መቼ እንደምታርሱትና ምን እንደምትዘሩበት፡ ምን ማድረግም እንዳለባችሁ ራሳችሁ ታውቃላችሁ። ዘንድሮ አናርሰውም ማለትም መብታችሁ ነው፡ ህንጻ እንሰራበታለንም ልትሉ ትችላላችሁ፡ የውስጥ ጉዳያችሁ ነው፡ እንዳሻችሁ። ከዚያ ባለፈ ግን፡ ለኤርትራውያን ይህን እረሱት ይህን አትረሱት፡ ይህን ዘር ከኛ ውሰዱ ያን ዘር አትዝሩት ልትሉን አትችሉም። ከኛ የምትፈልጉት ካለ፡ እኛም ከናንተ የምንፈልገው ካለ፡ በጨዋ ደንብ በፍቅር በውልና በስምምነት እንገበያያለን።

ያለፈው ግዜ ለኛ ለኤርትራውያን ትምህርት ቤት እንጂ እስር ቤት አይደለም።

ኤርትራ ለኤርትራዉያን!
ኢትዮጵያ ለኢትዮጵያውያን!
ይሄ ነው የሚበጀን ይሄ ነው ሚያዋጣን። ነው እያልን ያለነው።

በነገራችን ላይ፡ ኤርትራውያን እንዲህ የሚል መርህ አለን “ንኵሉ እንተታት ድልዋት”፡ “ለማንኛውም ክስተቶች ሆነ ቢሆኖች፡ ዘወትር ንቁና ዝግጁዎች ነን” ማለት ነው። ያለፈው ታሪካችን ያስተማረን እንዲህ እንድንሆን ነው።

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Ethoash » 01 Apr 2021, 07:53

ኢትዬዽያ በትግሬዎች ሕግ መንግስት በፈደርሽን የምትመራ ከሆን ሁሉም ክልሉን የሚመራ ከሆን ባንድራ መብት የቋንቋ መብት በልልሉ የመመረጥ እና የመምረጥ በብት ምንም የአዲስ አበባው መንግስት በክልሉ ጣልቃ የማይገባ ከሆን ። ክልሉ የራሱን ታክስ በብስቦ የፈደራል ታክስ ከፍሎ በቀረው ክልሉን የሚያሳድግ ከሆነ።

እንኩዋን ኤርትራ ጅቡቲ፣ ሱማሊያ ደቡብ ሱዳን ለግዜው ወድ ኢትዬዽያ መጥተው አንድነት ይመስርታሉ ከዚያም በመላው አፍሪካ በትግሬዎች ሕገ መንግስት ይተዳደራል ። መለስ ታላቅ ስጦታ ነው ትቶልን ያለፈው።

እንዳልኩትም በትግሬዎች ግዜ ኤርትራኖች እግራቸውን ተጎትተው ነው የወጡት አንወጣም ብለው እስከዛሬ ቂም በትግሬዎች ላይ የያዙት ለዚያ ነው። የትግሬ ፈደራሊዝም ተስማምቶዋቸው ነበር። በአማራ ግዜ አንዴዬ ኢትዬዽያ በአማራ ስራ ያለች አስተዳደርን እርግፍ አርገው የተዋጉት ስርዓት ነው። የአማራን ኢትየዽያን አይፈልጉም የሚፈልጉት የትግሬዎችን ኢትዬዽያ ነው። ኦሮሞችም የትግረዎች ሕገ መንግስት በተግባር ከተተሮጎመ የትም እይሄዱም ችግሩ አማራ ብቻ ነው።

all in here opposing mr. Hororor idea is Eritreans end of story.. Eritrea are not only Northern Agam there are 9 tribes those will support unity with Ethiopia instead of living under Northern Agame

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by dano » 01 Apr 2021, 08:51

What is there for Eritrea to gain joining a big failed state-Ethiopia?
We all know Singaporeans or Taiwanese are not interested in joining the emerging super power China.
Only low IQ-old f@rt-donkey politicians will entertain this stupid scenario.

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Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Meleket » 01 Apr 2021, 09:03

እነ Horus እና Ethoash ከኤርትራ ጋር በኮንፌዴሬሽን ለመተሳሰር ኤርትራውያንን እየለመናችሁን ማለትም እየጠየቃችሁን ከሆነ፡

መጀመሪያ እስቲ እርስ በርሳችሁ ይቅር ተባባሉ፡

ትግሬ አማራ ጉራጌ ኦሮሞ ወዘተ እየተባባላችሁ እርስበርሳችሁ መጎሻሸሙን አቁሙ፡

በየስርቻው እርስ በርስ መገዳደላችሁንም አቁሙ፡

አንዱ አንዱን በዘውጉ እያደነ ማፈናቀሉንና መነፋፈጉን ስለ እግዚኣብሄር ፍቅር ብላችሁ አቁሙ፡

እርቀሰላም በመካከላችሁ አስፍኑ

ሰይጠን ሳይሆን ሰልጠን በሉ።

መጸሐፉም ቢሆን ማንኛውም መስዋእት ሊያቀርብልኝ የሚሻ መጀመሪያ ከወንድሙ ጋር ይታረቅ ነው የሚለው። ኮንፌዴሬሽን የሚባል መስዋእት ለኤርትራውያን ከማቅረባችሁ በፊት እርስ በርሳችሁ ይቅር ተባባሉ።
Ethoash wrote:
01 Apr 2021, 07:53
. . . መለስ ታላቅ ስጦታ ነው ትቶልን ያለፈው። . . .
የአደረ ኣፋሹ ሊቅ፡ ወዳጃችን Ethoash እዳሪ ኣፋሽነት እንዴት ይዦሃል ጃል!

መቸም ድምጽህ ለሙዚቃ የሰጠ ነውና፡ እስቲ ይህችን ድንቅ ዜማ አንጎራጉርልን እባክህ!

“ንገርን’ዶ ሓለፋዪ፣
ሓቁ ክፈልጦ ንዳሕራዪ፣
መለስ ላበዪ ከይዱ ኣብሻዪ?
ሥዩም ላበዪ ከይዱ ኣብሻዪ?
ኣባይ ላበይ ከይዱ ኣብሻዪ?
ጌቾ ላበይ ከይዱ ኣብሻዪ?” !

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Selam/ » 01 Apr 2021, 20:39

What a genius! :lol:
Meleket wrote:
01 Apr 2021, 09:03
እነ Horus እና Ethoash ከኤርትራ ጋር በኮንፌዴሬሽን ለመተሳሰር ኤርትራውያንን እየለመናችሁን ማለትም እየጠየቃችሁን ከሆነ፡

መጀመሪያ እስቲ እርስ በርሳችሁ ይቅር ተባባሉ፡

ትግሬ አማራ ጉራጌ ኦሮሞ ወዘተ እየተባባላችሁ እርስበርሳችሁ መጎሻሸሙን አቁሙ፡

በየስርቻው እርስ በርስ መገዳደላችሁንም አቁሙ፡

አንዱ አንዱን በዘውጉ እያደነ ማፈናቀሉንና መነፋፈጉን ስለ እግዚኣብሄር ፍቅር ብላችሁ አቁሙ፡

እርቀሰላም በመካከላችሁ አስፍኑ

ሰይጠን ሳይሆን ሰልጠን በሉ።

መጸሐፉም ቢሆን ማንኛውም መስዋእት ሊያቀርብልኝ የሚሻ መጀመሪያ ከወንድሙ ጋር ይታረቅ ነው የሚለው። ኮንፌዴሬሽን የሚባል መስዋእት ለኤርትራውያን ከማቅረባችሁ በፊት እርስ በርሳችሁ ይቅር ተባባሉ።
Ethoash wrote:
01 Apr 2021, 07:53
. . . መለስ ታላቅ ስጦታ ነው ትቶልን ያለፈው። . . .
የአደረ ኣፋሹ ሊቅ፡ ወዳጃችን Ethoash እዳሪ ኣፋሽነት እንዴት ይዦሃል ጃል!

መቸም ድምጽህ ለሙዚቃ የሰጠ ነውና፡ እስቲ ይህችን ድንቅ ዜማ አንጎራጉርልን እባክህ!

“ንገርን’ዶ ሓለፋዪ፣
ሓቁ ክፈልጦ ንዳሕራዪ፣
መለስ ላበዪ ከይዱ ኣብሻዪ?
ሥዩም ላበዪ ከይዱ ኣብሻዪ?
ኣባይ ላበይ ከይዱ ኣብሻዪ?
ጌቾ ላበይ ከይዱ ኣብሻዪ?” !

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Re: Ethio-Eritrean Strategic Integration - A Powerful Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Post by Blueshift » 01 Apr 2021, 20:53


Excellent. You know African politics. If Abbiy thinks it, Dina says it. Hence, there must be something sinister into it.

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