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Re: [OMG] Guji Abbaa Gedaa speaks his mind about Jawar and OLF not knowing he's being recorded by Kello Media

Post by or1 » 24 Feb 2021, 05:02

yaballo wrote:
24 Feb 2021, 03:39

The one who was really interviewed by Kelo Media was NOT a Guji Abba Gada but a bilgina/pp/opdo baboon cadre imposter who pretended to be the Guji Abba Gada as part of Oromia bilgina/pp's current nasty strategy to pit one Oromo group against the other [= divide & conquer, divide & confuse, etc]. His name is Tadese Adama.

That fact has been established among the Oromos via their various media outlets but the sheer oromophobe weixo+gudeela media outlets such as Zehabesha, ESAT, etc, are trying to exploit the situation by spreading their fake news as per usual.

This is the mentioned imposter/cadre & he too is member of the Guji tribe [hence he used the Guji accent/dialect to do his little dramatic contribution to please his feeders.

አባ ገዳ ጂሎ መንdho ነኝ ብላ በስልክ ለኬሎ ሚዲያ ኢንተርቪው የሰጠችው እቺ ታደሰ አዳማ የምትባል የብልፅግና ካድሬ ነች። እነታዬ አጀንዳቸው ህዝብን መከፋፈል ነው፣ የእነሱን አጀንዳ እያራገቡ ማለቃቀስ የለብንም። አባ ገዳው ምንም እንኳን ከመንግስትጋ የሚያጨበጭቡ ቢሆኑም የተባለው ወሬ ከእሳቸው አፍ አልወጣም።
የጉጂ ጀግኖች በቅርቡ ለዚ በኃቃም ካድሬ ዋጋውን እንደሚሰጡት እርግጠኛ ነኝ!😊


yaballo, thanks for the info. But why did then Kello media say the person is Guji Abbaa Gedaa? I don't understand.

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