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People Power Campaign: To Honor King We Must Strike!

Post by teodroseIII » 17 Jan 2021, 09:51

Almost fifty-three years ago, Martin Luther King was assassinated on the balcony of Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. King’s death sentence was signed the minute he decided to put aside his focus on race and instead embraced the wider struggle between the powerless many who are oppressed and the powerful few who oppress them without bias to our differences. Martin Luther King was free to live and preach as long as he stayed in his lane; he was assassinated in cold-blood when he strayed out of line and started to talk about universal justice.

History records that it was a lone gunman by the name of James Earl Ray who killed King, but one only has to do a web search on the words “Loyd Jowers trail” to realize that our government was behind the extrajudicial execution of America’s greatest statesman and a moral giant who stood up for equality for all and justice without exception. King’s sin was daring to dream that we as a people can one day arrive at a promised land where we judge each other not based on the color of our skin but the content of our character. Attempting to deliver us to Zion was greeted with a bullet and the silence of his supposed disciples. History truly is a broken record...continued...

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