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Abe Abraham
Senior Member
Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 06 Apr 2021, 19:29

ኣልተዓኑት ኣል-ኣስዩቢ ?

ባሁን ጊዜ በየግብጽና የፈርዖን ኣገሪትዋን የሚፈሩ የኣረብ ሜድያዎች የሚትሰማው ነገር " ኣልተዓኑት ኣል-ኣስዩቢ " የሚል ኣታላይ ቅጽል-ስም ነው ። ኣልተዓኑት በትግርኛ እንደ ድርቅና ነው የሚተረጎመው ።

በሌላ ኣነጋገር የግብጽ ሌቦች " ናይል በሁሉ የኛ ነው ። ከ " ታሪካዊ ድርሳችን " ኣንዲት ኩባያም ብትሆንም የሚነካልን የለም ። ውሃ መከፋፈል ክሱዳንና ግብጽን ብቻ ነው የሚሆነው ። ኢትዮጵያ ግድቡን መሙላት ከፈለገች በብዙ ዓመታት መሆን ኣለበት ። ኢትዮጵያ በህግ እንደምታሰር ራስዋን በራስዋን መፈረም ኣለባት ። ከቻልን በማስፈራራት ጥቁሮችን ገድለን ይሁን ጥቁር ከጡቁር - ሱዳን በመጠቅም - ኣገዳድለን የውሃውን ዋነኞች ተጠቃሚዎች እንሆናለን ። " ኢያሉ ኢትዮጵያን ደረቅ ኣቋም እንዳላት ኣድርገው ይወንጅላሉና ያጠቃሉ ።

ኣረቦች ቁም-ነገር ኣዘል የሆኑት ተረቶች - ከሱ ሳይማሩ - ስለሚወዱ ስለ ጁሓና ኣህያ ልነግራችሁ ።

ከእለታት ኣንድቀን ጅሐ ወደ ንጉስ ቀርቦ " ኣንድ ኣህያ ካመጣህልኝ በኣስር ኣመት እንደ ሰው እንደሚናገር ላደርግልህ እችላለሁ " ይለዋል ። ንግሱ በጣም ኣስገርሞት ለሰራተኞቹን ኣህያ ኣምጡለት ብሎ ኣዝዞ ጁሓን ቃሉ እንዲያከብር ኣስጠንቅቆ ያሰናብታል ።

ከዚያ ቡሃላ ጅሓን የሚቀርቡ ሰዎች " ኣንተ ጁሓ ንግሱን ጨካኝ መሆኑን እያወቅህ ለምን በድፍረት የማይሆን ነገር እንደምታርገው ኣድርገህ ከሱ ጋር ውል ትገባለህ ? " ብለው ጠየቁት ። ጁሓ " ይህማ የሚያስፈራ ነገር ኣይደለም ። ካሁን እስከ ኣስር ኣመት የኣምላክ ፍቃድ ሆኖ እኔ ልሞት እችላለሁ ንግሱም እንደዝያ ኣህያውም እንደዝያ ። ስለዚ በኔ መጨነቅ ተገቢ ኣይደለም ። " ብሎ ባለስጋት ጓደኖቹን ኣጽናና ።

ይህ ምን ለማለት ነው ? ግብጻውያ - መጅዲ ኸሊል የሚባል የተዋህዶ ሰው እንዳለው - በመሰረቱ ግድቡን ኣይፈልጉትም ። ጊዜ ያስታርቀናል ብለው ስለሚያምኑ ግን በታክቲክ " ኢትዮጵያውያን የሃይል ማመንጫ ግድብ ሊሰሩ ሲፈልጉ እኛ ኣንቃወምን " ብለው ይለፈልፋሉ ። ዋና መርገጫቸው ግን " ሙት ያ ሑማር " ነው ። በሌላ ኣነጋገር " ግድቡን የሞምላት ጊዜ ኣስረዝመን ባገኘነው ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያ በውስጥ ኣዳክመን የረጅም ጊዜ ፍላጎታችን ለማግኘት እንችላለን " የሚል ኣስተሳሰብ እና ስልት ኣላቸው ማለት ነው ።

Abe Abraham
Senior Member
Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 07 Apr 2021, 00:53

An expert advises the government to disengage from Egypt in the Renaissance Dam negotiations. ( In other words : Let us negotiate separately with Ethiopia to safeguard our immediate interest )

The expert in economics and urban planning, Dr. Adel Abdel Moneim, called on the Sudanese government to disengage from the negotiations of the Renaissance Dam between Sudan and Egypt in order to vary the risks, while accelerating to enter into bilateral negotiations with Ethiopia to prevent the drowning scenario as happened the previous year.

Abdel Moneim said to (Al-Attiba), Sudan must make an offer to Ethiopia to fill the dam by the end of August to avoid a recurrence of the sinking scenario, as happened last year.

Abdel Moneim added: We are only three months away from the date of filling the dam next July, which leads to a major drought in the Nile. And the exit of water and electricity stations from service, and he said, after the rains on the Ethiopian plateau, billions of cubic meters will spill from the dam to Sudan and lead to terrifying floods amounting to three times what happened last year, which leads to the inundation of Khartoum and five states on the Nile Strip.
خبير ينصح الحكومة بفك الارتباط مع مصر في مفاوضات سد النهضة

دعا الخبير في الاقتصاد و التخطيط الحضري دكتور عادل عبد المنعم ، الحكومة السودانية الى فك الارتباط في مفاوضات سد النهضة بين السودان ومصر لتباين المخاطر ، مع الاسراع للدخول في مفاوضات ثنائية مع اثيوبيا لمنع سيناريو الغرق كما حدث العام السابق.

وقال عبدالمنعم لـ( الانتباهة) ، يجب على السودان تقديم عرض لاثيوبيا لملء السد بنهاية اغسطس لتجنب تكرار سيناريو الغرق كما حدث العام الماضي

وزاد عبد المنعم : أننا على بعد ثلاثة أشهر فقط من تاريخ ملء السد في يوليو القادم وهو ما يؤدي إلى جفاف كبير في النيل وخروج محطات المياه والكهرباء من الخدمة ، وأبان، بعد هطول الأمطار في الهضبة الاثيوبية سوف تندلق من السد مليارات الامتار المكعبة الى السودان وتؤدي إلى فيضانات مرعبة تبلغ ثلاثة اضعاف ما حدث العام الماضي مما يؤدي لاغراق الخرطوم وخمسة ولايات على الشريط النيلي.

Abe Abraham
Senior Member
Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 09 Apr 2021, 09:50

" ሙኣማራት " ( conspiracies/ብትግርኛ ውዲት ፡ ምምሽጣር ) የሚወዱ ግብጻውያን ስለ የህዳሴ ግድብ ምን እያሉ ናቸው ?

ከኣንድ ሳምንት ኣካባቢ በፊት በፍራስን24 ኣረብኛ ኣገልግሎት ቲቪ በጣም የሚያስገርም ንግግር ሰማሁ ። ተናጋሪው ( ኮመንቴተር) እጅግ የማከብረው ሰው ቢሆንም የህዳሴ ግድብ ጉዳይ ኣንስቶ " ይህ ጉዳይ ሊፈታ ከሆነ እስራኤል ከየናይል ውሃ የሚያስፈልጋት ልታገኝ መቻል ኣለባት ። ግብጽ ኣስቀድማ/ድሮ ቀይባህር ኣቋርጦ ወዲ ሲናይ የሚደርስ ቱቦ/ፓይፕላይን ተክላለች ። ከዚያ ቱቦውን ኣስረዝመህ ለእስራኤል ውሃ ማካፈል የሚያዳግት ኣይደለም ። " ሲል ሰማሁት ። ይህ ምን የሚያስገርም ነገር ኣለው ? መልሱ ፥ ሰውየው የጫዋታ ሰው ኣይደለም ፡ ዩትዩበር ሳይሆን የስም ያላት የፈረንሳ መንግስት ቲቪ ሰራተኛ ነው ። ስለ'ዚ እሱ ለምን እንደሱ ብሎ ተናገረ ?

የህዳሴ ጉዳይ ከተነሳበት ግዜ ጀምሮ በግብጽ በህዝቡ የሚዘዋወሩ ወሬዎች ነበሩ ፥

1_ ግድቡ የእስራኤል እጅ ኣለበት
2_ግድቡን ፋይናንስ የሚያደርጉ ግብጽን ለማንበርከክ እና ለማካበብ የሚፈልጉ ምእራባውያን ሃይሎች ናቸው
3_ እስራኤልን ከይናይል ውሃ ለማካፈል ጫና ሊደረግብን ይችላል።
4_ግድቡን የሚጠብቁ ስፓይደር ---- የሚባሉ ሚሳይሎች የእስራኤል ናቸው።

የመጨረሻው ፥

5_ ኣልሲሲ የሚያደርገው ያለ የትያትር ጨዋታ ኣንድ ኣላማ ኣለው ፥ ብችግር ገብተን ስላለን ከሳንወድ ለእስራኤል ውሃ ማስተላለፍ ሌላ ኣማራጭ የለንም ። እስራኤል ውሃ ካገኘች ለኢትዮጵያ ጫና ኣድርጋ እኛም ያለንን ድርሻችንን እንዳይነካ ለማድረግ እንችላለን ።

ስለ'ዚ ልንመልሳቸው የሚገባን ጥያቄዎች እነዚህ ናቸው ፥ የእስራኤል እጅ ኣለ የሚባለው እውነት ነው ወይ ? እውነት ካልሆነ ለምን ፍራንሥ24 (የኣረብኛ ኣገልግሎት ) ጉዳዩን ኣንስቶ ይናገራል ? ሰውየው ከየፈረንሳ የኢንተለጀንስ ሰዎች ያገኘው መምሪያ ሊኖረው ይችላል ወይ ? ኣል-ጀርያውያን ጓደኞቼ ፍራንሥ24 የሙኻባራት ( ኢንተሊጀንስ ) ቲቪ ናት ይላሉ ።

Abe Abraham
Senior Member
Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 09 Apr 2021, 23:28

በቃላቴ !

የፕሮግራሙ ኣርእስት " ኣል-ሲሲ በሱዳን ፡ ሱዳንን ከኢትዮጵያ በውግያ እንድትገባ ሊገፋፋት " ቢሆንም ከካርቱም በቴለፎን የሚናገረው ሱዳናዊው ጋዜጠኛ - የመደቡ ኣቅራቢው ሳልሕ ኣል-ኣዝረቕ እንዳመለከተው - ኣርእስቱን ሌላ ለየት ያለ ኣቅጣጫ እንዲወስድ ኣደረገው ። ጋዜጠኛው ምን ይላል ?

" ከዚህ በፊት የሱዳን ሁኔታ - ኣል-በሺርን " ካወደቀ " ህዝባዊ ንቅናቄ/ " ኣብዮት " ቡሃላ - ወይም እንደ ሊብያ ወይም እንደ ግብጽ ፡ ከሁለቱ ኣንድ ፡ ሊሆን ይችላል ብየ ነበር ።

ኣሁን ባሉት ክስተቶች ስመለከት ሱዳን የግብጽ ሲናርዩ እየተከተለች ናት ። የሱዳን ወታደሮች ( እነ ቡርሃን ) የመሪነታቸው ጊዜ ( ብስምምነቱ መሰረት ኣንደኛው የሽግግር ጊዜ ግማሽ የወታደሮች መሪነት ሲሆን ሁለተኛው ደሞ የሲቪልያኖች ነው ። ) ሳይጨረስ " የኣስጊ የጸጥታ ሁኔታ " የሚባለው ተጠቅመው የሲቪልያኖች ክንፍ ኣዳክመው ( ዝም በል የህዳሴ ግድብና የፈሸቓ ጉዳይ ኣለን ፡ ኣገሪትዋ ብዙ የውስጥና የውጭ ቻለንጆች/ ብድሆታት - በትግርኛ - ኣላት እያሉ ) ስልጣናቸው ለረጅም ጊዜ የማራዘም መደብ ኣላቸው ።

ኣል-ሲሲ የሱዳንን ዓስከር ( ጋዜጠኛው ሆን ብሎ ወታደር ከማለት ዓስከር የሚል ቃል ይጠቀማል ። ኣገልጋዮች ማለቱ ነው ። ) ክሎን ኣድርጎ የግብጽን ገጽታ እንዲ ወስድ እያደረገ ነው ። ይህንን ጉዳይ ከማንኛውም ነገር ለኣልሲሲና ለቡርሃን ኣስፈላጊ ነው ።

ውግያ ይነሳል የሚል ትያትር ትልቁ ስራቸው ለማተግበር ነው ። ኣሁን የሱዳን ዓስከር ( የግብጽ ተገዢና ኣገልጋይ ) በኣልሲሲ ምሉ በሙሉ ቁጥጥር ይገኛል ። ዓስከሮች ከዘመነ በሺር ጀምረው የመስረትዋቸው 400 ካምፓኒዎች የሚነካልን የለም ፡ ንብረታችን ናቸው ፡ እያሉ ነው ። ( የግብጽ ወታደር በህዝቡ በሁሉ የገባበት ጦርነት የተሸነፈ የክዩከምበር ቶማቶና ቅጠላ-ቅጠል ወታደር ተብሎ ነው የሚታወቀው ። ኣንድ የእስራኤል ጋዜጣ በዚ ኣርእስት ኣመልክቶ የግብጽን ሰራዊት የሚያቋሽሽ ሪፖርት ባለፉት ወራት ኣቅርቦ ነበር ። )

የጋዜጠኛው ቃላቶች እንዳሉ ከወሰድናቸው ሰውየው ሱዳን በኣደጋ ላይ ትገኛልች ብሎ ፡ የሚሰማ ካላ ፡ ጭሆቱና ስቃዩ እያሰማ ነው ።

በዚች ኣዲሲትዋ ቪድዮ ኣገር-ወዳዱ ሱዳናዊ ጋዜጠኛ ምን ይጨምራል ?

" ሁለተኛ ሙሌት ከተፈጸመ ቡሃላ ቀርቶ ኣሁንም የህዳሴ ግድብን ለማጥቃት ኣይቻልም ። በኣንደኛ ሙሌት ወቅት ወደ ሱዳን ትንሽ በዛ ያለ ውሃ ስለፈሰሰ ብዙ የካርቱም ቦታዎች የማጥለቅለቅ ሁኔታ ኣጋጥሞት ነበር ። ከዛ ባሻገር ግድቡ ሲሰራ ገንዘብ ያቀረቡ ኢንቨስተሮች ከተለያዩ የኣለም ኣገሮች ስለሆኑ ለጥቅማቸው ብለው ግድቡን ልታፈርስ ስትሞክር ዝም ብለው ኣያዩህም ። ኢትዮጵያ ከኣፍሪቃውያን በስተቀር ሌሎች ሸምጋዮች ልትቀበል የማትፈልገው ፈርታ ኣይደለም ። የህዳሴ ግድብ የኣፍሪቃ ግድብ ነው የሚል እምነት ኣላት ። የኢትዮጵያ ኣቋም በጣም ጠንካራ ነው ። ግብጽና ሱዳን የሞምላት ጉዳይ ኣንስተው ኢትዮጵያን ፡ እስዋ ባልነበርበት ጊዜ በሱዳንና ግብጽ መካከል የተደረገው ውሃውን የመከፋፈል ስምምነት ፡ ለሁል ጊዜ ለማስፈረም ይፈልጋሉ ( ህገ-ወጡን ለሁል ጊዜ ህገ-ለበስ ለማድረግ !! ) ።

ግብጽ ልታደርጋቸው የምትችል ነገሮች ኣሉ ፥ ሱዳንን በፈሸቓ ጉዳይ ምክንያት ኣነሳስታ ኢትዮጵያን harass /ለማስቸገር ልትገፋፋት ትችላለች ። ሱዳንም ለትግራይ እና ለበኒ ሻንጉል የመሳሰሉት የውስጥ ሃይሎች እንድትረዳ ግብጽ ልትገፋፋት ትችላለች ።

እንደ ግብረ-መልስ ኢትዮጵያ የግብጽ ተቃዋሚዎች ልትረዳ ትችላለች ። የግብጽ ተቃዋሚዎች በቱርክና ሌሎች ኣገሮች ይገኛሉ ። ሊያደርጉት የሚችሉ ብዙ ነገር የለም ።

ሱዳን ባሁኑ ጊዜ ከመሳርያ ያጠቁ የተለያዩ ሃይሎች ሰላም እያደረገች ስላለች እንዳ ማልክ ኣጋር የመሳሰሉ ሰዎች - በኢትዮጵያ ደንበር ኣቅራብያ ይንቀሳቀሱ የነበሩ - ካርቱም ገብተው ከመንግስት እየተባበሩ ነው ። በምስራቅ ሱዳን ያለው ግንባርም ከድሮው ሲነጻጸር ኣርፈዋል ።

ስለዚ የእርስ-በርስ ተቃዋሚ ሃይሎች የመጠቀም ዘዴ ከተጀመረ የምትጎዳው ኢትዮጵያ ናት ። ( ከየመንግስቱ ሃይለ-ማርያም የመሰለ የግብጽ ኣገልጋይ በኣለም ሊገኝ ኣይችልም ። የኢትዮጵያ የውስጥ ጉዳይና ኤኮኖምያዊ እድገት ትቶ በኤርትራ ለብዙ ኣስርተ-ዓመታት ኣንድ ሚልዮን የሚሆን ህዝብ ይገድል ነበር ። ወያኔም የሱ ኣስር ተከትሎ የዋህ ህዝቡና ሌላ ኤሊቶች ተጠቅሞ በትርጉም-የሌሽ ውግያ ከኤርትራ ጋር ገባ ። የኣንድ ሚልዮን ህዝብ የማጥፋት ወንጀል ሳይበቃ በራሱ ሌላ ለመጨመር ታስቦ ማለት ነው ። )

ለተቃዋሚ ሃይሎች ልከህ ግድቡን በከፊል ጎድተህ ( ተርባይኖች ) እኔ ኣላደረግሁትም ለማለት ትችላለህ ። ምእራባውያን ሃገሮች ( ኣሜሪካ ኤውሮጻ ) ሳያፈቅዱልህ ግድቡን ምሉ በሙሉ ለማውደም ስለማትችል በራስህ የኣየር ሃይል በመጠቀም በግድቡ ከፊላዊ መበላሸት ልታደርስም ትችላለህ ።

ሆኖ ግን ሁሉ ስትመለከተው ወታደራዊ መፍትሄ ኣስቸጋሩ ስለሆነ ይፈጸማል ብየ ኣላምንም ። ችግሩ ሊፈታ ከቻለ በነቱርክ የመሳሰሉ ኣገሮች ፡ ከኢትዮጵያ ጥሩ የቢዝነስ ግንኙነት ያላቸው እና ከግብጽ ደሞ እየተቀራረቡ ያሉት ፡ ሊሞከር ይችላል ። "


Posts: 2122
Joined: 17 Feb 2011, 00:38

Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Roha » 10 Apr 2021, 00:57

Many thanks to our multilingual analyst, Mereja's Abe Abraham, who follows the crazy Arab media closely and for tending this thread very well. As far as I know, you are the only forum member here who is legally certified in more than four or five languages. It is very extraordinary, lucky is ER's Mereja and thanks to you, we get it here for free.

Abe Abraham
Senior Member
Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 10 Apr 2021, 06:01

Roha wrote:
10 Apr 2021, 00:57
Many thanks to our multilingual analyst, Mereja's Abe Abraham, who follows the crazy Arab media closely and for tending this thread very well. As far as I know, you are the only forum member here who is legally certified in more than four or five languages. It is very extraordinary, lucky is ER's Mereja and thanks to you, we get it here for free.

Thanks for your appreciation. I do my best to share with you things that I find amusing and interesting. The Arabs, in particular the Egyptians are very funny people but not always in a positive sense.

Abe Abraham
Senior Member
Posts: 14412
Joined: 05 Jun 2013, 13:00

Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 10 Apr 2021, 22:10

Abe Abraham wrote:
09 Apr 2021, 09:50

" ሙኣማራት " ( conspiracies/ብትግርኛ ውዲት ፡ ምምሽጣር ) የሚወዱ ግብጻውያን ስለ የህዳሴ ግድብ ምን እያሉ ናቸው ?

ከኣንድ ሳምንት ኣካባቢ በፊት በፍራስን24 ኣረብኛ ኣገልግሎት ቲቪ በጣም የሚያስገርም ንግግር ሰማሁ ። ተናጋሪው ( ኮመንቴተር) እጅግ የማከብረው ሰው ቢሆንም የህዳሴ ግድብ ጉዳይ ኣንስቶ " ይህ ጉዳይ ሊፈታ ከሆነ እስራኤል ከየናይል ውሃ የሚያስፈልጋት ልታገኝ መቻል ኣለባት ። ግብጽ ኣስቀድማ/ድሮ ቀይባህር ኣቋርጦ ወዲ ሲናይ የሚደርስ ቱቦ/ፓይፕላይን ተክላለች ። ከዚያ ቱቦውን ኣስረዝመህ ለእስራኤል ውሃ ማካፈል የሚያዳግት ኣይደለም ። " ሲል ሰማሁት ። ይህ ምን የሚያስገርም ነገር ኣለው ? መልሱ ፥ ሰውየው የጫዋታ ሰው ኣይደለም ፡ ዩትዩበር ሳይሆን የስም ያላት የፈረንሳ መንግስት ቲቪ ሰራተኛ ነው ። ስለ'ዚ እሱ ለምን እንደሱ ብሎ ተናገረ ?

የህዳሴ ጉዳይ ከተነሳበት ግዜ ጀምሮ በግብጽ በህዝቡ የሚዘዋወሩ ወሬዎች ነበሩ ፥

1_ ግድቡ የእስራኤል እጅ ኣለበት
2_ግድቡን ፋይናንስ የሚያደርጉ ግብጽን ለማንበርከክ እና ለማካበብ የሚፈልጉ ምእራባውያን ሃይሎች ናቸው
3_ እስራኤልን ከይናይል ውሃ ለማካፈል ጫና ሊደረግብን ይችላል።
4_ግድቡን የሚጠብቁ ስፓይደር ---- የሚባሉ ሚሳይሎች የእስራኤል ናቸው።

የመጨረሻው ፥

5_ ኣልሲሲ የሚያደርገው ያለ የትያትር ጨዋታ ኣንድ ኣላማ ኣለው ፥ ብችግር ገብተን ስላለን ከሳንወድ ለእስራኤል ውሃ ማስተላለፍ ሌላ ኣማራጭ የለንም ። እስራኤል ውሃ ካገኘች ለኢትዮጵያ ጫና ኣድርጋ እኛም ያለንን ድርሻችንን እንዳይነካ ለማድረግ እንችላለን ።

ስለ'ዚ ልንመልሳቸው የሚገባን ጥያቄዎች እነዚህ ናቸው ፥ የእስራኤል እጅ ኣለ የሚባለው እውነት ነው ወይ ? እውነት ካልሆነ ለምን ፍራንሥ24 (የኣረብኛ ኣገልግሎት ) ጉዳዩን ኣንስቶ ይናገራል ? ሰውየው ከየፈረንሳ የኢንተለጀንስ ሰዎች ያገኘው መምሪያ ሊኖረው ይችላል ወይ ? ኣል-ጀርያውያን ጓደኞቼ ፍራንሥ24 የሙኻባራት ( ኢንተሊጀንስ ) ቲቪ ናት ይላሉ ።
Is there an Israeli connection to the Renaissance Dam ?

The guy is talking about :

1_Al-Sisi TRIED and FAILED to dissuade ISRAEL from supplying Ethiopia with the Israeli-built SPIDER missile system to protect the THE GREAT ETHIOPIAN RENAISSANCE DAM ( GERD ).

2_A water pipeline from the Nile supplying ISRAEL with water - with the Egyptian "reluctant consent " - could be a solution to the GERD problem.


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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 12 Apr 2021, 16:17

Ethiopia addresses all concerns of Sudan on GERD: MoFA

Addis Ababa, April 12, 2021 (FBC) – Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Ethiopia has addressed all of the concerns of Sudan on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) as they are technical matters.

Data exchange has been offered and dam safety is an issue that is well taken care of by Ethiopia for its own safety in the first place, the Ministry said.

The Ministry added that for years Sudan’s officials have been lauding GERD’s importance to deter flooding, regulate water flow for irrigation, remove a huge chunk of silt and sedimentation and provide cheap energy.

Ministry expressed doubt that the interest of the Sudanese people could be served by rejecting the filling of the dam.

There is no experience to compare with Ethiopia which invited its downstream riparians to negotiate on its own hydro-electric generating dam on the river originates from its lands, according to the Ministry.

Egypt failed to recognize Ethiopia’s generosity and understandings to negotiate in good faith, the Ministry stressed.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 04 May 2021, 21:43

Motaz Zahran,the ambassador of Egypt to the United States, asks the United States to get involved in the criminal act of his country to force Ethiopia to sign a " legally binding paper " which settles for once and for all that the Abay Water belongs to Egypt and Sudan based on the 1959 " Sudanese-Egyptian " agreement :lol: :lol: What would happen if Egypt doesn't get its crazy and unreasonable demands ? Obviously the sky would fall ....!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: Read the threats , in the extract below. The Egyptians think that the Americans are fu..ed up especially some members of The US DEPARTMENT of the TREASURY !! ( Read the rest if you have access to and the Nile !! )

Motaz Zahran

Since Ethiopia has hampered negotiations, Egypt needs the United States to preserve its access to the Nile :lol: .

History shows that progress along the Nile can be fragile, and a single dispute can have harmful ripple effects that destabilize the region and reach our allies in the West :lol: . Failing to resolve the rapidly escalating issue over the GERD would accelerate the already devastating impacts of climate change :lol: in the area, unleash a wave of illegal migration to the West :lol: , and open the door to new conflicts and even terrorism in the Middle East and East Africa :lol: .

The Egyptians are totally naked. They tried to hoodwink Ethiopia into signing a " legally binding " agreement that would give legality to the so-called " Egyptian historical share " of the Nile Water .

Here is Hussein Ahmed BaEqay of Ethiopia making it clear that Ethiopia would never sign a document that allocates ZERO share to Ethiopia from the water which flows from its territory :

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 05 May 2021, 19:44

New pillars of Egyptian foreign policy

Many changes in the region have overshadowed the balance of foreign policy in the Egyptian administration.

Muhammad Abul Fadl ( Egptian writer )

The regional crises facing Egypt revealed that it needs a new foreign policy, as it has succeeded in weaving a large network of relations with multiple powers, but it did not reflect positively on it or contribute to facilitating the task of solving the problems it faces, as most of them are still suspended or static.

The developments in the regional and international systems were reflected in Egypt and others, where the intensity of conflicts played a role in limiting the traditional capabilities of foreign policy, and the effect of the intertwining of conflicts and the diversity of their parties on the state’s vitality in reaping quick fruits, not to mention the transformation in the plans of major powers, such as withdrawal from tensions And get involved in it.

There are many changes in the region that have overshadowed the balance of foreign policy in the Egyptian administration, but there are two striking elements that have greater influences, which force Cairo to adjust its perceptions after reducing dependence on them, the first is the fluctuation in relations with the United States, and the second the apparent imbalance in the Arab system, collectively and individually. .

In detailing each element, many determinants are evident that confirm the size of the change that has occurred, and the developments that may lead to it in the foreign policy of Egypt, and the new rituals it imposes in order to be able to cope with the upcoming changes, and the developments may compel it to adopt a different strategy from what it used to be. For the past five decades.

Regarding the American element, Washington is no longer the lever on which Cairo relies, and its strength was established with the signing of the peace agreement with Israel and its political and security implications. President Joe Biden's administration tends to keep a distance from Egypt, while acknowledging the constants that take a military direction, which means that there is a disparity in Details both internally and externally.

Let go of the confusion that the US administration is going through about the issues it deals with, and stress that it does not support the Egyptian perceptions, or more precisely, it does not stand with it in a single trench in the controversial files, and if it appears in the Palestinian file close to its vision of the two-state solution, but it did not Take actions that support this trend.

Cairo faced suffering in Libya during the administration of President Donald Trump, who was said to be the biggest supporter of Egypt at the time, and was forced to open up to various forces to coordinate with it, and Washington was one of them, and the situation continues in the fluctuating pattern, and it may change negatively if the United States finds the need to harass Egypt.

The same situation has been repeated with the Renaissance Dam crisis. Although Cairo is aware of the strength of the American role and its ability to exert pressure on Ethiopia, the Biden administration is reluctant to help solve an intractable crisis that accompanies tributaries that affect Egypt and its foreign behavior, and in the case of adopting a rough option, it may find itself. In an extended clash with Washington.
Washington is no longer the lever on which Cairo relies, and its strength was established with the signing of the peace agreement with Israel and its political and security implications. Joe Biden's administration tends to keep a distance from Egypt.
Cairo realized that its Western tools in general are difficult to rely on for support or participation in solving the external crises to which it is exposed, some of which are existential, which leads to the trend towards powers such as Russia and China, because the majority of European active countries adhere to the circulation in the orbit of the United States, and the independent margin that moves In it, it will not be allowed to benefit Cairo.

The problem comes from that any major political turn toward Russia and China leads to changes in the balance of power in the region. Cairo’s success in opening up militarily to contradictory powers from the East and the West came within contexts related to the equation of arms trade, which is acceptable at certain limits, while it goes beyond the permissible limit. With regard to the types of armament and equipment that brings pressure, as evident is the warnings that were directed at Cairo after signing agreements with Moscow to acquire advanced Sukhoi planes.

The situation regarding foreign policy seems far from the known biases, because adopting positions in support of Egypt forces it to pay an exorbitant tax. No country offers free forgiveness instruments in light of the keenness on the multiplicity of the movement’s fronts following the collapse of the ideas involved in the traditional policy axes.

There may be a country that agrees with a second country in one file and disagrees with it in another, for the total and decisive support on ideological bases has almost ended in the world, which requires sacrifices in perceptions that stem from the process of exchanging interests, which is what Egypt finds itself in front of it if it wants to establish the bid on Russia For example, and bear the consequences of leaving the US cordon.

Moscow, which enjoys the external pressures on Cairo, can find an opportunity to reformulate its relations with it in a way that brings it closer to its relationship with the Iranian and Syrian models, or even the Turkish, which has achieved success for both, taking into account the relative differences in the behavior adopted by Ankara in several regions and is not consistent with the equation that Cairo establishes it for itself in foreign policy and adheres to non-interference in the affairs of other countries.

As for the Arab circle, it is noticeable that the Gulf ocean, which was one of the safety valves and one of the central constants in Egyptian politics, began to change, especially with both Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, and the divergence appeared in managing the crisis with Qatar and Turkey, and strengthened with Iran, as Egypt maintained its quiet relationship With Tehran and its tails in the region.

The acceleration of relations between the Gulf states and Israel, without coordination with Egypt, contributed greatly to the current gap, and made it rethink the common safety net, because every progress that Israel makes on the level of normalization and its extension is an opponent from the balance of the Cairo regional movement, and it must search for new frameworks. Enable it to compensate for the loss of this network in the future.

The crisis increased with the disappointment of the Egyptian bet on Saudi Arabia and the UAE in putting pressure on Ethiopia to ease its stubbornness in the Renaissance Dam crisis, as the two countries made huge investments to benefit from the development results resulting from it, and they appeared as if they were comfortable with the dilemma in Egypt, which prompts it to think about a great rotation, if it continues The case the way it is.

The compass of Egyptian thinking is moving towards openness to Iraq, strengthening relations with Jordan, consolidating them with Sudan, and looking away at the countries of the Arab Maghreb, to strengthen the pillars of Egypt's foreign policy, but these countries have deep problems that will not allow them to help Cairo. Rather, they are waiting for material and moral aid that might Egypt cannot provide it.

The natural result of these complications leads to a gradual dissolution of Arab commitments, which means a retreat inward, to the detriment of the Egyptian interests, whose setbacks expand with each retreat, so they must search for productive frameworks that represent new levers in its foreign policy.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 07 May 2021, 00:01

The Renaissance Dam crisis: Signs of Egyptian submission to the second filling due to pressure.

May 07, 2021

Egyptian and Western diplomatic sources in Cairo revealed surprises related to the developments of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam crisis file, confirming that there is a major retreat in the Egyptian position due to a group of external factors.

Egyptian diplomatic sources told Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that the Egyptian moves at the present time are limited to attempts to persuade the United States of America to intervene through direct mediation, similar to the one carried out by the previous administration during the era of President Donald Trump, adding that this proposal faces what It can be called "an American unprepared at the moment."

She indicated that Cairo called on the American envoy to the Horn of Africa, Jeffrey Feltman, to direct mediation , or to try to pressure the Ethiopian side to expand the mediation by the African Union, to bring about a kind of balance.

Gulf financial deposits have turned into a pressure card on Egypt

The sources familiar with the aspects of the crisis interrupted what they described as "the truth of the situation", saying, "Egypt has begun preparing for the second filling, formally at the level of all concerned parties," noting that "there are authorities in the state that are preparing a new popular speech and messages to be broadcast through the media," To deal with the Ethiopian move, which has become a de facto situation. " "The Egyptian administration is currently preparing its papers for the third filling, in order to obtain an agreement before it," she added.

The sources revealed what they considered a "new shock" regarding the position of Gulf countries in support of the Egyptian administration, explaining that indirect Gulf pressures, oUntil now, I have been accused of conceding Cairo to the status quo before Ethiopia, regarding the second filling. And she said, "Cairo is not ready at the present time for economic crises, or sanctions, as a result of any military action in light of Gulf financial dues for Cairo during the next few months." The sources pointed out that "the initial consultations by Egypt with Kuwait, the Emirates and Saudi Arabia regarding the renewal of deposits estimated at $ 12.5 billion with the Central Bank of Egypt are faltering." Or, at least, postponing its due installments, which put the Egyptian administration in a great dilemma, which may entail political and regional concessions, among which will undoubtedly be the dam crisis and the Gulf interests related to it. And she said "

Western sources said, "The concerns raised by Cairo regarding what it might be exposed to, as a result of the second filling, were not fully convincing to the international actors, in exchange for the clarifications provided by Addis Ababa regarding its consideration of the concerns of the two downstream countries , Egypt and Sudan, in this regard," And Cairo's water needs were not affected during the second filling. " "Addis Ababa made it clear that what will arrive in Egypt during the new flood season, despite the second filling, may be more than normal flows at this time of the year, given the expectations of increased rainfall during the current season," she added.

The sources revealed that "there is a lack of conviction at the present time with the Egyptian position, in contrast to a large western conviction with the integrated Ethiopian file, which had previously identified the second filling as a construction step, not part of the actual operation of the dam." She said, "There is no international sympathy with the Egyptian administration regarding the dam file crisis, unlike what the Egyptian media propagates." Ethiopia was confirming that Egypt will not be affected during it, which is what really happened. "

Sources: The Egyptian administration is preparing its papers for the third filling

The sources said that Cairo surveyed the position of the major powers before addressing the Security Council in the coming days, after the military solution almost completely stepped down, in light of new developments related to the Egyptian partner in Khartoum, especially after the success of the President of the Government of Sudan, Abdullah Hamdok, in giving priority to the position of the civil forces by rejecting the option. Al-Askari and Egypt's participation in military solutions, because Sudan is not obliged to this solution, given the existence of other, more effective solutions for Khartoum, and avoiding international crises.

This comes at a time when the spokesman for the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation, Muhammad Ghanem, said a few days ago that all scenarios that may occur in the dam crisis were prepared, according to the worst conditions, by managing a strong system for every drop of water, adding, in press statements, "We have 4 Major plans to mitigate the effects of any potential crisis. " Finally, Ethiopia proceeded to implement its plans, opening the upper gates of the dam at a level of 540, with the aim of reducing the water level, in preparation for concrete pouring and raising the dam to a level that could reach 595 meters in preparation for the start of the second filling of the dam lake.

For its part, the British Foreign Office, in a written response to a question from a Lord from the British-Egyptian group, urged all parties involved in the dispute over the Renaissance Dam to reach an agreement on filling and operating the dam. She said, "The British government supports the efforts of the African UnionTo help reach an agreement and ensure that water resources are managed in a way that ensures their long-term sustainable use for all parties.

”The Egyptian ambassador to Washington, Moataz Zahran, confirmed, in an article he published in the American Foreign Policy magazine a few days ago, that the United States alone possesses The necessary influence to encourage Ethiopia to engage in good faith in negotiations on the Renaissance Dam, and to refrain from unilateral measures.

Ina related context, the Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Mohamed Abdel-Ati said, during a participation in the opening session of the hypothetical "Climate Dialogue" forum yesterday, that Egypt "It faces major challenges in the field of water, foremost among which are the unilateral measures taken by the Ethiopian side regarding the Renaissance Dam, which increase the size of the challenges Egypt faces in the field of water, in addition to the fact that 97 percent of renewable water resources come from outside the borders." .

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 07 May 2021, 14:16

ለረጅም ጊዜ የግብጽ ዲፕሎማት ሆኖ የሰራ ምሁር ጸሃፊና ተማራማሪ ዶክተር ሙስጣፋ ኣል-ፊኢ ( ኣል-ፈቒ ) በኣንድ ኣጋጣሚ በቴልቪዥን ወጥቶ ሲናገር " ሰድ ኣል-ናህዳ/ ህዳሴ ግድብ ከማለት ትተን የኢትዮጵያ ግድብ ብለን ብንጠራው ይሻላል የሚል ኣስተያየት ኣለኝ ምክንያቱ እኛ በህዳሴ ግድብ ደስ የማይለን ነገር ኣለ ስንል መልክ ስለሌለው ። እድገት እና ህዳሴ እንደምትቃወም ሆነህ ስትቀርብ - ሰዎች እንደሱ ሲረዱት - ኣያምርም ። " ኣለ ።

ከዶክተር ሙስጣፋ በስተቀር ሌላ ምክንያት ያላቸው ሰዎች ሰድ ኣል-ናህዳ የሚለውን ሲያሜ ሊጠቀሙ የማይወዱ ኣሉ ። ኣል-ናህዳ የሚል ቃል በኢስላሚስቶች እና በኣረባዊነት የሚቆረቆሩ ፖለቲከኞች እና ኣክቲቪስቶች ( ነጠፍቲ በትግርኛ ) በጣም የተወደደ ነው ። ኣሁን ስንመለከት በራሺድ ኣል-ቐኑሺ ( ኣል-ገኑሺ ) የሚመራ የቱኒዝያ የኢስላሚስቶች ፓርቲ " ሕዝብ ኣል-ናህዳ " ይባላል ። በግብጽ ፕረዚደንት መሓመድ መሓመድ ሙርሲ ዒሳ ኣል-ዓያጥ ከስልጣን ተባርሮ ታስሮ ከመሞቱ በፊት ስለ ኣል-ናህዳ ብዙ ይናገር ነበር ። እነ ኣል-ሸይኽ መሓመድ ዓብዱና ጀማል ኣል-ዲን ኣል-ኣፍቓኒ ያወረሱት የመንፈሳዊና የቁሳዊ ኣል-ናህዳ ኣስተሳሰብ ማለት ነው ። ስለ'ዚ እነ ኣሕመድ ሙሳ የመሳሰሉ በየግብጽ መንግስትና ሃገራዊ ድህንነት ባለ-ስልጣኞች የሚሰጣቸው መምርያ ተከትለዉ የሚናገሩ የቴለቪዥን " ቶክ ሾው " ኣቅራቢዎች ሰድ ኣል-ናህዳን በኣል-ሰድ ኣል-ኣስዩቢ ( የኢትዮጵያ ግድብ ) ተክተዎ ሲናገሩ ሲሰሙ ቆይተዋል ። ኣል-ናህዳ ሲያነሱ ሙርሲና የኢትዮጵያ ህዳሴ እንደሚያነሱ ስለሚሰማቸው ።

ኣሁን ግብጻውያን ኣንዳንድ ጊዜ በቲቪ የሚያዘወትሩዋቸው ሲያሜዎች ሰድ ኣል-ኸራብና ( የውድመት ግድብ ) ኣል-ሰድ ኣልመሽኡም ( ጥፋት ይዞ የሚመጣ ግድብ ) ናቸው ። " በራሴ ሃላፊነት " የሚል መደብ የሚያዘጋጅ ኣሕመድ ሙሳ " ሰድ ኣል-ኸራብ " ብሎ ጀምሮ ምን እንዳለ እንስማው ፥

የኔ ፕሮግራም " በራሴ ሃላፊነት " የሚል ስም ስለያዘ ኣስቀድሜ እንደነገርኳችሁ ኣሁንም ደግሜ ልነግራችሁ ኣሜርካና የኣፍሪቃ ህብረት በሚያደርጉት እንቅስቃሴ ሳትገታ ኢትዮጵያ ፈጽማ ወደ ኋላ ሳትል ግድቡን ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ ትሞላለች ።

ኢትዮጵያ ለተባበሩት መንግስታት በላከችው መልእክት ፡ ሃሰቶች ( ኣካዚብ ) ኣመልክቶ የግብጽ መንግስት መልስ ሰጠ ....የኢትዮጵያ ግድብ " ኣምር ዋቕዕ " ( fait accompli/የተደመደመ ጉዳይ ) ከሆነ እኔ የሚያሰጋኝ ለኣንድ ለሁለት ለኣምስትና ኣስር ኣመት ሳይሆን - ለቅርብ መጻኢ ኣስፈላጊ ዝግቶች ስላደረግን - ለኣርባ ኣመትና ለመጪ ትውልዶች ነው ። ካሁን ኣርባ ኣመት ምን እናደርጋለን ? ( መልሱ ቀላል ነው ፥ ዋነኛው ችግሩ የህዳሴ ግድብ ሳይሆን የግብጽ ህዝብ መንግስቱን ሳይሰማ በየሃይማኖት ኣባቶች ተታሎ በቁጥር ከመጠን በላይ ማደጉ ነው ። ላለፈው ትተን ኣሁንም በህዝብ የተጠላውን " ተንዚም ኣል-ኡስራ " ( family planning ) በትጋት ከማስተግበር ሌላ ኣማራጭ የለም ። )

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 10 May 2021, 16:49

Sudanese journalist describes the Ethiopian proposal and readiness to sign a separate agreement - separate from an eventual water sharing agreement - on the second filling of the Renaissance Dam as an extremely smart move.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 14 May 2021, 20:55

"Popular" Egypt is rising up ... the former Egyptian Minister of Irrigation warns of an unprecedented insult to the Egyptians and a disaster greater than 67 if Ethiopia emerges victorious in the water conflict and describes the dam as a "dam of destruction" ... and experts call for "rapid" deterrence to confront the greatest existential danger.

A Yemeni Ethiopian from Canada reacts to the agitations of former Egyptian Minister of Irrigation, Mohammed Nasr Al-Din Allam, and others.

A Yemeni Ethiopian from Canada

The issue is not the issue of the Nile. Ethiopia has become one of the strategically important countries for China and Russia. China has invested a lot and is still investing more. As for the Russian, it is still strengthening Ethiopia with advanced weapons.

So America wants to get China and Russia out of Ethiopia. Egypt and Sudan were assigned for this purpose. America began to lift the sanctions on Sudan. After that, Sudan occupied a small land to force Ethiopia to go to war.

The Nile problem does not exist at all. Ethiopia cannot stop the Nile. Egypt will not be harmed even for one minute. The problem is between America, China and Russia.

Egypt can destroy it and Sudan can destroy it. And then? Do you think the dams of Egypt and Sudan will remain intact after the Ethiopian dam is destroyed? Egypt should not conspire against Ethiopia with America because Ethiopia also has strong friends.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 21 May 2021, 11:10

Why did Egypt's position change regarding the second filling of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam?

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry played down the impact of Ethiopia's decision to fill the second filling of the dam that it is building on the Blue Nile on Egypt, stressing in a controversial statement that "we have a safe balance in the reservoir of the High Dam."

"We have confidence that the second filling of the dam will not affect Egyptian interests," the foreign minister added in an interview with the journalist Nashat Al-Daihi from the French capital, Paris, last Tuesday, indicating that Egypt's handling of the crisis will be through what he called "tight procedures in managing our resources." Aquatic. "

The Ethiopian reaction came Thursday, according to the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Dina Mufti, welcoming Shukri's statements about Egypt not being affected by the second filling process, stressing that it is "the position that we have been confirming in advance," while Ethiopia announced on Wednesday, the completion of 80 percent of the dam works. .

Shoukry's statement contradicts a complaint he submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, the President of the Security Council, and the President of the United Nations General Assembly, April 13, 2021, to explain the dimensions of the danger of the Ethiopian dam on Egypt, warning of regional disturbances that may occur.

Over the past months, Egypt has repeatedly announced its total rejection of the second filling, and the Egyptian Minister of Irrigation and Egyptian experts have monitored its dangers to Egypt and Sudan and completely refused to accept it, while the Egyptian Minister of Irrigation Mohamed Abdel Atti issued a statement alleviating the burden of Shukry's speech.

Abdel-Ati said, on Wednesday evening, to the Egyptian (DMC) satellite channel: "The second filling of the Renaissance Dam will greatly affect Egypt and Sudan, especially if there is a drought period."

Observers considered Shukri's speech a prelude to Egypt's announcement of its acceptance of the second filling, and its retreat from Sisi's threat to Ethiopia on March 30, 2021, with the red line, brandishing war, resorting to the UN Security Council, and even yielding to the Ethiopian decision to fill in for the second year in a row.

'Obvious floundering'

And in his answer to the question: Does the Egyptian minister pave the way for Egypt's acceptance and submission to the Ethiopian decision to fill in the second without an agreement? Khairy Omar, an expert on African affairs and a professor of political science at the Middle East Institute, at the University of Sakarya (Turkey), said: “It seems that Egyptian politics is proceeding in one side without the other, especially as it walked through negotiations without completing the conditions and technical reports about the dam from international consulting offices.” .

Speaking to "Arabi 21", he pointed out that "there was evidence that there was a plan for the filling process in 2018, conditional on reaching a binding agreement, and this did not happen," explaining that "and then things went on that Egypt is pursuing the Ethiopian policy, without proving A specific point that can be built upon in the future, in clear confusion from the start. "

He stressed that "from here, Shoukry's statement can be interpreted. Rather, I consider it a message that clarifies the features of the Egyptian position, and the statement comes in this context, and I believe that it will not depart from it."

He pointed to "the challenge posed by the statement about the reasons for changing the speech of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which, according to Cairo's speech to the Security Council, insisted that there are damages and there are many regional disturbances that may occur."

The Egyptian academic believes that "this statement, although it referred to the necessity of a binding agreement with Ethiopia; but the main focus of it is that Egypt has no problem with filling, which weakens previous Egyptian arguments that it might cause regional tensions, instability and so on."

He believes that Shoukry has given Ethiopia’s position strength before the world, explaining that “the idea of ​​protesting legally and politically with immediate or direct harm from the Ethiopian stances has ceased to exist. Therefore, there is no legal basis on which Egypt relies to defend its right before international organizations.”

Omar also believes that, as a result of Shoukry's statements, "the African Union's vocabulary will tend to be managerial vocabulary, meaning that there are no new agreements, including the possibility of reaching a binding agreement with Ethiopia."

In another gesture, he referred to "another effect linked to this statement, and that it can be interpreted within the framework of the Paris summit meeting last Tuesday and Wednesday, and it can be deduced from and extrapolated the existence of an international approach to support Sudan, and in this sense the international trend is linked and tends to accept Ethiopia's approaches to Sudanese politics."

The expert on African affairs expressed his fear that "the outcomes of the Paris conference reflect or indicate a possible shift in Sudanese politics away from Egypt in the future, given that the policy of Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdouk tends to not have any damages from the dam, and that the Egyptian discourse is unrealistic."

He also linked the results of the US delegation’s visits to Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, the outcomes of the Paris conference with the attendance of Cairo and Khartoum, and the changes in the Egyptian position, considering that “the Paris conference is a complementary scene to international politics, and that French policy cannot be read in isolation from European and American policies in the Middle East.”

In his explanation of the reasons for charging the Egyptian street about the Ethiopian Dam crisis and then attempts to calm it down, he emphasized "a gap and divergence between the two positions, believing that" if the state considers that something is a threat and a challenge and then this challenge is denied, then this means that stability on a final position is unclear. ".

"Much unspoken"

For his part, the Egyptian economist, Abd al-Nabi Abd al-Muttalib, said: "From the beginning, I say that the unannounced in the negotiations of the Ethiopian dam is many times greater than the declared."

In his speech to "Arabi 21", he explained that "what Minister Shukri said is nothing but a translation of the third principle of the principles agreement signed in 2015, which is the principle of non-harm, as the principle indicates the possibility of accepting little harm, (insignificant harm) ".

He continued, "And if the damage is significant (significant harm), then through coordination, a request for appropriate compensation from the country that caused the damage can be discussed whenever possible," stressing that "therefore, I believe that Shukri's statement is not a surprise."

Abdulmutallab believes that "the American envoy's tour in the three countries, and then the Sudan support conference in Paris, had a great impact in changing the tone of the Egyptian escalation regarding the Ethiopian dam," indicating that America affirmed its great interest in the Horn of Africa region, and sent a special envoy.

At the end of his speech, he believes that "Sudan's position rejecting any military action against the dam has a major role in calming the tone of the Egyptian statements."

Angry reactions

Shukry’s statements left a state of anger on social media, expressed by former Egyptian Minister of Irrigation Nasr Allam, who said: “If speech is silver, sometimes silence is golden.”

He referred to the Director of the Taiba Center for Studies, Dr. Khaled Refaat, due to the disastrous impact of Shukri's statement, explaining that Ethiopia had seized it and published it in all languages ​​as an acknowledgment of its right, with the recognition of the Egyptian Foreign Minister.

He asked, "If filling the dam does not affect us, then why do we negotiate?"

Egyptian parliamentarian Talaat Khalil considered Shukri's statement "a guarantor to refer him to trial, on charges of intentionally harming the interests of the state and inciting public opinion."

The former editor-in-chief of Al-Ahram newspaper, Ahmed Al-Najjar, said: Shukry’s statement “deserves to be issued by officials in Ethiopia,” asserting that it “makes everything that official Egypt has raised about the seriousness and rejection of this filling without agreement, as if it were an empty preoccupation for the international community.

He believes that "if the political system wants to retreat from the red line talk, which is a disaster, then this is not the way," explaining that he gives Ethiopia "a permit to complete the filling in crime."

The former editor-in-chief of Al-Ahram newspaper, Abdel Nasser Salama, confirmed on his Facebook page that the regime’s accounts were not successful, if it was deluded that this issue could pass as it did with the ceding of Tiran and Sanafir, or the Mediterranean gas fields, because we are facing a life and death issue .

As for the former ambassador, Mohamed Morsi, he emphasized that Shoukry's speech was a "grave mistake", because the filling is unknown in size or duration, and that it is technical matters within the jurisdiction of the Minister of Irrigation.

He pointed out that preserving the water level of the High Dam Lake, compensating for the shortfall due to the second filling, requires sacrificing strategic crops and importing them in hard currencies, and spending billions of pounds to line canals and drains and reuse agricultural drainage water.

Political activist Dr. Hani Suleiman confirmed that Shoukry’s statement reflects the failure of the threat to the military solution and the "red line", the issuance of high orders to politicians and media figures to make the Egyptian people accept the status quo, and the Egyptian leadership's realization that international parties have recognized Ethiopia's right.

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 23 May 2021, 17:14

እነዚህ ምን ኣይነት ሰዎች/ኣራዊቶች ናቸው ? ምንም ሳትከፍል ውሃ የሚያጠጣህና በሂወት የሚያኖርህን ህዝብ ንብረት ለማውደምና ሰው መግደል ስትፈልግ ሰው መሆንክን እንዴን ሊረጋገጥ ይችላል ። ስለ የጥንት ስልጣኔ ሳያፍሩ ደሞ ይናገራሉ ! ። ለይሓፍር ድሙ ኣልሲሲ ስሙ !

Two days ago !

The dam engineering professor confirms that Egypt has only 10 days left to destroy the Ethiopian dam if it wants, :lol: :lol: and the Egyptian Minister of Irrigation describes the second filling as shock and talks about 3 scenarios to confront it .. Surprises are contained and anticipation is the master of the situation.

Cairo - “Today’s Opinion” - Mahmoud Al-Qaei:

Irrigation Minister Mohamed Abdel-Aty said that Egypt is developing 3 scenarios to confront the second filling of the Renaissance Dam, which will seize 13.5 billion cubic meters of water flowing to Egypt, describing it as a water shock.

The three scenarios that the Minister of Irrigation talked about: a high flood scenario, here is no problem, and a medium flood, and here there will be a relative problem, and a natural drought scenario added to the industrial drought that Ethiopia creates, and here Egypt will be in trouble, and complex technical measures must be taken to absorb and deal with this shock.

Either the dam is destroyed or the dam will be destroyed

For his part, Dr. said. Muhammad Hafez, a professor of dam engineering in Malaysia, said in media statements that the 2015 agreement signed by Egypt and Sudan legalized the construction of the Renaissance Dam and canceled the previous agreements that stipulated water rights for Egypt.

Hafez added that the 2015 agreement does not guarantee the Egyptian state any share and gives Ethiopia the right to exploit the Nile.

In response to a question: What is the time available for the destruction of the Renaissance Dam?

Hafez replied: "We have ahead to the beginning of next June, because at this time the flows will increase and the level in front of the Renaissance Dam will rise. Now Ethiopia is trying to raise the middle passage of the dam and pour concrete into it."

Hafez added: “We have 10 days before us, and the stockpile in the Nahda Dam lake will be more than 3 and a half billion, and if there is a military strike on the dam, the amount of water can be discharged into the Roseires Dam, which can absorb the amount of water coming from the Renaissance Dam after its destruction now, but after 1 June, forget any military solution, because the water flows will have reached huge quantities, and Ethiopia in the next few days can add 3 billion cubic meters to the five billion.

Hafez concluded by stressing that Egypt has a choice of two until the first of June: Either destroy the dam, or give Ethiopia a chance to destroy you.

What about the third filling?

In the same context, Ambassador Fawzi Al-Ashmawy commented on the Minister of Irrigation's speech by saying that he is a technical minister. He does not have the authority to talk about other scenarios related to other silent or conflicting institutions, and most of them are talking about absorbing trauma and not dealing with it, aborting it and preempting it, as is the case with countries around the world that do this in less important and dangerous matters. There is a lot about the issue of existence, water, and life or death (Israel is a model) ..

Al-Ashmawy added that the Minister of Irrigation did not explain to us what will happen in the third and fourth filling, indicating that the ill-fated dam lake will absorb at least 74 billion cubic meters of water, and Ethiopia is determined to close and store as it wants whenever it wants, so will we remain at its mercy.

Al-Ashmawy said that the Minister of Irrigation also did not tell us the fate of Egypt and the Egyptians when Ethiopia builds other dams before the Renaissance Dam to protect it from silt, to increase its capabilities and to fully control the Blue Nile and change its nature from an international river to a local Ethiopian lake, and to completely suffocate Egypt and bargain over every cubic meter that passes for us. Across the Nile, which will become a small, dry canal in which miserable children play with drinking ball!


It is striking that everyone is awaiting the next few days, and will it carry surprises that will heal Al Ghaleel? Or will the situation continue as it is, and the Egyptians and Sudanese still have to face their destiny ?!

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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 24 May 2021, 16:13

Someone -- from people-to-people diplomacy -- should contact this honourable lady( ናድያ ሓሰን ሰይድ ኣሕመድ).

The presence of the Egyptian army in Sudan is a disgrace

Egypt has never been keen on the strength and qualification of the Sudanese army or raising the efficiency of any Sudanese individual or institution, whether civil or military ..

The Egyptian regime wants to complete the march of its hatred and opposition to the Renaissance Dam in order to seize the waters of the Nile and dominate its products on African markets. It seeks to undermine any development initiative or project in East Africa, and they are using the "bottom hand" system in Khartoum to pass their colonial scheme. It is very unfortunate that the government of Qaht was subjected to this scheme .. The presence of the Egyptian army in Sudan, which is occupying our land in Halayeb, is a disgrace to this meager government, which is prone to dollars, dirhams, and even Koshari ..

The Sudanese army’s weapons and combat capabilities must be mocked and directed north to liberate Halayeb. Sudan, a free homeland, in order to rise and develop, must head east and keep pace with the march of renaissance and development led by President Abi Ahmed, and not be a reliable source for demolishing what our brothers build in East Africa. Bilateral talks between Sudan and Ethiopia on issues of employment and filling. The evil of this obedience to those who occupy our land, steal our antiquities, and falsify history to lose our fortunes, sufficed.

I call for a movement that promotes Sudan's interests in its waters and stands against this indignity, barren breakdown, which wastes its water rights. And for all the experts and honorable media professionals to gather in an awareness campaign for the people about the benefits of the Renaissance Dam in Sudan, and to contribute to a campaign to create water awareness in a large popular sector to uphold the rights of generations to the waters of the Nile and its right to sovereignty over its share that Egypt is looting. Thanks to Dr. Salman Muhammad Salman was the pioneer in this battle and who did not give up his struggle for the people's water rights

Let us make Sudan prosperous and active in a resurgent East Africa. And greetings to Abu Ahmed as he provides for the interest of his people and his development project,

Nadia Hassan Syed Ahmed [email protected]
Coordinator of the National Branch of the African Network for Technology Policy Studies

Abe Abraham
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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 25 May 2021, 03:49

Al-Sisi, on the authority of Biden: He is able with distinction with his skill and experience to devise radical solutions to all problems and challenges surrounding the world .. And the American President affirms his determination to make efforts to ensure water security for Cairo and praises Egypt's diplomatic endeavors in the ceasefire in Gaza.

Cairo - Mahmoud Al-Qaei:

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that he had enjoyed a lengthy conversation with President Biden today, noting that the conversation was characterized by understanding, frankness and credibility on all issues of concern to the two countries and the region.

Al-Sisi confirmed in a post on his official Facebook account that President Biden has an insightful vision and distinguished experience, characterized by realism in all files, including the file of bilateral relations, indicating that Biden is able with distinction with his expertise and experience to create radical solutions to all problems and challenges surrounding the world and the region, calling for May God crown his efforts with success, success and repayment.

The Egyptian presidency said in a statement today, Monday, that US President Joe Biden called his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and discussed stabilizing the ceasefire in Gaza, the urgent humanitarian aid for the Strip and international efforts to rebuild it.

She added that the two presidents discussed "developments in the Palestinian issue and ways to revive the peace process in the wake of recent developments."

Egypt brokered a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians after 11 days of fighting. And US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken begins a visit to the region later Monday, including Egypt.

"President Biden made clear his country's determination to work to restore calm and restore conditions as they were in the Palestinian territories, as well as coordinate efforts with all international partners to support the Palestinian Authority as well as reconstruction," the Egyptian presidency statement said.

In Washington, the White House said in a statement that Biden thanked Egypt for "the success of its diplomatic efforts and coordination with the United States" to end hostilities.

The statement added that Biden and Sisi discussed the urgent need to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza and support reconstruction efforts "in a way that benefits the people there, not Hamas."

It was Biden's second call to Sisi in a few days to discuss the conflict. However, discussions expanded this time to include bilateral relations between the two countries and regional issues, including Libya and Iraq.

The Egyptian presidency said that the call also dealt with an exchange of views on the developments of the current position of the Renaissance Dam file, which Ethiopia is building on the Blue Nile and Egypt considers it a threat. Sudan is concerned about the safety of the dam and about regulating water flows through its dams and water stations.

The Egyptian statement said, "There was agreement on strengthening diplomatic efforts during the coming period in order to reach an agreement that preserves water and development rights for all parties."

As for the White House statement, he said that Biden "acknowledged the Egyptian concerns about access to the Nile water and stressed America's interest in reaching a diplomatic solution that meets the legitimate demands of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia."

The presidency stated that Sisi and Biden also discussed the file of human rights in Egypt, "where emphasis was placed on the commitment to engage in a transparent dialogue between Egypt and the United States in this regard."

The White House statement said that Biden "stressed the importance of a constructive dialogue on human rights in Egypt."

Under Sisi, who ousted the Muslim Brotherhood from power in 2013, Egypt has witnessed an intense crackdown on political opposition that has intensified in recent years. Egypt says that there are no political prisoners in its prisons and that stability and security are a top priority.
Comment: Arab Observer

Al-Sisi confirmed in a post on his official Facebook account that President Biden has an insightful vision and distinguished experience, characterized by realism in all files, including the file of bilateral relations, indicating that Biden is able with distinction with his expertise and experience to create radical solutions to all problems and challenges surrounding the world and the region, calling for May God crown his efforts with success, success and repayment.

It seems that President Al-Sisi is the one who has an insightful vision and distinguished experience in probing the depths of human figures, especially Joe Biden, outperforming the majority of Americans who do not see Biden any distinction, whether mentally or politically. In fact, many Americans do not believe that Biden is qualified to lead the United States, and some of them expect that he may not be able to complete the four-year period due to his weak physical and mental capabilities !!

Abe Abraham
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Posts: 14412
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Re: أثيوبيا مصر و السودان ( Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan )

Post by Abe Abraham » 25 May 2021, 05:26

ኣሁን በግብጽና በሱዳን ያለው ንግግር በመርየም ኣል-ማህዲ ባለፉት ቀናት በፍርሃት እንደ ተገለጸው እንዲህ ይላል ፥ " ለሁላችን የሚሆን በቂ ውሃም ቢኖርም ኢትዮጵያ ግድቡን ሰርታ ጨርሳ የውሃውን እንቅስቃሴ ለመቆጣጠር ከቻለች - ብግድቡ ክፍቶች ተለክቶ በሚላከው የውሃው መጠን - ለኛ በጣም ኣስጊ ነው ። "

ግብጽና ሱዳን ብቻ ሳይሆኑ ኣሜሪካም ጭምር በኣካባቢያችን ያለው የሃይል ሚዛን እንዲቀየር ኣትፈልግም ። ኣሜሪካ በትግራይ ግብጽና ሱዳን ደሞ በበኒ ሻንጉል ኣትኩረው ኢትዮጵያን የማዳከም ሃሳብ ኣላቸው ። ኢትዮጵያ ከደከመች የህዳሴ ግድቡ ይወድማል ከተቻለ ደሞ በግብጽ ቁጥጥር ይገባል ።

ስለዚ ኢትዮጵያ እንዳትደክምና እንዳትከፋፈል ጥንቃቄ ሳይስፈልግ ኣይቀርም ። ባሁኑ ግዜ ኢትዮጵያውያን እየመሰሉ በየጋዜጠኝነትና የህዩማን ራይትስ ስራ ተሰማርተው ሆን ብለው የኣገሪትዋን ጥቅም የሚጎዱ ዜጎች ኣሉ ። ከውጭ ኣገር መጥተው በተመሳሳይ ጋዜጠኝነትና ህዩማን ራይትስን ተጠቅመው ኢትዮጵያን የሚጎዱ ሰዎች ኣሉ ። በሌላ ኣነጋገር ኣሁን ችላ የሚባልበት ግዜ ኣይደለም ።

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