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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by ethiopianunity » 21 Mar 2023, 08:28

That is lip service, to galvanize or gain support of Ethiopians especially Amaras. Know how the world politics work. The goal is to tear Ethiopia apart. It is not necessary you have to support one against the other. You support the opposition because you are trying to pull the rope from the other side as the other hired also pulls the other side tip of the rope. Why? So that the rope eventually breaks and not necessary you are pulling the rope so that you can win the other side. Hope you get my drift. So what Isayas is doing is that, if he sees Olf and Tplf is holding the one tip of the rope, Isayas /Shabia is holding the other tip of the rope, in fact they are working together to tear the rope apart, in this case Ethiopia and not true that he is supporting Ethiopia cause.

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Abere » 21 Mar 2023, 12:02

It is not just Isaias Afework only that called for changing of the ዴዴቢት constitution and ethnic federation, many figures around the world suggested so. Even recently, I heard the US State Department now admitted ethnic federation is deadly for Ethiopia and needs to be changed. Let's be honest, TPLF is the origin and main source of problem of the country. TPLF has been the worst enemy of Ethiopia under the sun. Glad it is debilitated and rendered useless. The ተረኛ OLF now singing Kegna Kegna like hyena will be handed the same fate as the rabbit TPLF.

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sarcasm » 20 Jul 2023, 07:23

Isaias's war to change Ethiopian constitution has consumed millions of Ethiopians and Eritreans brought Ethiopian economy on the verge of collapse. The constitution is staying put. What a waste of life and resources the attempt was! TDF single-handedly saved Ethiopian constitutional order.

“የሕገ-መንግስት ማሻሻያ አሁን ጊዜው አይደለም” አፈ ጉባዔ አገኘሁ ተሻገር

ዋዜማ- በቅርቡ መንግስታዊው የፖሊሲ ጥናት ኢንስቲትዩት የሕገ መንግስት ማሻሻያ አስፈላጊነት ላይ ያቀረበው የጥናት ውጤት “ጊዜውን ያልጠበቀና ግልፅነት የጎደለው ነው” ሲሉ የፌደሬሽን ምክር ቤት አፈ ጉባዔ አገኘሁ ተሻገር አጣጣሉት።

አፈ ጉባዔ አገኘሁ ተሻገር ለዋዜማ እንደገለፁት ሕገ መንግስቱ የፖለቲካና የሕግ ሰነድ መሆኑን መረዳት እንደሚያስፈልግና ከነባራዊው ሁኔታ አንፃር ጥናቱ በችኮላ መሰራት የነበረበት አይደለም ብለዋል።

በቅርቡ በመንግስታዊው የፖሊሲ ጥናት ኢንስቲትዩት የሕገመንግስት ማሻሻያ ያስፈልጋል የሚል መደምደሚያ ያለው ጥናት ይፋ ማድረጉ ይታወሳል።

“ጥናቱ የሁሉንም ብሔሮችና የህብረተሰብ ክፍሎች ያላካተተ በመሆኑ በርከት ያሉ ጉድለቶች የተመለከትንበት የጥናት ሰነድ ነው” ሲሉ አገኘሁ ተሻገር ተናግረዋል።

አፈጉባኤ ተሻገር እንደሚሉት የጥናቱን ናሙና ተብለው የተወሰዱት መረጃዎች ግልፅነትና የውክልናተአማኒነት የሚጎድላቸው ናቸው ብለዋል።

ህገ-መንግስቱ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያሉ ብሔር ብሔረሰቦች ቃልኪዳን ሰነድ እንደመሆኑ መጠን ህዝቦች በህገ – መንግስቱ ዙርያ ካላቸው ፍላጎት አንፃር “በመሬት ላይ ካለው ሀቅ ጋር የሚጋጭ ነው” ይላሉ አፈጉባዔው።

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Abere » 20 Jul 2023, 11:58

ለ33 ዓመታት ምንም ጥቅም ካልሰጠ እና ሚልዮኖችን በሞት ካስቀጠፈ፤አካላቸውን ካጎደለ፤ ቅርስ እና ጥሪት ካጠፋ እና ሰዋዊ እና ማህበረሰባዊ ትሥር ወግ ማግ ድር ከበጣጠሰ - መቸም እስከ አለም ፍጻሜ ሊሰራ አይችልም። አልሰራም ወደ ፊትም አይሰራ። መቀደድ እና መቃጠል ዕጣው ሁኗል።

It is not just Isaias Afework only that called for changing of the ዴዴቢት constitution and ethnic federation, many figures around the world suggested so. Even recently, I heard the US State Department now admitted ethnic federation is deadly for Ethiopia and needs to be changed. Let's be honest, TPLF is the origin and main source of problem of the country. TPLF has been the worst enemy of Ethiopia under the sun. Glad it is debilitated and rendered useless. The ተረኛ OLF now singing Kegna Kegna like hyena will be handed the same fate as the rabbit TPLF.

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