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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Ethoash » 12 Dec 2020, 08:53

sesame wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 08:20
ይህ ደግሞ ከየት የመጣ ሶስተኛው ፆታ ነው። ምን የሚያብለጨልጭ ስልፋጅ ኮት ለብሶ የሽማግሌዎችን የጣሊያን ዘመን ኮፍያ እርጎ ሊራቀቅብን ይፈልጋል እውነቱ እዚህ ላይ ነው።

ትግሬዎች ወያኔዎች አሁን ደግሞ ጁንታዎች ፴ አመት አማራን ሲገዙ አንድም ቀን ኤርትራን ወይም አስብን እናስመልሳለን ብለው አያውቁም ይህ ፀሐይ የሞቀው አገር ያወቀው ጉዳይ ነው።

ዛሬ ግን ኤርትራኖች ከድሮ ጠላቶቻቸው ጋራ ተባብረው ወያኔዎችን አጠፉ ታዲያ ምን ሊውጣቸው ነው ። አማሮች ኤርትራ በግፍና በጉልበት እንደሄደች በጉልበት እናስመልሳታለን ቢሉ ። ምን አባታቸው ሊውጣቸው ነው ። አማራን ገትሮ የያዘላቸውን {ሀይል ደመስሱ}አሁን አማራ ሙሉ ጉልበቱን አግኝቶዋል ከዚህ በኋላ የሚፈሩት ስሌለለ አፍ አውጥተው ኤርትራ እና አስብ የኛ ነው ማለት ይጀምራሉ። ወያኔዎች ሲደመስሱ ጦርነት አበቃ ያለ ሁሉ ኤርትራዊ አሁን ነው መዘጋጀት።

እወነት ለመናገር የሚፈልግ እውነቱ ይህ ነው ። ኤርትራ የኢትዬዽያ ናት የሚሉ አማሮች ብቻ ናቸው ።ኦሮሞው ትግሬው ሱማሌው ደቡቡ ምንም ስለኤርትራ አንስተው አያውቁም ። ኤርትራ ልማዱዋ ነው ጠላቶቻን ስልጣን ላይ ማወጣት አረቀው ስለማያስቡ በስሜት ብቻ አማሮቹህ ደግፈው የገዛ ደማቸውን በጀርባቸው በጩቤ ወጉ።

አዋ ትግሬዎች ባዳምን ወስዱብን ልትሉ ትችላላቹሁ ግን ኤርትራንና አስብን ስጡዋቹሁ ምን ተጠቀማቹሁበት ፴ አመት ሁሉ ። የናቴ መቀነት አደናቀፈኝ ከማለት በስተቀር ።

አሁንም ግዜው አላለፈም ይሳያስ ቆም ብሎ ማስብ አለበት ። ወይኔዎች የፈለገ ያህል ጠላቶቹ ቢሆኑ እነሱን ማስወገድ ማለት አንዱን ጎሳ ንጉስ ማረግ ነው ይህ ማለት ደግሞ አማራው ስልጣንና ጉልበት ካገኙ ማንም የሚቀናቀናቸው ካጡ አይናቸውን ወድ አስብ ማዞራቸው አይቀርም።

ትግሬዎች ያራዳ ልጆች አማራንና ኦሮሞዎችን እያጣሉ ነበር ፴ አመት የገዙት ለአንዱ አግዘው አንዱን አላወደሙም ። ለምን ብለው ኦሮሞዎቹ የበሉበትን ውጭት ስባሪዎች ናቸው አማሮችም መርዝ ናቸው። አረብ ሲተርት እባብና አማራ ብታገኝ መጀመሪያ አማራን ገደለው የላሉ ። ይህ የሚያሳየው ምን ያህል መርዛማ እንደሆኑ ነው ። አሁን የፈደራል ጦሩ ቢቆጠር በአብዛኛው ኦሮሞና ደቡብ ነው የተዋጋው በትግሬ ምድር ላይ። ምን ኦሮሞ ሊጠቀም ኦሮሞ ሲዳከም አማራው ኦሮሞን ደግሞ ይመታና አማርኛ ተናገር። ሕገ መንግስቱን አፍርስና በድሮ የአማራ የበላይነት ተካ ብለው ኦሮሞን ድባቅ እንደሚመቱት አትጠራጠር የዛን ግዜ ኦሮሞ የሚደርሱለት ትግሬዎች የሉም ሱማሌዎችም ቤንዚናቸው ተቀምተው በድህነት እንደሚኖሩ አትጠራጠር ። ታላቁ ሚዛን ጠባቂዎች ትግረዎች ነበሩ እድሜ ለአብይና ለይሳያስ አጠፉዋቸው ። አሁን ተረኛው የይሳያስ መጥፋትና የኤርትራ ጦርነት ውስት መግባት ነው በአስብ ጉዳይ ።

ደህና ስንብቱ።

እኔ የምናገረው ከመሬት ጠብ አይልም ። ዶክተር እብይ ተወዳጅነቱ ይጠፋል ብዬ ተንብዬ ነበር ። ሻሽመኔ ውስጥ የተድረገውን ግድያ ቸል ብሎ ሲያልፍ እንዳልኩት ሆነ ። ቄሮዎችም በጣም አደገኛ ቦዜኔዎች ናቸው ብዬ ነበር ። ቤት ያቃጥላሉ ሕግን በእጃቸው ይይዛሉ ፈላጭ ቆራጭ ይሆናሉ ብዬ ነበር ከአሁኑ መልስ ካልተስጣቸው የፈራሁት ደረስ ።

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Posts: 11847
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: Kichamam Woyane

Post by Selam/ » 12 Dec 2020, 10:39

Kichamo Komalo - Do you know why Woyane was subdued to Eritrean's interest? It is because you are a bunch coward mfkrs and sleazy snakes. You don't have the character, intellect and courage to live peacefully with our neighbors or the skill to diplomaticaly or forcefully demand what is deserved.

Gutless and principle-less thugs lose everything at the end of the day.
- First, Shabia rod on your skinny back to Addis.
- You little rats then handed over Eritrea to them.
- You looted their properties and kicked them out of Ethiopia the same way as what you did in Wolkayit.
- You fought with the tiny Eritrean army and lost miserably.
- You occupied their lands for two decades for no reason.
- When you were kicked out of power, you proclaimed Eritrea as ally, plotting to use them as a escape route.
- When Ethiopia cut you out & made peace with Eritrea, you red-eyed and confused mfkrs cried foul and beat the bush all over the place.
- When your fake call for alliance with Eritrea failed, you turned your cursed head to the South. That too faied miserably.

That's the confused and scattered pattern of a Worada, gutless, principle-less thugs. The Heavenly don't give away what's theirs nor demand what doesn't belong to them. They are inherently just. KIFU!

Ethoash wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 08:53
sesame wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 08:20
ይህ ደግሞ ከየት የመጣ ሶስተኛው ፆታ ነው። ምን የሚያብለጨልጭ ስልፋጅ ኮት ለብሶ የሽማግሌዎችን የጣሊያን ዘመን ኮፍያ እርጎ ሊራቀቅብን ይፈልጋል እውነቱ እዚህ ላይ ነው።

ትግሬዎች ወያኔዎች አሁን ደግሞ ጁንታዎች ፴ አመት አማራን ሲገዙ አንድም ቀን ኤርትራን ወይም አስብን እናስመልሳለን ብለው አያውቁም ይህ ፀሐይ የሞቀው አገር ያወቀው ጉዳይ ነው።

ዛሬ ግን ኤርትራኖች ከድሮ ጠላቶቻቸው ጋራ ተባብረው ወያኔዎችን አጠፉ ታዲያ ምን ሊውጣቸው ነው ። አማሮች ኤርትራ በግፍና በጉልበት እንደሄደች በጉልበት እናስመልሳታለን ቢሉ ። ምን አባታቸው ሊውጣቸው ነው ። አማራን ገትሮ የያዘላቸውን {ሀይል ደመስሱ}አሁን አማራ ሙሉ ጉልበቱን አግኝቶዋል ከዚህ በኋላ የሚፈሩት ስሌለለ አፍ አውጥተው ኤርትራ እና አስብ የኛ ነው ማለት ይጀምራሉ። ወያኔዎች ሲደመስሱ ጦርነት አበቃ ያለ ሁሉ ኤርትራዊ አሁን ነው መዘጋጀት።

እወነት ለመናገር የሚፈልግ እውነቱ ይህ ነው ። ኤርትራ የኢትዬዽያ ናት የሚሉ አማሮች ብቻ ናቸው ።ኦሮሞው ትግሬው ሱማሌው ደቡቡ ምንም ስለኤርትራ አንስተው አያውቁም ። ኤርትራ ልማዱዋ ነው ጠላቶቻን ስልጣን ላይ ማወጣት አረቀው ስለማያስቡ በስሜት ብቻ አማሮቹህ ደግፈው የገዛ ደማቸውን በጀርባቸው በጩቤ ወጉ።

አዋ ትግሬዎች ባዳምን ወስዱብን ልትሉ ትችላላቹሁ ግን ኤርትራንና አስብን ስጡዋቹሁ ምን ተጠቀማቹሁበት ፴ አመት ሁሉ ። የናቴ መቀነት አደናቀፈኝ ከማለት በስተቀር ።

አሁንም ግዜው አላለፈም ይሳያስ ቆም ብሎ ማስብ አለበት ። ወይኔዎች የፈለገ ያህል ጠላቶቹ ቢሆኑ እነሱን ማስወገድ ማለት አንዱን ጎሳ ንጉስ ማረግ ነው ይህ ማለት ደግሞ አማራው ስልጣንና ጉልበት ካገኙ ማንም የሚቀናቀናቸው ካጡ አይናቸውን ወድ አስብ ማዞራቸው አይቀርም።

ትግሬዎች ያራዳ ልጆች አማራንና ኦሮሞዎችን እያጣሉ ነበር ፴ አመት የገዙት ለአንዱ አግዘው አንዱን አላወደሙም ። ለምን ብለው ኦሮሞዎቹ የበሉበትን ውጭት ስባሪዎች ናቸው አማሮችም መርዝ ናቸው። አረብ ሲተርት እባብና አማራ ብታገኝ መጀመሪያ አማራን ገደለው የላሉ ። ይህ የሚያሳየው ምን ያህል መርዛማ እንደሆኑ ነው ። አሁን የፈደራል ጦሩ ቢቆጠር በአብዛኛው ኦሮሞና ደቡብ ነው የተዋጋው በትግሬ ምድር ላይ። ምን ኦሮሞ ሊጠቀም ኦሮሞ ሲዳከም አማራው ኦሮሞን ደግሞ ይመታና አማርኛ ተናገር። ሕገ መንግስቱን አፍርስና በድሮ የአማራ የበላይነት ተካ ብለው ኦሮሞን ድባቅ እንደሚመቱት አትጠራጠር የዛን ግዜ ኦሮሞ የሚደርሱለት ትግሬዎች የሉም ሱማሌዎችም ቤንዚናቸው ተቀምተው በድህነት እንደሚኖሩ አትጠራጠር ። ታላቁ ሚዛን ጠባቂዎች ትግረዎች ነበሩ እድሜ ለአብይና ለይሳያስ አጠፉዋቸው ። አሁን ተረኛው የይሳያስ መጥፋትና የኤርትራ ጦርነት ውስት መግባት ነው በአስብ ጉዳይ ።

ደህና ስንብቱ።

እኔ የምናገረው ከመሬት ጠብ አይልም ። ዶክተር እብይ ተወዳጅነቱ ይጠፋል ብዬ ተንብዬ ነበር ። ሻሽመኔ ውስጥ የተድረገውን ግድያ ቸል ብሎ ሲያልፍ እንዳልኩት ሆነ ። ቄሮዎችም በጣም አደገኛ ቦዜኔዎች ናቸው ብዬ ነበር ። ቤት ያቃጥላሉ ሕግን በእጃቸው ይይዛሉ ፈላጭ ቆራጭ ይሆናሉ ብዬ ነበር ከአሁኑ መልስ ካልተስጣቸው የፈራሁት ደረስ ።

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by gagi » 12 Dec 2020, 12:20

እናንተ ከታሪክ የማትማሩ ከሃዲዎች ናችሁ::

የኢትዮጵያን ማህበረሰቦች እያባሉ የመዝረፍ አካሄዳችሁ ከ30 አመታት በሁአላ ሲያበቃ እና የእናንተም ህልውና ራሳችሁ በጫራችሁት እሳት ሲያከትም ከመቃብራችሁ ውስጥ ሆናችሁ ኢትዮጵያን ከጎረቤቱዋ ኤርትራ ጋር ዳግም ለማጋጨት መፍጨርጨራችሁ አይገርምም

እውነታው ግን ዋነኛ ጠላታችሁ የአማራ ህዝብ የኤርትራን መንግስትነት የአሰብንም ኤርትራዊነት ተቀብሎና አክብሮ ወደፊት መጉአዝ ከጀመረ አመታት አስቆጠሮአል:: ይልቅስ እናንተ አቅማችሁን የማታውቁ ተስፋፊዎች “ ትግሪኛ የሚናገር ሁሉ ትግራዋይ ነው” በሚል አደገኛ የፖለቲካ ግባችሁ የአማራን መሬቶች መንጠቅ ትግሪኛ ተናጋሪ ያለበትን የኤርትራ ምድር የመጠቅለል ቅዠት ከገባችሁ እነሆ 45 አመታት አለፉ::

በ 30 አመታቱ ጦርነት በኤርትራ ላይ ከደረሰው በእናንተ ቅጥፈት የተደረገው የጥቂት አመታት ጦርነት በኤርትራ ላይ ጉዳት እድርሱአል:: ኤርትራውያንን ከተወለዱበት እና ካደጉበት የኢትዮጵያ ምድር አባራችሁአል ሃብታቸውን ዘርፋችሁአል:: አማራው አይደለም የኤርትራውያንን የታወቁ የንግድ ድርጅቶች የነጠቀው የተቀራመተው እናንተ ስግብግቦቹ እንጂ::

እና አሁን “እኛ ስንጠፋ አማራ አሰብን ይጠይቃል” አትሳሳቱ እያላችሁ ኤርትራውያንን ለመምከር ስትሞክሩ እነኝህ ምን ጉዶች ናቸው የሚለውን ከመድገም በስተቀር ምን እንላለን:: እናንተን የሚመስል አሳፋሪ ታሪክ ያለው: እንደ እናንተ ቅጥፈት የህይወት መመሪያው የሆነ: እንደ እናንተ ከሃዲ የሆነ እንኩእን በአሁን ዘመን በታሪክ ድርሳናትም ውስጥ አይገኝ::

ሞታችሁን ላፋጠኑት ለኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ እና ለሳተናዎቹ የአማራ ተዋጊዎች ምስጋና ይግባቸው:: አሁን የቀብራችሁ ስነስርዓት ላይ እንገኛለን:: በጣም ያማረ ቀብር እንዲሆንላችሁ ተግተን እንሰራለን:: አሜን!!

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Cigar » 12 Dec 2020, 12:49

Selam, you described these filthy parasite tegarus, but you are way out of the truth when you said the coward woyane gave us our independence when you know that we faught and paid dearly to get what is ours and cement our sovereignty by our sheer force and determination. If you believe woyane 'leader of ethio in 1993' signed like all the world bodies on the dotted line to accept our independence is like we couldn't be a sovereign nation, woyane could have been destroyed in 1993 which I wish it could have been much better to both Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Remember in 1993 Shaebia had a military base in Addis to baby sit the cowards woyane untill they get accustom to sit in a regular chairs.
And then you called Eritrea tiny but I don't think you will call Israel or the other over 99 world countries which are tinier than Eritrea tinies.
For the record Eritrea's size is larger than more than half of the countries in the world. That is about territory size. But when it comes to hearts and courage size Eritrea absolutely stands on top of the 10 world countries.
Woyane didn't only hoodwinked or indoctrinated his dumb a'ss citizens about what Eritrea is all about by false premises and lies, but sadly it also convince some innocent Ethiopians to go along with woyanes lies and propaganda.
But what is puzzling is that you sound like you believe Eritrea was, is or will be a part of Ethiopia. I mean why did you say woyane or any Ethiopian gave us our independence when you know that we were forcibly annexed to Ethiopia.
Man you need to swallow the bitter pill that Eritrea was supposed to be a sovereign nation and accept that it is now, no matter how you wish it was or is to make yourself believe as if you can't exist with out Eritrea.
You can blame woyane for all the evil it did to both countries, but pleaseeeeeee one of them is definitely not it gave us our independence.
I advice that Eritrea stretching its peaceful hands for a win win situation should not be seen as a weakness or as if it gains from being a friendly nation with ethio or any other country more than them gaining from Eritrea.
Eritrea cemented that it is the center of the gravity of the horn Africa. So my friend stop the false narrative of woyanes and its stooges.
Funny you said Shaebia rod on woyane's weak spine to Addis.
Every one, at least we Eritreans know the truth that we the Eritreans piggybacked the coward woyane to Addis and protected them for over 3 years being in Addis.
Last edited by Cigar on 12 Dec 2020, 13:45, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Selam/ » 12 Dec 2020, 13:10

Bottom line, the sleazy Woyane's are heartless. They have no principle or empathy. They bite the finger that feeds them in a matter of a second. They give you today and tthey take it back tomorrow, always based on short time interest. They have no shame to get back to you and l!ck your boots. Eritrea is indeed tiny as is Israel. It's upto you how to interpret that. Let's leave the rest to historians.

Cigar wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 12:49
Selam, you described these filthy parasite tegarus, but you are way out of the truth when you said the coward woyane have us our independence when you know that we faught and paid dearly to get what is ours and cement our sovereignty by our cheer force and determination. If you believe woyane 'leader of ethio in 1993' signed like all the world bodies on the dotted line to accept our independence is like we couldn't be a sovereign nation, woyane could have been destroyed in 1993 which I wish it could have been much better to both Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Remember in 1993 Shaebia had a military base in Addis to baby sit the cowards woyane untill they get accustom to sit in a regular chairs.
And then you called Eritrea tiny but I don't think you will call Israel or the other over 99 world countries which are tinier than Eritrea tinies.
For the record Eritrea's size is larger than more than half of the countries in the world. That is about territory size. But when it comes to hearts and courage size Eritrea absolutely stands on top of the 10 world countries.
Woyane didn't only hoodwinked or indoctrinated his dumb a'ss citizens about what Eritrea is all about by false promises and lies, but sadly it also convince some innocent Ethiopians to go along with woyanes lies and propaganda.
But what is puzzling is that you sound like you believe Eritrea was, is or will be a part of Ethiopia. I mean why did you say woyane or any Ethiopian gave us our independence when you know that we were forcibly annexed to Ethiopia.
Man you need to swallow the bitter pill that Eritrea was supposed to be a sovereign nation and accept that it is now, no matter how you wish it was or is to make yourself believe as if you can't exist with out Eritrea.
You can blame woyane for all the evil it did to both countries, but pleaseeeeeee one of them is definitely not it gave us our independence.
I advice that Eritrea stretching its peaceful hands for a win win situation should not be seen as a weakness or as if it gains from being a friendly nation with ethio or any other country more than them gaining from Eritrea.
Eritrea cemented that it is the center of the gravity of the horn Africa. So my friend stop the false narrative of woyanes and its stooges.
Funny you said Shaebia rod on woyane's weak spine to Addis.
Every one, at least we Eritreans know the truth that we the Eritreans piggybacked the coward woyane to Addis and protected them for over 3 years being in Addis.

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Re: Kichamam Woyane

Post by Asmara » 12 Dec 2020, 13:41

Selam/ wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 10:39
Kichamo Komalo - Do you know why Woyane was subdued to Eritrean's interest? It is because you are a bunch coward mfkrs and sleazy snakes. You don't have the character, intellect and courage to live peacefully with our neighbors or the skill to diplomaticaly or forcefully demand what is deserved.

Gutless and principle-less thugs lose everything at the end of the day.
- First, Shabia rod on your skinny back to Addis.
- You little rats then handed over Eritrea to them.
- You looted their properties and kicked them out of Ethiopia the same way as what you did in Wolkayit.
- You fought with the tiny Eritrean army and lost miserably.
- You occupied their lands for two decades for no reason.
- When you were kicked out of power, you proclaimed Eritrea as ally, plotting to use them as a escape route.
- When Ethiopia cut you out & made peace with Eritrea, you red-eyed and confused mfkrs cried foul and beat the bush all over the place.
- When your fake call for alliance with Eritrea failed, you turned your cursed head to the South. That too faied miserably.

That's the confused and scattered pattern of a Worada, gutless, principle-less thugs. The Heavenly don't give away what's theirs nor demand what doesn't belong to them. They are inherently just. KIFU!
Agree with most points except:
You little rats then handed Eritrea to them.
You Ethiopians find it hard to accept the fact that nobody handed our independence to us. We got it through sheer sacrifices of our beloved fighters. TPLF was a formality and didn't have any choice but accept the reality on the ground.
You fought with the tiny Eritrean army and lost miserably.
Yes they lost miserably but Eritrean army is far from tiny. In fact, it is a formidable force in East Africa. I am so glad that the TPLF is finally buried 6 feet down. We can sleep peacefully now without worrying too much about wars and instabilities. Some Ethiopians should learn a big lesson from this and choose to live along side a peace loving neighbour called Eritrea.

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Fiyameta » 12 Dec 2020, 14:16

🎼🎶 JUNTA! 🎹 JUNTA! 🎶🎸 JUNTA! 🎷🎧♫ JUNTA! ♫🎼🎶

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Mammo » 12 Dec 2020, 15:37

Would make more sense if the video included Ethiopian flag too.

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Asmara » 12 Dec 2020, 15:42

Mammo wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 15:37
Would make more sense if the video included Ethiopian flag too.
Well, this is Eritrean song.

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by kerenite » 12 Dec 2020, 16:19

Mammo wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 15:37
Would make more sense if the video included Ethiopian flag too.
Hahaha, a bit ironic question lol.

But on the main point......

No genuine eritrean cheers or worse yet sings for the bloody civil war which is being waged among ethios.The dude doesn't represent the majority of eris rather he represents himself and few misguided fellas in his circle.

Eris wish ethios to resolve their problems peacefully and amicably without any bloodshed.

Abe Abraham
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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Abe Abraham » 12 Dec 2020, 16:37

kerenite wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 16:19
Mammo wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 15:37
Would make more sense if the video included Ethiopian flag too.
Hahaha, a bit ironic question lol.

But on the main point......

No genuine eritrean cheers or worse yet sings for the bloody civil war which is being waged among ethios.The dude doesn't represent the majority of eris rather he represents himself and few misguided fellas in his circle.

Eris wish ethios to resolve their problems peacefully and amicably without any bloodshed.

Wed Aad Mu'3alim, what are you talking about ? Just enjoy the music. It is time to sing and dance in particular if you are genuine Eritrean !! :lol: :lol:

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Re: Kichamam Woyane

Post by Selam/ » 12 Dec 2020, 17:47

I am not talking about what's right or wrong from Eritreans perspective. I am here talking about what Woyane did. Yes of course, they didn't have a choice. They carried you on their back all the way to Addis and fought you back a few years later. They would sell anything if it's profitable whether it's legit or not. See what they did to Gondar, handing over tract of land to Sudan. They uprooted indigenous Ethiopians from their fertile agricultural lands.

Tiny doesn't mean weak. That you have to educate the inferior TPLF rats who amassed wealth, assuming it would provide a lifetime armor to their insecure ego.

Asmara wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 13:41
Selam/ wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 10:39
Kichamo Komalo - Do you know why Woyane was subdued to Eritrean's interest? It is because you are a bunch coward mfkrs and sleazy snakes. You don't have the character, intellect and courage to live peacefully with our neighbors or the skill to diplomaticaly or forcefully demand what is deserved.

Gutless and principle-less thugs lose everything at the end of the day.
- First, Shabia rod on your skinny back to Addis.
- You little rats then handed over Eritrea to them.
- You looted their properties and kicked them out of Ethiopia the same way as what you did in Wolkayit.
- You fought with the tiny Eritrean army and lost miserably.
- You occupied their lands for two decades for no reason.
- When you were kicked out of power, you proclaimed Eritrea as ally, plotting to use them as a escape route.
- When Ethiopia cut you out & made peace with Eritrea, you red-eyed and confused mfkrs cried foul and beat the bush all over the place.
- When your fake call for alliance with Eritrea failed, you turned your cursed head to the South. That too faied miserably.

That's the confused and scattered pattern of a Worada, gutless, principle-less thugs. The Heavenly don't give away what's theirs nor demand what doesn't belong to them. They are inherently just. KIFU!
Agree with most points except:
You little rats then handed Eritrea to them.
You Ethiopians find it hard to accept the fact that nobody handed our independence to us. We got it through sheer sacrifices of our beloved fighters. TPLF was a formality and didn't have any choice but accept the reality on the ground.
You fought with the tiny Eritrean army and lost miserably.
Yes they lost miserably but Eritrean army is far from tiny. In fact, it is a formidable force in East Africa. I am so glad that the TPLF is finally buried 6 feet down. We can sleep peacefully now without worrying too much about wars and instabilities. Some Ethiopians should learn a big lesson from this and choose to live along side a peace loving neighbour called Eritrea.

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Meleket » 15 Dec 2020, 03:00

ኣገናዕ Cigar ሓዉና “ሎሚ ከም ትማሊ ሃገር ሰብ ኣለዋ፣ ኣባዪ ዚኸላኸል ክብራ ዚሕልዋ” ዚብል ደርፊ ጋቢዘካ ኣሎኹ!!!! እንበር ገሊኦም በለልቲ ታሪኽ ዛይብልዎ የብሎምን፡ “ኣነ ቀሚስ እሰፍየላ፡ ንሳ ነገር ትኣልመለይ”! :lol: ዚተባህለ መኣስ ብወዝቢ ዀይኑ! :mrgreen:
Cigar wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 12:49
Selam, you described these . . . :lol: , but you are way out of the truth when you said the coward woyane gave us our independence when you know that we faught and paid dearly to get what is ours and cement our sovereignty by our sheer force and determination.If you believe woyane 'leader of ethio in 1993' signed like all the world bodies on the dotted line to accept our independence is like we couldn't be a sovereign nation, woyane could have been destroyed in 1993 which I wish it could have been much better to both Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Remember in 1993 Shaebia had a military base in Addis to baby sit the cowards woyane untill they get accustom to sit in a regular chairs.
And then you called Eritrea tiny but I don't think you will call Israel or the other over 99 world countries which are tinier than Eritrea tinies.
For the record Eritrea's size is larger than more than half of the countries in the world. That is about territory size. But when it comes to hearts and courage size Eritrea absolutely stands on top of the 10 world countries.
Woyane didn't only hoodwinked or indoctrinated his dumb a'ss citizens about what Eritrea is all about by false premises and lies, but sadly it also convince some innocent Ethiopians to go along with woyanes lies and propaganda.
But what is puzzling is that you sound like you believe Eritrea was, is or will be a part of Ethiopia. I mean why did you say woyane or any Ethiopian gave us our independence when you know that we were forcibly annexed to Ethiopia.
Man you need to swallow the bitter pill that Eritrea was supposed to be a sovereign nation and accept that it is now, no matter how you wish it was or is to make yourself believe as if you can't exist with out Eritrea.
You can blame woyane for all the evil it did to both countries, but pleaseeeeeee one of them is definitely not it gave us our independence.
I advice that Eritrea stretching its peaceful hands for a win win situation should not be seen as a weakness or as if it gains from being a friendly nation with ethio or any other country more than them gaining from Eritrea.
Eritrea cemented that it is the center of the gravity of the horn Africa. So my friend stop the false narrative of woyanes and its stooges.
Funny you said Shaebia rod on woyane's weak spine to Addis.
Every one, at least we Eritreans know the truth that we the Eritreans piggybacked the coward woyane to Addis and protected them for over 3 years being in Addis.

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Abe Abraham » 16 Dec 2020, 18:18

ኢሳያስ ወዲ ደበሳይ ኣንበሳ ጅግና ብዜማን ትሕዝቶን ጽብቕቲ ዝኾነት ደርፊ ኣቕሪብካ ። እንቋዕ ሓጎሰካን ሓጎሰናን !!

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Re: A New Song "Junta" By Eritrean Aritist Esayas Debesay. The Death of TPLF Back-Stabbers is Celebrated Everywhere

Post by Ethoash » 17 Dec 2020, 08:23

This fool Cigar

he think he can convince those Buda Salam,,,,,,in short they will take your Assab u like it or not how long it take they will fight u and take your Assab this is a given.. now the Eritrean had only one choice to NATO with Golden and kept the Amhara to their place until they become civilized and until the oromo and the South got their independent under Fed government and act like sovereign nation instead of going to war when the Amhara send them to fight endless war. if the oromo and the South stand on their on they have the power and the right to tell the Amhara if u want war with Eritrea go by yourself.. but idiot Cigar trying to make a deal with scorpion , guess what scorpion never forget it is behavior how much good u did for him.. (i am talking about only the saying scorpion might be the best compere to the Amhara) even those Arab said it if u meet snake and Amhara u know the rest of the story.

this is not for Cigar reply this is only for Eritreans who have brain to think. Cigar is idiot... he got involved with my conversation and he will say i am not talking to u.. when he have no reply to give me... no wonder Eritrea become Singpooooooooooor with this kind of people running the show

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