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Abe Abraham
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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by Abe Abraham » 08 Dec 2020, 10:19


Disclaimer : EEPA does not claim that the information is correct.
ትግሬዎች እንጀራን - ካገኙት ማለት ነው - በማንኪያ ሳይሆን በእጃቸው ስለሚበሉት ብደታም ወያኔ ትግራይ " ማንኪያ "/ማንካ ተሰረቀባት ስትል በጣም ኣሳቂ ይሆናል

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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by sesame » 08 Dec 2020, 11:49

The funny thing about the Agames is that if Eritreans are taking all that from Tigray, why don't they organize their forces into guerrila units and stop the movement. In May 2000, When Agames came to Eritrea to loot from Tessenei and Barentu, the Eritrean airforce destroyed 70 civilian trucks killing all the Agame looters. After that, no Agame looter came to Eritrea.

Abe Abraham
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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by Abe Abraham » 08 Dec 2020, 12:19

sesame wrote:
08 Dec 2020, 11:49
The funny thing about the Agames is that if Eritreans are taking all that from Tigray, why don't they organize their forces into guerrila units and stop the movement. In May 2000, When Agames came to Eritrea to loot from Tessenei and Barentu, the Eritrean airforce destroyed 70 civilian trucks killing all the Agame looters. After that, no Agame looter came to Eritrea.
The whole thing gets even funnier when they themselves tell you that the situation is under their control and fighting is going on around cities and towns. That means movement of people and goods is very difficult. Woyanes are evil !!

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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by dawwit » 08 Dec 2020, 13:13

Asmara will open a new university soon with stollen computers from mekelle university

Posts: 7935
Joined: 08 Jun 2018, 12:42

Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by euroland » 08 Dec 2020, 14:26

dawwit wrote:
08 Dec 2020, 13:13
Asmara will open a new university soon with stollen computers from mekelle university
Not a bad idea😀😀😀

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Joined: 21 Apr 2015, 12:18

Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by dawwit » 08 Dec 2020, 14:57

is that how u intend to grow ur ‘Singapore’ economy?

Posts: 7935
Joined: 08 Jun 2018, 12:42

Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by euroland » 08 Dec 2020, 14:59

You looted from Ethiopians, we “looted” from you; fair game😀😀
dawwit wrote:
08 Dec 2020, 14:57
is that how u intend to grow ur ‘Singapore’ economy?

Posts: 7993
Joined: 29 Jan 2020, 21:44

Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by Wedi » 08 Dec 2020, 15:18

Tigrians not looted only from Ethiopia but also they looted from Eritreans
Read this

በኤርምያስ ለገሰ ከተጻፈው የመለስ "ትሩፋቶች" መጽሃፍ ከገጽ 4-5 የተወሰደ

በአዲስ አባባ ከአስር ሽህ በላይ ዲሞብላይዝድ የሆኑ የህወሃት ታጋዮችና ከኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ጦርነት በኋላ የተቀነሱ ወታደሮች ይኖራሉ። እነዚህ አካላት በተለያዩ መንግስታዊ ተቋማት ውስጥ በሲቪል ሰራተኝነት እንዲሰገሰጉ ተደርጓል። በተለይም በወረዳና ቀበሌ ፋይናንስ ጽህፈት ቤት፣ የሚሊሽያ ጽ/ቤት፣ የፌድራልና አዲስ አበባ ፖሊስ፣ አየር መነገድ፣ ጉምሩክ፣ ውጭ ጉዳይና ደህንነት መስሪያ ቤቶች የሚጠቀሱ ናቸው። ከዚህ በተጨማሪም የኤርትራውያን ንብረት የሆኑ መኖርያ ቤቶች፣ የንግድ ተቋማት፣ የመኪና መለዋወጫ ሱቆችና ጋራዦችን እንዲወርሱ ተደርጓል። ከቄራ እስክ ጎፋ ገብር ኤል የተዘረጉትን ጋራዦችና መለዋወጫ ሱቆች "ከኤርትራውያን ወደ ትግራውያን የተደረገ ሽግሽግ" በሚል ስያሜ እንደተሰጥቸው የአደባባአይ ሚስጥር ነው። ዛሬ ጸረ ሙስና የደህንነት ባለስልጣን የነበረውን ወልደስላሴን ሲከሰ "ምንጩ ያለታወቀ ንብረት" ብሎ የሚለው የሚለው የኤርትራውያን ንብረት ላለማለት ተፈልጎ ነው።

በእነዚህ ዲሞብላይዝድ ታጋዮች ቤት በነፍስ ወከፍ አንድ የጦር መሳሪያ ይገኛል። ታጋዮችን ዲሞብላይዝ የማደረግ ሂደት መሳሪያ መንጠቅን አያጠቃልልም ነበር። በዚህም ምክንያት እነዚህ ታጋዮችና ወታደሮች የሲቪል ህይወት ሲጀምሩ ከነትጥቃቸው ነበር። በ እነሱ እጅ ያለው የጦር መሳርያ ቁጥር የአዲሳባ ፖሊስ ካለው በብዙ እጥፍ ይበልጣል። የጉምርክ ባለስልጣን የነበረው ገ/ዋህድ ቤት እንደተበረበረው ሁሉ የሌላውም ቢፈተሽ ቢከፋ እንጅ የሚያንስ አይሆንም። ከዚህ አንጻር ገ/ዋህድ ተለይቶ ተጠያቂ የሚሆንበት አንዳችም ምክንያት የለም። ግራም ነፈሰ ቀኝ የአዲሳባ የፀጥታ ስጋት አንዱ ምንጭ ይህ ነው።

euroland wrote:
08 Dec 2020, 14:59
You looted from Ethiopians, we “looted” from you; fair game😀😀
dawwit wrote:
08 Dec 2020, 14:57
is that how u intend to grow ur ‘Singapore’ economy?

Posts: 943
Joined: 21 Aug 2013, 11:51

Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by YAY » 08 Dec 2020, 15:34

Hi Dawwit: Your so-called "Confirmation" is not confirmed to be true.

Read the Disclaimer again.
1. "All information in this situation report is presented as a fluid update report"; which means that nothing is known to be firmly ascertained.

2. "to the best knowledge and understanding of the authors at the moment of publication." Who are the authors, and what is the best knowledge or understanding (mostly already biased against Eritrea) that they have? Even the names of the authors is uncertain (unknown or hidden) so that we could not ask them in case we need to.

3. "EEPA [ Europe External Programme with Africa] does not claim that the information is correct". That is self-explanatory.

4. "but verifies to the best of ability within the circumstances." The information EEPA feeds the world is not verified to be true. What abilities does EEPA have to verify anything from far away and from sources not confirmed to be definitely authentic or truthful.

5." Check all information against updates and other media." That is not a confirmation on what you might believe is true.You are on your own to discover the facts. They are effectively claiming that their assertions are not better than rumors.

6. "EEPA does not take responsibility for the use of the information or impact thereof." EEPA will not take responsibility for any consequences of any action one might take based on such rumors.

7. "All information reported originates from third parties and the content of all reported and linked information remains the sole responsibility of these third parties." All of the information they offered us are from "third parties" and they cannot say they believe these "third parties", and EEPA would not claim if the rumors it gathered/swallowed are true. What is worse is that EEPA claims to be an "in-depth" research, or activist, organization but obviously its research is not even paper-deep. They even failed to clearly identify the sources of information they offered, denying us, their readers, the capability to counter-check them.

If I were you, I would not believe what either Martin Plaut or EEPA report. If they cannot take responsibility for what they report, then, we should not be fools to take their reports as truth. Etiyopiya and Eritrea are two separate and independent sovereign nations, and they can make decisions separately, or jointly, and act on their decisions that are influenced by each country's domestic laws and international laws. As a matter of principle, Eritrea could join the Federal Government of Etiyopiya in its fight against TPLF in or outside Tigraiy if both governments agreed to jointly do so. However, the Eritrean Government is saying that it has not involved itself in this case by sending troops to Etiyopiya, or Tigraiy in particular. In addition, the Etiyopiyan Federal Government has also said that Eritrean armed forces are not taking part in the Etiyopiyan Federal Government' s "law enforcement" military campaign against the Tigrai People's Liberation Front all over the country. Regardless, the TPLF & Co. are claiming that Eritrean forces are fighting them in Tigraiy, of course, without providing us any credible evidence to support their claims.

There is, however, a set of facts that PM Abiy Ahmed Ali of Etiyopiya said in his most recent exchange in the Etiyopiyan Congress/Parliament. He briefly related a situation of members of the Etiyopiyan North Command who were pushed by TPLF's pre-emptive attack to Eritrea. He said some of the Federal soldiers were ordered by TPLF to go to Eritrea "naked" (without their clothes on). He added that the Eritrean people, more than the Eritrean Government did, dressed them, fed them, gave them drinks, treated them humanely, etc. and "armed them". PM Abiy went to his troops in Eritrea with his military generals, and some of the Etiyopiyan troops that were attacked and scattered by TPLF forces were re-grouped and re-organized as combat-ready forces, and fought back against TPLF forces beginning from the Etiyo-Eritrean borders. As PM Abiy put it, "that is why they [TPLF & Co.] claim that Eritrea attacked them. Our troops cannot fight back naked and wore clothes on [ most likely those who were naked were in Eritrean uniforms, and the rest were in Etiyopiyan uniforms]. Things such as these may be confusing, to say the least. Other than these, there is no hard evidence that TPLF & Co. presented to support their claims that Eritrean troops are in Tigraiy, Etiyopiya fighting the TPLF forces or looting the properties of the people of Tigraiy.

So Dawwit, EEPA' s report is not necessarily correct, as they themselves said; and don't take it as a confirmation to any "fact".

Disclaimer: All information in this situation report is presented as a fluid update report, as to the best knowledge and understanding of the authors at the moment of publication. EEPA does not claim that the information is correct but verifies to the best of ability within the circumstances. Publication is weighed on the basis of interest to understand potential impacts of events (or perceptions of these) on the situation. Check all information against updates and other media. EEPA does not take responsibility for the use of the information or impact thereof. All information reported originates from third parties and the content of all reported and linked information remains the sole responsibility of these third parties. Report to [email protected] any additional information and corrections

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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by Cigar » 08 Dec 2020, 16:09

Dimwit, first of all if the Eritreans crossed the border it got to be only at tge poor peoples agame residents of border, right?
Again, not that I am saying any Eritrean crossed your filthy tigray land, but if they did, the people at the border are dirty poor who might have couple of goats and some donkeys.
Dimwit the weasel the fact that you can't formulate a complete sentence in this site is a fact that if there are computers in mekele didn't help you either.
You agames are stricken with inferiority complex syndrome. That is all. You stole our songs, be them love songs or patriotic songs, you stole our iconic pictures, you stole over a billion dollars worth properties from Etitreans resided in ethiopia, you stole the EEBC verdict which was in Eritrea's favor and lied to your people it was on your agames favor. You stole our Barentu residents toys, tennis shoes, tvs, stereos, our women make ups and even bath room tissue papers when Shaebia was chasing you in 2000. The list goes on and on.
Theft and lie is sin in Eritrean culture, unlike your leaders attested that stealing is good unless you are caught Red handed.
Man, Eritreans hate you and every thing yours, that we won't even take an inch from your land.
But you dirty agames believe that we Eritreans sh*it gold and if you encounter it, you will pick it up and take it home to your sher*amut moms.

lil kogne
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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by lil kogne » 08 Dec 2020, 17:23

Dimwit, How can one steal from someone who has nothing ? Agamew, you do not have what we want, your tribe waits on a dump truck to eat their meal and here you Tuhanam, Duqetam, Ekekam accusing us eritreans who taught you how to fight, how to dress, how to behave as human beings instead of acting like stray dogs, how to work hard to achieve your goals, how to keep body hygiene. You are our left over eaters, you are our sheep herders, you are our shoe shiners, you are our cart pushers, you are our mill workers, you are our maids, etc... why would we look down to pickup something used by you dirt cheap clan. I know Agamew, there is no shame in your culture.

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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by dawwit » 08 Dec 2020, 17:43

የአስመራ ታሪክ። በLoot ለማደግ የሞከረች።

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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by AbebeB » 08 Dec 2020, 18:05

dawwit wrote:
08 Dec 2020, 13:13
Asmara will open a new university soon with stollen computers from mekelle university
ወይኔ፣ የኦሮሚያን ሀብት ሀበሾች ተቀባበሉት እኮ!
ይሁን እስከ ጊዜውኪ፣ መቼም ቅማላቸው እንደሆን እንደወረራቸው ነው የሚኖሩት፡፡

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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by dawwit » 08 Dec 2020, 20:01

Eritreas #1 source of economy is loot
#2-mandatory 5%

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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by sun » 08 Dec 2020, 20:40

Hmm... :mrgreen:

Your bitter sweet envy and jealous Judas complaints about the unstoppable independent country, Eritrea, only confirms that your side is a tiny Ethiopian province where your tiniest warmongering looter movement makes you feel greatly inferior and insecure, thereby making you run around and cry day and night on looking at the Rising Star named, Eritrea. :lol:

Evil resentment! Why can't you think as to how to eliminate hate and cooperate with Eritreans so that both people can have peace, security, prosperity and happiness for ever to com starting from this nice 21st century common planet?

“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. ” ~ C. Fisher :P

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Re: Confirmation from Asmara that it is flooded with cars, university equipment, lab equipment, pharmaceutical equipment

Post by Facts » 08 Dec 2020, 21:15

"Tigray Defense Forces"???

What's that? Terrorist TPLF??

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