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Joined: 14 Nov 2018, 07:26

ALERTING NEWS ታዋቂው ሳይካትሪስት ማርክ መድረክ ላይ ጌታ ዳበሰኝ እያሉ ፕሮፌሰር ማርታና ዶክተር ይገረሙ የተሸወዱበትን ሲስተም አስተማሩ

Post by clear12 » 03 Nov 2020, 15:29

Faith healers performances are often carefully scripted to build excitement in the crowd, and that healers use techniques borrowed from stage hypnotists and other faith healers. Much of what the people at these sermons feel stems from their expectations and their openness to believing that some kind of spiritual energy is affecting them. They may faint because they've seen others faint (and some preachers actually slap or push people to make sure they fall). What skeptics see as a sort of group hysteria, believers feel is the hand of God

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