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abel qael
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Location: gumamistan

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቻቸውን ይዘው ጀርመን ገቡ። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by abel qael » 31 Oct 2020, 20:55

You always come with Great News, no wonder the fuga waragays like Horus are scared of you.
I knew this thing is coming, when her vice minister at the so-called Ministry of Selam, Weyzero Almaz Mekonnen, told her "I'm resigning and going back to Tigray, coz my party asked me to do it", Weyzero Mufaariat cried, hugged weyzero Almaz many times, and told her "you are lucky, you can stay with your people, I wish I could do that." That hinted she was planning to go to a foreign land seeking safety. I fell sorry for her. She is the only child to her wealthy Muslim parents. How about her husband, who is a well known medical doctor in Black Lion Hospital? Hope Meshrefet does not arrest him, he was imprisoned in the past, allegedly coz Pentew Meshrefet set him up against Pentiew HMD. The rest is history.

Posts: 3585
Joined: 27 Feb 2013, 16:51

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by tolcha » 31 Oct 2020, 21:46

Though not confirmed; the lady was better than the Baboon Gallas who are killing their own kids!!!! I don't know how History will judge the primitive OPDOs

Posts: 9322
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by sun » 31 Oct 2020, 21:49

yaballo wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 20:45
BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

ማለዳ Media. 32m ·ሰበር ዜና

የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቻቸውን ይዘው ጀርመን ገቡ።

የማለዳ የውስጥ ምንጮች እንደገለፁት ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ላለፉት በርካታ ቀናት ከልጆቻቸው ጋር ጀርመን ፍራንክፈርት ያሉ ሲሆን የአብይን ቡድን ለመካድ ጫፍ መድረሳቸው ታውቋል።

ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ወደ ጀርመን ያመሩት በህክምና ምክንያት(ሰበብ) እንደሆነ እና ኦፕራሲዮን እንደተደረገላቸውም ለማወቅ ተችሏል። ማለዳ ሚዲያ የህመማቸውንም አይነት የሰማች ቢሆንም ለ ግለሰቧ 'Privacy' ሲባል ከመግለፅ ተቆጥባለች።

ምንጮቻችን ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያ ከቅርብ ጊዜ ወዲህ ከነ አብይ ቡድን ጋር ልዩነታቸው እየሰፋ መምጣቱን፣ ልጆቻቸውንም ይዘው መጓዛቸውን እና የቅርብ ሰዎቻቸውን ስለ መቅረት ማማከረቸውን በማንሳት ላይመለሱ እንደሚችሉ ተናግረዋል።
(ማለዳ ሚዲያ የመቅረታቸውን ጉዳይ/መረጃ ለማረጋገጥ እየጣረች ነው።)

ይህን የሚንስትሯን መንሸራተት የተረዳው የአብይ ቡድንም ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት እንዲመለሱ ጥረት እያደረገ ሲሆን ከተመለሱ ሰበብ ፈጥሮ ሊያስራቸው ወይም ከዚያም የከፋ ነገር ሊያደርግ እንደሚችል የማለዳ ምንጮች ያስረዳሉ።

ከቅርብ ጊዜ ወዲህ በኮረኔል አብይ አካሄድ ተስፋ የቆረጡ በርካታ የስርዕቱ ደጋፊ የነበሩ ፖለቲከኞችና የፀጥታ አካላት(መከላከያን ጨምሮ) በተለያየ መንገድ እየኮበለሉ እንደሆነ ይታወቃል።

ማለዳ ሚዲያ በዚህ ዜና ዙሪያ የበለጠ መረጃ በማሰባሰብ በቀጣዩ የአለን-Jirra ፕሮግራም ላይ ለውይይት የምታቀርብ መሆኑን ታሳውቃለች።
ማለዳ ሚዲያ [1-11-20].

Actually she does not look like healthy nor capable even seen from the image of her blotted looking face and extruding eyes. Better eat less and exercise more. She really needs rest and some tranquility. All these if your coffee house cheap gossip holds.

She is not abandoning the sinking ship but she is abandoning the dynamic and moving ship because she might be allergic to speed and change as it may make her feel like an abandoned orphanage. :P So please try to use your small IQ brain because correct usage of brain is not forbidden.

That is also good for tplf cadre small soul running Dogs who are living on street corner coffee house petty gossips in order to make their daily coins. Shameful fanddiyya hulla! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Citizens are waiting for better food productions, better education, better employments, better healthcare services, better security and better incomes. But yet many of these petty pathological liar cadres are only interested in shameful shisha smoking coffee house dirty gossips.
:lol: :lol:

Posts: 5619
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by TGAA » 31 Oct 2020, 22:11

She must have a cognitive dissonance attack cause she is trying to make peace between den of vipers and disoriented falcons. The vipers,weyans, know exactly what they want but falcons,the Abby camp, have preoccupied themselves which feather has to be at the top the black or the white, clueless there is a third way: it can be mixed fairly. Here is the deal if they continue playing these fool game they will be dead as stone, if they settle this non-issue and turn their attention to these vipers and decimate them,or contain them in their hall they will wither away. Hopefully the Abby camp will regain their keen mind,and soon.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 31 Oct 2020, 22:15

Well, it is a new tactic, I think. The insurgents who were supposed to get rid of Abiy no where to be seen. Maybe Ethiopian politicians asking asylum in the West might do the job : We will be freed from Abiy’s “dictatorship.”
No, the lady will come back. No need to throw a party.

Posts: 9322
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by sun » 31 Oct 2020, 23:12

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 22:15
Well, it is a new tactic, I think. The insurgents who were supposed to get rid of Abiy no where to be seen. Maybe Ethiopian politicians asking asylum in the West might do the job : We will be freed from Abiy’s “dictatorship.”
No, the lady will come back. No need to throw a party.
No way! Your dirty ar$$ liar pig will leave Ethiopia and its world class leaders and government alone and instead concentrate on your dirty and wh0re twerking business and Shisha smoking day dreams. Our mighty country and its leaders will stay for ever. The lady might be in complete panic because she is not meant to deal with socially and politically stressing situations and devising long range lasting solutions. This is different from babysitting and back patting. :P :P

Posts: 9322
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by sun » 31 Oct 2020, 23:33

You must be out of your mind and out of this world if you think that even a single Oromo might go and fight for the tplf oligarchs knowing that the entire tplf built concentration camps, official and unofficial jails were filled with oromo prisoners to the extent that the whole jails and concentration camps were said to be speaking Afaan Oromo. Add to these that the sons and daughters of these oligarchs are abroad in advanced countries driving million dollar super expensive cars, studying at high quality private universities and enjoying life at night clubs and first class hotels while the Oromo youth with no cloth and no food no education run around in disease infested rural dirty areas to die for the up keeping of tplf hedonist children staying in safe and conformable haven hoping to come back and rule over the Oromos after Oromo killed and died for them. What a shameful absolutely mad assumption! All the tplf militias, to the last person need to lay down their arms and join their Ethiopian brothers and sisters for peace prosperity and security of all! You might have been baptized and circumcised in Misirland losing your virginity in Sudan. I mean just from the way you day dream and express your wet pink fairy tales. :lol: :lol:
yaballo wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 22:56
First .. please vote for this brave Tigraway athlete ..[/color]

World Athletics Awards 2020 ትዊተር ኣካውንት ዘለኩም እዝ ሊንክ ብምጥዋቕ ንለተሰንበት ምረፁ። ... 01/photo/1

2) - Abel,

Thanks. Not sure if that fugicho fears the gallas as long as there are some kulo barichos [Ashagre] still sitting in Meneik's palace to "protect" him & his listiro-teragi low-caste relatives.

On Mrs. Muferiat .. it is rumoured that she & her allies have thought through her current move &, on that basis, it is possible that she may have prepared a 'plan B' for her husband. All the same, her bold move must be giving other sell-outs such as Mrs. Birtukan Mideqsa a food for thought &/or an inspiration.

That finafintam kulo from Jimma is evidently showing his true colours of being a little vindictive hyena. Worse still, since he started his love affair with Africa's worst vampire [Afeworqi], his liking for the taste of the blood of innocent Oromos in particular & & of other Ethiopians is increasing so rapidly. At this rate, he will soon beat the awful bloody records of Afeworqi & Col. Mengistu.

3) - Tolcha,

Yes, it is not clear if those baboonish OPDO cadres have a "plan b" when the tides turn. But, I won't be surprised if those inherently naive Oromos get some sell-out "abba gadas" or such to "forgive them". My fellow Oromos deeply disappoint one & I wish a strong-man capable of whipping them into 'savage warriors' emerges soon.

But & on a positive note, there are enough Oromos around who, if opportunities arise, would volunteer to fight on the side of the brave tagadalyit to smash the OPDO/PP/neftegna/goobana/fuga scums.

I hope that the leaders of woyane would consider opening a war front in the middle of Ethiopia/Oromia, in Benishangule, Gondar, Afar, Somali, etc, regions against the scums. Fingers crossed.

abel qael
Senior Member
Posts: 10765
Joined: 07 May 2007, 03:21
Location: gumamistan

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by abel qael » 31 Oct 2020, 23:56

yaballo wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 22:56
1) First .. please vote for this brave Tigraway athlete ..

World Athletics Awards 2020 ትዊተር ኣካውንት ዘለኩም እዝ ሊንክ ብምጥዋቕ ንለተሰንበት ምረፁ። ... 01/photo/1

2) - Abel,

Thanks. Not sure if that fugicho fears the gallas as long as there are some kulo barichos [Ashagre] still sitting in Meneik's palace to "protect" him & his listiro-teragi low-caste relatives.

On Mrs. Muferiat .. it is rumoured that she & her allies have thought through her current move &, on that basis, it is possible that she may have prepared a 'plan B' for her husband. All the same, her bold move must be giving other sell-outs such as Mrs. Birtukan Mideqsa a food for thought &/or an inspiration.

That finafintam kulo from Jimma is evidently showing his true colours of being a little vindictive hyena. Worse still, since he started his love affair with Africa's worst vampire [Afeworqi], his liking for the taste of the blood of innocent Oromos in particular & & of other Ethiopians is increasing so rapidly. At this rate, he will soon beat the awful bloody records of Afeworqi & Col. Mengistu.

3) - Tolcha,

Yes, it is not clear if those baboonish OPDO cadres have a "plan b" when the tides turn. But, I won't be surprised if those inherently naive Oromos get some sell-out "abba gadas" or such to "forgive them". My fellow Oromos deeply disappoint one & I wish a strong-man capable of whipping them into 'savage warriors' emerges soon.

But & on a positive note, there are enough Oromos around who, if opportunities arise, would volunteer to fight on the side of the brave tagadalyit to smash the OPDO/PP/neftegna/goobana/fuga scums.

I hope that the leaders of woyane would consider opening a war front in the middle of Ethiopia/Oromia, in Benishangule, Gondar, Afar, Somali, etc, regions against the scums. Fingers crossed.

Thanks brother! As you said the kullo-amharu fii'nafint Meshrefet loves the cannibal wedimedhin because both are children of Dracula and as such they are merciless even to their friends and family members. Look what wedimedhin did to those who fought with- or rather for- him for 30 years. And look what Meshrefet did to so many Oromos and non-Oromos who did everything for him until recently. Also, both children of Dracula quickly squandered immense public support that was given to them in their respective constituencies. One does not have to be a political scientist to know that these two cannibals are evil miscreants and very dangerous for people around them more than those who ae away from them. I'm glad Oromia (for the most part) and Tigray(completely) shunned away these two finafintam bloodsuckers.

BTW: Letesenbet won the Athlete of the Month Award, and Shaleqa Derartu Tulu is in Mekele celebrating it with her, Letesenbet considers Athlete Derartu Tulu as not only her role model but also as big sister or mother.

Posts: 5619
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by TGAA » 01 Nov 2020, 02:51

yaballo wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 23:46

You missed the point. There are many .. many Oromos in general & qeerroo-oromos in particular who would volunteer to fight ALONGSIDE the brave tegadalayiti not for the sake of the latter but to free their own peopple by MASSACRING YOUR HARREE/HADGI GOOBANA RELATIVES WHO MAKE-UP THE BULK OF OPDO/PP CAMP. OK?


sun wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 23:33
You must be out of your mind and out of this world if you think that even a single Oromo might go and fight for the tplf oligarchs knowing that the entire tplf built concentration camps, official and unofficial jails were filled with oromo prisoners to the extent that the whole jails and concentration camps were said to be speaking Afaan Oromo. Add to these that the sons and daughters of these oligarchs are abroad in advanced countries driving million dollar super expensive cars, studying at high quality private universities and enjoying life at night clubs and first class hotels while the Oromo youth with no cloth and no food no education run around in disease infested rural dirty areas to die for the up keeping of tplf hedonist children staying in safe and conformable haven hoping to come back and rule over the Oromos after Oromo killed and died for them. What a shameful absolutely mad assumption! All the tplf militias, to the last person need to lay down their arms and join their Ethiopian brothers and sisters for peace prosperity and security of all! You might have been baptized and circumcised in Misirland losing your virginity in Sudan. I mean just from the way you day dream and express your wet pink fairy tales. :lol: :lol:
yaballo wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 22:56
First .. please vote for this brave Tigraway athlete ..[/color]

World Athletics Awards 2020 ትዊተር ኣካውንት ዘለኩም እዝ ሊንክ ብምጥዋቕ ንለተሰንበት ምረፁ። ... 01/photo/1

2) - Abel,

Thanks. Not sure if that fugicho fears the gallas as long as there are some kulo barichos [Ashagre] still sitting in Meneik's palace to "protect" him & his listiro-teragi low-caste relatives.

On Mrs. Muferiat .. it is rumoured that she & her allies have thought through her current move &, on that basis, it is possible that she may have prepared a 'plan B' for her husband. All the same, her bold move must be giving other sell-outs such as Mrs. Birtukan Mideqsa a food for thought &/or an inspiration.

That finafintam kulo from Jimma is evidently showing his true colours of being a little vindictive hyena. Worse still, since he started his love affair with Africa's worst vampire [Afeworqi], his liking for the taste of the blood of innocent Oromos in particular & & of other Ethiopians is increasing so rapidly. At this rate, he will soon beat the awful bloody records of Afeworqi & Col. Mengistu.

3) - Tolcha,

Yes, it is not clear if those baboonish OPDO cadres have a "plan b" when the tides turn. But, I won't be surprised if those inherently naive Oromos get some sell-out "abba gadas" or such to "forgive them". My fellow Oromos deeply disappoint one & I wish a strong-man capable of whipping them into 'savage warriors' emerges soon.

But & on a positive note, there are enough Oromos around who, if opportunities arise, would volunteer to fight on the side of the brave tagadalyit to smash the OPDO/PP/neftegna/goobana/fuga scums.

I hope that the leaders of woyane would consider opening a war front in the middle of Ethiopia/Oromia, in Benishangule, Gondar, Afar, Somali, etc, regions against the scums. Fingers crossed.

It's a relief 😌 finally your hope found Mufarit island to settle. I just heard 100th strike is announced through Kush and OMN by Orono version of ye feel wetta ... you can't post Issya's army to show off your manhood, sad. We.will see how far weyannes going to take you.we are dying to see..hope that isn't the last rope :mrgreen:

Posts: 5619
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by TGAA » 01 Nov 2020, 02:51

yaballo wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 23:46

You missed the point. There are many .. many Oromos in general & qeerroo-oromos in particular who would volunteer to fight ALONGSIDE the brave tegadalayiti not for the sake of the latter but to free their own peopple by MASSACRING YOUR HARREE/HADGI GOOBANA RELATIVES WHO MAKE-UP THE BULK OF OPDO/PP CAMP. OK?


sun wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 23:33
You must be out of your mind and out of this world if you think that even a single Oromo might go and fight for the tplf oligarchs knowing that the entire tplf built concentration camps, official and unofficial jails were filled with oromo prisoners to the extent that the whole jails and concentration camps were said to be speaking Afaan Oromo. Add to these that the sons and daughters of these oligarchs are abroad in advanced countries driving million dollar super expensive cars, studying at high quality private universities and enjoying life at night clubs and first class hotels while the Oromo youth with no cloth and no food no education run around in disease infested rural dirty areas to die for the up keeping of tplf hedonist children staying in safe and conformable haven hoping to come back and rule over the Oromos after Oromo killed and died for them. What a shameful absolutely mad assumption! All the tplf militias, to the last person need to lay down their arms and join their Ethiopian brothers and sisters for peace prosperity and security of all! You might have been baptized and circumcised in Misirland losing your virginity in Sudan. I mean just from the way you day dream and express your wet pink fairy tales. :lol: :lol:
yaballo wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 22:56
First .. please vote for this brave Tigraway athlete ..[/color]

World Athletics Awards 2020 ትዊተር ኣካውንት ዘለኩም እዝ ሊንክ ብምጥዋቕ ንለተሰንበት ምረፁ። ... 01/photo/1

2) - Abel,

Thanks. Not sure if that fugicho fears the gallas as long as there are some kulo barichos [Ashagre] still sitting in Meneik's palace to "protect" him & his listiro-teragi low-caste relatives.

On Mrs. Muferiat .. it is rumoured that she & her allies have thought through her current move &, on that basis, it is possible that she may have prepared a 'plan B' for her husband. All the same, her bold move must be giving other sell-outs such as Mrs. Birtukan Mideqsa a food for thought &/or an inspiration.

That finafintam kulo from Jimma is evidently showing his true colours of being a little vindictive hyena. Worse still, since he started his love affair with Africa's worst vampire [Afeworqi], his liking for the taste of the blood of innocent Oromos in particular & & of other Ethiopians is increasing so rapidly. At this rate, he will soon beat the awful bloody records of Afeworqi & Col. Mengistu.

3) - Tolcha,

Yes, it is not clear if those baboonish OPDO cadres have a "plan b" when the tides turn. But, I won't be surprised if those inherently naive Oromos get some sell-out "abba gadas" or such to "forgive them". My fellow Oromos deeply disappoint one & I wish a strong-man capable of whipping them into 'savage warriors' emerges soon.

But & on a positive note, there are enough Oromos around who, if opportunities arise, would volunteer to fight on the side of the brave tagadalyit to smash the OPDO/PP/neftegna/goobana/fuga scums.

I hope that the leaders of woyane would consider opening a war front in the middle of Ethiopia/Oromia, in Benishangule, Gondar, Afar, Somali, etc, regions against the scums. Fingers crossed.

It's a relief 😌 finally your hope found Mufarit island to settle. I just heard 100th strike is announced through Kush and OMN by Orono version of ye feel wetta ... you can't post Issya's army to show off your manhood, sad. We.will see how far weyannes going to take you.we are dying to see..hope that isn't the last rope :mrgreen:

Posts: 5619
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by TGAA » 01 Nov 2020, 05:41

Yabello the P. I..m.p don't over sale yourself cause the day weyanne try their luck,the only thing they will share with you is their shame clad .I thought this jeganu mambo jamboree only sank in in weyanne's skull,was I wrong
? Got in in a ball monkey skull called yabllo ;)

Posts: 5619
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by TGAA » 01 Nov 2020, 05:41

Yabello the P. I..m.p don't over sale yourself cause the day weyanne try their luck,the only thing they will share with you is their shame clad .I thought this jeganu mambo jamboree only sank in in weyanne's skull,was I wrong
? Got in in a ball monkey skull called yabllo ;)

Posts: 2303
Joined: 16 Feb 2013, 01:19

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by Follower » 01 Nov 2020, 07:18

wey guuuuud,የማያልፍላት ሃገር።
Indeed,ደንቆሮ ዝተኸሎስ ለባም ነይ ነቅሎ,,,,
Tplfs evil design has successfully managed to poison Ethiopia/ns with ethnic politics,if your (Ethio-intellectuals')mindset is badly contaminated by ethnic politics ,im wondering how the poor pessants back home mindset is?

ኢሳያስ ይግደለኝ።

Posts: 9857
Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32

Re: BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

Post by DefendTheTruth » 01 Nov 2020, 09:15

yaballo wrote:
31 Oct 2020, 20:45
BREAKING: RATS ABANDONING A SINKING SHIP? የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቿን ይዛ ጀርመን ገባች። የክህደት ሽሽት ነው እየተባለ ነው።

ማለዳ Media. 32m ·ሰበር ዜና

የሰላም ሚንስትሯ ወ/ሮ ሙፍሪያት ከሚል አራት ልጆቻቸውን ይዘው ጀርመን ገቡ።

Wushet ayaskeberem beye beye akategn, le iferet yeleshoch:

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