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የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Horus » 05 Oct 2020, 23:54

ለምን ብሉኝ?

አንደኛ፣ በጣም ዘረኛ ነው፤ በተለይ አማራን በጣም ይጠላል።

ሁለተኛ፣ ለአቢይ አህመድ ያለው ድጋፍ ግማሽ ልብ ነው ።

ሶስተኛ፣ በነበቀለ ና ጃዋር ቃሊቲ መማቀቅ በጣም አዝኗል ።

አራተኛ፣ ያልበስለ ያልሰከነ ስሜተኛ መሪ ነው፣ መሪ ከተባለ ።

አንስተኛ፣ ሺመልስ በትውልድ ሸዋ ኦሮሞ ሆነ እንጂ በልቡ ያሩሲ ኦሮሞ አይነት ነው ፤ የሸዋ ፖለቲካ ጥበብም የለውም፤ የሸዋ ኦሮሞ ኢትዮጵያዊነትም የለውም ።

ስድስተኛ፣ ስለሆንም እነ አቢይ እነ ታዬ ደንዳ የያዙት ስራ ከሚያበላሹት አንዱ ሺመልስ ነው ልክ እንድ ታክለ ....

እንድ እኔ ፣ እንደ እኔ ሺመልስ ማለት ማስክ ማያደርግ ወጠጤ ትንሹ ትራምፕ ማለት ነው :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Horus » 06 Oct 2020, 00:51

አዝናለሁ! እንደ ኦሮሞ መሪ ያጣ ሕዝብ የለም !!! እኔ ሺመልስን ሳየው ፊቴ ላይ ድቅን የሚልው ምስል አንድ ጢቦ የሰፍር ጉልቤ እንጂ አንድ ባንጎሉ የሚሰራ ። የሚያስብ ፣ የሰከነ አካል አይደልም ። ኦሮሞ በዚህ ድረጃ ያለን ስው ለመሪነት መምረጥ ራሱ የሕዝቡ ድክመት ነው

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by kibramlak » 06 Oct 2020, 03:08

እውነት ነው ፣ በጣም ስሜተኛ እና በጥላቻ የታወረ ብስለት የሌለው እንስሳ ቢባል ማጋነን አይሆንም፣፣ እኔ እንዲሁ ሳየው እሱም ልክ እንደ ጃዋር በስሜት የሚነዳና እነሱ ቄሮ እያሉ የሚጠሯቸውን በስሜት መዳት ነው የእነሱ ፓለቲካ ማለት፣፣ የሁለቱን የአነጋገር ሁኔታና በፊታቸው የሚታየውን ኢሞሽን ተመልከት፣፣ ቢን ላደን እኮ የተረጋጋ ነበር፣
ያለምንም ጥርጥር ሽመልስ እና ለማ በተቀናጀ ሁኔታ ያለፉትን እልቂት ከጀርባ ሆነው ላለመምራታቸው ምንም ዋስትና የለም፣፣ እንደውም ከሁለቱም ንግግሮች ከተነሳን፣ በደንብ እጃቸው እንደሚኖርበት ነው፣፣

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by DefendTheTruth » 06 Oct 2020, 14:16

Everyone of you, who said /shared your views under this thread are someone from a different region (out of Oromia). But you are commenting about the region and seem to be very much upset about the leader of the region that doesn't belong to you.

Can you be more concerned for the house of your next neighbor than of your own? Logic dictates otherwise here.

What is wrong with you people?

Horus the keteme dureye (ye Merkato kis Awulaki) suddenly appeared to sympathize with the PM and now and trying to attack the regional head. He has been all along harshest critic of the PM himself, in fact he didn't make any secret that he hates the Oromo people, for whatever reason.

Kibramlak (the kiber yelesh) is a die hard Amhara extrimist who can only complain 24 hrs a day 7 day a week and the year around just about "tribalists", his own tribalism in the form of ABN is something he never dares to raise here. He considers Ethiopia his private property and at the same time doesn't like to contribute towards the betterment of Ethiopia, he could be one of the kaberte lij, lol.

Za-Ilmknun is not much better than Kiber yelesh, now he tries to hide behind the oromo woman to attack an Oromo politician.

All of you are entitled to your opinion, but your opinions are so outdated and out of place to going to have any meaningful effect on the course this country is going to take in the future.

Wake-up to the reality on the ground, Ethiopia is not what is in your respective tiny heads.

Let's make Ethiopia a great home for ALL.

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Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 06 Oct 2020, 15:28

DefendTheTruth wrote:
06 Oct 2020, 14:16
Everyone of you, who said /shared your views under this thread are someone from a different region (out of Oromia). But you are commenting about the region and seem to be very much upset about the leader of the region that doesn't belong to you.

Can you be more concerned for the house of your next neighbor than of your own? Logic dictates otherwise here.

What is wrong with you people?

Horus the keteme dureye (ye Merkato kis Awulaki) suddenly appeared to sympathize with the PM and now and trying to attack the regional head. He has been all along harshest critic of the PM himself, in fact he didn't make any secret that he hates the Oromo people, for whatever reason.

Kibramlak (the kiber yelesh) is a die hard Amhara extrimist who can only complain 24 hrs a day 7 day a week and the year around just about "tribalists", his own tribalism in the form of ABN is something he never dares to raise here. He considers Ethiopia his private property and at the same time doesn't like to contribute towards the betterment of Ethiopia, he could be one of the kaberte lij, lol.

Za-Ilmknun is not much better than Kiber yelesh, now he tries to hide behind the oromo woman to attack an Oromo politician.

All of you are entitled to your opinion, but your opinions are so outdated and out of place to going to have any meaningful effect on the course this country is going to take in the future.

Wake-up to the reality on the ground, Ethiopia is not what is in your respective tiny heads.

Let's make Ethiopia a great home for ALL.
I don't care whoever leads the Region that calls itself Oromiya. The point is we are living in the same country at least, for now and every wrong political move that one region makes affects the entire country negatively. I need not point out what Shameless Abdissa laid out as a plan for his Region and the rest of the country. He affirmatively said that his intentions are to dominate others...not to equally live with others. He openly stated that he is planing to swallow other identities and make everything walking and talking Oromo. That I believe is something I will continue to fight against. If anyone has a problem with that...then keep your dream of domination and see if your fate will be any different from TPLF.

There are more than 15 million none Oromos living in the Region that this bull is said to be leading. Those people have been made invisible by the design of TPLF manufactured constitution. That is completely unacceptable norm in modern day democracy. If we are to continue as a country, then every individual has to have representation. If anybody has problem with that, then we will fight you to the end.

The ones that need hiding are those who are so elated to put themselves above everybody else and force the rest of us to be slaves in our own country. If the kinds of you are so proudly pontificating such politics as a brave act that needs to be defended, then why bother talking about the ills of TPLF orchestrated ethnic drama sold as politics to begin with? Self administration and imposition of your values on to others is completely different. The moral compass of any democratic nation is measured by how it treats its minorities and defenseless citizens. In my view the Shamelss Region has failed miserable. You may call the ex Shahsemen mayor if you have doubts about abo Shameless and his dubious plans and actions.

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Horus » 06 Oct 2020, 16:27

እንዳንተ ቢሆብ የሆነ ሕዝብ የኔ ዘር ብለህ ሆስቴጅ በመያዝ ቤት ዘግተህ ለመጨቆን ለመበዝበዝ ብትችል ነው ድስታህ ። ኢትዮጵያ ዜጋ የሚባል ሕዝብ አላት ። ኢትዮጵያ የሚባልው መሬት ደሞ የኛ ዜጎችዋ መሬት ነው ። ይህን ፋክት አንጎልህ ውስጥ ስትከት ክትራይባል ቅዠትህ ትድናለህ ። እውነት መራራ ናት፣ ዋጣት !!

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by sun » 06 Oct 2020, 21:14

Horus wrote:
05 Oct 2020, 23:54

ለምን ብሉኝ?

አንደኛ፣ በጣም ዘረኛ ነው፤ በተለይ አማራን በጣም ይጠላል።

ሁለተኛ፣ ለአቢይ አህመድ ያለው ድጋፍ ግማሽ ልብ ነው ።

ሶስተኛ፣ በነበቀለ ና ጃዋር ቃሊቲ መማቀቅ በጣም አዝኗል ።

አራተኛ፣ ያልበስለ ያልሰከነ ስሜተኛ መሪ ነው፣ መሪ ከተባለ ።

አንስተኛ፣ ሺመልስ በትውልድ ሸዋ ኦሮሞ ሆነ እንጂ በልቡ ያሩሲ ኦሮሞ አይነት ነው ፤ የሸዋ ፖለቲካ ጥበብም የለውም፤ የሸዋ ኦሮሞ ኢትዮጵያዊነትም የለውም ።

ስድስተኛ፣ ስለሆንም እነ አቢይ እነ ታዬ ደንዳ የያዙት ስራ ከሚያበላሹት አንዱ ሺመልስ ነው ልክ እንድ ታክለ ....

እንድ እኔ ፣ እንደ እኔ ሺመልስ ማለት ማስክ ማያደርግ ወጠጤ ትንሹ ትራምፕ ማለት ነው :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fanddiyawu Waajoo, :mrgreen:

Your sinister divide and destroy but yet transparent dirty baboon tricks can not work during this century. Why the fck don't you talk about your own dirty matters if you have any rather than ranting and whispering through your back and front holes about the democratic and egalitarian Oromos day and night? Just asking.

Please top smoking and sniffing too much otherwise you will keep yourself in a state of hallucination and paranoia going on the street naked, twerking and having striptease show business for collecting money and buying more and more sniffing and smoking substances.

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Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by sun » 06 Oct 2020, 21:25

Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
06 Oct 2020, 11:58
What does she mean? Teqaxila meddefat kalfellegech texxemziza alga lai texxilaa bedemb mettashet,(eshit, eshit...) tifeligalech ende?
Ato Za- Ilmaknun,

Hands off from this sexy lady! Okay? Okay!

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by TGAA » 06 Oct 2020, 21:42

"Everyone of you, who said /shared your views under this thread are someone from a different region (out of Oromia). But you are commenting about the region and seem to be very much upset about the leader of the region that doesn't belong to you.

Can you be more concerned for the house of your next neighbor than of your own? Logic dictates otherwise here.

What is wrong with you people?"
Interesting concept! The multinational pot Addis Ababa, you guys are salivating to swallow sets, fortunately, in the center of Oromia . So you are telling the 7,000.000 Addis Ababian , what Shemiless says or does don't affect them, when he throwout his regurgitated tribal mambo jamo they have to listen and keep quiet. Addis Ababa the capital city brings about 55% of the economical muscle what they say matters more than Shemiless. As Ethiopians, we talk about every one of the leaders regional or otherwise. So live with it, as well as Shimels. As for Mr Sun , he sounds like a kettle on hot charcoal he spews left and right making no sense. so holding back to comment.

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Horus » 06 Oct 2020, 23:59

እነሰንን ለመሰሉ ቅል ራሶች ያልኝ መልስ አንድ መስመር ነው፤ እሱም እያንዳንዱ ጎሳ ሆነ ትራይብ የሚኖረው እና የሚሞተው ኢትዮጵጵያ ውስጥ ነው ። ይህን ሪያሊቲ ዉሻዪ ይገባዋል፤ በቃ ።

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by DefendTheTruth » 07 Oct 2020, 04:39

Horus wrote:
06 Oct 2020, 16:27
እንዳንተ ቢሆብ የሆነ ሕዝብ የኔ ዘር ብለህ ሆስቴጅ በመያዝ ቤት ዘግተህ ለመጨቆን ለመበዝበዝ ብትችል ነው ድስታህ ። ኢትዮጵያ ዜጋ የሚባል ሕዝብ አላት ። ኢትዮጵያ የሚባልው መሬት ደሞ የኛ ዜጎችዋ መሬት ነው ። ይህን ፋክት አንጎልህ ውስጥ ስትከት ክትራይባል ቅዠትህ ትድናለህ ። እውነት መራራ ናት፣ ዋጣት !!
In our common house we also have something called a self-rule, like we have our common local community and then our own private houses. We do have common interest in our common community and we should engage ourselves in matters concerning the common issue equally. But the issue of your private house is primarily the responsibility of your own, I shouldn't actively engage myself in the private house's internal matter unless I am espousing some sinister motive for that.

You can't have it both ways, either you have something against self rule (which is based on the current legal provisions of the country) or you better put off your hands from my internal (private house's issues), else you are going to endanger the well-being of the common community itself. Is that too much to ask for?

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by DefendTheTruth » 07 Oct 2020, 15:27

Horus wrote:
05 Oct 2020, 23:54

ለምን ብሉኝ?

አንደኛ፣ በጣም ዘረኛ ነው፤ በተለይ አማራን በጣም ይጠላል።

ሁለተኛ፣ ለአቢይ አህመድ ያለው ድጋፍ ግማሽ ልብ ነው ።

ሶስተኛ፣ በነበቀለ ና ጃዋር ቃሊቲ መማቀቅ በጣም አዝኗል ።

አራተኛ፣ ያልበስለ ያልሰከነ ስሜተኛ መሪ ነው፣ መሪ ከተባለ ።

አንስተኛ፣ ሺመልስ በትውልድ ሸዋ ኦሮሞ ሆነ እንጂ በልቡ ያሩሲ ኦሮሞ አይነት ነው ፤ የሸዋ ፖለቲካ ጥበብም የለውም፤ የሸዋ ኦሮሞ ኢትዮጵያዊነትም የለውም ።

ስድስተኛ፣ ስለሆንም እነ አቢይ እነ ታዬ ደንዳ የያዙት ስራ ከሚያበላሹት አንዱ ሺመልስ ነው ልክ እንድ ታክለ ....

እንድ እኔ ፣ እንደ እኔ ሺመልስ ማለት ማስክ ማያደርግ ወጠጤ ትንሹ ትራምፕ ማለት ነው :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wish you could only understand Afan Oromo and get the message of the following video.

Shimalis Abdisa is going to be removed from his position in the next few days, according to the marketo wenbade, forus.

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Horus » 05 Jul 2022, 21:58

እኔ ሆረስ የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካን እንደ አጆቼ አሻራ አውቀዋለሁ ። ይህን ፖስት ያደረኩት ኦክቶበር 5 2020 ነበር ፣ ከሞላ ጎደል የዛሬ 2 አመት ማለት ነው? ዛሬ በኦሮሞች መሃል ያለው ትግል ተመልከቱ! የኢትዮጵያ ማዕከላዊ ችግር ያለው ኦሮሞ ውስጥ ነው። ይህ ማለት ደሞ ኦሮሞ ክል ልከ እንደ ትግሬ ክልል እየወደቀ ነው። ለምን ቢባል እንደነሺመልስ ባሉት ኦሮሞች ምክንያት ነው

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Horus » 05 Jul 2022, 22:16

ሺመልስ አብዲሳ የአቢይን ፖለቲካ ደምስሶ በአቢይ ላይ መፈንቅለ መንግስት እንደ ሚያደርግ ይህው ሃቁ ! አሁን እውነቱ በትክክል ዛሬ ወጣ

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by union » 05 Jul 2022, 22:22

ውታፍ ነቃይ ሆረስ

አብይን ለማዳን ስትውተረተር ማየት በጣም ያስቃል። ያአንተ በፓለቲካ ዃላቀርነት ደግሞ በጣም ዘገረምኩም ነው :lol:

አሁን አብይ እና ሽምለስ በምን ይለያያሉ እስቲ፣ በአጎትህ ሞት ንገረን? የኛ ፓለቲከኛ :lol: :lol: :lol:

ውታፍ ነቃይ ሁሌም ውታፍ ነቃይ ነው

Who was the one that said dedebit is always dedebit? :lol:

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Misraq » 05 Jul 2022, 22:26

Horus wrote:
05 Jul 2022, 21:58
እኔ ሆረስ የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካን እንደ አጆቼ አሻራ አውቀዋለሁ ። ይህን ፖስት ያደረኩት ኦክቶበር 5 2020 ነበር ፣ ከሞላ ጎደል የዛሬ 2 አመት ማለት ነው? ዛሬ በኦሮሞች መሃል ያለው ትግል ተመልከቱ! የኢትዮጵያ ማዕከላዊ ችግር ያለው ኦሮሞ ውስጥ ነው። ይህ ማለት ደሞ ኦሮሞ ክል ልከ እንደ ትግሬ ክልል እየወደቀ ነው። ለምን ቢባል እንደነሺመልስ ባሉት ኦሮሞች ምክንያት ነው

What you said in summary is "Gurage will not profit under Shimeles but will thrive under Abiy & Taye Denda"

Wutaf neqay segebgeb Horus

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Horus » 05 Jul 2022, 22:27

union wrote:
05 Jul 2022, 22:22
ውታፍ ነቃይ ሆረስ

አብይን ለማዳን ስትውተረተር ማየት በጣም ያስቃል። ያአንተ በፓለቲካ ዃላቀርነት ደግሞ በጣም ዘገረምኩም ነው :lol:

አሁን አብይ እና ሽምለስ በምን ይለያያሉ እስቲ፣ በአጎትህ ሞት ንገረን? የኛ ፓለቲከኛ :lol: :lol: :lol:

ውታፍ ነቃይ ሁሌም ውታፍ ነቃይ ነው

Who was the one that said dedebit is always dedebit? :lol:
አንተ የሴተኛ አዳሪ ልጅ የፖልቲካ መሃይም ሂድና መዳኒትክን ውሰድ ጣታም የንግዴ ልጅ!

Posts: 6308
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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by union » 05 Jul 2022, 22:37

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Horus is like "I can't breath". :lol:

I am a witaf neqay hunter! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Until you denounce Abiy, I will remain your nightmare! :lol:

Witaf neqay hunter!! :lol:

Horus wrote:
05 Jul 2022, 22:27
union wrote:
05 Jul 2022, 22:22
ውታፍ ነቃይ ሆረስ

አብይን ለማዳን ስትውተረተር ማየት በጣም ያስቃል። ያአንተ በፓለቲካ ዃላቀርነት ደግሞ በጣም ዘገረምኩም ነው :lol:

አሁን አብይ እና ሽምለስ በምን ይለያያሉ እስቲ፣ በአጎትህ ሞት ንገረን? የኛ ፓለቲከኛ :

ውታፍ ነቃይ ሁሌም ውታፍ ነቃይ ነው

Who was the one that said dedebit is always dedebit?
አንተ የሴተኛ አዳሪ ልጅ የፖልቲካ መሃይም ሂድና መዳኒትክን ውሰድ ጣታም የንግዴ ልጅ!

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Re: የሆረስ ትንቢት፤ ሺመልስ አብዲሳ በቅርቡ ኮሮሞ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ይነሳል

Post by Selam/ » 05 Jul 2022, 23:01

ቱስ ቱስ woyane murf - A normal human being of African origin wouldn't make fun of “I can’t breath.” You are an immature and deluded infantile pr!ck!
union wrote:
05 Jul 2022, 22:37
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Horus is like "I can't breath". :lol:

I am a witaf neqay hunter! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Until you denounce Abiy, I will remain your nightmare! :lol:

Witaf neqay hunter!! :lol:

Horus wrote:
05 Jul 2022, 22:27
union wrote:
05 Jul 2022, 22:22
ውታፍ ነቃይ ሆረስ

አብይን ለማዳን ስትውተረተር ማየት በጣም ያስቃል። ያአንተ በፓለቲካ ዃላቀርነት ደግሞ በጣም ዘገረምኩም ነው :lol:

አሁን አብይ እና ሽምለስ በምን ይለያያሉ እስቲ፣ በአጎትህ ሞት ንገረን? የኛ ፓለቲከኛ :

ውታፍ ነቃይ ሁሌም ውታፍ ነቃይ ነው

Who was the one that said dedebit is always dedebit?
አንተ የሴተኛ አዳሪ ልጅ የፖልቲካ መሃይም ሂድና መዳኒትክን ውሰድ ጣታም የንግዴ ልጅ!

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