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Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by Dawi » 19 Sep 2020, 21:11

እንዳንተ ዓይነት "ሸለምጥማጥ" ዘረኛ ካልሆነ በስጠቀር ጃዋርና ጓደኞቹ ጨለማ ቤት የገቡት በአጠራጣሪ ምክንያት ነው የሚል ሰው የለም፤

እንደውም ዐብይ የሚወቀሰው ብዙ በመታገሱ ነው። ጨለማቤት የሚያስወረውር ሥራዎች በተደጋጋሚ ሰርተው ታልፈዋል፣

የዘር ማጥፋት ጫፍ ላይ አገሪቷን አድርሰዋል፣ ዐብይ የቀረው የነበረው ከነጃዋር ጋራ የዐለም ፍርድቤት መቅረብ ነው፤ ያን ማድረግ አይጠበቅበትም።

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Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by TGAA » 19 Sep 2020, 21:21

Kettle calling the pot black . Yabello the tribal calling Abiy layer is like saying Ayatola Jawar is not a uppity Terrorist. Not to find evidence to convict Ayatola terrorism charges is like Abbay is lacking water to fill up GRD.

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Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by Selam/ » 19 Sep 2020, 22:06

Kichamam woyane - Interesting choice of vocabulary: Monkey, ሸለመጥማጥ, goat, donkey. It's always the same pattern. Abdul the bull - which Animal husbandry did you come from?

yaballo wrote:
19 Sep 2020, 20:24
VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO: "መግረፍ፣ ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው...መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመረምርም"

I often wonder if baboonish Africans who call themselves devout christians, muslims, etc, follow any of the basic tenants of these religions or have any moral integrity?? .. Unfortunately, these useless apes have convinced themselves that lying IS a salient and profitable virtue that should even be taught at their churches, schools, etc. .. aaaaaaarg!


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Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by gagi » 19 Sep 2020, 22:27

ለእስርተ ዓመታት ኮትኩታችሁ ያሳደጋችሁት የጎጠኝነት ስርዓት: ናላችሁን ያዞረው የአማራ ጥላቻ : ስልጣንን እና ሃብትን በአንድ ቁዋንቁዋ ተናጋሪዎች ስር ማድረግ: የአማራና የኦሮሞን ወጣቶች በእስር በእካልና በህሊና ማሰቃየት በአጠቃላይ የበሰበሰ ስርዓታችሁን ለማስተካከል ቀስ ባለ ጥገናዊ ለውጥ እየተፍጨረጨረ ያለውን አቢይን ጠምዳችሁ እንደያዛችሁት ይታወቃል:: አቢይ አንድ ነገር ቢሆን ለእናንተ ደህና ቀን ይመጣል ብላችሁ ታስቡ እንደሆነ ከዚህ የቀን ቅዠት ያወጣችሁ እላለሁ::

እናንት ባንዳዎች ሆይ በተለያየ ማንነት እየገባችሁ በርካታ የፈጠራ ሃሰተኛ ወሬዎችን ምስሎችን እና የዩትዩብ አርቲ ቡርቲአችሁን ስትለጣጥፉ ትውላላችሁ:: እውነት እውነት እላችሁአለሁ ጊዜአችሁ አልፉአል: ብሩህ አእምሮ ያለውን መሪያችንን እየደገፍን በእናንተ ስብርባሪ ላይ መራመዳችንን እንቀጥላለን: አቢይ ቢያልፍም ከእንግዲህ ይህች አገር የአንድ ጠባብ ቡድን መፈንጫ ልትሆን ከቶ አትችልም:: ወይ ሌላ የተያዘውን የሚያስቀጥል መሪ ይተካል አሊያም ይህች አገር ይህች የበለፀጋችሁባት ምድር ወደ እቶንነት ትቀየራለች::

የ TPLF ባንዳዎች ሆይ ለእራሳችሁ ለሃብታችሁ ስትሉ ትንሽ አደብ ብትገዙ ምን ይመስላችሁአል

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 19 Sep 2020, 22:58

gagi has a point. If the tribal politics pimps believe if Abiy is gone, they will recapture power, they are badly mistaken. The political line is already drawn. Never again tribal politicians will dictate Ethiopian politics again. If they have any functioning brain they should try to work with Abiy.
The one who will replace Abiy will be more radical in his or her desire to crush those who make a living by agitating Ethiopians to hate and kill other Ethiopians.
Tribal politicians will never write the future history of Ethiopia. The sooner this fact sink in to their fat clogged brain, the better they will be.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 19 Sep 2020, 23:48

Yaballo, I do not appreciate your calling Ethiopians, or any other black [ deleted ]. That is not how blacks choose to be addressed , in fact, the white colleagues and friends I know never use that word. You however an African immigrant who lives in the West are proud of using it. That self hate you manifest I do not how it comes to shape your life, but it is sad.
As for your constant insulting blacks, worshiping whites, I feel sorry for you.
I live in the West. In a country I live only 25 percent of whites have a first degree. At least I am well read and learned than the 75 percent of whites.
If s white person calls me a n... I laugh. I know for sure I am well educated and read than the white person who use that word. But you my friend might applause him for saying it.
I know some Ethiopians in North America. With many of them I do not share the same politics. But I am proud of for them being proud of their nationality. You are an exception. I feel sorry for you.

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Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by Noble Amhara » 20 Sep 2020, 00:16

You complete son of a b!tch you are worser then africans because the whole time you were inciting hatred envy jealously war tribalism bloodshed Rwanda genocide theft every satanic motive into African groups now you start to cry saying africans will forever be garbage you scumbag baboon you chimp you are worser then the devil I hope the worst for you bloodsucker hypocrite now go worship Neanderthals typical coon Banda you devil on earth

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Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by Selam/ » 20 Sep 2020, 01:04

Kichamam Woyane - Didn't I tell you Selam doesn't like any link provided by TPLF thugs? You said in the past that Ethiopia would cease to exist if Jawar is arrested. Hello, Kebebush pushed the panic b-utton several times and woyane rats followed suite. Well, the khat addict is still in Knast.

Here you are with another wave of alarm bell. You remind me of the goat herder whose villagers lost trust in him upon repeated false alarm of wolf attacks. Kebebush will rot in jail regardless of all woyane drumbeats. KIFU!
yaballo wrote:
19 Sep 2020, 22:13
Wosehlam weitos [Dawi+TGAA];


Now, Jawar's ONLY "crime" is the fact that he poses a mortal threat to the silly delusions of that childish fuga from Jimma to become the 7th emperor of awful Aethiopia. Of course, only COMPLETELY INSANE MONKEYS want to become Aethiopia's leaders & that include Jawar if he ever desired to become the leader of Aethiopia - which he did not.

Jawar's aim - and this applies to most Oromos - is to see Oromos ruling over Oromia without any interference from starving weitos, shoe-polishing/listiricho gudeelas [hello Horicho 8) ], etc.

These pictures showing the MASSIVE SUPPORT JAWAR has among Oromos - and among many southern tribes - was what SPOOKED the fuga from Jimma & his neftegna admirers who dream of eradicating all things Oromo 24/7.

However, if anything happens to Jawar, the neftegna scums & neftegna lap-dog fugas (gurages, in particular) living in Oromia along goobana-oromo PP cadres+their families WILL BE BUTCHERED EN-MASS. CAPITO??

THE FINFINNE INTERCEPT: Jaalala uummataa kanatu caccabaa fi doofaa "mootii" ofiin jedhu san shororkeesse! Gantuu fi galtuu malee uummanni eenyu akka sabaaf dadhabe beeka. Guyyaan gahe jedhee itti ka'us fagoo miti!


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Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by TGAA » 20 Sep 2020, 07:55

Abiy is responsible for letting you loose from let go,he let the wild horse glop with out restrain till you made slaughtering nine months pregnant woman a past time.He let you overtake his own party till he looked irrelevant, you tribal pi!most worked with Ethipian enemies ranging from Egypt to Turkey openly and with gusto . Now he reacted at last because the arrow multi angle is heading his way. Actually he may be saving you from your barbarian instinct by starting to neutered you because your savagery has no bound. He still equivocates while people are butchered in day light. For your beast behavior you will get a response matching nature. Though it is temmied by thousand years of religion teaching, every human being has the a raw beast nature in him if cornered. So far you savages seem to indulge in it.

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Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by Selam/ » 20 Sep 2020, 08:51

Kichamam Woyane - I follow the news myself while you're cawing and rattling, moreso as your criminal pipeline is getting clogged.

Even If your wishes come true and an asteroid is headed toward Arat Kilo, the Gods of Entoto will divert it to the sin city and whack your thuggish kins entirely. Your irrelevant irreverent father, Tsegaye Ararsa, is a dead case. He will be deported soon. Which alarm bell are you going to press? KIFU!
yaballo wrote:
20 Sep 2020, 01:45
Gudeelaw/wa Selam;

Did you hear how "the boy 7th emperor" of the empire of permanent miseries PERSONALLY LOBBIED the director of the Facebook to ban Oromo activists such as Tsegaye Ararsa?? .. WOW! ..

The man is so desperate that he either go mad or will be eliminated soon - or both.

Of course, his useless kangaroo court has just charged Tsegay Ararsa along scores of other Oromo activists living outside "éthipia le merde" as "terrorists" just like his woyane mentors charged your fuga role model - Dr. Biramtu Saynega - in absentia.

Here is Tsgeye Ararsa's reply to the mad .. mad boy emperor of ETHIOPIA LA MISERABLE!

"Message from Dr. Tsegaye Ararssa to Ato Abiy Ahmed
This is a message directed personally to #Abiy_Ahmed.

Never mind your bogus charges. After all, it has been long coming. Your henchmen have long been calling for it, and in fact, they have been calling for our assassination and for attacking our families, somehow hoping that they will silence us.

In your shamelessness, you went as far as directly speaking to the management of Facebook to disable my accounts--as if that will save you from your inevitable demise. You have done worse. (We will leave those to history--which is already knocking on your door.) All that, my friend, is nothing in the light of what our people endured under your madness. በየቀኑ ስንገደል ለኖርን ለኛ፣ ይሄ ሁሉ ምንም ትርጉም የለውም።

But now that it came, it will last only for days. Trust me: we will outlast you. In fact, we will outlive you. We will render justice--even to you.

And then, we will have the last laugh!

Fare thee well, mad man. Fare thee well.

With you gone, surely, the worst of our times shall have been gone!

#You_squandered_your_chances! #You_lost_it_big_time.




Tsegaye R Ararssa waa’ee Qawwee Maal Jedhaa Jira?

Kunoo dubbifadhaa.

"Balaan Oromoo mudate, balaan bara baraaf qa'ee ofiirratti ajjeefamuu kun, yoo kan hin dhaabbatu ta'e wanti Oromoon akka sabaatitti godhuu qabu hidhachuu dha.

Kan nama oolchu waaqa, dhugaa dha. Garuu motummaa fi kashlabbee qawwee baattee, ganda keessee deemaa, lafa isaa irratti Oromoo ajjeesaa hiraarsitu ofirraa ittisuun kan danda'amu hidhachuudhaani.

Ammaa achi hidhachuun sagantaa bara baraa ta'uu qaba. Oromoon bakka jiru irraa uummatasaa hidhachiisuuf tattaafachuu qaba. Dhaloota kanaaf qofa utuu hin taanee, dhaloota dhufuuf, jechuu dha.
Siyaasni gaanfa Afrikaa siyaasa humnaa (politics of violence) waan ta'ef, tarsiimoon nageenyaa Oromiyaa hidhanoo jabeeffachuu irrattis xiyyeeffachuu qaba.

Diplomaasiin Oromoos yeroo hundumaa karaa teknoolojii meeshaa waraanaa ittin argannuun ykn ijaarrannuun irratti xiyyeeffachuu qaba.

Gargaarsa gaafa barbaannus gargaarsi dhufu tooftaa nageenya Oromootaa cimsu irratti hundaa'uu qaba.
Xiyyeeffannoon qorannoo beektoota (scientistoota) Oromoos gama kanaan jabaachuu qaba.
Kadhaa fi booyichaan ajjechaa diinaa ofirraa deebisuun hin danda'amu.
Qophii bara baraatu barbaachisa!


Posts: 821
Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53

Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by banebris2013 » 20 Sep 2020, 12:01

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
19 Sep 2020, 23:48
Yaballo, I do not appreciate your calling Ethiopians, or any other black [ deleted ]. That is not how blacks choose to be addressed , in fact, the white colleagues and friends I know never use that word. You however an African immigrant who lives in the West are proud of using it. That self hate you manifest I do not how it comes to shape your life, but it is sad.
As for your constant insulting blacks, worshiping whites, I feel sorry for you.
I live in the West. In a country I live only 25 percent of whites have a first degree. At least I am well read and learned than the 75 percent of whites.
If s white person calls me a n... I laugh. I know for sure I am well educated and read than the white person who use that word. But you my friend might applause him for saying it.
I know some Ethiopians in North America. With many of them I do not share the same politics. But I am proud of for them being proud of their nationality. You are an exception. I feel sorry for you.
You are right in that the insult of black race by Yaballo is not right. But context matters.if you take the insult in its context, it is just to show frustration and disappointment. Mind you he was also insulting himself as he is also black.

Posts: 2627
Joined: 24 Jul 2018, 09:32

Re: VIDEO:ሸለመጥማጡ አብይ A MERE 2 YEARS AGO:"መግረፍ፣ጨለማ ቤት ማስቀመጥ፣አካል ማጉደል፣የኛ የኢህአድግ የአሸባሪነት ተግባር ነው..መርምረን እናስራለን እንጅ አስረን አንመ

Post by Lakeshore » 20 Sep 2020, 23:10

ኣይ ኣንተ ብስsብስ የሆንክ ሰውዬ ኣሁን ባንተቤት ፖለቲካ መሆኑ ነው የሆንክ ጭቃ ጋላ። ዓብይ ጀግናነው ከብቶቹን ሰብስቦ ዛሬ ለፍርድ አንዲቀርቡ ጠፍሮ ኣቅርቦዋቸዋል። ምንጋ ሁሉ ኣማራን ገደሎ አና ዘርፎ ተኝቶማደር ኣይቻልም። ኣጋሜዎችን ተመልከት ተገልለው አዛው መቀሌ ትልቁ አስር ቤት ታጉረዋል።
የሰረቁትም ገንዘብ አነሱ ስለነኩት በኣንድ ወር ወስጥ ዲስ ኢንፌክት አንዲደረግ መመጥኑ ካላመጡ ብስተቀር አንደ ራሳቸው አያደር ገለባ ነው የሚሆነው። ኦነግ ደግሞ ከየባንኩ የዘረፈውን ገንዘብ አዛው ጫካ ወስጥ አሳት ኣንድ ደህ ሞቀው ተብልዋል።
ፖለቲካውን ለሚያወቁት ተወት ኣድረጉት አናንተ አኮ ስው መሰላች ሁ አንጂ አኮ የ አንስ ሳ ምንጋ ናች ሁ። ሰናይ ልኬን ጋላ ነው ብለህ ኣት ስደብው። አነ ጃዋር፣በቀለ ገሪባ ያው የፈርጣጩ ሃይሌ ፊዳ አጣ ነው የሚጠብቃቸው ዳውድ መንገዱን ጀምሯል። ከታሪክ የማትማሩ ኣጋሰ ሶች ናች ሁ።

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