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ከአማራ በላይ አማራ ለመሆን ቀንና ማታ የሚያላዝኑ የኦሮሞ ውሾች- ኤርሚያስ ለገሰና ታየ ቦጋለ

Post by Qurunde » 07 Sep 2020, 03:30

Ermias Legesse and Taye Bogale are trying hard to proove to Amharas that regardless of their Oromo blood they are Amharas. To get accept as members of Amghar they are making all the lies, accussations and continuous barking. Ermias Legesse Wakjira even went to say that he will remove the remains of his Amhara mother from Oromo land and send to Amhara Kilil for burial. Both toothless old dogs repeatedly talks about Oromumma and Oromo and offer unsolicited advices to their Amhara masters. The good thing is that their masters know how opportunistic thesde two dogs and rejected them.

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Joined: 08 Mar 2014, 16:32

Re: ከአማራ በላይ አማራ ለመሆን ቀንና ማታ የሚያላዝኑ የኦሮሞ ውሾች- ኤርሚያስ ለገሰና ታየ ቦጋለ

Post by DefendTheTruth » 07 Sep 2020, 07:57

Well, you could have presented the concrete cases where they are making those "lies and accusations" for your reader to see and judge for themselves. You failed to do so (or didn't want do so) for a reason that is known just to you.

I have disagreed on many of the views Ermias Legesse has expressed vis-a-vis Ethiopian current political issues but still I do recognise his right to be Oromo and Ethiopian at the same time and I see nothing wrong with that line of view.

With regard to Obbo Taye Bogala, I think he is a patriot who is both Oromo and Ethiopian to the core of his bone and THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with that, in my view. Your claim here shows how he is perfectly right when he said

" የልተማሩ ምሁራን ያቆዩዋትን ሀገር የተማሩ መሃይማን ኣያፈርሷትም "

You are a living proof to his claim.

In fact what he should have said is that instead of የተማሩ: የልተማሩ መሃይማን, as this describes those in your camp better.

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Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: ከአማራ በላይ አማራ ለመሆን ቀንና ማታ የሚያላዝኑ የኦሮሞ ውሾች- ኤርሚያስ ለገሰና ታየ ቦጋለ

Post by TGAA » 07 Sep 2020, 09:07

The difference is that they are proud Oromo Ethiopians with out a centila of inferiority complex .while your inside out is eaten up by it. At this time other Ethiopian compliant that there are more Oroms in power proportion to it's population is valid than inferiority infected radical Oromos who find neftenas behind every tree.its sickness.

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Joined: 15 Oct 2016, 10:31

Re: ከአማራ በላይ አማራ ለመሆን ቀንና ማታ የሚያላዝኑ የኦሮሞ ውሾች- ኤርሚያስ ለገሰና ታየ ቦጋለ

Post by AbebeB » 07 Sep 2020, 13:27

TGAA wrote:
07 Sep 2020, 09:07
The difference is that they are proud Oromo Ethiopians with out a centila of inferiority complex .while your inside out is eaten up by it. At this time other Ethiopian compliant that there are more Oroms in power proportion to it's population is valid than inferiority infected radical Oromos who find neftenas behind every tree.its sickness.
ቅዥቤ ነሽ፡፡

Posts: 1559
Joined: 28 Dec 2019, 14:24

Re: ከአማራ በላይ አማራ ለመሆን ቀንና ማታ የሚያላዝኑ የኦሮሞ ውሾች- ኤርሚያስ ለገሰና ታየ ቦጋለ

Post by tlel » 07 Sep 2020, 14:21

እባክህ ይህ ኢኣር ቁም ነገር ኣትየው። ያልከው ትክክል ነው ኦቦ ታዬ ቦጋለ እንዳለው፣ ተምረናል ያሉ ኦሮሞ ነን የሚሉና ዖኤምኤን፣ በሙሉ ዶር ናቸው፣ እንደነ ኢታና መረራ ያባቴ ጏደኛ የነበረ ወዘተ ጥናታቸው ታውቋል ዘርን ተመርኩዘው ኢትዮዽያን ለውጭ ጌታቸው መገነጣጠል ነው ከነፃውጪዎች ጋር። እነ ዖቦ ታዬ ዕኮ ዖርጋኒክ ናቸው ለመማር ወይም ውጭ ኣገሩ ኣስተማረኝ ብሎ ኣገር የሚከዳ ኣይደለም። ብቻ እነ ኢታና ከልጅነታቸው የተመለመሉ ይመስላሉ። እነ ታዬ ቦጋለ መጠበቅ አለባቸው። ብዙ ኢትዮዽያ የሚሉ ሂወታቸው በውጪዎች ትዛዝ ዐደጋ ላይ ሊሆን ይችላል እንደኛ። ሆዳሙ ኢትዮዽያዊ ደግሞ ውጪዎች ወዳጆች ያድኑናል ብሎ ይጠብቃል ለራሡ እንዲጠቀም የውጪዎቹ ኢትዮዽያ የነበሩትን ገዝተው እስከ ኣጼ ሃ ስላሤ ድረስ እያጠቁ ነው።

ኣብዛኛው ኢትዮዽያዊ ቁጭ ብሎ ምን እንደሚያደርግ ግራ የሚገባ ነው። ሊነገራቸው ያስፈልጋል። ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ዝም ብሎ ከመውጣት ወዳጅነት በመፍጠርና ዲፕሎማሲ ኢትዮዽያን የሚያጠቁትን ሃገራት በፕሮፈሽናልና ዲፕሎማሲ ጫና ማድረግ ኣለባቸው። ጥቂት ሠው ብዙ ቦታ ኣይደርስም፣ ሁሉም ከትንሽ እስከ ትልቅ ሃላፊነት የመውሰድ ግዴታ ነው በውጭ ኣገር ሌላውን ኢትዮዽያዊ በዐይነ ቁራኛ ከማየት፣ እንደ ሌላው ኣገራት ህዝብ፣ ተሰብሰብ፣ ተናበብ ወዘት። ኣሁን የቀረው ኣማራው ነው፣ ኣማራውን በተለያየ ዘዴ ዘረኛ እንዲሆኑ እየተመከሩ ነው፣ ተጨቁነሀል በማለት። እውነትመ ሆነ ኣልሆነ፣ ሁሉንም ወደ ዘር ሄዶ እንዲበላላ እያረጉ ያሉት ከኣዛዦቹ ነው እራሳቸው። ለነሱ ግቡ እንዲመታላቸው ነው፥ ዋናው ኣጀንዳ ኣበይ ሌላው ኣጀንዳ ታሪካዊ መሬታችን ኢትዮዽያ ውስጥ ነው እያሉ ነው። ሞኙ ትግራዋዩ ኣልሰማም ብሏል፣ ኣሁንም ደሞ ኣማራው ይኸው ሊገዛ ነው በጎ መሪዎቻቸውን ኣስገድለው።

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