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የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!!

Post by Wedi » 01 Sep 2020, 12:20

የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ! «በዘውድአለም ታደሠ» (Aman Mezmur)‼️
ይህ ከታች የምታዩት ስታዲየም አካባቢ የሚገኝ ትልቅ ህንፃ አምስት ፎቅ ሙሉውን ፌደራል መንግስቱ በሚያስተዳድረው የኪራይ ቤቶች አስተዳደር ድርጅት ንብረትነት የተመዘገበ ሲሆን በፕሮፌሰር ብርሃኑ ነጋ ለሚመራው «ኢዜማ» በነፃ እንዲያገለግል ተሰጥቷል።

በሉ የኢዜማ የጥናት ባለሙያዎች መልሱልን ...

አምስት ፎቅ አይን ቦታ ላይ እንደናንተ ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ የሆኑት እነ አብንና ባልድራስን የመሳሰሉ የተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች በኪራይ ቤት እየተንከራተቱ ለኢዜማ በምን አግባብ በነፃ ተሰጠው? ለምን ለናንተ የተሰጠው እድል ለሌላው ተነፈገ? እስከማውቀው አዲሳባ ላይ በመንግስት ፅህፈት ቤት የተሰጣቸው ፓርቲዎች ኦነግና ኢዜማ ናቸው። (ኦነግ የቀድሞ ቢሮው የተመለሰለት ይመስለኛል) እና ከመቶ ምናምን ፓርቲ አድሎአዊ በሚመስል መልኩ ይህ ህንፃ ለኢዜማ ተለይቶ ከተሰጠ የናንተስ ከመሬትና ከኮንዶሚኒየም እደላው በምን ይለያል? እናንተ የመንግስት ፌቨራይት ልጆች ሆናችሁ የተለየ ድጋፍ ተደርጎላችሁ ሳለ እንዴት ሌላው ላይ እጃችሁን ለመጠቆም ቻላችሁ?

ለማንኛውም በአጭሩ ኢዜማዎች ከመቶ ምናምን ፓርቲዎች በብቸኝነት ይህን ፎቅ ያገኛችሁበትን የህግ አግባብ እንድታብራሩልን እንጠይቃለን!!

Posts: 4080
Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!!

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 01 Sep 2020, 18:39

While you are still at it, please don't forget the very fact that EZEMA did still went to negate the large scale land grab that is now becoming the norm. If we are to accuse them of anything, it could only be their delayed rejection of such lopsided system. Better late than never!

If true, which I very much doubt, EZEMA deserves way more than just one office to settle in. They are part and parcel of the so called change that we all want to change now. If we go to count who is doing business where, it should be EPRDF which has to be dislocated from every facility and the country that it desperately tries to destroy. I think it is best to set our priorities and work with those who do have the interest of the country at heart, despite the different rout they are travelling by.

Ato ZewdAlem Tadesse....hmmm is a known stooge who is never tired of twisting facts to suite his dubious narratives. Be very careful of the wolf in the sheep's skin.

Posts: 5626
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!!

Post by TGAA » 01 Sep 2020, 19:35

1.ህንጻው ባጠቃላልይ ለኢዜማ አልተሰጠም ስለዚህ እውነቱን ለጥጠህ እውሸት አታድርገው
2 ኦነግ እና ሌሎች የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች ምን እንደተሰጣቸው ታውቃለህ ? ስለዚህ ምሳሌህ ትርጉም የለውም ከአርባ ሺህ በላይ በወገናዊነት እና እንደ ጉቦ ከድሆች (ከምግባቸው ቆጥበው የሰሩትን ቤት )ተቀምቶ የተሰጠን አፓርትመንት ከፖለቲካ ድርጅት ጋር ስታወዳድር ማፈር ይገባህ ነበር ፡፤
ኢዜማ ግን ትልቅ ስህተት የሰራው ይህንን ጉዳይ እነእስክንድር አንገት ላንገት ሲተናነቁ ዝም ማለት ብቻ ሳይሆን አብሮ ሽፋን ይስጥ ነበር ፡ ኢዜማ ከእውነት ጋር ቢቆምና እንዲህ ያለ ዘረፋ መኪያሄዱን ቢያጋልጥ ይህንን ለማቆም ትልቅ እገዛ ማድረግ ይችል ነበር፤ አብሶ ብርሀኑ ነጋ ተከታትለን አረጋግጠናል ብሎ ቃሉን ሲሰጥ ትልቅ ሽፍጥ ነው የፈጸመው ፡፡ ኢዚማ ግን አሁን የወሰደው ትክክለኛ አቋም ጥሩ መጀምር ነው፡፡ ከቀረ የዘገየ ይሻላል እንዲሉ፤ ኢዜማ ዳግማዊ ወያኔ ነው እያሉ ላይ የጥላቻ ዘመቻ የሚያካሂዱ ግን የፖለቲካ ማሀይሞች ናቸው ፡ ብልጽግናም መስተካከል የለበትም መወርወር አለበት የሚሉም ያላቸውን ካርዶች ውስንነት ካለማወቃቸውቸ የተነሳ በስሜት የሚጋልቡ ናቸው፡፡

Posts: 9325
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!!

Post by sun » 01 Sep 2020, 19:51

Wedi wrote:
01 Sep 2020, 12:20
የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ! «በዘውድአለም ታደሠ» (Aman Mezmur)‼️
ይህ ከታች የምታዩት ስታዲየም አካባቢ የሚገኝ ትልቅ ህንፃ አምስት ፎቅ ሙሉውን ፌደራል መንግስቱ በሚያስተዳድረው የኪራይ ቤቶች አስተዳደር ድርጅት ንብረትነት የተመዘገበ ሲሆን በፕሮፌሰር ብርሃኑ ነጋ ለሚመራው «ኢዜማ» በነፃ እንዲያገለግል ተሰጥቷል።

በሉ የኢዜማ የጥናት ባለሙያዎች መልሱልን ...

አምስት ፎቅ አይን ቦታ ላይ እንደናንተ ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ የሆኑት እነ አብንና ባልድራስን የመሳሰሉ የተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች በኪራይ ቤት እየተንከራተቱ ለኢዜማ በምን አግባብ በነፃ ተሰጠው? ለምን ለናንተ የተሰጠው እድል ለሌላው ተነፈገ? እስከማውቀው አዲሳባ ላይ በመንግስት ፅህፈት ቤት የተሰጣቸው ፓርቲዎች ኦነግና ኢዜማ ናቸው። (ኦነግ የቀድሞ ቢሮው የተመለሰለት ይመስለኛል) እና ከመቶ ምናምን ፓርቲ አድሎአዊ በሚመስል መልኩ ይህ ህንፃ ለኢዜማ ተለይቶ ከተሰጠ የናንተስ ከመሬትና ከኮንዶሚኒየም እደላው በምን ይለያል? እናንተ የመንግስት ፌቨራይት ልጆች ሆናችሁ የተለየ ድጋፍ ተደርጎላችሁ ሳለ እንዴት ሌላው ላይ እጃችሁን ለመጠቆም ቻላችሁ?

ለማንኛውም በአጭሩ ኢዜማዎች ከመቶ ምናምን ፓርቲዎች በብቸኝነት ይህን ፎቅ ያገኛችሁበትን የህግ አግባብ እንድታብራሩልን እንጠይቃለን!!

Typically, the more they eat the more they are terribly hungry and angry, thus blackmailing and trying to get more and more while others are starving. It is all about them and never about the ordinary citizen's needing genuine help to improve their daily lives and livings. Barking and ranting asaffaari wushetam guramaile hulla! People need to reject them if they keep feeding them fake self serving boolshit g@rbage cheap propaganda swan songs!

Lyrics In memory of Swan Song. :P

"Put your white tennis shoes on and follow me
Why work so hard when you could just be free?
You got your money now, you got your legacy
Let's leave the world for the ones who change everything
Nothing could stop the two of us
Let's just get lost, that's what we want
Dive in, dive deep and in dark blue my sweet
Brushing up from the water where the ice meets
And you've been gone so long, you missed everything
The world can change in a day if you go away
But nothing could stop the two of us
If that's what we want, we could just get lost
Do you like
Do you like, where you've been
Where you're going to (going to)
Say goodnight
Say goodnight to the life and the world you knew
I'm going to follow you."

Posts: 5626
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!!

Post by TGAA » 01 Sep 2020, 20:57

Ho Ho Ho Mr.Sun, when the fact smack you right in your face instead of admitting the shenanigan that took place in Takale Uma's city administration and availing your self to offer your advice to change their ways, you are brating because they got their dirty two hands in cookygar? What have we learned from weyane goons who used to defend Weyanes criminal enterprise with fervor? It seems we have learned nothing. Our newly minted Oromo Overlords within two years have cought up with justifying the unjustifyable. They have become a deflector in chief. The only brotherly advice we offer them is this that what hasn't worked for Weyane is not going to work for you. If you continue this dishonest , crocked ways you will fail, and soon.“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"George Orwell

Posts: 9325
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!!

Post by sun » 01 Sep 2020, 22:06

TGAA wrote:
01 Sep 2020, 20:57
Ho Ho Ho Mr.Sun, when the fact smack you right in your face instead of admitting the shenanigan that took place in Takale Uma's city administration and availing your self to offer your advice to change their ways, you are brating because they got their dirty two hands in cookygar? What have we learned from weyane goons who used to defend Weyanes criminal enterprise with fervor? It seems we have learned nothing. Our newly minted Oromo Overlords within two years have cought up with justifying the unjustifyable. They have become a deflector in chief. The only brotherly advice we offer them is this that what hasn't worked for Weyane is not going to work for you. If you continue this dishonest , crocked ways you will fail, and soon.“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"George Orwell
Hmm... 8)

Like always you are comparing potatoes and oranges which are incomparable when you in self serving manner compare the tplf (some 6% ethnic base) and who came from thousands of kilometers own home regional base to dictate Oromos and the others in their own homes while the Oromo parties (with some 50% ethnic base) are only managing their own affairs in their own region without putting a step in other peoples regions. So please get your fake childish propaganda logic in order so that you may not loose trust like the dry bread crust and stand naked in the rain to feel the unending self made pain. Okay? Okay!

Posts: 5626
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!!

Post by TGAA » 01 Sep 2020, 22:37

How is that your concocted statistics elasticates from 35 to 50 is in a few years . Oromos are not 50% so don't fabricate. There is one country Ethiopia and there are Ethiopians who live in it. Tigriy has as much right in any part of Ethiopia as Oromo or Amhara. So don't try to pee mark "your" territory. We are not questioning Tigryans or Oromos or Amharas', Somalis right to lead our country what we are asking is that they need to administer rightfully, justly, and democratically. That is the crux of the matter. Yes, all regions will be administered by their own representatives so that is not an issue at all but that dosn't give them any right or mistreat other Ethiopans who are risiding in them. All Ethiopans citizenship right needs to be respected in All Ethiopa teritory . Your self serving circus doens't impress me at all. Deal with truth and facts without your tribalist eyeglass on .

Posts: 7994
Joined: 29 Jan 2020, 21:44

Re: የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!!

Post by Wedi » 02 Sep 2020, 03:22

EZEMA did nothing new. Eskinder Nega was doing this and exposing Takele Umma and Abiy Ahmed while EZEMA was in its honeymoon with Abiy Ahmed.
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
01 Sep 2020, 18:39
While you are still at it, please don't forget the very fact that EZEMA did still went to negate the large scale land grab that is now becoming the norm. If we are to accuse them of anything, it could only be their delayed rejection of such lopsided system. Better late than never!

If true, which I very much doubt, EZEMA deserves way more than just one office to settle in. They are part and parcel of the so called change that we all want to change now. If we go to count who is doing business where, it should be EPRDF which has to be dislocated from every facility and the country that it desperately tries to destroy. I think it is best to set our priorities and work with those who do have the interest of the country at heart, despite the different rout they are travelling by.

Ato ZewdAlem Tadesse....hmmm is a known stooge who is never tired of twisting facts to suite his dubious narratives. Be very careful of the wolf in the sheep's skin.

Posts: 4080
Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: የኢዜማዎቹ ፎቅ!! ሙሰኛው ኢዜማ ተጋለጠ!! WEEY GUUD!!!

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 02 Sep 2020, 11:29

Wedi wrote:
02 Sep 2020, 03:22
EZEMA did nothing new. Eskinder Nega was doing this and exposing Takele Umma and Abiy Ahmed while EZEMA was in its honeymoon with Abiy Ahmed.
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
01 Sep 2020, 18:39
While you are still at it, please don't forget the very fact that EZEMA did still went to negate the large scale land grab that is now becoming the norm. If we are to accuse them of anything, it could only be their delayed rejection of such lopsided system. Better late than never!

If true, which I very much doubt, EZEMA deserves way more than just one office to settle in. They are part and parcel of the so called change that we all want to change now. If we go to count who is doing business where, it should be EPRDF which has to be dislocated from every facility and the country that it desperately tries to destroy. I think it is best to set our priorities and work with those who do have the interest of the country at heart, despite the different rout they are travelling by.

Ato ZewdAlem Tadesse....hmmm is a known stooge who is never tired of twisting facts to suite his dubious narratives. Be very careful of the wolf in the sheep's skin.

That was the was.Now EZEMA is evolving and seeing the facts for what they are. Like I said, their approach is very different than what most of us would have liked to see, but still they are now addressing the issues. The administration, by its own recklessness and proclivity towards its ethnic base, is leaving no maneuvering space for the EZEMA wands. In fact it is a matter of time before a full-fledged clash begins between the two parties. The new EPRDF is only cosmetically trying to best its predecessor. Otherwise, what we see is the replacement of the TPLF Oligarchs with the current day novices. Eskindir was forced to step in while EZEMA was in its slumber. Unless they are co-opted, which I very much doubt, BALDERAS and EZEMA has no huge differences in their end game.

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