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Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

ለኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክና መንግስት ጥያቄ : እንዴት ነው MASTERCARD /VISA card ማግኘት የምንችለው? How can we get credit card in Ethiopia?

Post by Abaymado » 06 Aug 2020, 14:57

የእኔ ጥያቄ እንዴት ማንኛውንም credit card እንዴት እናግኝ ለማለት አይደለም:: ምክንያቱም ብዙ አገሪቱ ውስጥ ብቻ ሊያገለግል የሚችል ቀላል የማይባል credit ካርዶች የኢትዮጵያን ንግድ ባንክ ጨምሮ የራሳቸውን እንደፈጠሩ እናቃለን::

ጥያቄው እንዴት ዓለም አቀፍ ተቀባይነት ያላቸውን MASTERCARD, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS እንዴት ማግኘት እንችላለን የሚል ነው ? ምንስ ታስቧል?
Online ላይ እንዴት ከሌላው ማህበረሰብ ጋር እንዴት እንገናኝ? እንዴት amazonንና የመሳሰሉትን እንዴት እንጠቀም? ለምንድነው አገራችን unsupported country የሆነችው?
መለስ ዜናዊ stuppid የሆነ ሰው ነው: አንደኛው ለዚህ ምክንያቱ እሱ ነው:: ባንኩ ይዘምን ብለው ነጮች ሲከራሩት ሙጥጥ ብሎ ያደናቆረን እሱ ነው::
መንግስት የሆነ መፍትሄ ሊሰጠን ይገባል: በምን ከውጭው ዓለም ጋር እንገበያይ: እንገናኝ? ፈጣን መልስ እንፈልጋለን?

እዚህ አገር እንደ ኢትዮ ቴሌ ፈጣን ያለ አይመስለኝም:: በውስጡ ችግሮች ቢኖሩበትም: በሚገርም ፍጥነት ራሱን የሚያሻሽል መስሪያ ቤት ነው:: ሌሎቹ ከዚህ መማር አለባቸው::
ቴሌ ከዚህ በፊት ኢንተርኔት ያልጠቀምንበትን መልሱልን ብዬ ነበር: ብሩ የተመለሰ ይመስለኛል:: እኔን ተከትለውኝ ይሁን ወይም መደበኛውን በዚህ መንገድ ይስሩ አይስሩ አላቅም: የሆኖ ሆኖ ቴሌ ይደነቃል::

ከአመታት በፊት ጀምሮ ህዝቡ በዚህ credit card ጉዳይ እየተሰቃየ ነው:: ግን መልስ የለም:: የግሎቹስ ምን ችግር ገጥሟቸው ነው ወይስ መንግስት ይከለክላል?
Last edited by Abaymado on 06 Aug 2020, 17:13, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 3743
Joined: 28 Dec 2014, 21:18

Re: ለኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክና መንግስት ጥያቄ : እንዴት ነው MASTERCARD /VISA card ማግኘት የምንችለው? How can we get credit card in Ethiopia?

Post by temari » 06 Aug 2020, 15:51

Abaymado wrote:
06 Aug 2020, 14:57
Bank of Abyssinia (BoA) as the first Ethiopian bank just announced to offer international Visa service. I don't know how long it will take them to bring this service to the customer but I think you need to contact BoA as it will be soon the first to have an international Visa gateway.
The Bank of Abyssinya is partnering with @Visa to advance the e-commerce industry in Ethiopia. The partnership will introduce a CyberSource payment gateway which will allow Ethiopians to make online payments also making Ethiopia part of Visa's international global payment system.

Posts: 2627
Joined: 24 Jul 2018, 09:32

Re: ለኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክና መንግስት ጥያቄ : እንዴት ነው MASTERCARD /VISA card ማግኘት የምንችለው? How can we get credit card in Ethiopia?

Post by Lakeshore » 06 Aug 2020, 21:00

what are you talking about Gala still killing human beings and burning houses and looting banks? In the Gala era, how are you implement modernization? Ethiopia regress 100 years it becomes Empire of Apes because of this animal Galas. Let us focus on removing this Apes and we will talk about your master card later when rule of law for humans established.

Posts: 4208
Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

Re: ለኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክና መንግስት ጥያቄ : እንዴት ነው MASTERCARD /VISA card ማግኘት የምንችለው? How can we get credit card in Ethiopia?

Post by Abaymado » 07 Aug 2020, 05:37

Thank you all for your comments, but that is not good enough. As you know several international institutions and others will not accept money in cash, so there is a real problem. I am feeling that our country does not look like a country. Probably letting foreign banks to work in the country will solve the problem. There could be another alternatives. Act now!

Here is the supported countries to have international credit cards. ... -countries

"Credit/Debit Cards (VISA, Mastercard) - supported countries
Avatar ICONOMI - Toni
9 months ago Updated
Both conditions must be met for the user to be eligible to make credit/debit card purchases:
1. user is from the supported country
2. credit card issuer is from the supported country.

Supported countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

Other countries will be added gradually.

If your country isn’t supported yet you can make a euro, bitcoin, or ether deposit. Please find our guides on euro deposits from any European bank here and here. For the bitcoin and ether deposit/withdraw please find detailed information here.

Please find information about credit/debit card requirements, limits and fees here.

And also please find detailed information about buy/sell processes here.

Note: For updates, please follow us at these useful links.
We also recommend subscribing to ICONOMI news and updates."

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