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The extraditee tribals from Dubai should be detained and sent to labour in state farms before they join public

Posted: 01 Aug 2020, 05:33
by kibramlak
The extraditee tribals from Dubai should be detained and sent to labour in state farms before they join public.

This must be repeated in other countries!

I love to see tribalists crumbling. However, given the human and material damage they inflicted on innocent citizens, they should receive an equivalent punishment that their supporters will remember it for life

Re: The extraditee tribals from Dubai should be detained and sent to labour in state farms before they join public

Posted: 01 Aug 2020, 09:40
by Lakeshore

I agree 100% these goons should pay for the Material, Physical, and moral damage they cause on innocent Ethiopians. Yes as you said they should be sent to rebuild the places they cheer when Querro burns them down. We should make an example out of them for future traitors.

We shouldn't compassionate any more because these animals do not learn. Look what they did in USA they feed them, gave them shelter, and send them to school assuming that they are capable of learning but in return, they beat that American boy by calling him Neftegna.

ቢያጠፋም ባያጠፋም ጋላና ትግሬ በቀን ፫ ጊዜ መመከር ኣለባት የሚባለው ለዚ ህ ነው።

These animals should be dealt with harshly. Long live United Ethiopia.

ኣምራ ፈሪሃ አግዚኣብሄር ያለው ይሰውን ፍጡር የሚያከብር ነው ይህንን ኣይደርግም። ባንጻሩ ግን ጋላዎችና ትግሬዎች በቃል ለመግለጽ ይሚከብድ
የስውን ልጅ አንደ አንስሳ ማረድ አንደሚችሉ በተግባር ያሳዩ ኣረመኔዎች ናቸው። ይህ በምድርም ብቻ ሳይሆን በስማይ ቤትም ይቅር የማይባል ጭካኔ ነው።
አንዲህ የሚያደርጉትን የሚቀጣ ፥ የሚያጠፋ ሃጥያቱ የተሰረየ ነው።
ኣምራ መሆን በራሱ ኣንድ ደረጃ ወደ አግዚኣብሄር አንደምቅረብ ይቆጠራል። ኣረመኔነትን ይጠየፋሉና።