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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by sun » 11 Jul 2020, 17:52

Abere wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 17:16
sun wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 16:37
Horus wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 04:19

(ራሱን ማይጠብቅ ሕዝብ ራስ ገዝ ሊሆን አይችልም)

ያበሻ ዘር ላለፈው ግማሽ ምዕተ አመት ስለ ራስ ገዝነት ሲዋጋና ሲታመስ ኖሮዋል። ዛሬ ላይ ቆመን በእውነት ኢትዮጵያዊያን ራስን መግዛት ምን ማለት እንደ ሆነ ያውቃሉን ብለን ብንጠይቅ መልሱ አሳፋሪ ነው።

መላ ያበሻ ዘር በድህነት፣ በድንቁርና፣ በበሽታ፣ በቁጣ፣ በአረመኔነት የሚታመሰው ራሱን መግዛት የማይችል፣ ሰባዊነት ምን እንደ ሆነ ገና ያልገባው ፣ ከሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ የማይተዋወቅ ፣ ሰርዓት አልባ በመሰረቱ ፕሪሚቲቨ ሕዝብ ነን ። ኢትዮጵያዊያን ራስገዝ፣ ራስ ገዢ፣ ራስ አሳዳሪ ለመሆናቸው ያለው ማረጋገጫ ምንድን ነው? ግልጽ አይደለም !!!

አሁን ጥያቄው አበሻ ራስ ገዝ ነው ወይስ አይደለም የሚል ሳይሆን አበሻ ከጎሳ መንጋዎችና ዘር አጥፊ አሸባሪዎች ራሱን እንዴት ይጠብቅ የሚለው ነው ። መንግስት ተብዬ አራት ኪሎ ተኝቶ ነው አርሲ፣ ዝዋይ፣ አዳሚ ቱሉ፣ ሻሸመኔ ጋይተው አመድ የሆኑት ።

በኦሮሞ መንግስት የለም ፣ በቃ !! ሕዝብ እስከ መቼ በውሸት ይኖራል?

በመሆኑም የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ አሁን እጅግ ባስቸኳይ የሚፈልገው ራስ ገዝነት ሳይሆን የራስ ጥበቃ ድርጅትና ሴራ ነው።

እያንዳንዱ ሕዝብ፣ ሰፈር፣ መንደር፣ ታጥቆና ተደራጅቶ ራሱን ልጁ፣ ሚስቱ፣ ቤቱን፣ ንብረቱን፣ ሰፈሩን ፣ አገሩን በፈረቃ መጠበቂያ ሲስተም ማቆም ግድ ይለዋል ።

ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ !! ዛሬውኑ !!!!

You are the father and mother of all genocides who have been and still directly and indirectly cultivating and propagating genocidal speech and activities hoping that it is a form of making an impact through provocations and self repetition to grab power. Even your dream for establishing outlaw kukluks style armed vigilantes death squads can not save your bulging red ar$$$ fascist baboon cheap self. If we are asking for more death squad vigilantes like that of Syria, Libya, Yemen, Mexico, etc. why should we oppose the current extra-governmental war lords roaming the country and killing poor people just for a living.? :shock:

Only the state and other parties officially appointed, trained and controlled by the state should manage public security and citizen's safety. BEQQA!

"The fact is that people are good, Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior." A. Maslow :P
Could you please answer this question in pursuit of your question of logic "why should we oppose the current extra-governmental war lords roaming the country and killing poor people just for a living.?"
- Why is Qeerroo, the killing squad of OLF and OLF, break the houses of ordinary citizens ( children, elderly, women, the youth, rich and poor , healthy and ill, etc) who have nothing to do with the government you are opposing get killed en-mass in broad day lights? Who should protect them where neither the government you are opposing nor your OLF folks who have no compassion and value to precious human lives? Should not these victims now learn and protect themselves from a herd raid by being a vigilante? What is wrong with that or is it too bad for you because they will stop and give lesson to OLF thugs. In most communities, where there are functional government and law enforcing institutions prevail they even co-exist and do bring criminals to justice- especially where the legal and political mechanism is systematically discriminating them and made vulnerable to criminals. Take a case from the Black Americans. I am more than 100 % in favor of Horus idea, Ethiopians should start sooner than later. If everyone is lawful there should not be any concern.ቂጡላይ ቁስል ያለበት ውሻ አጥብቆ አይስልም ዓይነት ነገር ካልሆነ - ምንድን ነው ችግሩ ንብረት ይጠበቃል ከሁሉም በላይ የሰው ህይወት ይታደጋል ወሮ በላዎች ትምህርት ያገኛሉ። ኦነግ ጀግና ከሆነ ከዐብይ ጋር ግንባር ለግንባር እንጅ ከሰው መኖሪያ ቤት ዕልፍኝ እና ኩሽና የንግድ ቤት ምን ያደርጋል። ቤትህ ሌባ እና ነፍሰ ገዳይ ከመጣ በቡድንም ይሁን በግል ተደራጅተህ ግንባሩን ብለህ መቀጣጫ ማድረግ ህጋዊ ነው።

I really enjoy reading your question just like I enjoy drinking organic Oromo Cow Milk and Organic Oromo Bee Honey and after that go to take bath in Hora Finfinne! :P

To say give my lil private opinion about your why question, I may say that it may be for similar reason that terrorists in Amhara region got trained, oriented and after that invaded the regional government office and cold bloodedly slaughtered several top leadership personalities in BahirDar as well as assassinating the chief of the Ethiopian armed forces and his associate general in Finfinne the beautiful a city where the all curing Hot Spring that cures leprosy and other sicknesses from the classical times to the present keeps healing instead of killing.

We are all together in opposing the current extra-governmental war lords be it in Oromiyya, Tigray, Amhara, etc. regions roaming all over the places because extremists are dangerous to society. Eprp group knows best from their bygone atrocities, terrorism and mass killings! 8)

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by Ethoash » 11 Jul 2020, 20:45

Horus wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 16:20
አመሰግናለሁ ! እዚህ ፎረም ላይ ካሉት በጣም ጥቂት እውነተኛ ኢትዮጵያዊያን አንዱ አንተ ነህ ። እንደ ምታቀው ራስ ጥበቃ አዲስ ሃሳብ አይደለም ፤ እኔ አገር ቤት ሳድግ ማታ ማታ የከብት ዘረፋ (ከበረት) ሲከሰት ቀበሌው ሶስት ወይም አራት አራት ሰዎች በፈረቃ ይጠብቁ ነበር ። አስታውሳለሁ አባቴ ቢያንስ በ3 ሳምንት ወይም በወር ተራ ይደርሰው ነበር ። ይዞት የሚወጣውን ብረትና (ነፍጥ) እና ባትሪ እስከዛሬ ይታየኛል ። የዚህ ዘመን ችግር ሰው ሁሉ ሰነፍ ሆነ። አዲስ አበቤ እያረገ ያለው ይህንኑ ነው ።

OLD timers, we will not go back to your father time .. instead we frog leap to the new technology .. i introduce Freeze Branding Cattle | this method of branding doesn't use fire hence no pain on the cattle ... instead of fire branding freeze branding produce very clear tagging to be see from far..

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by Horus » 11 Jul 2020, 20:54

ይልቅስ አሁን በየሰአቱ ስለመከሰተው የኢትዮጵያ ዳይናሚክስ ላይ አተኩር። በእኔ ግምት ብዙ በዘረፋ የተያዙ የዎያኔ ንብረቶች በመውረስ በኦሮሚያ ለተጠቁት ክሳ የሚከፈል ይመስለኛል ። የዚያ ኢኮኖሚክስ እንዴት ይመስልሃል? !!

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by Ethoash » 11 Jul 2020, 21:34

Horus wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 20:54
ይልቅስ አሁን በየሰአቱ ስለመከሰተው የኢትዮጵያ ዳይናሚክስ ላይ አተኩር። በእኔ ግምት ብዙ በዘረፋ የተያዙ የዎያኔ ንብረቶች በመውረስ በኦሮሚያ ለተጠቁት ክሳ የሚከፈል ይመስለኛል ። የዚያ ኢኮኖሚክስ እንዴት ይመስልሃል? !!
old time you never neared from your duddy Derg, he nationalized other people property... what he doesnt understand is the wealth is not in the asset .. the wealth is in mind of those business people they have drive will power and vision u cant take this way from them even so u took your asset..

i will give u few example so that u can understand in Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe listen to your father Derg and nationalized white people land and give it to black people .. but the black could not make it work because the wealth is not in the land in the mind of white farmers.... yes, the black could have make it if they go thru education first but they eat 100 years of breeding milk cow they just kill them and eat them and the land become unproductive

let me give u one more example for example if i am an artist taking my painting brush doesnt make u an artist, if u take mic from Teddy that doesnt make u singer, if u take book from teacher it doesnt make u a teacher.. etc etc...


let say one Golden want to build high rising building .. that high rising building was not on ground it is in the mind of the Golden.. then in drawing then become reality all those stage pass big testing you must have will power and i can do attitude to see it thru

i am very happy those Golden losing their property.. i love it beyond believe i was advocating for this to happened ... here is my reasoning why in hell they r setting back in Addis Ababa as if nothing happened they should have sold their property and left Addis Ababa and head to Golden state.. even if they could not find buyer borrow money against it and go settled in golden state and tell the bank take your high rising

trust me i want EAL CEO to be dragged out of his office .. because he doesnt want to listen what is happening around him.. any Golden caught in Amhara region or in Ethiopia that is their making ..

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by Selam/ » 11 Jul 2020, 22:05

Kichamam Woyane - It’s very painful to read your lengthy and ugly sentences. More so, the message is incoherent. It goes like this: Our Woyane thugs are way ahead of their times and very visionary in that they poured their high-school intellect, lengthy time and stolen money in Addis Abeba, knowing that they would lose their investments in two decades. You’re a mentally midget piece of sh!t. KIFU!

Libe Woyane - that’s how your sentence look like:

Ethoash wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 21:34
Horus wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 20:54
ይልቅስ አሁን በየሰአቱ ስለመከሰተው የኢትዮጵያ ዳይናሚክስ ላይ አተኩር። በእኔ ግምት ብዙ በዘረፋ የተያዙ የዎያኔ ንብረቶች በመውረስ በኦሮሚያ ለተጠቁት ክሳ የሚከፈል ይመስለኛል ። የዚያ ኢኮኖሚክስ እንዴት ይመስልሃል? !!
old time you never neared from your duddy Derg, he nationalized other people property... what he doesnt understand is the wealth is not in the asset .. the wealth is in mind of those business people they have drive will power and vision u cant take this way from them even so u took your asset..

i will give u few example so that u can understand in Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe listen to your father Derg and nationalized white people land and give it to black people .. but the black could not make it work because the wealth is not in the land in the mind of white farmers.... yes, the black could have make it if they go thru education first but they eat 100 years of breeding milk cow they just kill them and eat them and the land become unproductive

let me give u one more example for example if i am an artist taking my painting brush doesnt make u an artist, if u take mic from Teddy that doesnt make u singer, if u take book from teacher it doesnt make u a teacher.. etc etc...


let say one Golden want to build high rising building .. that high rising building was not on ground it is in the mind of the Golden.. then in drawing then become reality all those stage pass big testing you must have will power and i can do attitude to see it thru

i am very happy those Golden losing their property.. i love it beyond believe i was advocating for this to happened ... here is my reasoning why in hell they r setting back in Addis Ababa as if nothing happened they should have sold their property and left Addis Ababa and head to Golden state.. even if they could not find buyer borrow money against it and go settled in golden state and tell the bank take your high rising

trust me i want EAL CEO to be dragged out of his office .. because he doesnt want to listen what is happening around him.. any Golden caught in Amhara region or in Ethiopia that is their making ..

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by Ethoash » 11 Jul 2020, 22:59

Selam/ wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 22:05
Kichamam Woyane - It’s very painful to read your lengthy and ugly sentences. More so, the message is incoherent. It goes like this: Our Woyane thugs are way ahead of their times and very visionary in that they poured their high-school intellect, lengthy time and stolen money in Addis Abeba, knowing that they would lose their investments in two decades. You’re a mentally midget piece of sh!t. KIFU!

Libe Woyane - that’s how your sentence look like:

u understand my message perfectly.. i was saying the same thing if they r going to invest they should have invest in Golden state.. but they make mistake thinking all Ethiopian are equal and they invested where their investment brining the biggest bang to their investment///// but they should have released their mistake five ten years in advance to move their money...out of Amhara state including Addis Ababa.

nationalizing the golden property is the worst thing Dr. Abiy does.. u know what? his administration when they see what Dr. Abiy to the Golden royal family... they will learn their listen when their time come to loot they will never invest in Addis Ababa or in Ethiopia they just put their money in Swiss bank and one day if the time come they just pack and leave ....

if u dont understand what i am saying since u r a donkey.... only idiot and buda ask where someone got their money as long as they r investing in Ethiopia why in hell asking where they get the money... if one Golden build 1000 room high rise he is not going to live in it he will rent it to Amhara oromo who ever have money so in way he is helping the economy ....u only ask when loot and deposit the money in Swiss bank .. you dont ask even if they loot as long as they invest the looted money in Ethiopia .. otherwise u r telling them to put the looted money in Swiss bank.. this will be repeated after 20 you will say arrest the 7th king ministers for looting the cycle will never broken

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by Selam/ » 12 Jul 2020, 00:29

Kichamam Woyane- You’re still incoherent. You jumped from Ethiopia to Switzerland, skipping the beautiful Tigray. Hallo! Advise the thugs to invest in Mekele rather than drooling over a non-existent Swiss bank account. WORADA! What the thugs left behind is a stolen Ethiopian asset and it will remain as such. Low-life Libe Woyane, don’t do Limalimo hiking to me again. KIFU!

Ethoash wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 22:59
Selam/ wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 22:05
Kichamam Woyane - It’s very painful to read your lengthy and ugly sentences. More so, the message is incoherent. It goes like this: Our Woyane thugs are way ahead of their times and very visionary in that they poured their high-school intellect, lengthy time and stolen money in Addis Abeba, knowing that they would lose their investments in two decades. You’re a mentally midget piece of sh!t. KIFU!

Libe Woyane - that’s how your sentence look like:

u understand my message perfectly.. i was saying the same thing if they r going to invest they should have invest in Golden state.. but they make mistake thinking all Ethiopian are equal and they invested where their investment brining the biggest bang to their investment///// but they should have released their mistake five ten years in advance to move their money...out of Amhara state including Addis Ababa.

nationalizing the golden property is the worst thing Dr. Abiy does.. u know what? his administration when they see what Dr. Abiy to the Golden royal family... they will learn their listen when their time come to loot they will never invest in Addis Ababa or in Ethiopia they just put their money in Swiss bank and one day if the time come they just pack and leave ....

if u dont understand what i am saying since u r a donkey.... only idiot and buda ask where someone got their money as long as they r investing in Ethiopia why in hell asking where they get the money... if one Golden build 1000 room high rise he is not going to live in it he will rent it to Amhara oromo who ever have money so in way he is helping the economy ....u only ask when loot and deposit the money in Swiss bank .. you dont ask even if they loot as long as they invest the looted money in Ethiopia .. otherwise u r telling them to put the looted money in Swiss bank.. this will be repeated after 20 you will say arrest the 7th king ministers for looting the cycle will never broken

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by Horus » 12 Jul 2020, 01:07

In the world of physics, there is what is called Heisenerg's law or the principle of uncertainty. Now it is generally taken to be one of the principle of not only the quanatum world but also of purposeful systems. All purposeful and intentional systems operated under conditions of uncertainty or unpredictability. In socio-cultural systems such as in political systems, it is called the principles of emergence. It simply states that the future is not predicted, rather it is chosen. So, TPLFies couldn't and can't predict the future. The law of emergence has served them the existing reality. Now all they can do is to choose one of the possible worlds present in front of them. It seems that they are not making optimal choices. Managing the law of emergence requires not only resources but intelligence and flexibility. Ibrit and rigidity leads to brittleness and fragility. That is TPLF !!!

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by Ethoash » 12 Jul 2020, 04:37

Horus wrote:
12 Jul 2020, 01:07
In the world of physics, there is what is called Heisenerg's law or the principle of uncertainty. Now it is generally taken to be one of the principle of not only the quanatum world but also of purposeful systems. All purposeful and intentional systems operated under conditions of uncertainty or unpredictability. In socio-cultural systems such as in political systems, it is called the principles of emergence. It simply states that the future is not predicted, rather it is chosen. So, TPLFies couldn't and can't predict the future. The law of emergence has served them the existing reality. Now all they can do is to choose one of the possible worlds present in front of them. It seems that they are not making optimal choices. Managing the law of emergence requires not only resources but intelligence and flexibility. Ibrit and rigidity leads to brittleness and fragility. That is TPLF !!!
here is come another idiot , ur rule of physics doesnt apply on your master Amhara?

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by DefendTheTruth » 12 Jul 2020, 06:14

DefendTheTruth wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 16:52
eden wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 15:48
Horus wrote:
11 Jul 2020, 04:19
በኦሮሞ መንግስት የለም ፣ በቃ !! ሕዝብ እስከ መቼ በውሸት ይኖራል?
You are responsible for this. You support Abiy who has no Oromo support and you attack Merera and others who do have Oromo support. Your type is causing the absence of government. I don't think under Merera, anarchy reigns. I hope you get it. Think critically. Don't allow propaganda brain wash you. It's all about legitmacy. OPDO doesn't have legitmacy, not even by its members. Your best bet to have stable Oromo government is to allow people feel represented.
Your claim doesn't hold slightest weight of water.

Whether it is for Dr. Abiy or Prof. Merera (or anybody else for that matter) the road to power (or if you like public political office) should be by a means of agreed upon (democratic) procedure. I don't think anybody has agreed so far on a means of violent removal of those in power and replace them to just come back latter and remove the same again by the same old means of violence. We had already more than of our share of that stuff, now it should be told enough is enough. You get it? I doubt.

You can remove and replace those in power by a means of democratic procedure. Else we will be held hostage to the same old vicious cycle of violence and its accompanying phenomena of perpetual misery. But why do you wish us that?

Prof Merera has alread indicated that the issue at stake is just about having a power share, in one of the videos you yourself posted about him a couple of weeks back in here. I don't have any problem with sharing the power but the procedure to that itself is also associated with a big deficiency. In Ethiopia we have a party politics and the power of ruling over the country emanates from that of a political party, as i understand it.

If the party in power may have to (willing to) offer a share to power to Prof. Merera or someone else, then the party has to remove its own adherents (members) to vacate the position before that. This will definitely be a destabilizing factor by itself, and not good for the stability of the country at the end. Because, simply put, the party will be weakened, as a consequence of of this mechanism.

Weaken one's own party, which is in power, and try to hope to stabilize the country? how does that work? Are you ready to lecture us on that?

I listened to Prof. Merera's views in the said video and the core issue of his message was that "we should get a share in power", if you think there is something else in it, then come back and lecture me please.


still waiting, hope you are not gone asleep here suddenly.

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Re: ራስ ጥበቃ በፈረቃ፤ የጄኖሳይድ አርማጌዶን በኢትዮጵያ

Post by Selam/ » 12 Jul 2020, 07:17

Kichamam Woyane - First, it’s called “laws” of physics, not rule. Obviously, your dysfunctional brain and psychological traits circle only around the political word “ruler”. Nothing less, nothing more. Other than that, I give it to you that the laws of physics don’t apply to Woyanes because they are governed by the laws of animals, which says “trust only your companion primates.” KIFU!
Ethoash wrote:
12 Jul 2020, 04:37
Horus wrote:
12 Jul 2020, 01:07
In the world of physics, there is what is called Heisenerg's law or the principle of uncertainty. Now it is generally taken to be one of the principle of not only the quanatum world but also of purposeful systems. All purposeful and intentional systems operated under conditions of uncertainty or unpredictability. In socio-cultural systems such as in political systems, it is called the principles of emergence. It simply states that the future is not predicted, rather it is chosen. So, TPLFies couldn't and can't predict the future. The law of emergence has served them the existing reality. Now all they can do is to choose one of the possible worlds present in front of them. It seems that they are not making optimal choices. Managing the law of emergence requires not only resources but intelligence and flexibility. Ibrit and rigidity leads to brittleness and fragility. That is TPLF !!!
here is come another idiot , ur rule of physics doesnt apply on your master Amhara?

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