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የዘር ፋሺስቶች ድራማ እና ፍጻሜው

Post by Horus » 04 Jul 2020, 02:52

ጠ/ሚ አቢይ አህመድ ለምንድን ነው ያ5ኛው ረድፍ መፈንቅለ መንግስት ሙከራ 'ድራማ' እና 'ትርዒት' ብሎ ፍሬም ያረገው?

ድራማ የግሪክ ቃል ሲሆን የግዕዙ ድርጊት እና ትርዒት የሚሉት ቃላት የሚነሱበት ስር ነው። ትርጉሙም ማድረግ (ድርጊት) ወይም በተግባር፣ በስራ፣ በድርጊት ምሳየት ወይም ትዕይንት፣ ትርዒት ማለት ነው። ግን አንድ ድራማን ድራማ የሚያሰኘው ምንድን ነው?

ከዚህ በታች እንደ ምታዩት አንድ ድራማቲክ ወይም ድራማቱርጂካል ድርጊት በውስጡ ፍርሃት (ትልቅ ፍርሃት) መኖር አለበት ። ያም ፍርሃት ወይም ወደ እፎይታ ወይም ወደ ሰቃይና ሰቆቃ መሸጋገር አለበት ። ይህ ነው አንድን ስራ፣ ተግባር ወይም ትወና ድራማ፣ ድራማቲክ ፣ ድራማቱርጂካል የሚያሰኘው ።

አቢይ አህመድ ቲያትር እንደ ሚወድ እናቃለን ። ይህን ቃል ዛሬ የተጠቀመው በዚህ መልክ ከሆነ እጅግ የሚያስገርም ነው ። ማለትም የሆነው ነገር በትክክል ድራማቲክ እና የድራማን ዴፊኒሽን ስላዘለ ነው ።

ባንድ ቃል ያ5ኛው ረድፍ ተዋንያን ትልቅ ፍርሃት ፣ ግዙፍ ጭንቀት ፈጠሩ ፤ የድራማው ፍጻሜ (ኤንዲንግ) እነሱ በሰቆቃ ፣ አገሪቱ በእፎይታ ተደመደመ !

"Most people’s lives (at least ordinary lives like mine, and most people I know), aren’t particularly dramatic, let alone cinematic. Take my encounter with the obnoxious camp site manager. We had an exchange of words, he pedantically tried to make me wait until his lunch hour was over before opening the gate and letting me drive out. We had something of a stand-off, in which I managed to stay calm because he was behaving like an indignant toddler, and then… yawn. It fizzled out, like most real-life encounters do. The worst that could have happened, was that I would have had to wait. But what if he had had my passport locked in his safe? Or what if he had been brandishing a knife? Or what if we were the only family there and the site were on an island? Or what if he had one of my kids locked in his house? Everyone experiences big emotions at some point in their life, and there’s a well-known list of 20 most stressful life events to prove it. However, for an emotional experience to become an dramatic premise, the character has to be forced to choose between losing something important to them or taking some sort of risk. In real life, most people will avoid taking risks if at all possible. In drama, the audience is engaged by the character’s decision to take the risk that they, the audience, would avoid at all cost, whether it makes them cringe, cry, laugh or shiver.

A Dramatic Event Isn’t A Screenplay
So, my experience reminded me that as a screenwriter, I need to be aware which sense of ‘dramatic’ applies to an idea for a story. When the news media refer to an incident as dramatic, they mean it’s fraught with emotion (usually fear of one sort or another, followed by relief or grief). But when you refer to a story idea as dramatic, you mean it’s constructed deliberately in a way that creates tension, poses a dramatic question, and makes you want to know what happens next. The bad news is that it takes a lot of hard graft to turn a real-life event into a workable premise for a screenplay. Which you then still have to write. The good news, though, is that you are surrounded by a potentially endless supply of events and characters, each of which could be the seed of a wonderful new story idea."

(source: ... drama.html)