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Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by Zmeselo » 11 Jun 2020, 17:54


ኣየ Axum Referral hospital ... ሰይ ኮቲ!

ኣንሶላ ተወንዚፍካስ: በለስ "ዓርበ ረቡዕ" እዩ ዝቕረፍ እምበር COVID-19!?

በትግራይ የህክምና ባለሞያዎች: ኮሮናን እንዲህ አንሶላ በመልበስ እየተከላከሉ ነው!!

ህወሓት: ለፌዴራል ኃይሎች ስብሰባ ብቻ በጠቅላላ 300 ሚልዮን ብር አውጥታለች!!

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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by Zmeselo » 11 Jun 2020, 18:00

So the criminal TPLF is still complaining, even after the parliament allows it to stay ruling Tigray until further notice. Why are they complaining? Because they want Federal power, not ruling an insignificant dusty ክልል that is full of illiterate and destitute people ... Do they still know they are responsible for the current political, economic, and social conditions in Tigray?

(C/o Abraha Desta - ዓረና ትግራይ)

የፌደሬሽን ምክርቤት ምርጫ እስኪካሄድ ድረስ ሁለቱም (የፌደራልና የክልል) መንግስታት ባሉበት እንዲቀጥሉ ወስኗል። ስለዚህ ህወሓት የትግራይ ክልል መንግስት ስልጣን ይዞ ይቀጥላል ማለት ነው። ውሳኔውን ግን አልተቀበለም። ለምን?

በክልል ስልጣንህ ቀጥል እየተባለ ካልተዋጠለት ህወሓት አንድም የክልል ስልጣን አልፈለገም አልያም ደግሞ የሚፈልገው ስልጣን የትግራይ ክልል ሳይሆን የፌደራል ስልጣን ነው ማለት ነው።

የክልል ስልጣን አለመፈለግ አካኪ ዘራፍ አያስብልም፤ ምክንያቱም ካልፈለገ በገዛ ፍቃድ መልቀቅ ይቻላልኮ።

ስለዚህ የህወሓት ፍላጎት የክልል ሳይሆን የፌደራል ስልጣን ነው። እንደገና ሊመለስ!? ዘይገርም ነገር!

ብሄርብሄረሶች በህወሓት ፍቅር እየተቃጠሉ ነው
ብሎ የሚያምን ድርጅት ዳግም የፌደራል ስልጣን ቢመኝ አይገርምም!

abel qael
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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by abel qael » 11 Jun 2020, 18:01

kintarotam hamasenay ho'mo, the entire world for booshti curseda hamasenays revolves around Tigray, the entire 7 million wesfatam ho'mo tribe is obsessed about tIgray specially in the last 2 years after oromara freaks dug out the hopeless hamasenay ho'mos fom their graves. but trust me you are going back to your graves sooner than later, tigray is still as powerful.

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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by Zmeselo » 11 Jun 2020, 18:04

Jawar Mohammed:
Yesterday the HoF approved the 'recommendation' by CCI that extended term of government for as long as COVID-19 is round. Who decides that? First the World Health Organizations have to announce COVID-19 does not pose threat any more.

Then the Ethiopian Parliament, a body totally controlled by the ruling party has to agree with the health organization. And only then election should be held 9 months to a year later. In other words, the regime has extended its term of office indefinitely.

We are not surprised as we knew where they were heading from the outset. Now we are seeing some experts who participated the sham show put on by CCI expressing disappointment in the decision.

I think they assumed the decision to extend term of office was purely to deal with Covid and hence they had hoped that opposition would have at least consultative role. They were duped.

What they missed was that the ruling party was already facing sure loss in the polls had the election took place in August as scheduled. So Covid is just a divine intervention ( Prof Merera's expression) that came at the time they needed it the most.

So they exploited this divine intervention to do what they always wanted, stay in power as long as possible. Because they know, if election is held, even if they try to rig it, they will be done!

So the experts, knowingly or otherwise, extended helping hand to legitimize the desire and decision of the ruling party.

Will this exploitation of the divine intervention help the regime consolidate and remain in power as they wish to do? I have a feeling it won't. It could actually backfire. One would hope this could help as lesson for the experts.
ስምዑ! ስምዑኒ! ኣነ ጀዋር ይበሃል። ሳይንቲስቲ'የ። እዛ ስልጣን እንተ ዘይህብኪሙኒ ወይለኹም። ምስ ወያነ ወጊነ ከዕገርግር'የ። ከቃትል'የ። ወይ ድማ ክሕነቕ'የ! ሕሰብሉ። ገለ ግበሩ bla bla bla

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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by Zmeselo » 11 Jun 2020, 18:06

As entertainment! :lol:

ደሪፊ ሎምቅነ ካብ መቐለ፡

ዋይ ኣነ ወያነ ወዲኒ
ማርሻ እንዴትሮ ዶ ዝምለስ መሲሉኒ
በጃኹም ሻዕውያ ናብ ኣዲስ ምለሱኒ
'ቲ ሺሻይ ሃብቲ እዩ ኣጋግዩኒ
መሲሉኒ ዶ ኣመሪካ እንግሊዝ ዝጠልሙኒ
ማሕዩር መቐለ ሕጅስ ነዊሕኒ!

abel qael wrote:
11 Jun 2020, 18:01
kintarotam hamasenay ho'mo, the entire world for booshti curseda hamasenays revolves around Tigray, the entire 7 million [deleted] ho'mo tribe is obsessed about tIgray specially in the last 2 years after oromara freaks dug out the hopeless hamasenay ho'mos fom their graves. but trust me you are going back to your graves sooner than later, tigray is still as powerful.

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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by Noble Amhara » 11 Jun 2020, 18:07

The ignoble Axumite empire collapsed in 700 AD the Zagwe Dynasty didn’t even rule Ethiopia it was a tiny kingdom in Lalibela

and the Ethiopia that resurrected in 1270 by Yekuno Amlak of Amhara who gave birth to Ethiopia’s Nationalism, Ethiopia then collapsed into warlord factions in 1769 to 1855 When Ethiopian Amhara Activist Atse Tewodros began to unite all Habeshas except the rivaling Agames who carried the British to Mekdela in 1880 to assassinate him. Modern Ethiopia was born and carried by Shewan Amharic Activist Menelik II who continued the Solomonic Dynasty all the way to Recent 1975 due to the European Infiltration (((Communism)))

The Amhara Solomonic Dynasty Built Addis Ababa, Nazret Dire Dawa. from scratch I enjoyed the old Addis more then today’s Addis a concrete jungle that is overcrowded

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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by Zmeselo » 11 Jun 2020, 18:13

Ethiopian- Erta:
It is a noble thing postponing the election for a year. A year from now the filling GERD is behind us and it’s politics. The vivid-19 is also would be managed better using either medication or adaptation. The general public sentiment on postponing the election is positive, indicating prime minster Dr. Abyi as the country leaders has been accepted regardless either he is elected as prime minister, president or he chooses es to be a dictator. Abyi has won the Ethiopian people trust to lead the country in as by form leadership style. This is also an indication how past elections have been accepted by the General public, Abyi being a better person than a non working democracy that rewards officials for loyalty than competence
The politics dimension of Abyi being trusted by public is giving his leadership to dismantle ethnic politics, to go with land reform and to ahead and start confederation with Eritrea!!!
Eritrean- Alex, response:

You can shove your confederation [deleted] into your [deleted], history shows that all confederations transition into federations as seen in the US, Swiss, Germany, so don't even try to put us into that trap, We can do business as two sovereign countries the same way you do business with other neighbouring countries, so I don't understand why you even mentioning this confederation crap, by the way why are you on this site, I have seen the crap things you write about Eritrea on other sites like tigrai online, who in their right minds is gonna trust you after what you did in 1962? And all the wars & misery you inflicted on us, I got a suggestion for you, make a confederation among yourselves in ethiopia's nine kilils, and may be then you'll have peace within yourselves & your immediate neighbours like ERITREA.
Eritrean- Seare:
Well said Alex!
If it were possible we would have carried our beloved country far away from your country Mr Erta! Any political association with your country would be like "Tehatsibka ab chika"; roughly translated rolling on dirt after taking a shower!
Eritrean- lalmba:
What is wrong with some Ethiopians? When are they going to stop this nonsensical dream of theirs of not willing to accept Eritrean sovereign right to remain nothing short of complete political independence? Cooperation is one thing, but federation/confederation has been dead and burried since the day the Eritrean people reaffirmed legally their long held wish on April 24, 1993!

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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by Zmeselo » 11 Jun 2020, 18:18

የሔርማን ኮሄን አማራጭ የኢሳያስ አፈወርቂ አቋም እና የስብሃት ነጋ ትርክት (ግንቦት 1983)

በ1985 መገባደጃ አካባቢ የቢቢሲ ጣቢያ “ውስብስብ ድርድሮች” ብሎ ካቀረባቸው ቃለምልልሶች አንዱ ከአሜሪካው ከፍተኛ አደራዳሪ ከሔርማን ኮሄን ጋር ያደረገው ይገኝበታል፡፡ ኮሄን ስለ ግንቦት 1983ቱ የለንደኑ ድርድር ከሰጡት ትንታኔዎች መካከል አንዱን አልረሳውም፡፡

እንዲህ ነበር ያሉት
ኢሳያስን ‘አሁን ጦርነቱ አልቋል፤ እናንተም ተባብራችሁ ከሳሃራ በታች የአፍሪካ አምባገነኑን መንግስት ማስወገድ ችላችኋል፤ አሁን ኤርትራም ስጋት የለባትም፡፡ ስለዚህ አንተ የምትመራው የኢትዮጵያ ጥምር መንግስት ብታቋቁሙ እና ሪፈረንደሙን ለአንድ አምስት አመት ብታዘገዩትስ? ከዛ ደግሞ አይታችሁት እንደሁኔታው ብትሄዱበት’
ብዬ ጠየኩት፤ እሱም የሰጠኝ መልስ ቁርጥ ያለ ነበር፤
እኔ የተዋጋሁት ኤርትራን ነጻ ለማውጣት እንጂ የኢትዮጵያ መሪ ለመሆን አይደለም፤ ያን ካደረኩ የ30 አመታቱን ትግላችንን በዜሮ ያባዛዋል፤ ይቅርታ ሚ/ር ኮሄን፤’ ነበር ያለኝ፡፡
አስገራሚው ቃለምልልስ ሆኖ ነበር ያገኘሁት፤

ሰሞኑን አቶ ስብሃት ነጋ
ኢሳያስ የኢትዮጵያ ፕሬዚደንት ካደረጋችሁኝ የኤርትራን መገንጠል አስቀረዋለሁ፤
አሉና አስገረሙኝ፡፡

በኔ አስተያየት ኤርትራውያን ለ30 ኣመታት ተዋግተው ያገኙትን ነጻነት ራስን ከማስተዳደር ውጪ የሚክሳቸው ነገር የነበረ አይመስለኝም፤

የኢሳያስ አፈወርቂ አቋም ወጥ ነው፤ በኔ በኩል ከስብሃት ነጋ ይልቅ ሔርማን ኮሄንን ማመን ይቀለኛል፡፡ ምክንያቱም ያለምንም የፖለቲካ ስሌት የሰጡት ምስክርነት ነው፡፡ ከአብይ መንግስት መፈጠር በኋላ ግን አቶ ስብሃትንና የትግል ጓዶቻቸውን አስተያየቶችን በተለይም ፕሬዚዳንት ኢሳያስን አስመልክቶ የሚሰጧቸውን አስተያየቶች ማመን ከባድ እየሆነብን ነው፡፡

(Courtesy of Ohad Benami - ኦሃድ ቤንዓሚ)

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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by Follower » 11 Jun 2020, 18:22

Noble Amhara wrote:
11 Jun 2020, 18:07
The ignoble Axumite empire collapsed in 700 AD the Zagwe Dynasty didn’t even rule Ethiopia it was a tiny kingdom in Lalibela

and the Ethiopia that resurrected in 1270 by Yekuno Amlak of Amhara who gave birth to Ethiopia’s Nationalism, Ethiopia then collapsed into warlord factions in 1769 to 1855 When Ethiopian Amhara Activist Atse Tewodros began to unite all Habeshas except the rivaling Agames who carried the British to Mekdela in 1880 to assassinate him. Modern Ethiopia was born and carried by Shewan Amharic Activist Menelik II who continued the Solomonic Dynasty all the way to Recent 1975 due to the European Infiltration (((Communism)))

The Amhara Solomonic Dynasty Built Addis Ababa, Nazret Dire Dawa. from scratch I enjoyed the old Addis more then today’s Addis a concrete jungle that is overcrowded
ደግነት(ሰይጣንነት)ነህ ወይስ ዘመዱ ነህ?የ ወተት ዝ፨፨፨

abel qael
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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by abel qael » 11 Jun 2020, 18:29

ignobleamharay kintarotam terewaee hamasenay of campolpolo, in 7th century Axumite Empire was thriving and powerful, Axumite Empire declined after 11th century's Emperor Ambesawedom's successor, Dil Naod. Get your facts together, you wahaxit zoboy chenawit afa tra'nny of campopolo; why do Hamasenay Ho'mos try to lie about the history that does not even affect them.? I wonder how deep the inferiority of Hamasenay ho'mos is.

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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by pushkin » 11 Jun 2020, 18:40

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Re: Killil Tgray: the killil for clowns!

Post by Zmeselo » 11 Jun 2020, 19:47

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