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Another nail, in the wey-ane coffin!

Post by Zmeselo » 10 Jun 2020, 15:54

Ethiopian PM’s term extended as election delayed for virus



ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Ethiopia’s prime minister faces an extra year or more in office after lawmakers voted Wednesday to extend their mandates and hold the national election nine to 12 months after health authorities determine it’s safe.

Some in the opposition have objected to delaying the vote for the coronavirus as no one knows when the pandemic will end or whether the government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed will seek further postponements.

Wednesday’s decision is necessary
as long as COVID-19 continues to pose a health risk,
the Ethiopian News Agency quoted lawmakers with the upper house of parliament as saying.

They approved the recommendation of the Constitutional Inquiry Committee that had sought a solution as mandates were set to end in October. The vote had been scheduled for August.

Ethiopia’s election will be the first chance for Africa’s second most populous country to weigh in on Abiy’s dramatic political reforms since he took office in 2018. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last year but has faced growing intercommunal violence, demands by some ethnic groups or regions for more autonomy and allegations of new abuses by security forces.

The election delay is expected to cause more friction with a more outspoken opposition.

Ethiopia’s electoral board already has said it can’t register voters because of the pandemic.

The country as of Wednesday had more than 2,300 COVID-19 cases.
Last edited by Zmeselo on 10 Jun 2020, 16:56, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Another nail, in the wey-ane coffin!

Post by Zmeselo » 10 Jun 2020, 15:58

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Re: Another nail, in the wey-ane coffin!

Post by Zmeselo » 10 Jun 2020, 16:58

ጸገም ወያነ፡

By: Raee

- ዓቕማ ኣይትፈልጥን
- ኣብ "ትማሊ" እያ ትነብር
- ዓቕሚ ካለኦት ኣይትመዝንን እያ
- ብምድንጋር ንኹሉ ግዜ ትነብር'ዩ ዝመስላ
- ኣብ ሓቂን ሓሶት ዘሎ ፍልልይ ኣትፈልጦን
- ንሓቂ ክትገጥም ትብዓት የብላን
- "በትሪ ሓቂ ትቐጥን'ምበር ኣይትስበርን" ትርጉማ ኣይትፈልጣን'ያ
- ዘይናትካ ምውሳድ ለካሚኻ ምዃኑ'ውን ኣይትግንዘብን
- ኣብ ሕግን ፈትሕን ኣፍልጦ የብላን
- ምኽዳም መተካእታ ዓቕማ ገራ ትወስዶ
- ምልማን ባህላ'ዩ
- ሓሶትን ምድንጋርን ሕላገታ/መለለይኣ እዩ
- ትዕቢተኛ፣ መን ከማይ ባሃሊት'ያ
- ዘይንስኻ ምምሳል ትፈቱ
- ምቕዳሕ ዘይናትካ ኣየሕፍራን
- ምልዕዓል/ስርቂ ኣመላ'ዩ
- ከይብሉኒ ኣይትፈልጣን እያ
- ቂመኛ እያ
- ርሕቐት ኣፍንጭኣ ኣይትርእን እያ
- ብናይ ካለኦት ስቓይ ክትምዕጉር ትሕልን
- ልዕሊ ዓቕማ ትመጣጠር
- ክውንነት/ኣብ ባይታ ዘሎ ትኽሕድ
- ተሞክሮ ዘይምህራ ግብዝ እያ
- ዓቕሚ ህዝቢ ትንዕቕ
- ኣብ ውልቀ ሰባት ተምልኽ
- ብነብሰ ምትሓትት ትሳቐ
- ወዘተ ወዘት ወዘተ ... ዝጎደለ እንተሎ መልእሉ


ብልጽግና ክምረጽ ዲዩ ኣይምረጽን ድሕሪ 3 ዓመት የራኽበና!

ኢትዮጵያ፡ ነዘን ዝስዕባ ኣስታት 3 ዓመታት ብኣብይ ኣሕመድ ዝምራሕ ብልጽግና ፓርቲ እናተመርሐት ክትቕጽል ኢያ። ምናልባት ንዓመታ ክታበት ኮሮና ተረኺቡ፡ ሕዝቢ ክታበት ክሳብ ዝወስድ ድማ ሓደ ዓመት'ውን ክወስድ ይኽእል ኢዩ። ክታበት ተዋሂቡ መኸተምታ ኮሮና ምስ ተረጋገጸ፡ ድሕሪ ሓደ ዓመት ድማ ምርጫ ክካየድ ኢዩ። ስለዚ ብኣብይ ኣሕመድ ዝምራሕ ብልጽግና ክምረጽ ዲዩ ኣይምረጽን ድሕሪ ሰለስተ ዓመት የራኽበና።

(C/o Eri Pic)
Last edited by Zmeselo on 10 Jun 2020, 17:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Another nail, in the wey-ane coffin!

Post by Zmeselo » 10 Jun 2020, 17:00

የኦሮሚያ ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ጃዋር መሀመድን ማስጠንቀቁ ተገለፀ፡፡

(ESAT) - የኦሮሚያ ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ጃዋር መሀመድ የክልልሉን ሰላም እና መረጋጋት ለማደፍረስ በተለያዩ የማህበራዊ ድህረ-ገፆች ከሚለጥፋቸው የተዛቡ መረጃዎች እንዲታቀብ በማስጠንቀቅ እስከአሁንም በለቀቃቸው ከእውነታ የራቁ መረጃዎች በህግ የሚጠየቅ መሆኑን አስታውቋል፡፡

ፖሊስ ኮሚሽኑ በትናንትናው እለት ሰኔ2/2012 ዓ.ም ባወጣው መግለጫ የኦሮሚያ ፖሊስ ወንጀልን ከመከላከል፣ የክልልሉን ሰላም እና ፀጥታ ከማስከበር እንዲሁም ህግ እና ስርዓትን ከማስከበር የዘለለ ተግባር የለውም ብሏል፡፡

በዚህም መሠረት ከመቼውም ጊዜ በላቀ ሁኔታ ልዩ ኃይሉን በማደራጀት የሕዝቡን ሰላም እና የክልልሉን ፀጥታ በማስጠበቅ ላይ ይገኛል ብሏል፡፡

ይሁን እንጂ ይህንን የክልልሉን ሰላም እና መረጋጋት የማይሹ አንዳንድ ግለሰቦች እና ቡድኖች የህዝብ መከታ የሆነውን ኃይክ ሥም በማጠልሸት የፖለቲካ መጠቀሚያ በማድለግ ላይ እንደሚገኙ ለማረጋገጥ መቻሉንም ኮሚሽኑ ጠቁሟል፡፡

በዚህም መሰረት ከአሁን በኋላ ማንኛውም ግለሰብ ወይንም ቡድን የኦርሚያ ልዩ ኃይልን መልካም ስም እና ዝና ዝና እንዲያጎድፍ እንዲሁም ለፖለቲካ ትርፍ እንዲጠቀምበት አንፈቅድም ብሏል ኮሚሽኑ፡፡

ከዲንሾ ጋር ተያይዞ የሚሰራጨው ተራ አሉባልታም ሊገታ ይገባዋል ያለው ኮሚሽኑ መነሻው የግለሰቦች ፀብ ሲሆን ጉዳዩ በህግ ተይዞ በመጣራት ላይ ይገኛል ብሏል፡፡

ቢሆንም ግን እውነታው ይህ ሆኖ ሳለ አንዳንድ ግለሰቦች በተለይም ጃዋር መሀመድ በፌስ ቡክ ገፁ ላይ የተዛባ መረጃን በመለጠፍ ብዙዎችን የማሳሳት ተግባሩን የቀጠለ ሲሆን በእንግሊዘኛ የለጠፈውን እንዲሁም ሌሎች ተጨባጭ መረጃዎችን በማያያዝ በህግ አግባብ የምንጠይቅ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን ማለቱን ከፖሊስ ኮሚሽኑ ያገኘነው መረጃ መነሻ አድርጎ የዘገበው አዲስ ማለዳ ጋዜጣ ነው፡፡

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Re: Another nail, in the wey-ane coffin!

Post by Zmeselo » 10 Jun 2020, 19:20

June 6 in the History of Eritrea

On June 6, 1991, agreement between Provisional gov of Eritrea & Transitional gov of Ethiopia, to make the port of Assab available for unrestricted Ethiopian use was announced.

During the Addis Ababa Peace & Reconciliation Conference from July 1-5, 1991, the EPLF announced Assab port will be available as a free port for Ethiopia. This was formalized in Transit & Port Services Agreement on between Eritrea & Ethiopia on Sept. 27, 1993.

Art. 4 of the Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation between Eritrea & Ethiopia signed in July 1993 called on the gradual elimination of all trade barriers & the harmonization of customs policies, as well as the use by Ethiopia of Assab & Massawa as free ports.

The Ethiopian Shipping Lines handled its own cargo, paying the Eritrean authorities in Birr, for consignment fees it received in foreign currency. The Agreements allowed Ethiopia the use of the port of Massawa for its northern regions at negligible transit charge of only 1.5%.

In Assab, the rate of employment for Ethiopians was high. Ethiopia was privileged to open four schools, operating under its own curriculum. No embarkation or other charges were levied on Ethiopian trucks, running to and from Massawa and Assab.

After the border dispute, on May 12, 1998, Ethiopia’s national shipping line instructed its vessels in Eritrean ports to leave port without unloading & carriers bound for Eritrean ports carrying goods bound for Ethiopia not to call at Eritrean ports, but to unload at the port of Djibouti.

At the Claims of Commission Ethiopia claimed that Eritrea expropriated property included 135,000 tons of dry cargo, aid shipments of 81,000 tons and 1,400 new vehicles, as well as 33 million liters of fuel worth US$117 million at Eritrean ports (principally Assab).

The Claims Comm. decided that Ethiopia failed to prove a taking of property in violation of customary international law during the relevant period & the record does not establish that Eritrea acted in an unreasonable or unlawful fashion, in relation to the property claimed.

The Comm. also ruled that, in the course of such a conflict, it was lawful for Eritrea to terminate Ethio’s access to the port of Assab & the mov't of Eth. cargo from Assab to Eth., notwithstanding any prior peacetime agreements or understandings regarding access to Eritrean ports.

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