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Warning to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed-What Fellowship can Light have with Darkness?

Post by Axumezana » 09 Jun 2020, 01:21

Warning to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed-What Fellowship can Light have
with Darkness?

Ermias Hailu

Your Excellency PM Abiy Ahmed,

Your recent speech, which unfortunately that remembered me President
Mengistu’s speech during my youth, on the challenges Ethiopia is facing
regarding extending the election schedule has provoked me to share to you the
following history:
The 16th century Ethiopia (Abyssinia) faced the most formidable threat of its
survival from a protracted war that was ignited by Grange Ahmad. Grange
Ahmad who came from the present-day eastern part of Ethiopia (Harar)
invaded the southern, central and northern Ethiopia to advance his mission of
conquering, Islamizing and ruling Ethiopia by force. He almost succeeded to
control and rule Ethiopia, except he was not able to completely capture or kill
the then King. However, he was able to loot and burn so many churches,
convert large part of the population to Islam and divide and rule Ethiopia for
about 14 years. In the most heroic demonstration of their faith, priests and
monks were throwing themselves into the fire of burning churches and
monasteries, which were torched by Grange Ahmad troops, to avoid forced
conversion to Islam.
One Ethiopian regional ruler that played a major role in defeating Grange
Ahmad was Bahre Negash Yeshak that was ruling the partial part of the
present-day Eritrea and part of Tigray. He was the one who led the 400 ‘modern
rifles armed’ Portuguese soldiers all the way to Debre Damo (Tigray) from
Massawa to join them with Ethiopian army. To cut the long history short, after
a number of battles between the Ethiopian /Portuguese joint army and Grange
Ahmad’s army, it was one of the Portuguese soldiers who fatally wounded
Grange Ahmad and reversed the course of the war. Bahre Negash Yeshak and
his army were also participated in that crucial war.
After the end of the war between the dynasty of Ethiopia and the leaders of
Harar Emirates, the central government of Ethiopia became very weak and
faced power struggle among various rivals including the expansion of Oromos.
During this time, Bahre Negash Yeshak decided to revolt against the
government of Ethiopia and started to conspire against the Emperor of that
time (Emperor Minas) with the objective of replacing him with a puppet king.
As part of the plan, Bahre Negash Yeshak established joint front with rivals of
Emperor Minas from Showa and tried to kill the King through sabotage or
direct war but without success. Bahre Negash knowing his plot to establish a
puppet king was not successful, decided to be King of Ethiopia for himself by
building superior military force. To that effect, he made an agreement with the
Turkish authorities, who were occupying Massawa, and with Jesuit
missionaries. As part of the deal, he gave the Turkish the land between
Massawa and Debarwa and he also promised to the Jesuit’s that he will be
converted to Catholic once he got their military support. Consequently, he
claimed Fasil (a rival from Showa to King Minas) is the legitimate heir of the
throne and promised to put him on the throne. However, both Bahre Negash
Yeshak and the Turkish army were defeated by Emperor Minas on April 20,
1562 and Bahre Negash was forced to escape and live in Debarwa which was
already under the territory of the Turkish. For unknown reasons, Emperor
Minas failed to capture or kill Bahre Negash Yeshak and returned to Showa and
died in 1563, due to malaria infection. After the death of Emperor Minas, the
struggle among prospective rivals to replace him was further intensified but
ultimately his 13 years old son Serse Dengel replaced him. The new King was
visionary, very wise political and military strategist and was able to defend
Ethiopia both internally and externally except the threat from Bahre Negash
who at that time had established joint front with Turkish, Emirates of Harar as
well as internal rivals of the King. Bahre Negash relentlessly worked for 15
years to corner and subdue King Serse Dengel but without success. In the year
1577 Serse Dengel defeated the South front of Bahre Negash by defeating
Mohammed IV of Emirates of Harar.
After repeated unsuccessful diplomatic efforts to bring Bahre Negash Yeshak to
peace, Emperor Serse Dengel with the support of some novelties of Tigray,
defeated both Bahre Negash and Turkish army in November 1578 in a place
called Adi Koro. In that war both then arch enemies of central government of
Ethiopia, Bahre Negash Yeshak and his ally the Turkish Pasha were killed and
Emperor Serse Dengel marched all the way to Debarwa (which was the capital
city of Bahre Negash and the Turkish) without any resistance.
The reason I tried to outline the above brief history of 16th century is because I
found it to be a mirror image of the Ethiopia of the 21st century. Just replace
Bahre Negash Yehsak with President Isaias and Debarwa with Asmara and the
region that was administered by Bahre Negash with Eritrea. Replace Turkish
with Egypt and Emirates of Harar with Al-Shabaab of Somalia. With minor
changes in geographical location and geopolitical structure, the historical
destabilizing actors of Ethiopia have been one and the same despite who is
governing it.
It is a well-known fact that the objective of President Isaias when he started the
1998-2000 war with Ethiopia was not for a piece of land in Badme or other
villages along the Ethio-Eritrea border but to subdue TPLF/EPRDF and make
it to be a puppet government so that Eritrea would be the dominant political,
military and economic power in the Horn of Africa. Incase EPRDF was not
willing to be subdued president Isaias’s plan was to destroy EPRDF and
restructure the Horn of Africa (at least Eritrea and Ethiopia) and rule it directly
or indirectly. When PM Meles (junior to President Isaias) got the attention of
the world superpowers (due to Ethiopia’s historical and geopolitical position in
the world), President Isaias was burning with jealousy and regretted his
decision to go only with Eritrea and leaving the remaining Ethiopia for
TPLF/EPRDF. When he started the surprise invasion of Ethiopia by
capturing Badme, he was very ready to defeat EPRDF but failed to speedily
advance to Tigray and other parts of Ethiopia (God gave EPRDF two weeks
breathing time that enabled it to mobilize its militia and regular forces). The
gallant Ethiopian militia (with no current training) and the regular army were
able to stop President Isaias’s invading army at a very costly price (price paid
for EPRDF’s failure to anticipate threats from Eritrea timely and made
proactive preparation). Ultimately after two years of bloody war, that you were
also a participant, Ethiopia defeated the army of President Isaias at heavy cost
but failed to break its back bone and eliminate the threat once and for all (this
was by the decision of PM Meles may be under the pressure of the super
powers). What a missed opportunity? As outlined above same mistake was
committed by Emperor Minas 458 years ago. Spiritually speaking both Bahre
Negash Yeshak and President Isaias are driven or instigated by the same spirit which is
still active until today.
Over the last 20 years (after the end of the war) president Isaias has been
implementing the destabilization strategy of Egypt and was hyper busy
supporting, coordinating, funding and leading any anti TPLF/ EPRDF
elements like ESAT, GINBOT7, TPDM, OLF, Al-Shabaab etc. Until two years
ago, Eritrea was the central command post of Dr. Berhanu and his allies who
have instigated ethnic based conflict in Ethiopia, primarily the persecution,
robbery and killing of innocent Tigrayans that history will remember forever.
Your excellency PM Abiy Ahmed, over the last two years President Isaias, the unrepentant dictator who has multitude blood of innocent Eritreans and Ethiopians in his hand" has established a tactical personal relationship with you ( he had similar
unprincipled relationship with PM Meles about 30 years ago, until he back
stabbed him in May 1998) and he has continued interfering into the internal
affairs of Ethiopia with the objective of restructuring the political order of
Ethiopia to serve his evil purpose. Without any doubt, the main root cause for the
ever-widening divergence of outlook, mistrust and the tense relationship between you
and the TPLF leadership is related to your unprincipled relationship with President
Leveraging on the relationship with you the following are what President Isaias
plans to accomplish:
- Continue to add fuel to the already tense relationship between you, TPLF
and other parties and destabilize Ethiopia to be an easy prey for Egypt
- Destroy TPLF by using the army of Ethiopia against TPLF (your current
warning to TPLF in relation to the election issue is in line to President
Isaias wish)
- Once TPLF is eliminated President Isaias is going to try to make you his
puppet and he will come against you if you do not comply to his
instructions (exactly what he tried to do with PM Meles). A

However, I would like you to know that President Isaias time, on the
Spiritual Realm, is over and you will witness his demise very soon. The time
has come for a new Eritrea government that is friendly with the people of
Tigray and Ethiopia to be born and you are going to face TPLF in the
absence of President Isaias in a very near future. I strongly advise you to
immediately stop playing President Isaias against TPLF and depend on the
God you trust on how to reconcile and make peace with TPLF and the
Tigray people.
If you fail to do so a civil war will start soon and your Godly vision to prosper Ethiopia will change to night mare.

Your Excellency, it is not too late for you to be on the right side of history!
God bless Ethiopia and Eritrea