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Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by Abaymado » 30 Apr 2020, 14:43

በአዲስ ማኅበራዊ ውል የምንደራደርበትና የኢፌዴሪ ሕገ መንግስትን የማሻሻያው ጊዜ አሁን ነው!
ከአማራ ብሔራዊ ንቅናቄ(አብን) ለኢትዮጵያ መንግስትና ሕዝብ የቀረበ ታሪካዊ አገራዊ ጥሪ!
• ለኢፌዴሪ ጠ/ሚ/ር ዶ/ር አብይ አህመድ
• ለኢፌዴሪ ፕሬዚዳንት ክብርት ሳህለወርቅ ዘውዴ
• ለኢፌዴሪ የሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት
• ለኢፌዴሪ የፌዴሬሽን ምክር ቤት
• ለመላው የአማራ ሕዝብ
• ለመላው የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች
• ለተፎካካሪ የፓለቲካ ፓርቲዎች
• ለዓለም አቀፍና አገር አቀፍ ሚዲያዎች
• በአዲስ አበባ ለሚገኙ ለኢትዮጵያ ወዳጅ አገራት ኢምባሲዎች፣ ሚሲዮኖችና ዓለም አቀፍ ተቋማት
ክቡራትና ክቡራን፣

ከዚሁ ጋር ተያይዞ አብን አሁን በስራ ላይ ካለው የኢፌዴሪ ሕገ-መንግስት ዉስጥ የሚከተሉት 15 አንቀጾች በማሻሻያው እንዲካተቱ በመላው ኢትዮጵያዊያንና በአማራ ሕዝብ ስም ለመንግስት ይፋዊ ጥሪዉን ማስተላለፍ ይወዳል፡፡ የአማራ ብሔራዊ ንቅናቄ (አብን) መሻሻልና መቀየር ያለባቸው የሕገ መንግስቱ አንቀጽ ናቸው ብሎ ያስጠናቸውና የለያቸው የሚከተሉት ናቸው፡፡

(1) መግቢያ:- «እኛ የኢትዮጵያ ብሔር ብሔረሰቦችና ሕዝቦች» የሚለው መግቢያውና ስያሜው ገጽ ላይ ያለው ጥርት ያለ ትርጉም የሌለው በሶሻሊስታዊ እሳቤ የተቃኘ አገላለጽ አገራዊ አንድነትን ሊገልጽ፣ ከልዩነት ይልቅ አንድነትን ሊያጎላ በሚችል «የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ» በሚል አገላለጽ መተካት አለበት። በቋንቋና ኃይማኖት የተለያዩ ሕዝቦች ያሏቸው አገራት ሳይቀሩ የሕገ-መንግስታቸውን መግቢያ «እኛ የዚህ አገር ሕዝቦች..» ብለው ይጀምራሉ። ለምሳሌ የደቡብ አፍሪቃና አሜሪካ ሕገ መንግስቶችን ማየት ይቻላል።

(2) አንቀጽ 3:- የኢትዮጵያ ሰንደቀላማ ላይ ምንም አይነት አርማ ሊቀመጥበት አይገባም። ይህ ከአባቶቻችን የወረስነው፣ ለልጆቻችን የምናወርሰው፣ አባቶቻችን የሞቱለትና እኛም የምንሞትለት ሰንደቅ አላማ ምልዑ የሆነ ነው። የሕዝቦችን ተስፋ ለማመልከት ቢጫውን ቀለም፥ የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብና የኃይማኖቶችን እኩልነት ለማመልከት የሶስቱ ቀለማት እኩልነትን መጠቀም ይቻላል።

(3) አንቀጽ 5፡- አማርኛ የፌደራል መንግስቱ የስራ ቋንቋ ብቻ ሳይሆን የአገሪቱ ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ መሆን መቻል አለበት። አማርኛ ቋንቋ ኢትዮጵያን ካስተሳሰሩ ነገሮች መካከል አንዱና ዋነኛው ክር ነው። ስለዚህ አማርኛ ቋንቋ የፌደራል መንግስቱ ስራ ለመስራት ወይም አገልግሎት ለመስጠት የሚጠቀምበት ቋንቋ ብቻ ሳይሆን የሁሉም ሕዝብ ሁኖ ሁሉም ክልሎች የሚያሳድጉት፣ የሚያጎለብቱት፣ የሚጠቀሙበት ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ መሆን አለበት። አማርኛ ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ ባለመሆኑ የተነሳና የፌደራል መንግስቱ የስራ ቋንቋ ብቻ በሚል በመጠቀሱ የተነሳ በተለያዩ ክልሎች የሚገኙ የአማርኛ ቋንቋ ተናጋሪዎች ላይ ተፅዕኖ እያደረሰባቸው ይገኛል፤ በዚህም በተለያዩ ክልሎች የሚኖሩ አማራዎችም ቋንቋቸውን እንዳይጠቀሙ እየተደረገ ነው። ለዚህ ምሳሌ በኦሮሚያና ትግራይ ክልሎች በአማርኛ ቋንቋ የተጻፉ የንግድ ታፔላዎች ላይ የሚደርሱ ማቅለሞች እና ማፍረሶች አስረጂዎች ናቸው።

(4) አንቀጽ 8፡- ላይ የኢትዮጵያ ሉዓላዊ ስልጣን ባለቤት የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ነው። አንድ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ መኖሩን ያመላክታል። ይህ ማዕከላዊነትን ወይንም ወደ አንድ መጨፍለቅን አያሳይም፡፡ አለበለዚያ ጉዳዩ የፌደሬሽን ሳይሆን የኮንፌደሬሽን ይሆናል ማለት ነው፡፡

(5) አንቀጽ 39:- መገንጠል መሠረታዊ የሆነው የፌደራሊዝም ጽንሰ ኃሳብ ማለትም የድርድር ጉዳይን ጥያቄ ውስጥ የሚያስገባ ተግዳሮት ነው፡፡ መገንጠል ከፌደራሊዝም ጋር አብሮ የሚሄድ አይደለም፤ መገንጠል ያልሰለጠነ ድርድርን ይጋርጣል፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ራስን በራስ የማስተዳደር መብት ሊሰጠው ይገባል፤ ነገር ግን የመገንጠል መብት ሊሰጠው አይገባም። ይህ የመገንጠል ጽንሰ ኃሳብ ያለምንም ሁኔታዎች (Conditions) በሕገ መንግስት ማዕቀፍ ውስጥ ማካተት የአገሪቱን ሉዓላዊ አንድነት ለአደጋ ማጋለጥ ነው።

(6) ከአንቀጽ 45 በኋላ ስላሉ አንቀጾች፡- አገሪቱ የፌደራል መንግስት አወቃቀር ልትከተል ትችላለች። ነገር ግን ክልሎች ሲዋቀሩ አንድን ክልል ለአንድ ብሔር የመስጠት አካሄድን ሊያስቀር በሚችልና በክልሎች መካከል የሕዝብ ብዛትና የእድገት ልዩነትን በአመጣጠነ መልኩ ታሪክንና መልከዓምድራዊ አቀማመጥን፣ የሕዝብ አሰፋፈርንና ቋንቋን ወዘተ. መስፈርቶች ባማከለ መጠን ለአገሪቱ አንድነትና ለሕዝብ ሰላማዊ መስተጋብር መሠረት በሚጥል መልኩ መሆን አለበት።

(7) በአንቀጽ 47 መሠረት የተቋቋሙ ክልሎች መፍረስ አለባቸው። አሁን ያለው የክልሎች አወቃቀር የአማራን ሕዝብ ታሪካዊ ግዛቶች የከፋፈለና የአማራን ሕዝብ የማንነት፣ የቋንቋ፣ የባኅል፣ የሕይዎት፣ የኢኮኖሚ ወዘተ. መብቶች የማያስከብር ነው። ለምሳሌ ከላይ በጠቅላላው ክፍል በተጠቀሰው መልኩ መተከል የሚባለው የቤንሻንጉል ክልል ግዛት አማራ የሚበዛበት በታሪክም የአማራ ሕዝብ መኖሪያ የሆነ ቀየ የፌደራሉ ሕገ መንግስት እውቅና ለሰጠው የቤንሻንጉል ክልል ተሰጥቷል። ይህ የቤንሻንጉል ክልል ደግሞ በሕገ መንግስት የአማራን ሕዝብ የክልሉ ባለቤት አይደለም ብሎ ደንግጓል። በዚህ መሠረት ቤንሻንጉል ክልል ውስጥ የሚኖር የአማራ ሕዝብ አገር እና ዕርስት አልባ ነው ማለት ነው። ይህ አካሄድ ሌሎች ክልሎች ውስጥም አለ። ለምሳሌ፦ የሃረሪ ክልል ባለቤት የሃደሬ ሕዝብ ነው። ነገር ግን አማራ በክልሉ ውስጥ በቁጥር ይልቃል። ይህ በቁጥር የሚልቅ ሕዝብ ምንም አይነት የባለቤትነት መብት የለውም ወይም ከሕዝቡ በኋላ በመጣ የፌደራልና የክልል ሕገ መንግስቶችና ሕጎች የተነሳ አገር እና መብት አልባ ሁኗል። ይህ የክልል ባለቤትነትን ለአንድ ወይም ለተወሰነ ቡድን መስጠትና የአማራን ሕዝብ አገር አልባ ማድረግ በክልሎች ውስጥ በኢኮኖሚም ሆነ በፓለቲካው እንዲገፋ የሚያደርግ አካሄድ ነው።
ሌላው ደግሞ የአማራ ክልል ሕገ መንግስት የክልሉ ባለቤቶች ብሎ የጠቀሰው በክልሉ የሚኖረውን ሁሉንም ሕዝብ ነው። ሌሎች ክልሎች ደግሞ የክልሉ ባለቤት ብለው ያስቀመጡ ወክለነዋል የሚሉትን ሕዝብ ብቻ ነው። ስለዚህ አንድ በኦሮሚያ ክልል ተወልዶ ያደገና የሚኖር አማራ አገር አልባ ነው ማለት ነው። ምክንያቱም አማራ ክልል ስለማይኖር የአማራ ክልል አገሩ ወይም ክልሉ አይደለም፤ ኦሮሞ ስላልሆነ ደግሞ የኦሮምያ ክልል ክልሉ ወይም አገሩ አይደለም። ይህ ሰው አገር አልባ ነው ማለት ነው፤ ስለዚህ እንዲህ አይነት ሁኔታዎችን ለማስቀረት ክልሎች መፍረሳቸው የግድ ነው።

(8) አንቀጽ 49፡- ላይ የፌደራል መንግስት ዋና ከተማዎች አዲስ አበባና ድሬደዋ መሆን አለባቸው። ምንም እንኳ ድሬደዋ የከተማ አስተዳደር ሁና ብትቋቋምም እየተዘወረች ያለችው ግን በሶማሌዎችና በኦሮሞዎች ነው (40%-40%-20% የሚለውን ሕግ ልብ ይሏል)። ይህ ማለት አብላጫ ቁጥር ያለው የአማራ ሕዝብና ሌላው ሕዝብ ምንም አይነት የፓለቲካ ውክልና የላቸውም። ይህ የፖለቲካ ውክልና ማጣት በሌሎች መብቶች ላይ የሚያመጣውን ተጽዕኖ መገመት ቀላል ነው። ድሬደዋ የብዙ ብሔረሰቦች መገኛ እንደመሆኗ መጠን የሶማሌና የኦሮሞ ፖለቲከኞች እርስ በእርስ የሚጓተቱባት ከተማ ስለሆነች፣ የፈደራል መንግስቱ ዋና ከተማ በአንድ ቦታ ላይ ብቻ መንጠልጠ imbalance እያመጣ ስለሆነ፣ አብላጫ ቁጥር ያለው ኦሮሞና ሶማሌ ያልሆነው የድሬደዋ ሕዝብ እየተበደለ ስለሆነ እና የፌደራል መንግስቱ የራሱ የሆነ territory ሊኖረው ስለሚገባ ድሬደዋ ከተማ ከአዲስ አበባ ጋር አብራ በሕገ መንግስት የፌደራል መንግስት ዋና መቀመጫ መሆን አለባት።

(9) አንቀጽ 49/5፡- የኦሮምያ ክልል ልዩ ጥቅም ይከበርለታል የሚለው አንቀጽ ሊወጣ ይገባል። ምም እንኳን ይህ አንቀጽ ባብዛኛው ባለተገባ መረዳት ላይ አተኩረን እንድናየው እየተደረገ ቢሆንም /ማለትም ሕገ መንግስቱ የኦሮሚያን ጥቅም በተመለከተ ከሰርቪስና ከአካባቢ ጥበቃ ጉዳዮች ጋር በተመለከተ መሆኑን መገንዘብ የግድ ነው/ ነገር ግን አንድምታው በራሱ አግባብ አይደለም፡፡ ስለዚህ ይህ አንቀጽ ሊስተካከል ይገባል፡፡
አዲስ አበባና ድሬደዋ ከተማ የፌደራል መንግስት መቀመጫ ሁነው በዙሪያቸው ካለው ሕዝብ ጋር ጥቅምና ግዴታን እየተጋሩ አንድ አገር እስከመሆናቸው ድረስ አብረው ሊቀጥሉ ይገባል እንጂ አንድ ሕዝብ በአዲስ አበባ ወይም በድሬደዋ ዙሪያ ስላለ ብቻ ልዩ ጥቅሙ ይጠበቅለታል የሚለው አበባል arbitrary discrimination የሚያመጣ አካሄድ፣ አገራዊ እሳቤን የሚያጠፋ መንገድ እንዲሁም ለሌሎች ጥያቄዎች Pandora’s box የሚከፍት ነው። በዚህ አካሄድ ከሄድን እንደአገር ማሰብ እናቆማለን፤ ለዋና ከተማዎች አገልግሎት የሚሰጡ ክልሎችና ቦታዎች ምንም ያህል ሩቅ ቢሆኑ ልዩ ጥቅም ማግኘት አለባቸው ማለት ነው። ለምሳሌ በአዲስ አበባና ድሬደዋ ዙሪያ ከሚኖረው አካባቢ ውኃ ስለሚሄድ ልዩ ጥቅም ከነዚህ ከተማዎች ማግኘት ይጠበቅበታል የሚባል ከሆነ ከተከዜ ወይም ከግልገል ጊቢ ወይም ከጣና በለስ ለዋና ከተማዎች መብራት ስለሚሄድ እነዚህ የኃይል ማመንጫዎች የሚገኙባቸው ሕዝቦች ልዩ ጥቅም ከዋና ከተማዎች ማግኘት አለባቸው ልንል ነው፤ ወይም ደግሞ የመብራት ፖሉ አቋርጧቸው የሚያልፋቸው ቦታዎች በሙሉ ከዋና ከተማዎች ልዩ ጥቅም ማግኘት አለባቸው ወደሚል ጉዳይ ውስጥ ሁሉ ይከታል። ስለዚህ እንደአንድ አገር ሕዝብ ለማሰብ እንዲህ አይነት «የልዩ ጥቅም» እሳቤዎች ከሕገ-መንግስቱ ሊወጡ ይገባል።

(10) አንቀጽ 54/2፡- የምርጫ ስርአቱን በተመለከተ ከላይ የቀረበው አቋም እንደገና ሊጸድቅ ይገባዋል፡፡ የተቀመጠው የምርጫ ስርዓት First Past the Post ወይም Winner take all የሚለው ነው። ይህ ደግሞ አሁን ባለው የፌደራሊዝም አወቃቀር ከአማራ ክልል ከሚባለው ውጭ ያለውን የአማራ ሕዝብ ፓለቲካዊ ውክልና እንዳይኖረው፣ እንዳይመርጥና እንዳይመረጥ ወይም ቢመርጥም ትክክለኛ ውክልና እንዳይኖረው የሚያደርግ አካሄድ ነው። ይህ ጉዳይ በትንሹም ቢሆን ጠቅላላ የሚለው ክፍል ውስጥ ተነካክቷል። ስለዚህ ይህ የምርጫ ስርዓት በProportional Representation (PR) የምርጫ ስርዓት መተካት አለበት። ከPR ወስጥ ደግሞ Party List System የሚባለው የምርጫ ስርዓትን የምንከተል ከሆነ መራጮች ለግለሰብ ሳይሆን ለፓርቲ ድምጻቸውን ይሰጣሉ። ለምሳሌ የአማራ ብሔራዊ ንቅናቄ(አብን) በመላ ኢትዮጵያ ለምርጫ ይሳተፋል። በመላ ኢትዮጵያ ያመጣው ድምጽ በፕርሰንት ይሰላና ያን ያህል የፓርላማ ወንበር ለአብን ይሰጠዋል ማለት ነው። ለምሳሌ አብን በመላ ኢትዮጵያ ያገኘው ከተሰጠው ድምጽ ውስጥ 30% ከሆነ ፓርላማው ውስጥ 30% ወንበር ይኖረዋል ማለት ነው። ስለዚህ በየትኛውም ቦታ የሚገኙ አማራዎች ብዛታቸው ሳያሳስባቸው የአማራ ብሔራዊ ንቅናቄን ወይም ሌላ የአማራ ፓርቲን መምረጥ ይችላሉ፣ ድምጻቸውም ባክኖ ሳይቀር ወደፓርላማ ወንበርነት ይቀየራል፤ የፓለቲካ ውክልናም ይኖራቸዋል ማለት ነው።

(11) አንቀጽ 61:- የፌደሬሽን ምክር ቤት አባላት ከእያንዳንዱ ብሔር ብሔረሰብ ከሚወከሉ ይልቅ እኩል ውክልና ባለው አግባብ የክልሎች ተወካዮች ስብስብ ቢሆን፣ የክልሎችና የፌደራል መንግስቱን ስልጣን balance ለማድረግ የሚያስችል ስልጣን መሰጠት አለበት። ስለዚህ አዲስ የሚቋቋሙት ክልሎች እኩል የሆነ የተወካይ ቁጥር በላይኛው ምክር ቤት ሊኖራቸው ይገባል።
አንቀጽ 62/1 እና አንቀጽ 83፡- ሕገ-መንግስቱን የመተርጎም ስልጣን ገለልተኛና ነጻ ለሆነው ፍርድ ቤት እንጂ የፓለቲካ ወገንተኝነት ባለው ስብስብ በሆነው የላይኛው ምክር ቤት ሊሰጥ አይገባም። ምንም እንኳ በሕገ መንግስት ጉዳዮች አጣሪ ኮሚቴ የሚደገፍ ቢሆንም ሕገ መንግስታዊ ትርጓሜዎችን አስመልክቶ የመጨረሻ ስልጣን ያለው የፌደሬሽን ምክር ቤት ነው። ይህ ምክር ቤት ደግሞ ሕግን ለመተርጎም ሕጋዊ እውቀት እንዲሁም ፍትኃዊና ነጻ ውሳኔ ለማስተላለፍም ከወገንተኝነት የጸዳ አቋም የለውም።

(12) አንቀጽ 51(14) እና 55(16)፡- በሰፈረው መሠረት የፌደራል መንግስት ያለአግባብ በክልሎች የሚገባበት ሁኔታ አለ፡፡ ይህንንም ዝርዝር ሕግ በማውጣት ጭምር በተለይም የፌዴራል መንግስት በክልል ጉዳዮች ጣልቃ የሚገባበት ሥራዓት ለመደንገግ የወጣው አዋጅ ቁ 359/1995 በሚል ነው፡፡ ከቅርብ ጊዜያት ወዲህ በአገሪቱ ለተነሱ የጸጥታ መደፍረስ ይህ ሕግ ያለአግባብ እየተመነዘረ በመተግበሩ የክልሎችን ልዕልና (autonomy) በእጅጉ ሸርሽሯል፡፡ በተለይም የፌዴራል መንግስት በጸጥታ መድፈረስ፤ በሰብዓዊ መብት ጥሰት ለመካላከል እና ሕገ-መንግስታዊ ስርዓቱን ለማዳን በሚሉ ምክንያቶች ጣልቃ ይገባል። ይህም ክልሎች በክልል ጉዳይ እንኳን ስልጣን እንዳይኖራቸው ጠፍንጎ በመያዝ ተለጣፊ እና ጥገኛ እንዲሆኑ አድርጓል፡፡

(13) አንቀጽ 55(14) እና 55(15) ፡- የሕዝብ እንባ ጠባቂ ተቋም እና የኢትዮጵያ ሰብዓዊ መብት ኮሚሽን አሰራራቸው በፓርቲ ማዕበል መጠለፉ፡፡ በአገሪቱ የሕዝብ ተቆርቋሪ ተቋማት (public watchdog institutions) አሰራራቸውን ጨምሮ አካሄዳቸው በገዥው ፓርቲ መረብ መጠለፋቸው፤ በተለይም የሁለቱ ተቋማት ዋና ኮሚሽነሮች በጠቅላይ ሚኒስቴሩ አቅራቢነት መሾም በገለልተኝነታቸው ላይ ጥላ እንዲያጠላ ያደረጋል፡፡

(14) አንቀጽ 93፡- በሕገ መንግስቱ ውስጥ አገሪቱ ያጸደቀቻቸው ድንጋጌዎችን በተመለከተ የተገለጸው በግልጽ ዓለም አቀፍ ሕግ ደረጃ የያዙ ልማዶችንም በግልጽ ማካተት ይኖርበታል፡፡ የማይገረሰሱ መብቶች (non-derogable rights) ዝርዝር ውስጥ በሕይወት የመኖር መብትን (the right to life) ማከተት አለበት፡፡ በቅርቡ እንኳን በታወጁ የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጆች ወቅት በርካታ ንጹህን የአማራ ብሔር ተወላጆች ሰለባ ሆነዋል፡፡ ይህም ኢትዮጵያ ፈርማ ካጸደቀችው ዓለም አቀፉ የሲቪል እና ፖለቲካ መብቶች ቃልኪዳን (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights/ICCPR) አንጻር እንደገና መታየት ያለበት ነው፡፡
ሰላም፣ እኩልነት፣ ነጻነት እና ወንድማማችነት ለኢትዮጵያዊያን ሁሉ ይሁን!
አንድ አማራ ለሁሉም አማራ፤ ሁሉም አማራ ለአንድ አማራ!

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 30 Apr 2020, 15:06

Well, I do not read the article in full. In fact, I sensed a lack of understanding of the Ethiopia of today by NAMA politicians when they subscribe every breathing person, no matter where he or she lives, should speak Amharic, kind of. The NAMA politicians seem to have believed Ethiopian politicians should focus on the common beliefs that Ethiopians share rather than on the differences they may have. I could not agree more. The starting point, however, should be tearing down tribal political entities. NAMA should take the initiative because at least on paper it craves to build a country free of tribal politics. Go for it guys. Bury NAMA for good.

Posts: 2155
Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by kibramlak » 30 Apr 2020, 17:40

Wonder why everyone get agitated when Amharic language comes to surface while everyone of us are slaves of foreign language as this one - English language. I bet a big majority of Ethiopians speak Amharic by a wider margin than they do speak English.

And very little persons know about the historical origin of Amharic. It was created as the language of communication during the Axumite kingdom as the kingdom was composed of people from diverse ethnicity, thus with diverse language. The then wise and civilized people had to create a common language so that everyone can listen to eachother and communicate. Thats it. The low IQ tribalists do not have a sense of civilization that never equate to these wise men and women of that very old time.

Contrary to this, the new born again tribalists have every means and resources to bend or even try to erase history and facts. If Amharic is recognized in Washington DC as official language, why on earth Amharic should be banned in every tribal regions of Ethiopia? How low IQ are we getting to miss this simple logic?

The tribalists are not running after Amharic. In fact, their target is rather Ethiopia. Only when they "kill" and "Burry" amharic that Ethiopia can be dismantled. These are all silly and low IQ people who thinks this way.

If Amharic is a recognized language in a foreign country, why on earth it can't be in its own country???

You can't burry this party because it spoke the issue and the consequences to the point in black and white. Thanks to the tribal evils who are responsible for the lose of lives of innocent amharic speaking people, I guarantee you that NAMA is far from to be buried.

Btw, you need to read the entire text as it contains legitimate questions. You can't make objective decision if you dont have adequate information.
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 15:06
Well, I do not read the article in full. In fact, I sensed a lack of understanding of the Ethiopia of today by NAMA politicians when they subscribe every breathing person, no matter where he or she lives, should speak Amharic, kind of. The NAMA politicians seem to have believed Ethiopian politicians should focus on the common beliefs that Ethiopians share rather than on the differences they may have. I could not agree more. The starting point, however, should be tearing down tribal political entities. NAMA should take the initiative because at least on paper it craves to build a country free of tribal politics. Go for it guys. Bury NAMA for good.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 30 Apr 2020, 20:11

Kibramlak, nobody would be “ agitated” if all Ethiopians speak Amharic. If that happens it is splendid. It might drive somehow the tribal politics doctors out of business. The reality however dictates otherwise. Even before the ethnic politicians conquered Aratkilo, the majority of Ethiopians do not speak Amharic. Three former provinces residents plus a significant number of Showa Amharas speak Amharic. Yes, in cities like Addis, Diredwa, and Awasa, the great majority of the residents speak Amharic. But you add all together, they do not count as the majority of Ethiopians.
Ethiopia still in the 21st century is a feudal like society. People die in the place they were born, speaking their first language until they stop speaking.

Posts: 9325
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by sun » 30 Apr 2020, 21:40

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 15:06
Well, I do not read the article in full. In fact, I sensed a lack of understanding of the Ethiopia of today by NAMA politicians when they subscribe every breathing person, no matter where he or she lives, should speak Amharic, kind of. The NAMA politicians seem to have believed Ethiopian politicians should focus on the common beliefs that Ethiopians share rather than on the differences they may have. I could not agree more. The starting point, however, should be tearing down tribal political entities. NAMA should take the initiative because at least on paper it craves to build a country free of tribal politics. Go for it guys. Bury NAMA for good.
Tell them to join Prosperity Party and forget the habit of being too nasty.Also when they prosper within the schemes of prosperity they may clearly notice the fact that their questions might have come to be answered 100% even though they are not the kind people who can see and hear what is enough or not enough.

You seem to be some kind of redneck dimwitted hallucinated parrot otherwise Mamma Ethiopia is beyond blessed because we have cultured people who believe and respect their ethnic identities as well as believe in and respect their nice national identity in the form of being nice Ethiopians. A balanced and healthy person is some one who believes and greatly respects his/her own ethnic identity as well as believes and respects the national and common Mamma Ethiopia identity. BINGO! 8)

Posts: 9325
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by sun » 30 Apr 2020, 21:57

kibramlak wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 17:40
Wonder why everyone get agitated when Amharic language comes to surface while everyone of us are slaves of foreign language as this one - English language. I bet a big majority of Ethiopians speak Amharic by a wider margin than they do speak English.

And very little persons know about the historical origin of Amharic. It was created as the language of communication during the Axumite kingdom as the kingdom was composed of people from diverse ethnicity, thus with diverse language. The then wise and civilized people had to create a common language so that everyone can listen to eachother and communicate. Thats it. The low IQ tribalists do not have a sense of civilization that never equate to these wise men and women of that very old time.

Contrary to this, the new born again tribalists have every means and resources to bend or even try to erase history and facts. If Amharic is recognized in Washington DC as official language, why on earth Amharic should be banned in every tribal regions of Ethiopia? How low IQ are we getting to miss this simple logic?

The tribalists are not running after Amharic. In fact, their target is rather Ethiopia. Only when they "kill" and "Burry" amharic that Ethiopia can be dismantled. These are all silly and low IQ people who thinks this way.

If Amharic is a recognized language in a foreign country, why on earth it can't be in its own country???

You can't burry this party because it spoke the issue and the consequences to the point in black and white. Thanks to the tribal evils who are responsible for the lose of lives of innocent amharic speaking people, I guarantee you that NAMA is far from to be buried.

Btw, you need to read the entire text as it contains legitimate questions. You can't make objective decision if you dont have adequate information.
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 15:06
Well, I do not read the article in full. In fact, I sensed a lack of understanding of the Ethiopia of today by NAMA politicians when they subscribe every breathing person, no matter where he or she lives, should speak Amharic, kind of. The NAMA politicians seem to have believed Ethiopian politicians should focus on the common beliefs that Ethiopians share rather than on the differences they may have. I could not agree more. The starting point, however, should be tearing down tribal political entities. NAMA should take the initiative because at least on paper it craves to build a country free of tribal politics. Go for it guys. Bury NAMA for good.
Hmm... 8)
On the other hand I wonder so much as to why you get agitated and start speaking sheer bulsh!t when people say that they want to speak their mother tongue instead of speaking your tribalism and chauvinist forcefully imposed mother tongue as their first and or working language?

Otherwise if things are only linguistic and neutral I am sure every one wants to learn and speak even several languages with great delight. Yes Ethiopians should focus on their common issues since we have one single country together and in common while agreeing to solve their differences piece by piece step by step with time and cool mind so that long standing structural inequalities and grievances may come to be corrected rather than being strengthened and consolidated.

Posts: 2155
Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by kibramlak » 01 May 2020, 00:20

I have long time since I noticed that you are among those idiot tribalists who were born and raised through twists, denials and misguided mindset.

Where did I say others should stop using their native language?

Since Amharic is a recognized language of communication in DC of America, does that mean Americans stop using their native language ? You are an idiot who can't join dots of simple logics.

Every language is a treasure in all corners of Ethiopia. That said, you need to have a common communication language if you want to hear and understand to eachother. Why do you think the world is using English as a primary means of communication ? Do you think that is because every country loves English or American people ? Not at all. Now scale it down to a country level and you will get the answer. Unfortunately, since your inferiority is mixed in your blood stream and you jalousies are beyong your control, every time you hear amharic you develop a reaction that consumes your already dead bran cells than reasoning objectively.
sun wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 21:57
kibramlak wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 17:40
Wonder why everyone get agitated when Amharic language comes to surface while everyone of us are slaves of foreign language as this one - English language. I bet a big majority of Ethiopians speak Amharic by a wider margin than they do speak English.

And very little persons know about the historical origin of Amharic. It was created as the language of communication during the Axumite kingdom as the kingdom was composed of people from diverse ethnicity, thus with diverse language. The then wise and civilized people had to create a common language so that everyone can listen to eachother and communicate. Thats it. The low IQ tribalists do not have a sense of civilization that never equate to these wise men and women of that very old time.

Contrary to this, the new born again tribalists have every means and resources to bend or even try to erase history and facts. If Amharic is recognized in Washington DC as official language, why on earth Amharic should be banned in every tribal regions of Ethiopia? How low IQ are we getting to miss this simple logic?

The tribalists are not running after Amharic. In fact, their target is rather Ethiopia. Only when they "kill" and "Burry" amharic that Ethiopia can be dismantled. These are all silly and low IQ people who thinks this way.

If Amharic is a recognized language in a foreign country, why on earth it can't be in its own country???

You can't burry this party because it spoke the issue and the consequences to the point in black and white. Thanks to the tribal evils who are responsible for the lose of lives of innocent amharic speaking people, I guarantee you that NAMA is far from to be buried.

Btw, you need to read the entire text as it contains legitimate questions. You can't make objective decision if you dont have adequate information.
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 15:06
Well, I do not read the article in full. In fact, I sensed a lack of understanding of the Ethiopia of today by NAMA politicians when they subscribe every breathing person, no matter where he or she lives, should speak Amharic, kind of. The NAMA politicians seem to have believed Ethiopian politicians should focus on the common beliefs that Ethiopians share rather than on the differences they may have. I could not agree more. The starting point, however, should be tearing down tribal political entities. NAMA should take the initiative because at least on paper it craves to build a country free of tribal politics. Go for it guys. Bury NAMA for good.
Hmm... 8)
On the other hand I wonder so much as to why you get agitated and start speaking sheer bulsh!t when people say that they want to speak their mother tongue instead of speaking your tribalism and chauvinist forcefully imposed mother tongue as their first and or working language?

Otherwise if things are only linguistic and neutral I am sure every one wants to learn and speak even several languages with great delight. Yes Ethiopians should focus on their common issues since we have one single country together and in common while agreeing to solve their differences piece by piece step by step with time and cool mind so that long standing structural inequalities and grievances may come to be corrected rather than being strengthened and consolidated.

Posts: 2155
Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by kibramlak » 01 May 2020, 01:02

I disagree. Literally in all cities of Ethiopia people do speak Amharic with different level of fluency. I travelled in many parts of the country, stoped by in many of known cities. You will find people communicate in Amharic. At least these people can communicate far better by using Amharic than using English or Arabic or Chinese, right? Let's say that Amharic is erased from the face of Ethiopia, that how would you communicate to eachother if we are talking about one country ? Whether we like it or not, there is no Ethiopian language as advanced and sophisticated as Amharic. Tribalists never reason out based on logics and facts. All they do is based on emotions and hatred to others. These tribalists would find it acceptable to use a foreign language as means of communication rather than hearing anything about Amharic. Why?? Its simple. Their inferiority complex is in their bloodstream and their jealousy is beyond control.

Its quite very funny that in a country where even the educated people do not know how to write and speak in English, the same bulsh!t tribalists dream to use English as a communication language rather than hearing about Amharic.

Why do you think English is used as a primary language of communication on world platform ? Is that because they love English or American people?? Not at all. Its Because leaders and communities of diverse countries need to communicate and understand to eachother. Do they people abandon their own language? No, they dont. Now scale it down to a country Kevel, with Ethiopian an example here. Would others stop using their native language by just having the capacity of speaking Amharic ?? Not at all !

For some historical reasons, English language conquered that world and it has to be said in black and white that Amharic language has conquered over other languages in Ethiopia.

I read you referring to Ethiopia of the 21st century. You might mean that we are in a civilized century. How on earth in this civilized age some people do think like the old stone age ? The fact of the matter is that tribalism is like any other business industry within which the narrow minded and incompetents do their livings. Tribalists are driven by emotions (like animals) than with reasons and logics.

If NAMA defends Amharic speakers anywhere in Ethiopia, thats legitimate in its own political stand.

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 20:11
Kibramlak, nobody would be “ agitated” if all Ethiopians speak Amharic. If that happens it is splendid. It might drive somehow the tribal politics doctors out of business. The reality however dictates otherwise. Even before the ethnic politicians conquered Aratkilo, the majority of Ethiopians do not speak Amharic. Three former provinces residents plus a significant number of Showa Amharas speak Amharic. Yes, in cities like Addis, Diredwa, and Awasa, the great majority of the residents speak Amharic. But you add all together, they do not count as the majority of Ethiopians.
Ethiopia still in the 21st century is a feudal like society. People die in the place they were born, speaking their first language until they stop speaking.

Posts: 4207
Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by Abaymado » 01 May 2020, 06:10

well, if our interest is not fulfilled, Ethiopian can go to hell. This is my word, no one can stop us defining our destiny. there are consequences after all: our stolen land is a huge issue, probably a ticking time bomb. otherwise we don't care about Ethiopia!!!

Directly or indirectly, we will force specifically gallas to abide by our interest otherwise there are consequences.

Posts: 2155
Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by kibramlak » 01 May 2020, 09:37

ሰይጣን እገደል አፋፍ ላይ የቆመን ሰው ምን ሹክ ይለዋል ይባላል መሰለህ??
"ሂድ ዝለል ምን ትፈራለህ? ምን አላት ይች? እረ እንዴትሽትፈራለህ? ካለዛ እኔ ልርዳህ፣ ትንሽ ገፋ ላርግህ ....." እያለ ሰውየውን ወይም ሴትዮዋን ገደል እንዲ(ድት)ገባ ይገፋፋል፣፣

እና ጎሰኞችስ ይህን አደል እሚፈልጉት፣
Abaymado wrote:
01 May 2020, 06:10
well, if our interest is not fulfilled, Ethiopian can go to hell. This is my word, no one can stop us defining our destiny. there are consequences after all: our stolen land is a huge issue, probably a ticking time bomb. otherwise we don't care about Ethiopia!!!

Directly or indirectly, we will force specifically gallas to abide by our interest otherwise there are consequences.

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Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by DefendTheTruth » 01 May 2020, 12:50

kibramlak wrote:
01 May 2020, 00:20
I have long time since I noticed that you are among those idiot tribalists who were born and raised through twists, denials and misguided mindset.

Where did I say others should stop using their native language?

Since Amharic is a recognized language of communication in DC of America, does that mean Americans stop using their native language ? You are an idiot who can't join dots of simple logics.

Every language is a treasure in all corners of Ethiopia. That said, you need to have a common communication language if you want to hear and understand to eachother. Why do you think the world is using English as a primary means of communication ? Do you think that is because every country loves English or American people ? Not at all. Now scale it down to a country level and you will get the answer. Unfortunately, since your inferiority is mixed in your blood stream and you jalousies are beyong your control, every time you hear amharic you develop a reaction that consumes your already dead bran cells than reasoning objectively.
sun wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 21:57
kibramlak wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 17:40
Wonder why everyone get agitated when Amharic language comes to surface while everyone of us are slaves of foreign language as this one - English language. I bet a big majority of Ethiopians speak Amharic by a wider margin than they do speak English.

And very little persons know about the historical origin of Amharic. It was created as the language of communication during the Axumite kingdom as the kingdom was composed of people from diverse ethnicity, thus with diverse language. The then wise and civilized people had to create a common language so that everyone can listen to eachother and communicate. Thats it. The low IQ tribalists do not have a sense of civilization that never equate to these wise men and women of that very old time.

Contrary to this, the new born again tribalists have every means and resources to bend or even try to erase history and facts. If Amharic is recognized in Washington DC as official language, why on earth Amharic should be banned in every tribal regions of Ethiopia? How low IQ are we getting to miss this simple logic?

The tribalists are not running after Amharic. In fact, their target is rather Ethiopia. Only when they "kill" and "Burry" amharic that Ethiopia can be dismantled. These are all silly and low IQ people who thinks this way.

If Amharic is a recognized language in a foreign country, why on earth it can't be in its own country???

You can't burry this party because it spoke the issue and the consequences to the point in black and white. Thanks to the tribal evils who are responsible for the lose of lives of innocent amharic speaking people, I guarantee you that NAMA is far from to be buried.

Btw, you need to read the entire text as it contains legitimate questions. You can't make objective decision if you dont have adequate information.
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 15:06
Well, I do not read the article in full. In fact, I sensed a lack of understanding of the Ethiopia of today by NAMA politicians when they subscribe every breathing person, no matter where he or she lives, should speak Amharic, kind of. The NAMA politicians seem to have believed Ethiopian politicians should focus on the common beliefs that Ethiopians share rather than on the differences they may have. I could not agree more. The starting point, however, should be tearing down tribal political entities. NAMA should take the initiative because at least on paper it craves to build a country free of tribal politics. Go for it guys. Bury NAMA for good.
Hmm... 8)
On the other hand I wonder so much as to why you get agitated and start speaking sheer bulsh!t when people say that they want to speak their mother tongue instead of speaking your tribalism and chauvinist forcefully imposed mother tongue as their first and or working language?

Otherwise if things are only linguistic and neutral I am sure every one wants to learn and speak even several languages with great delight. Yes Ethiopians should focus on their common issues since we have one single country together and in common while agreeing to solve their differences piece by piece step by step with time and cool mind so that long standing structural inequalities and grievances may come to be corrected rather than being strengthened and consolidated.
I thought the language is issue has been settled from the point of views of the majority in the country for now, isn't it?

Yes we do need to speak amharic but we do also need the many other languages in the country and nurture them to grow and prosper, if we don't, who will do then?

We are saying about building the prosperous and self-concious, pluralistic futuristic Ethiopia while some are still stacked at the old Ethiopia, which was held back from the road of prospeity (mind you i am not talking about the new political party here) for centuries and still resisting a change.

Ethiopian kehulum manaQo medan yesfalegl, kenazihim yeTint Sereat nafakiwoch na ye got hasab aramajoch yigenyubetal.

Noble Amhara
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Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by Noble Amhara » 01 May 2020, 13:34

That’s what I’m saying :roll:
Abaymado wrote:
01 May 2020, 06:10
well, if our interest is not fulfilled, Ethiopian can go to hell. This is my word, no one can stop us defining our destiny. there are consequences after all: our stolen land is a huge issue, probably a ticking time bomb. otherwise we don't care about Ethiopia!!!

Directly or indirectly, we will force specifically gallas to abide by our interest otherwise there are consequences.

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Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by kibramlak » 01 May 2020, 15:53

"Yes we do need to speak amharic but we do also need the many other languages in the country and nurture them to grow and prosper, if we don't, who will do then?"

You are absolutely right. If we say we have civilized human gens than what was centuries ago, why we try to destroy what we have instead of building up and make a better life for everyone? I wouldnt mind any other Ethiopian language becomes a national language provided its based on agreed reasons and good justifications, above all its based on the fact that it has a lot benefit than harm to the entire population.

DefendTheTruth wrote:
01 May 2020, 12:50
kibramlak wrote:
01 May 2020, 00:20
I have long time since I noticed that you are among those idiot tribalists who were born and raised through twists, denials and misguided mindset.

Where did I say others should stop using their native language?

Since Amharic is a recognized language of communication in DC of America, does that mean Americans stop using their native language ? You are an idiot who can't join dots of simple logics.

Every language is a treasure in all corners of Ethiopia. That said, you need to have a common communication language if you want to hear and understand to eachother. Why do you think the world is using English as a primary means of communication ? Do you think that is because every country loves English or American people ? Not at all. Now scale it down to a country level and you will get the answer. Unfortunately, since your inferiority is mixed in your blood stream and you jalousies are beyong your control, every time you hear amharic you develop a reaction that consumes your already dead bran cells than reasoning objectively.
sun wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 21:57
kibramlak wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 17:40
Wonder why everyone get agitated when Amharic language comes to surface while everyone of us are slaves of foreign language as this one - English language. I bet a big majority of Ethiopians speak Amharic by a wider margin than they do speak English.

And very little persons know about the historical origin of Amharic. It was created as the language of communication during the Axumite kingdom as the kingdom was composed of people from diverse ethnicity, thus with diverse language. The then wise and civilized people had to create a common language so that everyone can listen to eachother and communicate. Thats it. The low IQ tribalists do not have a sense of civilization that never equate to these wise men and women of that very old time.

Contrary to this, the new born again tribalists have every means and resources to bend or even try to erase history and facts. If Amharic is recognized in Washington DC as official language, why on earth Amharic should be banned in every tribal regions of Ethiopia? How low IQ are we getting to miss this simple logic?

The tribalists are not running after Amharic. In fact, their target is rather Ethiopia. Only when they "kill" and "Burry" amharic that Ethiopia can be dismantled. These are all silly and low IQ people who thinks this way.

If Amharic is a recognized language in a foreign country, why on earth it can't be in its own country???

You can't burry this party because it spoke the issue and the consequences to the point in black and white. Thanks to the tribal evils who are responsible for the lose of lives of innocent amharic speaking people, I guarantee you that NAMA is far from to be buried.

Btw, you need to read the entire text as it contains legitimate questions. You can't make objective decision if you dont have adequate information.
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 15:06
Well, I do not read the article in full. In fact, I sensed a lack of understanding of the Ethiopia of today by NAMA politicians when they subscribe every breathing person, no matter where he or she lives, should speak Amharic, kind of. The NAMA politicians seem to have believed Ethiopian politicians should focus on the common beliefs that Ethiopians share rather than on the differences they may have. I could not agree more. The starting point, however, should be tearing down tribal political entities. NAMA should take the initiative because at least on paper it craves to build a country free of tribal politics. Go for it guys. Bury NAMA for good.
Hmm... 8)
On the other hand I wonder so much as to why you get agitated and start speaking sheer bulsh!t when people say that they want to speak their mother tongue instead of speaking your tribalism and chauvinist forcefully imposed mother tongue as their first and or working language?

Otherwise if things are only linguistic and neutral I am sure every one wants to learn and speak even several languages with great delight. Yes Ethiopians should focus on their common issues since we have one single country together and in common while agreeing to solve their differences piece by piece step by step with time and cool mind so that long standing structural inequalities and grievances may come to be corrected rather than being strengthened and consolidated.
I thought the language is issue has been settled from the point of views of the majority in the country for now, isn't it?

Yes we do need to speak amharic but we do also need the many other languages in the country and nurture them to grow and prosper, if we don't, who will do then?

We are saying about building the prosperous and self-concious, pluralistic futuristic Ethiopia while some are still stacked at the old Ethiopia, which was held back from the road of prospeity (mind you i am not talking about the new political party here) for centuries and still resisting a change.

Ethiopian kehulum manaQo medan yesfalegl, kenazihim yeTint Sereat nafakiwoch na ye got hasab aramajoch yigenyubetal.

Posts: 2162
Joined: 26 Jan 2010, 12:58

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by EPRDF » 01 May 2020, 17:23

እሺ አብን ከኣማራው አብራክ የተፈጠረ፣ አማራን እወክላልሁ ብሎ ከአማራው ክልል ብቅ ያለ ድርጅት ነው። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ፣ አማራ ነኝ ብሎ አማራን ወክሎ ለመናገር፣ እንደተለምደው እንደሌሎቹ የአማራ ድርጅቶች በፈረደባት የኢትዮጵያ ስምና ቀሚስ ስር ሳይሽሸግ በአማራነቱ አደባባይ ወጥቶ የሚሻውን ፓለቲካዊም ይሁን ሕገመንግስታዊ ለውጥ ጠረጴዛ ላይ በፅሑፍ ማስቀመጡ ሊያስመሰግነው ይገባል። የሚጠይቀው ጥያቄም የአማራን ጥቅም ለማስቀደምና ለማስከበር ከሆነም፣ በአማራ ስም የተመሰረተ ድርጅት ስለሆነ እንዴት ለምን ሊያስብል አያስችልም ምክንያቱም በሕጋዊ መንገድ የቆመለትን ዓላማ ሊያስፈፅም እየጣረ ስለሆነ። ግን ቢሆንም ቅሉ፣ የአማራን መብትና ጥቅም ሊያስጥብቅ በሚሄድብት ሂደት ውስጥ ስይልፍ ግን፣ የሌሎችን መብት ሳይገፋ ሊሆን ይገባል፣ ጥንቃቄም ይሻል። ስለዚህ ከጠየቃቸው ማሻሻያዎች ውስጥ፣ አንዳንድ ግምት ውስጥ ከማስገባት የሳታቸው ነጥቦች ስላሉ እስቲ እንያቸው።
(2) አንቀጽ 3:- የኢትዮጵያ ሰንደቀላማ ላይ ምንም አይነት አርማ ሊቀመጥበት አይገባም። ይህ ከአባቶቻችን የወረስነው፣ ለልጆቻችን የምናወርሰው፣ አባቶቻችን የሞቱለትና እኛም የምንሞትለት ሰንደቅ አላማ ምልዑ የሆነ ነው። የሕዝቦችን ተስፋ ለማመልከት ቢጫውን ቀለም፥ የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብና የኃይማኖቶችን እኩልነት ለማመልከት የሶስቱ ቀለማት እኩልነትን መጠቀም ይቻላል።
ስለ ኢትዮዽያ ሰንደቅ ዓላማ በአጠቃላይ ሕዝቡ ዘንድ ያለው ግንዛቤና አመለካከት የዛችን ሐገር ሕዝብ እንደ ሕዝብ/nation የከፋፈለ ጉዳይ ነው። ፩ኛ ልሙጡን ፪ኛ ሞኣንበሳ ዓርማ ፫ኛ ባለ ኮከብ ዓርማ ፬ኛ ጭራሽ አረንጓዴ፣ቢጫና ቀይ ከነአካቴው አይወክለኝም በሚል ጎራ የተሽነሽነ ሕዝብ ነዉ ታቅፈን ያለነው። ይህንን ዕውነታ በመጀመሪያ በማመንና በመቀበል ለውዝጋቤው ለአንዴም ለሁሌም መፍተሔና እልባት መፈልግ የግድ ይላል። ቁጥር ፪ና ቁጥር ፬ን እንዝጋቸውና፣ ቁጥር ፩ ልሙጡን እና ቁጥር ፫ ባለኮከቡን ማለት ሁለቱ ለቀጣይነት በአንታራኪነት ያሉትን እንውሰድ። ብዙሃኑ በልሙጡ ባንድራ ጎራ ዙሪያ ያሉት የድሮው የባለ የሞዓአንበሳ ዓርማ ወዳጆች ብቻ ሳይሆኑ የድሮው ፊውዳሊስት ስርዓት ናፋቂዎችም ናቸው፣ ግን ለመታረቅ ያህል ባለ መስቀል የአንበሳውን ምልክት ከባንዲራው አንሱት እንጂ የአፄዎች ዘመን አመለካከትና የዘውዳዊው ስርዓትና ርዕዮተ ዓለሙ አሁንም በቀጣይነት በውስጡ ስላለ፣ የብሔር፣ በሔረስቦችና ሕዝቦች በእኩልነትን አብሮ የመኖር ተስፋን የሚያንፀባርቀው የኮከብ ዓርማ መኖር አለበት የሚል ድምፅ ነው የሚስተጋባው። ኮከቡ የሰይጣን ምልክት ለሚለው የተቃውሞ ድምፅ/ counter assertion ይሄ ያለው ኮከብ ቢነሳም ሌላ ዓይነት ዓርማ/design የሕዝቦችን እኩልነትና አብሮ የመኖር ተስፋ የሚያሳይ emblem ሊታከልበት ይገባል ነው ፍትጊያው። መፍትሔውም በሕዝበ ውሳኔ ሊፈታ ይገባል ባይ ነኝ።
(3) አንቀጽ 5፡- አማርኛ የፌደራል መንግስቱ የስራ ቋንቋ ብቻ ሳይሆን የአገሪቱ ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ መሆን መቻል አለበት። አማርኛ ቋንቋ ኢትዮጵያን ካስተሳሰሩ ነገሮች መካከል አንዱና ዋነኛው ክር ነው። ስለዚህ አማርኛ ቋንቋ የፌደራል መንግስቱ ስራ ለመስራት ወይም አገልግሎት ለመስጠት የሚጠቀምበት ቋንቋ ብቻ ሳይሆን የሁሉም ሕዝብ ሁኖ ሁሉም ክልሎች የሚያሳድጉት፣ የሚያጎለብቱት፣ የሚጠቀሙበት ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ መሆን አለበት። አማርኛ ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ ባለመሆኑ
የአማርኛ ቋንቋ በሰፊዉ የሚነገር ቋንቋ/lingua franca ስለሆነ እንደ አንድ ፌደራል ቋንቋ ለመቀጠሉ ጥያቄ ውስጥ የሚገባ አይደለም። ሆኖም፣ አማርኛ የብሔራዊ ቋንቋ ይሁን ስንል ግን በኢትዮጵያ ዓይነት ሕብረ ብሔራዊ፣ የብዙ ዓይነት ቋንቋ ተናጋሪ የሆኑ ህዝቦች ባሉባት ሐገር፣ የአንዱን አካባቢ የህዝባችን ክፍል ቋንቋ ወስደን የመላው የሐገሪትዋ ሕዝብ ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ ነው ብሎ ሌላው ላይ ለመጫን ህጋዊ መሰረት አይኖርም። ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ ለማለት ብሔራዊ የሚለውን ቃል define ማድረግ ያስፈልጋል። አንድን ቋንቋ ብሄራዊ ለማለት መጀመሪያ ያ ቋንቋ ከዛ ከሚነገርበት መሬት ጋር ( ከማንም ሌላ ብሔር ጋር ሳይጋራ) የታሪካዊ ማንነት ቁርኝት ሊኖረው ይገባል። አማርኛ ቋንቋ እንኳንስ በትልቋ የኢትዮጵያ መሬት፣ በሶማሊ፣ ኦሮሞ፣ አፋር፣ ደቡብ፣ ትግራይ ቀርቶ በአማራ ቀዬነት የሚታወቀው በጌምድር/ጎንድር ውስጥ እንኳን ብሔራዊ ቋንቋ ለመሆን ህጋዊነት አይኖረውም። ምክንያቱም እነ አገው እነ ቅማንት አሉዋ መሬቱን የሚጋሩ።
በአንቀጽ 47 መሠረት የተቋቋሙ ክልሎች መፍረስ አለባቸው። አሁን ያለው የክልሎች አወቃቀር የአማራን ሕዝብ ታሪካዊ ግዛቶች የከፋፈለና የአማራን ሕዝብ የማንነት፣ የቋንቋ፣ የባኅል፣ የሕይዎት፣ የኢኮኖሚ ወዘተ. መብቶች የማያስከብር ነው። ለምሳሌ ከላይ በጠቅላላው ክፍል በተጠቀሰው መልኩ መተከል የሚባለው የቤንሻንጉል ክልል ግዛት አማራ የሚበዛበት በታሪክም የአማራ ሕዝብ መኖሪያ የሆነ ቀየ የፌደራሉ ሕገ መንግስት እውቅና ለሰጠው የቤንሻንጉል ክልል ተሰጥቷል። ይህ የቤንሻንጉል ክልል ደግሞ በሕገ መንግስት የአማራን ሕዝብ የክልሉ ባለቤት አይደለም ብሎ ደንግጓል። በዚህ መሠረት ቤንሻንጉል ክልል ውስጥ የሚኖር የአማራ ሕዝብ አገር እና ዕርስት አልባ ነው ማለት ነው። ይህ አካሄድ ሌሎች ክልሎች ውስጥም አለ። ለምሳሌ፦ የሃረሪ ክልል ባለቤት የሃደሬ ሕዝብ ነው። ነገር ግን አማራ በክልሉ ውስጥ በቁጥር ይልቃል። ይህ በቁጥር የሚልቅ ሕዝብ ምንም አይነት የባለቤትነት መብት የለውም ወይም ከሕዝቡ በኋላ በመጣ የፌደራልና የክልል ሕገ መንግስቶችና ሕጎች የተነሳ አገር እና መብት አልባ ሁኗል። ይህ የክልል ባለቤትነትን ለአንድ ወይም ለተወሰነ ቡድን መስጠትና የአማራን ሕዝብ አገር አልባ ማድረግ በክልሎች ውስጥ በኢኮኖሚም ሆነ በፓለቲካው እንዲገፋ የሚያደርግ አካሄድ ነው።
በመጀመሪያ፣ አደሬ የሚለው ቃል በጎረቤቶቻቸው በሶማሊና የሐረር ኦሮሞዎች የተሰጣቸው የቅጽል ስም ነው። ወደ ህልውና ከመጡ አንድ ሺህ ዓመት አስቆጥሮ የሚታወቁበት ሕጋዊ ስማቸው ሐረሪ ነው። ስለዚህ አብን እንደ አንድ የፖለቲካ ድርጅት፣ ከዚህ ዓይነት የቃል ግድፈት ሊታረም ይገባል፣ ወይንም ካላወቀም፣ ብሔራዊ ፓለቲካ ውስጥ ተጣድፎ ከመዘፈቅ በፊት ወጣ ብሎ የኢትዮጵያን ሥነ-ሕዝብ ማንነትና ምንነት ማጥናት ከስሕተትም ያድነዉ ነበር።
ለማንኛውም ወደ ሐረሪዎች ጉዳይ ስንገባ፣ አሁንም ሕዝቦች ከመሬታቸው ያላቸውን ቁርኝት ግምት ውስጥ ማስገባትን መዘንጋት የለብንም። ሐረሪዎች ያ መሬት ላይ መኖር ከጀመሩ አንድ ሺህ ዓመትን አስቆጥረዋል። የዛ መሬት aborginal ሕዝቦች ናቸው። በአሁኑ ሰዓት ሐረር ውስጥ የሚኖረው ደግሞ አማራው ብቻ አይደለም፣ ኦሮሞ፣ ጉራጌ፣ ትግራዋይ፣ ካምባታና ወላይታው ሁሉ አለ።
ሐረርና ሐረሪዎችን መለየት አይቻልም ስለዚህ እንዳልኩት ሐረሪዎች ከመሬታቸው ጋር ባላቸው ቁርኝት መሰረት በቀዬያቸው በዙሪያቸው ካለ የሁንደኔ ኦሮሞ ጋር፣ የሌላውም የከተማው ነዋሪ በተወሰን መቀመጫ የሚወከልበት የጋራ ምክር ቤት ያለው ክልል ተመስርቶለታል። የክልሉ ምክር ቤት ወንበር አመዳደብ ይከለስ፣ larger democracy እንዲኖር ከኦሮሞና ከሐረሪ ብሔሮች ውጭ ውክልና የሚያገኙበት ቁጥር ይጨመር፣ ወይን ሌላ mechanism ይፈጠር ብሎ ድምፅ ማሰማት አንድ መንገድ ሲሆን፣ የለም የዛሬ አስርና ሃያ ዓመት migrate ያደረገውን የሕዝብ ቁጥር ተገን በማድረግ፣ ህዝቦችን በመሬታቸው የመግፋትና ባይተዋር የማድረግ አካሄድ ሕገወጥ ተግባር ስለሆነ እነ አብንም ሆኑ ተመሳሳይ የብሔር ድርጅቶች የብሔራቸዉን መብት ለማስከበር በሚያደርጉት ጂሃድ፣ የሌላውን በተለይም የአናሳዎችን መብት ከመጋፋት ሊቆጠቡ ይገባል።
Last edited by EPRDF on 03 May 2020, 15:39, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 9325
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by sun » 01 May 2020, 18:52

Oh yeaaaa......... :lol:

As a matter of fact you are one of the most tribalist idiots who is deliberately blinded to your own tribalism and paranoid idiotism because you keep bending and staring only between your two legs and seeing only your own ar$$$ hole which is your main noticeable personal interest but nothing else. So just for your own good please stand up, look around all over the wide areas, near and far, noticing your interests within the contexts and relative to other peoples' interests. VOILA! 8)

Now I have one question for you. I speak Amharic and sing in amaharic like the birds in the sky as if there is no tomorrow even more than Ras Thomas H. and General Halafi Mengedi. BINGO!! Also even before the advent of the Internet a blessed egalitarian Oromo engineer the great son of the great Abba Gada invented the wonderful first Amharic script typewriter so that the language may flourish and push ahead. Okay now instead of chewing old shoe rubber sole and talk nonsense please tell me as to how much Afaan Oromo the beautiful you can speak as well as if you have done anything significant or even insignificant supports and developments you have offred for Afaan Oromo the beautiful other than pushing it down to the dirty drain and piling on it all the satanic blame blaming you may find from the garbage dumps. But then again I stand to be corrected if I made errors that are human.
kibramlak wrote:
01 May 2020, 00:20
I have long time since I noticed that you are among those idiot tribalists who were born and raised through twists, denials and misguided mindset.

Where did I say others should stop using their native language?

Since Amharic is a recognized language of communication in DC of America, does that mean Americans stop using their native language ? You are an idiot who can't join dots of simple logics.

Every language is a treasure in all corners of Ethiopia. That said, you need to have a common communication language if you want to hear and understand to eachother. Why do you think the world is using English as a primary means of communication ? Do you think that is because every country loves English or American people ? Not at all. Now scale it down to a country level and you will get the answer. Unfortunately, since your inferiority is mixed in your blood stream and you jalousies are beyong your control, every time you hear amharic you develop a reaction that consumes your already dead bran cells than reasoning objectively.
sun wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 21:57
kibramlak wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 17:40
Wonder why everyone get agitated when Amharic language comes to surface while everyone of us are slaves of foreign language as this one - English language. I bet a big majority of Ethiopians speak Amharic by a wider margin than they do speak English.

And very little persons know about the historical origin of Amharic. It was created as the language of communication during the Axumite kingdom as the kingdom was composed of people from diverse ethnicity, thus with diverse language. The then wise and civilized people had to create a common language so that everyone can listen to eachother and communicate. Thats it. The low IQ tribalists do not have a sense of civilization that never equate to these wise men and women of that very old time.

Contrary to this, the new born again tribalists have every means and resources to bend or even try to erase history and facts. If Amharic is recognized in Washington DC as official language, why on earth Amharic should be banned in every tribal regions of Ethiopia? How low IQ are we getting to miss this simple logic?

The tribalists are not running after Amharic. In fact, their target is rather Ethiopia. Only when they "kill" and "Burry" amharic that Ethiopia can be dismantled. These are all silly and low IQ people who thinks this way.

If Amharic is a recognized language in a foreign country, why on earth it can't be in its own country???

You can't burry this party because it spoke the issue and the consequences to the point in black and white. Thanks to the tribal evils who are responsible for the lose of lives of innocent amharic speaking people, I guarantee you that NAMA is far from to be buried.

Btw, you need to read the entire text as it contains legitimate questions. You can't make objective decision if you dont have adequate information.
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 15:06
Well, I do not read the article in full. In fact, I sensed a lack of understanding of the Ethiopia of today by NAMA politicians when they subscribe every breathing person, no matter where he or she lives, should speak Amharic, kind of. The NAMA politicians seem to have believed Ethiopian politicians should focus on the common beliefs that Ethiopians share rather than on the differences they may have. I could not agree more. The starting point, however, should be tearing down tribal political entities. NAMA should take the initiative because at least on paper it craves to build a country free of tribal politics. Go for it guys. Bury NAMA for good.
Hmm... 8)
On the other hand I wonder so much as to why you get agitated and start speaking sheer bulsh!t when people say that they want to speak their mother tongue instead of speaking your tribalism and chauvinist forcefully imposed mother tongue as their first and or working language?

Otherwise if things are only linguistic and neutral I am sure every one wants to learn and speak even several languages with great delight. Yes Ethiopians should focus on their common issues since we have one single country together and in common while agreeing to solve their differences piece by piece step by step with time and cool mind so that long standing structural inequalities and grievances may come to be corrected rather than being strengthened and consolidated.

Posts: 4207
Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 21:56

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by Abaymado » 02 May 2020, 01:45

well, as i said I don't care about Ethiopia!!
what will happen if ethnics go for session? most of ethnics will go to hell, who cares? and definitely, war erupt between gallas and amara, i don't think the stupppid galla sun like this one. so shut the fk galla idiooiooot. In this way we will make what we want. we are majorities and we don't care about the fk ethnic groups.

Return our stolen lands otherwise there is consequences. amara should rule itself, no one else . fullstop.

we need transitional government now! fk abiy! fk demeke, fk temesgen galla!! clearly abiy is has no right to go against us.

Posts: 2155
Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by kibramlak » 03 May 2020, 14:56

የ tplf ኬላ ጠባቂ እንደነበርክ ከዛሬ ሁለት ወይም ሶስት አመት በፊት ነግሬህ ነበር ፣፣ ምናልባት አልተሳሳትኩም

Abaymado wrote:
02 May 2020, 01:45
well, as i said I don't care about Ethiopia!!
what will happen if ethnics go for session? most of ethnics will go to hell, who cares? and definitely, war erupt between gallas and amara, i don't think the stupppid galla sun like this one. so shut the fk galla idiooiooot. In this way we will make what we want. we are majorities and we don't care about the fk ethnic groups.

Return our stolen lands otherwise there is consequences. amara should rule itself, no one else . fullstop.

we need transitional government now! fk abiy! fk demeke, fk temesgen galla!! clearly abiy is has no right to go against us.

Posts: 2155
Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by kibramlak » 03 May 2020, 14:59

The big problem with your likes are you blew with the winds and you are ignorant to read and understand. You are still talking about your own mind without understanding what's written. Re-read them and come back with reasonable questions
sun wrote:
01 May 2020, 18:52
Oh yeaaaa......... :lol:

As a matter of fact you are one of the most tribalist idiots who is deliberately blinded to your own tribalism and paranoid idiotism because you keep bending and staring only between your two legs and seeing only your own ar$$$ hole which is your main noticeable personal interest but nothing else. So just for your own good please stand up, look around all over the wide areas, near and far, noticing your interests within the contexts and relative to other peoples' interests. VOILA! 8)

Now I have one question for you. I speak Amharic and sing in amaharic like the birds in the sky as if there is no tomorrow even more than Ras Thomas H. and General Halafi Mengedi. BINGO!! Also even before the advent of the Internet a blessed egalitarian Oromo engineer the great son of the great Abba Gada invented the wonderful first Amharic script typewriter so that the language may flourish and push ahead. Okay now instead of chewing old shoe rubber sole and talk nonsense please tell me as to how much Afaan Oromo the beautiful you can speak as well as if you have done anything significant or even insignificant supports and developments you have offred for Afaan Oromo the beautiful other than pushing it down to the dirty drain and piling on it all the satanic blame blaming you may find from the garbage dumps. But then again I stand to be corrected if I made errors that are human.
kibramlak wrote:
01 May 2020, 00:20
I have long time since I noticed that you are among those idiot tribalists who were born and raised through twists, denials and misguided mindset.

Where did I say others should stop using their native language?

Since Amharic is a recognized language of communication in DC of America, does that mean Americans stop using their native language ? You are an idiot who can't join dots of simple logics.

Every language is a treasure in all corners of Ethiopia. That said, you need to have a common communication language if you want to hear and understand to eachother. Why do you think the world is using English as a primary means of communication ? Do you think that is because every country loves English or American people ? Not at all. Now scale it down to a country level and you will get the answer. Unfortunately, since your inferiority is mixed in your blood stream and you jalousies are beyong your control, every time you hear amharic you develop a reaction that consumes your already dead bran cells than reasoning objectively.
sun wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 21:57
kibramlak wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 17:40
Wonder why everyone get agitated when Amharic language comes to surface while everyone of us are slaves of foreign language as this one - English language. I bet a big majority of Ethiopians speak Amharic by a wider margin than they do speak English.

And very little persons know about the historical origin of Amharic. It was created as the language of communication during the Axumite kingdom as the kingdom was composed of people from diverse ethnicity, thus with diverse language. The then wise and civilized people had to create a common language so that everyone can listen to eachother and communicate. Thats it. The low IQ tribalists do not have a sense of civilization that never equate to these wise men and women of that very old time.

Contrary to this, the new born again tribalists have every means and resources to bend or even try to erase history and facts. If Amharic is recognized in Washington DC as official language, why on earth Amharic should be banned in every tribal regions of Ethiopia? How low IQ are we getting to miss this simple logic?

The tribalists are not running after Amharic. In fact, their target is rather Ethiopia. Only when they "kill" and "Burry" amharic that Ethiopia can be dismantled. These are all silly and low IQ people who thinks this way.

If Amharic is a recognized language in a foreign country, why on earth it can't be in its own country???

You can't burry this party because it spoke the issue and the consequences to the point in black and white. Thanks to the tribal evils who are responsible for the lose of lives of innocent amharic speaking people, I guarantee you that NAMA is far from to be buried.

Btw, you need to read the entire text as it contains legitimate questions. You can't make objective decision if you dont have adequate information.
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
30 Apr 2020, 15:06
Well, I do not read the article in full. In fact, I sensed a lack of understanding of the Ethiopia of today by NAMA politicians when they subscribe every breathing person, no matter where he or she lives, should speak Amharic, kind of. The NAMA politicians seem to have believed Ethiopian politicians should focus on the common beliefs that Ethiopians share rather than on the differences they may have. I could not agree more. The starting point, however, should be tearing down tribal political entities. NAMA should take the initiative because at least on paper it craves to build a country free of tribal politics. Go for it guys. Bury NAMA for good.
Hmm... 8)
On the other hand I wonder so much as to why you get agitated and start speaking sheer bulsh!t when people say that they want to speak their mother tongue instead of speaking your tribalism and chauvinist forcefully imposed mother tongue as their first and or working language?

Otherwise if things are only linguistic and neutral I am sure every one wants to learn and speak even several languages with great delight. Yes Ethiopians should focus on their common issues since we have one single country together and in common while agreeing to solve their differences piece by piece step by step with time and cool mind so that long standing structural inequalities and grievances may come to be corrected rather than being strengthened and consolidated.

Posts: 1559
Joined: 28 Dec 2019, 14:24

Re: አብን ወሳኝ ጥያቄ አቀረበ፡ የአማራ ጥያቄ አልተመለሰም

Post by tlel » 05 May 2020, 00:22

kibramlak wrote:
03 May 2020, 14:56
የ tplf ኬላ ጠባቂ እንደነበርክ ከዛሬ ሁለት ወይም ሶስት አመት በፊት ነግሬህ ነበር ፣፣ ምናልባት አልተሳሳትኩም

Abaymado wrote:
02 May 2020, 01:45
well, as i said I don't care about Ethiopia!!
what will happen if ethnics go for session? most of ethnics will go to hell, who cares? and definitely, war erupt between gallas and amara, i don't think the stupppid galla sun like this one. so shut the fk galla idiooiooot. In this way we will make what we want. we are majorities and we don't care about the fk ethnic groups.

Return our stolen lands otherwise there is consequences. amara should rule itself, no one else . fullstop.

we need transitional government now! fk abiy! fk demeke, fk temesgen galla!! clearly abiy is has no right to go against us.
እውነጥን ነው ክብረኣምላክ። የህዋሃት ተላላኪ ይመስላል።

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