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Re: SUN's "land development investment partner/accomplice" arrested in Ethiopia [VIDEO]

Post by Revelations » 26 Apr 2020, 12:12

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Re: SUN's "land development investment partner/accomplice" arrested in Ethiopia [VIDEO]

Post by kibramlak » 26 Apr 2020, 15:15

ይህ የተጠቀሰውአካባቢ ከፍተኛ አይን ያወጣ የመሬት ዘረፋ እየተካሄደ ያለበት ሰፈር ሲሆን፣ በሪፓርቱ ያልተገለፀው የወረራ ሰፈር፣-

1) Kung Star ወይም ቻይና Real Estate እየተባለ የሚ ታወቀው ባለ 9 ፎቅ ህንፃ ያለበት አካባቢ 120 ሜትር ስፋት ያለው መንገድ ጎን መንገዶች ሁሉ ሳይቀሩ የታጠሩ ሲሆን እዛ አካባቢ እያንዳንዳቸው ከ 500 ካሜ በላይ ልክ በሀገሪቱ መንግስት አደሌለ ሁሉ በማናለኝነት ታጥረው፣ እንዳውም ለሺያጭ ከ10 እስከ 15 million ብር (ለ 500 ካሜ ባዶ ቦታ ብቻ) እየተጠሩ ነበር፣

2) እዛው አካባቢ green area ተብሎ የነበረ ቦታን ግጥም አድርጎ በማጠር

3) ንፋስ ስልክ ላፍቶ መሬት አስተዳደር ቢሮ ትንሽ ከፍ ብሎ ያለ green area ግጥም አድርጎ በማጠር ለሽያጭ ማዘጋጀት

I have 1st hand information through the brokers who have all detailed information. I saw a land without any plan which was sold to at leat two different persons. The delala apparently got 400000 birr and the people from land adminstration might have received equivalent amount.

Btw, those who are involved in illegal fensing and selling of government owned lands are mainly those who are alleged to be oromos who have links with land adminstration bureaus,,

Plus, farmers who have received compensations from the government (in cash and at least 250 to 500 m2 of land in prime locations are coming back and fansing their old property to sell them to uninformed persons at very high price.

Its a matter of time before these thieves are rooted out.

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Re: SUN's "land development investment partner/accomplice" arrested in Ethiopia [VIDEO]

Post by Revelations » 26 Apr 2020, 17:43

አቶ ለሚ ታዬ ፣ ከአዲሱ እና ፋና ፈንጣቂዉ የመሬት ነጋዴ አስተዳደር ጋር በመሆን የከተማዉን 460 ሺ ካሬ ሜትር መሬት ገቢ ያደረጉ ናቸዉ ።

በሊዝ ህጉ ያለከንቲባዉ ፈቃድ አንድ መሬት ከግብርና ወደ መኖሪያ የይዞታ ለዉጥ ማካሄድ እንደማይቻል ይታወቃል። የአቶ ለሚ ታዬና የታከለ ኡማ ግንኙነት ፣ የአሊ አብዶና የአያት አይነት ግንኙነት ነዉ ።

በነገራችን ላይ አቶ ለሚ ታዬ የFI TV (FINFINNE INTEGRETED TV ) ባለቤትም ናቸዉ ። በአንድ ጀንበር ።

አቶ ለሚ ታዬ(በወላጆቻቸዉ አጠራር ፍቅሬ ታዬ ፊዳ) በወያኔ ስርዓት ጆሮ ጠቢ ሆነዉ ሲያገለግሉ የነበሩ ኦህዴድ ሲሆኑ ፣ ትዉልዳቸዉ ከወደ ደምቢዶሎ ይመዘዛል ። አቶ ለሚ ምንም አይነት ትምህርት የሌላቸው ሲሆኑ ባለብዙ ዲግሪ ባለቤትም ናቸዉ ። ለትንሽ ግዜ በኬንያ በስደት ከተቀመጡ በሗላ ፣ የአብይ አህመድ ወደ ስልጣን መዉጣት ተከትሎ ወመዲናይቱ የተመለሱ ናቸዉ ። አሁን ደግሞ 460ሺ ካሬ ሜትር አግበስብሰዉ ፣ በአክሲዮን ሲሸጡ እንደነበር "ህዝብ ዛሬ ደርሶበታ " ። ታከተን ኡማ ሰጪ ስለሆነ ከመጀመሪያውም ያዉቃል ።

እናም እንደዜናዉ ጥቆማ ከሆነ መሬታቸዉን እና ግንባታቸዉን ለማስጠበቅ ፖሊስ ሁላ ማሰማራት የደረሱ ሰዉ ናቸዉ ።

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Re: SUN's "land development investment partner/accomplice" arrested in Ethiopia [VIDEO]

Post by kibramlak » 26 Apr 2020, 21:46

Very interesting !
One can not miss this could happen without the knowledge of the kentiba Takele Uma.

Btw, this guy's headquarters are stationed at two locations: one at the said area (right below the Glass Factory, which is also in front of the Hope College, and another in a residential house about 100 meters from the Varnero roundabout. On bother locations are his *finfine integrated broadcasting*. In fact this is a cover up and its main service is Intelligence service of OLF

No wonder that he has controls (bribed) the woreda police there. There have been several complaints on a number of illegal land grabbing. police and their street agents demonstrated themselves as useless and corrupted who snif day in and day out to get money.

There is also unnamed individual who have been fensing a substential areas which is not included in the report.

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Re: SUN's "land development investment partner/accomplice" arrested in Ethiopia [VIDEO]

Post by Revelations » 27 Apr 2020, 22:56

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